Morrow, Michael  

Landscape Architecture


13 evaluations

LA 111

Required (Major)
Oct 2002
I just feel sorry for Morrow. I'm sure he's a very nice man, he's just a very bad teacher. In a way, I pity him. He can't make assignments from his own originality. All of his work is in packets that he's photocopied from other people, usually books. There was one packet in his LA 114 class that had Astrid Reeves' name on it. Aren't there copyright laws for things like that? All you do in LA 111 is copy pictures and stuff onto vellum and bring it to class and talk about how hard it was. The time that it takes you do the work is just absolutly ridiculous, but you have to do them otherwise your grade suffers. Theres like 9-10 assignments all worth 100 points each. He will always give you an 80 or above if you put some effort into it. Don't put too much though, because 5 more hours spent on the work will probably only give you 5-10 points more. And out of about 1000 total points in the class....5-10 is nothing. If you do the work, you'll probably get away with an A or B. If you skip a few assignments, C. Always do the assignments, but half-ass them if you have to. The least you'll get for something really crappy is like 50. He's usually very generous though.

LA 114

Required (Major)
Feb 2003
Professor Morrow is a very good teacher. I took his class LA 114 Spring 02 and came away with a wealth of knowledge on site surveying. He comes to class prepared each lab and takes a genuine interest towards all his students. He doesn't take any BS from his students and his grading is fair. I especially enjoyed his emphasis on graphics. Prof. Morrow is one of the best landscape artist/sketcher in the department. He knows tricks and techniques that you won't learn from anyone else. Looking back, I wish I had taken his LA 111 class. I look foward to taking more LA classes w/ Mike. He's by far, one of my favorite teachers.

CRP 201

Required (Major)
Feb 2002
He's a nice guy but he's not all there if ya know what I mean. For anyone with drafting or design experience his class will be really boring and you will find the assignments to be busy work. For students without experience you can actually improve your drawing skills quite a bit over the quarter and learn some hot coloring techniques as well. The main problem is that some of the projects take about 15-20 hours to do because you don't have the basic skills down yet. However, I have to give him props for grading with a kind eye.

Required (Major)
Feb 2002
He's a decent guy and can be fun to observe. However, sometimes he just sits there talking, and it's not relevant. When you try to tell him that your question was different from what he thought it was, he will not let you finish your sentence. He does not like being interrupted. Do not take this class unless you have taken LA 213 (or are taking it at the same time). He's not mean, but he's too far out there to be a good prof. I might recommend him to a friend, but it depends on how much experience they've had and how much time they will have to dedicate to this class.

Required (Major)
Feb 2002
He's a nice guy. He just has difficulty communicating in that he can't explain himself clearly. He can tie himself into knots just trying to answer the simplest question, and still end up not actually answering your question. He also doesn't respond well to criticism, and does not like to be interrupted. As far as the workload goes, be prepared for a lot of it, it's not terribly hard, there's just so much that it takes forever to get it done. He grades really easily, so if you just do the work you'll get a good grade.

Required (Major)
Feb 2002
He graded some people easy, but it was really hard for others to get above a B. It was like after 3 assignments he gets a number in his head and that's all you can get. I think he forgets that some people put a lot more time and effort into it even if it doesn't look as great as others. We aren't all technical artists and most of us don't want to go into urban design.

Required (Major)
Mar 2002
Prof. Morrow is a nice man, and he really does care about his students and their work. Unfortunately, he has no teaching abilities. He's not good at clairfying a student's confusion, and he can't lecture worth beans. He runs this class the exact same way he runs LA 111, so if you're looking into that class, this same info applies. You do a TON of drafting/drawing. The amount of work you do is rediculous, and over half of it is pointless anyway. There are definately better ways to organize the class than the way Morrow did. Far too much busy work, not enough education as a resultant. Morrow is to be avoided at all costs, unless you have a light course load, and have nothing better to do. If nothing else, at least it's an easy A. Just look at the grades he's given the reviewers...

Required (Major)
May 2002
A lot of pointless work. A lot of wasted time. One advantage is that you spend soooo much time in lab that you get to know the other students really well! Fortunately, if you do a good job, you'll get an A. Just make sure you follow the directions.

CRP 202

Required (Major)
Mar 2002
Hes an ok person.He can not answer a question that you ask unless it is found in one of the worthless packets he gives you. And as far as Grading Criteria, there is none. You can give him exactly what he asks for in the packets and not get the credit u deserve. He is pretty biased and chooses favorites. CRP 201 is exactly the same as one of his LA classses and CRP students are not LA students and SHOULD NOT be doing the same stuff. CRP 201 is supposed to be an Intro to Basic Graphic Skills. Not once did he show us how to do anything introductory such as use a T square or triangle. 201 is a lot more work than need be. There is hours on end of working in the lab basically taking pictures from his handouts and then putting them on vellum. He doesnt realize that most students were spending the full class time on the projects plus an aditional 12 hrs or more on projects. The point is you learn very little and have many hours invested in a 4 unit intro class. Another thing is dont question him on his opinion. Despite if the whole class is asking him questions, only his view is right. He doesnt listen to reason or practicality. He often asks you to do things that he does not know how to do himself and expects them done with perfection. Just be prepared to do a lot of meaningless work and learn very little.

Required (Major)
Apr 2002
I have nothing more to add. All of these evals are dead on correct. Mr. Morrow has no business teaching at this university.

Required (Major)
Mar 2003
Morrow knows his stuff, and is an excellent artist, but lacks anything that would be considered "good communication skills." The work load is reasonable, the projects are good, and the work is fun at times. His handouts are lengthy and unclear, there were two assignments with the same number, and the class name at the top of every handout was completely incorrect. With some teaching classes and perhaps a course in writing, he could be a good professor. As everyone at Cal Poly knows, though, our professors lack the teaching skills they need. So I don't expect this to happen... Anyway, take another professor if you can. If not, Morrow is okay--especially if you like to draw this sort of stuff (not me). He is a bit creepy, but you'll learn to deal with it.

LA 353

Required (Major)
Apr 2002
First off, why can't this guy get pants that are the correct length? Look at his pants, they are an inch above his shoes. Why that is important, I don't know. Secondly, it's kinda funny all these CRP majors complaining about the amount of outside work. Join the club. Third, Morrow is a person who is the opposite of the majority of LA profs. In that I mean he belongs in the office and not teaching. He knows his stuff really well, but can't teach it to save his life.

COMS 426

Graduate Student
Required (Support)
Nov 2016
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