Kizito, Stephen  

Chemistry and Biochemistry


27 evaluations


Required (Support)
Jan 2007
The coolest dude you ever saw

CHEM 110

General Ed
Oct 2004
he is a cool guy. the labs were easy because they were all with partners. nice guy too. i have no problem recommending him.

CHEM 124

Required (Support)
Nov 2002
If you're a freshman, it's best not to take Kizito until the spring quarter (2003) or until he gets used to the quarter system. He's from Africa and still has a little bit of an accent. He has teached since 1984 but this is his first year at Cal Poly. It helps to go to the open labs at night for help. HE DOES NOT CURVE. I'm an EE and chemistry isn't my strength, but it's tough for everyone. Stay during the whole lecture because he gives pop quizes at the end of class. Go to class even if you're sick AND DON'T FALL BEHIND IN HIS CLASS. Aim for an A but expect a B since he doesn't believe in A's.

Required (Support)
Nov 2002
If you want to pass, don't take Chem from Kizito. The class average on the first midterm was a D, and the average on the second midterm was a 59%. And he does not curve. Attend all the lectures to take the pop quizzes, but you won't learn anything from him, he isn't even very good at answering questions, ask his aids. At one point during the quarter he finally said, "Wait, I am really confused right now, I don't even know what I'm talking about." There is also a language barrier as Kizito is from Kenya and hasn't learned english yet even though he's been in america longer than I've been alive. He is a very inconsistent grader and if you argue he might give you some extra points after you prove he gave someone else with the same answer more points. Spend time on the labs too he's stingy on those grades. If you take him I'm sorry.

Required (Support)
Nov 2002
If for some reason you happen to end up in Kizitos class, well, your skrewed. He does not speak english very well. He never does any practice problems that are gonna be on a test. His lecture notes are very general and vague. You could have a good backround in chem, but still might fail. This is a tuff class and it will lower your standards. His tests are too hard and there simply isn't enough time to work on all of the problems. The class is very unorganized and will cause you to not learn the material very well. Final Warning: This guy Sucks Ass!

Required (Support)
Nov 2002
I, along with grips of other incoming freshman engineers, have been selected to be the guinea pigs for "Dr." S Kizito, and let me tell you, I would rather be probed on a daily basis than attend his lecture, and I would probably learn more. He knows absolutely nothing, and he relies on Everret, "Robin", to teach him what he is supposed to be teaching us. Robin, is actually the TA, but has more of a doctorate level understanding of Chemistry than Skitzo. Skitzo is from Kenya, his best language is english, which is hard to believe, since I speak better mandarin Chinese. Although I feel he cares about his students, he simply knows very little, or nothing about what he is teaching. He gets constantly confused in his own lectures, and many times has to stop to read the book so he can continue to babble. The current class average is 68%, and it is not looking good for the future. Most of the information he gives in class is wrong, so don't bother listening. Just sleep for the 2 hours of lecture, but stick around for his pop quizzes he gives to force people to go to his horrid lectures. When it comes time to do the labs, which are based upon the lecture, you might as well bring an extra sweatshirt to use as a pillow, because everyone else will, since the class is clueless. So to be brief, don't take him, and if you have no option, don't take him, it will only waste your time. P.S., be ware of his glasses when talking to him, they may just poke your eyes out.

Required (Support)
Nov 2002
This guy is the worst teacher ever. That should be enough said. If you are unfortunate enough to have him as a teacher, sucks to be you.

Required (Support)
Nov 2002
He is new to teaching at Cal Poly and his first quarter has been kinda ruff! He doesn't realize how hard he really is and can't understand why people don't get it. The only help in the class is the TA (Everett). Kizito means well but has no clue about how to present his knowledge to students. He supposedly doesn't curve, yet half the class if failing. So enless he wants to look bad to administration he will have to change his ways. So like I said, He is new and getting used to things, I think he has the potential to get better with more experience but for the mean time he is a hard teacher and offers little help.

Required (Support)
Dec 2002
It was his first quarter this year so he was teaching off of another professors notes, this doesn't work too well for him. Give him a chance to establish his own lecture notes and it should be a fine class. One-on-one he is a really good professor, but for now lecturing to a class just isn't his thing.

Required (Support)
Jan 2003
Kizito was not a good teacher at all. I was only able to pass the class because we had a good TA and I read the material out of the book. The tests were pretty difficult, with a D or F average on most of them. The final was not as hard, because it was multiple choice. The labs were tough, because he never explained what was going on and why. Overall, he was a bad teacher, but he seemed like a nice guy.

Required (Support)
Jan 2003
Kizito is not a very good professor. He's not often fully prepared, is difficult to understand, and sometimes seems to be struggling as much as his students. But if you ask him something one-on-one he is usually pretty helpful, atleast, he tries to be. It is a hard class and he doesn't help out much.

General Ed
Mar 2003
He wasn't a bad teacher. Don't be haters!!!

Required (Support)
Mar 2003
This guy sucks... the only person who gave him a good grade was my friend who just gave him a good grade to piss me off

Required (Support)
Mar 2003
Do NOT take this teacher. Although he knows chemistry extreamly well, he does not know how to teach. If you get stuck with this teacher be prepared to learn on your own because he will test you on things that he doesnt even lecture about. The book is your friend!

Required (Support)
Mar 2003
Kizito is a nice guy and will really try to help you learn. He has difficulty presenting...not all his fault tho, the chem studio class and curriculum is total crap. Hes a nice guy tho, just a lil hard to understand sometimes. His tests are hard, so study the quizes!

Required (Support)
Jun 2003
Kizito explains concepts poorly. The tests are difficult and contain material he never mentioned in lecture. He might be a nice guy, but you should only take his class if you really have to.

Required (Support)
Jun 2003
Dr. SAK isnt so bad, i think he's gotten better through the year, just make sure to study his notes and the exercises and you should do fine. If their is an SI being offered for his class i WOULD definitely sign up for it, it helps. GO TO OFFICE HRS if you're having trouble, he's very helpful. Tests were a little challenging but definitely not impossible, our class average was like 79% which is damn high for chem 124, if i could take him for chem 125 i would.

Required (Major)
Jan 2004
I never really enjoyed chemistry in high school, and on the first day of Kizito's class i thought itd be more hell. in reality, he might be a little spacy sometimes, but he genuinely wants you to learn. if you show him you are putting effort in, he is glad to help. i like his way of taking notes b/c he gives you all he wants you to write down. i would recomment reading also though. I didnt really read all that much and my grade reflected that. I did well on labs and assignments, but b/c i didnt read or exactly study that much my tests werent the greatest. My lab partner got an A, so i guess that shows i could have too...overall, Kizito aint that bad. read, study, turn in your stuff, and visit him if u have questions and youll do fine.

Required (Support)
Jan 2004
Kizito isn't that bad. It takes awhile to get used to his system of things. He often makes mistakes in his lectures so listen carefully. He isn't good at teaching large groups of people because I think subconsciously he is nervous since he is new and all. I went to his office hour and I literally asked him questions for the whole hour and he helped me out a lot. Take your worksheets and your labs to him before you hand it in. He'll help you on it somewhat. Get to know your T.A.'s and how they grade because they do most of the grading. Kizito just does tests. He won't get mad at you if you don't pay attention in how to do lab experiments and you need him to re-explain it to you. He can take a joke, but gets confused a lot. Read the chapters before you come to class because you can't learn any real deep concepts from him... he doesn't do a good job of that. You should just add new little details that you learn from him... because chances are that those details will be on the test. And it's true sometimes the stuff on his test, he never teaches so watchout! And he will make the next quiz/test impossible if everyone does good on the one before it. Don't expect an A from him. Wear shoes during lab days or he'll make you wear a plastic boot shaped bag.... trust's not pleasant. Sometimes he acts like a little boy, but really he's a smart really kind guy, he just gets confused easily when people becomes impatient... so be patient with him

Required (Support)
Mar 2004
BEWARE!!! Kizito is the worst teacher I have ever encountered!!! This is no lie!!! Half the time we had to help him with his poor English because he didn't know the exact word that he was looking for. He cannot explain things at all. If he says something confusing (which happens a lot), and you ask for clarification, he will just say the exact same thing over and over until you just don't care to listen to him ramble on. I passed the class with a 'C' thanks to the lab TA's. His tests were a joke. Notes were even worse: he would write half a page of notes, then realize that he had given us the wrong information and scratch it all out and start over. This happened at least once during every lecture. These aren't over exaggerations. All I can tell you is to steer clear of Kizito! CONSIDER YOURSELF WARNED!!!

Required (Support)
Apr 2004
Professor Kizito cares about his students and does everything that he can to make sure that they succeed. Pay attention in class, don't get frusterated by his accent and after a week or two it will click and you'll be able to understand everything he says. The note packets he gives are very helpful, and his tests represent the material we were expected to know very well. Read the book once before his lecture on the given material, and again before his midterms. Dr. Kizito dropped our lowest midterm grade, which is a very fair and highly unusual thing at Cal Poly. He also says some of the funniest stuff, I miss his random american expressions and funny jokes. I reccommend this professor highly.

CHEM 125

Required (Support)
Mar 2004
He is okay. I do agree that he is an idiot and cant present things clearly. I have often been confused as a result. However, he is lenient, which made the class easy as hell. Not my favorite, but not my worst prof.

Required (Major)
Apr 2004
Kizito is awesome.... that's it and that's all...

CHEM 312

Required (Major)
Apr 2004
This guy sucks because he doens't know how to explain organic chemistry. He makes mistakes on midterms and quizes and can't explain why his answers are right. He doesn't know what he's doing and is extremely unorganized. If you can do not take him because you'll end the quarter burned out and teaching yourself ochem.

Required (Support)
Jun 2004
Dr. Kizito is a funny guy, but unfortunately he is still learning how to teach. He makes himself available for office hours and is quite helpful if you choose to go. Towards the end of the quarter there is a paper due that is worth 10% of your grade, which if you turn in you get full credit. He also has his old tests available on-line which can be pretty helpful. Bottom line is 0-chem is a hard class which requires plenty of study time. I suggest doing all the required and suggested homework problems in the book before each test...and then the night before a test taking his old exams to see what you need to review!

Required (Major)
Nov 2004
Although most people seem to think that Dr. K is a bad teacher, I would have to disagree. Sometimes the material he presented was a little difficult, but what can you expect it's Ochem. All in all I thought he was a pretty good teacher, he just needed to plan out his lectures a little better ahead of time, because sometimes he does make mistakes.

ENGL 849

Required (Support)
Nov 2016
This is the first C I have recieved in my entire life. I hope that says something to all of you out there watching their GPA. Do not take him--this class was a nightmare!