Nelson, Yarrow  

Civil and Environmental Engineering


23 evaluations

ENVE 111

Required (Major)
Dec 2007
Really interesting man, can get very distracted but since A) he is the only professor that teaches this course B) is is cr/nc, i dont think it matters much.

ENVE 331

Required (Support)
Mar 2004
A fantastic teacher. Without a doubt, wait until Nelson is teaching this class to take it. He makes it understandable and interesting. One midterm and one final, weekly homework (pretty easy). The exams are hard, but he does his best to make sure you get the best grade possible.

Required (Major)
Mar 2005
Yarrow is one of the best teachers I have taken at Cal Poly. Very straight forward with homework and tests. He is helpful in office hours and lets you out early when it is sunny. You are allowed a page of notes for the tests, which makes it almost too easy. The average for the only midterm was an 88 out of 100. Yeah, he rocks.

Required (Support)
Jul 2010
From the previous evals, obviously a great instructor. He will go out of his way to make sure you understand the material and do well in the course. His 331 class consisted of HW, 2 midterms, and a cumulative final. Nothing tricky, but does require some work to understand. Definitely one of the best professors in the CE/ENVE department.

Required (Support)
Nov 2011
Fair, knows his material but not one to shove it in your face. He has 4 quizzes instead of midterms that are challenging but if you do the hw and pay attention in class you'll do fine. Im not normally an A student without serious work and effort but Yarrow made it pretty easy to get the A. Haven't taken the final yet, but A right now

Required (Support)
Dec 2011
Professor Nelson is amazing! He has a great sense of humor and makes the lectures interesting. He really understands how to present the material in a way that isn't boring. Homework is typically given out every Wednesday and due a week later. The problems are very similar to what he goes over in class. There were 4 quizzes and we were allowed to use note sheets. For the final, he allowed us to use 5 pages of notes. Overall, I recommend him. He's a fair grader and really cares about your success.

Required (Support)
Mar 2013
Nelson is the man! Definitely one of the best professors at Cal Poly. I wouldn't recommend taking ENVE 331 unless Yarrow Nelson is teaching it. His homeworks, quizzes, and final are very straight forward, and his lectures can be very interesting. You can tell he is very passionate about the material he teaches, and the students he interacts with. This is refreshing at Cal Poly because sometimes you have teachers that don't give a flying f*%k about you. Each quiz, your allowed a 8.5X11 sheet of paper both sides and can write whatever you want. With each following quiz, your allowed an additional sheet of paper, so by the time you get to the final you can have 5 sheets of paper. Experience Yarrow Nelson before you graduate.

Required (Support)
Mar 2015
This class was not hard at all. If you pay attention to the lectures, you should be fine. The homework reflected the lecture notes. The quizzes and final exam were similar to the homework. Instead of a midterm, he gave us four quizzes. Dr. Nelson does tend to put a few trick questions on the quizzes, so make sure to read the questions carefully. He does tend to take off a lot of points for small mistakes. The lectures were organized and easy to follow.

Required (Support)
Apr 2018
Yarrow is awesome! He's a fantastic professor and really tries to make the class interesting. The content is honestly pretty easy, and he doesn't try to make it any more difficult than it needs to be. He is really funny and always keeps the lectures intriguing. Overall, he was one of my favorite professors so far at Cal Poly and I would recommend waiting to take 331 until you can take it with him.

ENVE 421

Required (Major)
Sep 2002
Dr. Nelson is a wonderful instructor who genuinely cares about his students. He knows the material backwards and forwards and answers questions concisely and accurately. His notes on the board are clear and well-organized. While the material may not always be easy, Dr. Nelson will always take the extra time (even if it's not his office hour) to make sure you understand. By the end of the quarter, he won't just be your professor, but also your friend. Take any class offered by Dr. Nelson- you won't be sorry.

Required (Major)
Feb 2004
Very good teacher, especially compared to some of the other ENVE profs.  He enjoys teaching and isn't so consumed in research to neglect it. Yay Yarrow!

5th Year Senior
Required (Major)
May 2009
Dr. Nelson is my all-time favorite professor at Cal Poly. Not only is he a very knowledgeable and devoted to student understanding, but he is a very sweet person. Even if you ask a stupid question, he responds in a way that makes you feel like you are a genius. He often goes off on tangents with funny stories which makes the class less monotonous. He's got an awesome sense of humor (kind of nervously witty, with perfect delivery). He grades very fairly and gives you a lot of points for partial credit. I guess what I'm trying to get across here is that he is kick-ass.

Required (Major)
Apr 2011
I cant say enough good things about Dr. Nelson. He is the only teacher in the ENVE department that makes me love the class he is teaching (although I havnent had Tryg yet) He is passionate about every subject, great in lecture, great in office hours, and most importantly great at letting you know what to expect from the class/tests before taking them.

ENVE 434

Required (Major)
Mar 2011
Did not care for Nelson...not the best professor

Required (Major)
Mar 2012
I thought Nelson made this class much easier than it could have been. ENVE 434 is pretty much general chemistry on steriods and with realistic applications, so if you struggled with chemistry in the past this class will most likely tear you up if you don't study. There was only one midterm and he let us correct our mistakes for a re-grade. If the graders for the labs or homework make a mistake just see him in his office hour and he will give you extra points almost effortlessly. His final was also extremely fair with no weird questions, and it was open book and notes. After taking this class, it's easy to tell that if another ENVE professor, lets say Thatcher or Pal taught it, this class would be much more difficult. Nelson is the man.

ENVE 438

Required (Major)
Jul 2010
Greatest teacher ever!! definitely my favorite at poly, take him for anything if you can. I also took enve 421 with him and his lectures are very clear and easy to follow. He\'s also awesome in office hours and really interesting to talk to.

ENVE 450

Required (Major)
Jun 2005
Yarrow is badass. His homeworks were straightforward, and he'd respond to emails if anything didn't make sense. Two midterms, one proposal, NO FINAL! The lab was really laid back, two group powerpoint presentations with typed out reports.

Required (Major)
Dec 2010
Dr. Nelson is the best teacher in the ENVE department, and i\'ve had almost all of them for multiple classes. If you have to take 331, taking it with Nelson instead of Pal will make a HUGE difference. For 450 he was great. Very passionate about the environment. He lived in a teepee during college. You can tell that teaching and helping students is what he\'s all about! Awesome teacher

Required (Major)
Dec 2010
Nelson is awesome!!

ENVE 472

Graduate Student
Apr 2003
Really good teacher. Tries so hard to be a good teacher and makes it. Very fair on grading, will help you in anyway he can.

ENGR 581

Required (Major)
Oct 2003
Dr. Yarrow Nelson is an awesome teacher who really cares about his students. I have taken ENGR 581 and ENGR 583 with Nelson. His lectures are clear and organized (and entertaining!). His tests and homework are fair and cover the material he presents in class. The lab for these classes are really fun and enjoyable. Like the other evaluation said Nelson is always willing to talk to students and he really wants you to learn and understand the material. This is the best professor I have had at Cal Poly, not only because he is a great teacher but because he becomes your friend by the end.

ENGR 583

Graduate Student
Required (Major)
Jun 2006
Dr. Nelson is one of those people you wish there were more of. His tests were completely based on relevant material and I feel that I have learned more in having 2 quarters of his classes than I have anywhere else. The final was very fair and straightforward. Cheers.

EDES 616

Required (Major)
Nov 2016
I learned that if I were to take up hunting, I should shoot deer, not bears, because a bear will hunt me back if I successfully wound it. Fascinating! I didnt know that the key to production and operations management was so brutally simple!