Ryan, John  



13 evaluations

BUS 371

Required (Major)
Nov 2002
Prof. Ryan's lectures are completely useless. He has tons of real world experience and lots of stories to tell, but none of them help you with the homework or the labs which are part of the class. If you ask him a question about how to solve a problem, he doesnt know the answer and just runs around in circles. Theres only one test in this class and its a midterm worth 15%. There are also labs and homework which is worth 15%. You have to buy the book and read it on your own in order to even do decent. 50% of your grade is a final written group project that is 15-20 pages long. the point of it is to apply what you learned in the class and to a business of your own. You're completely unprepared for this assignment and you have no idea what his requirements are because he doesnt even know. Overall, the class time and labs are unproductive, the teacher is vague and unorganized, and your grade is completely dependant upon one oversized and unclear project. Do not take POM from this man.

Required (Support)
Dec 2002
I really liked professor Ryan. The amount of work in this class is definately reasonable. We had a mid term, and a final project and two pretty challenging homework assignments. Ryan definately has a lot of experience in the field and has authority on the topic. He has an easy going attitude during his lectures. I would recommend him for BUS 371. I can't understand how that other person didn't understand the format of our final project. Ryan gives us an outline the first week of class and every lecture is about one of the topics in the outline.

Required (Major)
Jan 2003
I went to class probobly the first 3 weeks of the quarter. This class is great because its not really a class. His lectures are blah and the midterm was easy as long as you go to the review session the day before (have someone else tell you when it is). He is really awesome....A!

Required (Major)
Apr 2003
Dr. Ryan's class is CAKE. I probably put in 8 hours of outside work the entire quarter, and you don't even need to show up for lectures if you don't want to (I did anyways). The final project is easy to ace, just throw in the terms from the book. There is only one in-class test, and it is easy if you study a little. Ryan is pretty understanding and he'll give you an A if you do a problem on the board once in a while.

Required (Major)
Jun 2003
When I think of unprofessional, I think of John Ryan. 1st off, POM is a worthless class that shouldn't be required. 2nd, this guy comes in everyday and puts the surf report on the board and then starts into the most boring lectures that I've ever been a part of. Then he assigns homework problems and doesn't tell you if he's going to collect them or not. On top of that, he doesn't help you with questions that you have on your homework. The guy's a fucking idiot, but I did get a B in this class that I put no effort into. Take GROSS, but Ryan's better than BIGGS.

Required (Major)
Jul 2003
Dr. Ryan knows his stuff but he doesn't know how to present it. Going to class is a waste of time, everyone sits there and searches on the internet or plays computer games during his lecture. When you have a problem and need his help he isn't very helpful, he just says he doesn't know how to do it. If you don't want to learn much and have an easy class, take Ryan, but if you actually want to learn something take another teacher. It was the biggest waste of my time to sit there for 2.5 hours 2 times a week and listen to him talk about the waves and surfing.

Required (Major)
Aug 2003
2 midterms, 1 final usually taken during dead week. THIS CLASS IS A COMPLETE WASTE OF TIME. Prof Ryan is a nice guy but taking him from 8-10am in the morning is torture. His lecture are all online and he only test you on key points. His grading is a bit unfair because even though u do well on midterms you might not get the grade you want. There is a final project/presentation on starting a business and you have to apply everything you've learned into that project. Really bs class but take Ryan if you can't get Grosse. It's an easy B class.

Required (Support)
Dec 2003
Professor Ryan was less than fantastic. he's a nice guy, and he has the real world experience, but it seems that he could care less about teaching Operations management to students. He assigns about 3 problems from the text during each lab, but I don't think he goes over the problems before he assigns them. He couldn't help or explain them to save his life. Why should I have to do ridiculous problems that the professor can't even explain to me??

Required (Major)
Apr 2004
He is the best ^_^ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Required (Major)
Jul 2004
This is one of the most worthless classes at Poly and this poor guy is stuck teaching it. He is a good guy and will give you a good great with little to no effort. I hope that poly changes this course soon.

GSB 534

Graduate Student
Required (Major)
Sep 2003
Ryan is a laugh-riot. He's the kind of guy you'd want to share a keg with, not learn from. All he does is talk about surfing, how he used to cut school to surf, how he might cut work sometimes to surf, and even encourages us to cut school if there is good surf. His tests are weird, he grades by looking for keywords and not by the content of what we have written. But he goes over the tests before you take them so just write down whatever he says and spit it back up for the tests. I would take this guy if you just want to mess around in class and have a few laughs.

BUS 571

Graduate Student
Jan 2003
This guy is good. Real world knowledge is his strength. Very good about applying things to how its worked for him in industry. Other things to know- He has a real relaxed demeanor. the course structure is a little on the softer side.

GSB 571

Graduate Student
Dec 2002
I highly recommend Dr. Ryan. Since I've had some experience working I can say he