Keif, Malcolm  

Graphic Communication


18 evaluations

GRC 102

General Ed
Mar 2005
micheal jordan of raps. class is structured like a slaveship.

GRC 316

Required (Major)
Dec 2003
Dr. Keif is a great teacher. he's really organized with his power point presentations and really keeps you on your toes with his wild random antics. some people don't like him too much but if you're into his teaching style, this class should be a breeze for you. if you pay attention in lab, it really helps with lecture. and plus, it's a fun subject too, if you're into the production side of things.

Required (Major)
Nov 2004
If you are a GRC student and don't like the printing side you are going to hate this class. To not have interest in this class and try to get a good grade is almost impossible. Plus keif's personality is hard to put up with for 2 hours straight. Did not enjoy the class and when this much effort is put into it, I should not expect to just try to pass it.

Required (Major)
May 2008
Keif is a good professor, but sometimes his lectures are dry and his tests are tricky--meaning that he will make an effort to trick his students into putting down a choice that was "correct, but not the BEST choice." It's kind of annoying, but he's not a bad guy.

GRC 320

Required (Major)
Apr 2008
The material in this class is incredibly dry. Professor Keif tries to make it interesting, but the material can definitely be difficult to grasp. There are a few assignments, here and there, which he expects to be turned in perfectly. You should know the book word for word, because test questions are tricky and detailed. There is also a final project, which involves a five page paper and a presentation. Overall the class was not the most fun class, but Keif tries to make it the best he can.

Required (Major)
Mar 2012
I've taken 320 & 316 with him and it's been tough. 316 was definitely muuuch better than 320 just because it's a much more interesting class, and it's impossible to make 320 interesting. The exams are tough because Keif really does try to trick you, which i don't get the point of...Definitely make sure to do the reading in 320 because he pulls the most random facts from the book and uses them for his quizzes. Keif also has mood swings. One minute he's happy, and the next minute he's in some weird mood where he gets really mean. What's worse is that when he's in one of those weird/mean moods, he tries to play it off that he's not in that mood, and it gets creepy. I would say this happens once a lecture/lab. Overall his classes were alright, but he's definitely not one of my favorite professors.

GRC 324

Required (Major)
Jun 2002
Professor Keif is a very energetic, humorous professor. He gives 5 point quizzes at the beginning of each lecture that are either based on the lecture material from the previous lecture, or the quiz is based on the textbook reading from that week. He also gives a couple of quiz substitutions in case you blow it on some of the quizzes in class. These substitutions consist of attending various GrC functions that you will have to write a small summary about. There is one midterm and a comprehensive final exam. He uses powerpoint to present his lecture notes so the student spends most of their time in class copying notes from the overhead. He likes to pick on students who do not pay attention, so be aware. This class is very interactive, but seemingly simple. If you go to class and take all of the notes and do some reading, you should be able to get an A in the class easily. As far as the 324 lab, make sure all of the labs are completed in the allotted time. Each lab is accompanied by a 2-3 page lab write-up for a total of 8 write-ups. DON'T get behind on these. They take a while to write and are do promptly at the end of dead week. That's about it. Good luck!!

Required (Major)
Jun 2002
I didn't enjoy his class too much. Maybe it was the subject, but I didn't think he was too funny either. Nice guy I guess. The material is pretty easy. Some of the stuff can get confusing because it all sounds the same, but you just gotta pay attention. I liked the book though, very short chapters.

Required (Major)
Aug 2002
I have taken two classes with Dr. Keif, GrC 324 and 316. Dr. Keif is fun and energetic and very knowledgeable. He is also fair, even though there are quizzes every day, he gives quiz substitutions to make up for a couple of bad quiz scores you may have received. Just make sure to put in the effort to study for his tests, and you will do fine. Also, Dr. Keif likes to joke around with people and might pick on you in class. Just be nice about it and BS with him! Class will be so much easier for you if he likes you!! If you give him attitude or show no interest in what he is saying, your grade will suffer for it. 324 is an easy class, 316 is tough and a lot of work but not horrible.

Required (Major)
Dec 2002
First off, Keif's class was my first A in a GrC class so far. :-) Otherwise, this guy is so funny!! Looking at the past evaluations of him, I think he has calmed down a little--he doesn't pick on people as much. Just be prepared: this guy is a firecracker, and if you just go with it, this class will be enjoyable! As for the content of the class: ok so binding and finishing isn't the most interesting topic ever, but lab is very hands on and interesting. His tests are a challange: prepare for them. There's one research paper which isn't bad, but isn't too much fun. Two midterms, quizzes every class meeting (but chances to make up 4) and a few challanging folding assignments.

Required (Major)
Jan 2003
Funny Teacher. Had him for GRC 324 LEC and LAB. All his notes are in outline form showen on the overhead through powerpoint. He gives the class just enough time to copy what he has on the overhead. However, at the same time he usual talks about the topic he is cover. This is where it gets confusing becuase you're trying to take notes and at the same time remember what he is saying and watch his visual demonstrations. I would recommending taking the LAB with this course becuase it helps a lot when it comes to the tests.

Required (Major)
Feb 2003
The reading assignments were rather easy- short chapters. We were required to take a quiz every class meeting. They were not too difficult. Overall, a great professor (if you can get over his huge ego)

GRC 403

Required (Major)
Jul 2006
Professor Keif is so cool! Okay I'll admit that maybe the material for 403 and even some of the other print classes are pretty boring.. but when you see a teacher do a superman jump and land face first across the room just to stop a video from skipping. That's when you know they've got personality. If you make friends with him early, it'll only help out in the next few years when you have him again..

Graduate Student
Feb 2015
I polled myself, and I think I am amazing. Plus, I just looked in the mirror, and dang...I'm hot! You people just can't get on my intellectual level! Boooyahhhhhhhh! Love, me...your favorite prof.

5th Year Senior
Required (Major)
Nov 2015
Hello 403 lab. What's up? Shout out to whatev...ya'lls. Go Royals. Weds 3 pm. Boooooooyaaaaa. Lab is canceled.

Required (Major)
Jan 2016
Malcolm is a great professor. GrC 403 is probably one of the hardest courses you take as a GrC student. His lectures take the full time only because there is a lot of material to cover. He presents the material very clearly and if students have any questions he tries his best to make the material more sense. There are two midterms and a final for the class. He does a mock midterm the lecture right before the actual midterm to help you prepare which was super helpful. For lab, be sure to pay full attention and do the lab exercises by yourself because you will need to know it for the lab final practical. It's probably one of the drier GrC classes, so be prepared for that. He tries to keep the energy up in the room by joking around in class. Malcolm's pretty funny, but not at Ken's level. Sorry Malcolm...

Required (Major)
Dec 2018
Okay reading these while procrastinating studying for his final but what the HECK Malcolm is the best and so funny and I don't know why he has any negative reviews at all. He is VERY conscious of HOW he's teaching, and he'll NEVER just spit material out at you. Really great man, great at the art of teaching and being a TEACHER rather than someone that stands up and regurgitates concepts to you, very VERY smart, and very funny. Love him 4evr

CM 791

Nov 2016
Trump 2016 -> Kanye 2020 -> Vermen Supreme 2024 -> ??? -> Profit