Yong, Y.C.  

Mechanical Engineering


27 evaluations

ME 211

Required (Support)
Sep 1999
What a horrible professor. He has been teaching too long and no longer has a passion to teach. Every day he mumbles his lecture and seems uninterested. Anyone who asked a question usually got laughed at, then he would refuse to answer the question or would answer it incompletely. Even when I visited his office hours he provided little help or advice. All of this was during Summer quarter too, so its not like he had a lot of classes to teach.

Required (Support)
Nov 1999
If you are not new to the material, he is not hard at all. In fact, he might sometimes become kind of boring. However, if you are new to the material and are not good at thinking in 2d/3d or doing math, don't expect him to clarify anything for you. Don't ask him any question in class neither. He'll just make you look like an idiot.

Required (Support)
Jul 2000
I've heard everyone said how hard ME211 is. Well, piece of cake!!!

Required (Support)
Jun 2008
Just an OK teacher,probably the worst I've had at poly to this point. His handwritting was almost impossible to read, and he laughed at people who asked questions when they wanted clarification on something he made no sense explaining. I wouldn't recommend him, but he did seem to be the easiest statics teacher from what I heard. However, this doesn't help you at all because its a common final. I only got an A because I had an amazing study group instructor (Joe Roth) and I studied a ton for the final.

Required (Support)
Aug 2008
He seemed a bit cocky, and frequently laughed at students' questions. However, the homework and tests weren't so bad. As long as you do the homework, then you shouldn't have any problem passing the tests. In a nutshell: He's a crappy teacher, but the material is fairly easy.

ME 212

Required (Support)
Sep 2001
Dr. Yong really went all out for his students. His tests really weren't very difficult and he really cuts down on the homework compared to other teachers. Easy to understand.

Required (Major)
Sep 2002
dr. yong's lectures cut straight to the point and he gave us the equations we needed to know and he set up and explained every homework problem he was assigning for that day. he is very helpful and approachable during his office hours. he even offered two extra study sessions, twice a week, outside of class, during his own time for students who needed extra help. he assingned 2-3 homework problems per class meeting. we were graded on two tests, homework, and the final. the tests are difficult only b/c the material is difficult. the final was extremely difficult as well. he knows dynamics inside and out and makes the material easier to do than the book explains it. if you stick out the class and put forth the effort, he will get you over the hump. i would definitley recomend dr. yong.

Required (Major)
Sep 2002
Dr Yong is a very smart man he knows what he is talking about. His lectures are straight forward and make sense. His accent is a little hard to understand at first but you'll get used to it. Nothing in the class was exteremly difficult, the tests are right out of the homework and the final was no surprize. I took it over the summer so I was fortunate not to have a common final. I would recomend Dr Yong anyday.

Required (Support)
Nov 2002
YC is the man. Having had my fair share of bad professors (as much as everyone else, I'm sure), YC was a welcome exception. Like the previous posts mention, his lectures, homework and exams are fairly straight forward. This doesn't mean the class is easy, because it's not. But it's not necessarily *hard*,it just takes a lot of time. It helps to do your homework with a group of people. Otherwise, office hours are definitely worthwhile. Overall, YC is a friendly guy, he presents the material well, and I'd definitely recommend him for Dynamics. He occasionally likes to rip on EE majors, but hey, nobody's perfect.

Required (Support)
Oct 2005
Maybe it's because I had Locascio the first time I took this class, but I thought Y.C. was one of the best dynamics teachers. Dynamics is a hard subject no matter who you have, but if you put forth an effort, you will understand the material, and you will get a decent grade. I would take him again.

Required (Support)
Sep 2007
Yong is an OK professor. He taught you exactly what you need to know for the homework and midterms. All he cares about is really the basic of the concepts you are learning, so you dont get exposed to the harder homework problem, which kinda hurts u if u really want to know the material well. Not the best instructor, but will take him again if needed to

Required (Major)
Mar 2015

ME 328

Required (Major)
Jul 2003
Yong besides being a poor pofessor, is and old grouch that should just retire if he dislikes students so much. Asking a question in class usually means getting lauhed at in an arrogant way, and then receiving some poorly put together answer in broken english. Try and count how many times he tell students that they are going to get fired or sued the moment they start working "a real job" (his examples usually involve HP for some reason). In other words, take someone else if you want a good professor. He is far from impossible, but i wouldn't recommend him.

Required (Major)
Dec 2003
yoda's assigns one homework problem per lecture which is due at the next lecture. the class is a fast paced review of ce204/205 for the first 1/2 of the qtr. the material gets much more difficult towards the second half of the qtr. his first midterm was a wake up call in which the class avg was 57%. he then told us that our previous professors didn't prepare us for this class or to be engineers and he would. he did do many example problems in class, and especially during lab. his lectures are very helpful to do the homework. his test problems are very similar to the example problems he does in lab so take good notes. unlike most other me328 professors, yoda assigns a lab project in which you get to actually design and build a project. this is by far the best and most practical part of the class. his lectures are decent, his tests are fairly hard, he is decent during office hours and is a nice guy. i would take him again.

Required (Major)
Feb 2004
Y.C. is great. It's sometimes hard to understand what he is saying, and also sometime hard to read his handwritting, but just ask and he'll clarify. Make sure to take good notes, because pretty much each and every bit of them are useful somewhere. Plus some of the stuff you cannot find in the book. They help a lot on the homework especially since a lot of the homework problems he makes up himself. He spends a day reviewing problems the lecture before a test and it always helps. The test questions that we had on our midterm used the same diagrams as from the sample test questions he did for us in lecture, but just asked some different questions about them. I thought that it was actually a pretty fair test, even though most of the class did not do too well on it. I would definitely recommend Professor Yong to somebody.

Required (Major)
Dec 2005
Yong is ok. his lectures are helpfull if you read the material a bit before class. if you are going to take young i would recommend the following: Take Good notes, the midterms are open book, open notes, open labs. Make SURE! you have all the labs and you dont throw away your hw. in past exams he has put a question that deals with a lab. many people dont bother to work on their labs by relying on their lab partners, this is where they get in trouble. also, he will go over past exams the day before the test. MAKE SURE you take good notes as at least one of the problems will somehow pop up on the exam. DO NOT go to office hours unless you have honestly tried everything for a given hw problem. he will make you feel really bad, which most people got used to, i did. in conclusion, i would recommend another teacher for the class but if you are stuck with him......try your best.

Required (Major)
Mar 2009
Assigned homework every night but it was only one problem. He made it very easy to stay on top of everything. Spend the whole lab before each test going over previous exams. The grading was 60% exams/final, 30% lab, 10% homework. The lab exercises are really boring though. He just writes stuff on the board and you copy it down. You don't turn anything in. The lab grade is all based on the design project that he provides absolutely no guidance on... but it's still cool. As long as you never miss lab or lecture, you should get an A or B.

Required (Major)
Mar 2014
Honestly. Worst class I have ever taken. As a FOURTH YEAR,

ME 329

Required (Major)
Sep 2004
Yong is an intresting fellow. Its sometime difficult to understand him but usually you seem to manage. His tests weren't too bad, i would HIGHLY suggest paying attention to example test problems he does in class and/or posts outside his office. As for lab, both projects we did were fun. Our big second project was to build a "walking robot" from scratch that had to maneuver through an obstacle course over uneven terrain. Sounds like a difficult tasks, and it was! but it turned out to be a good experince overall.

Required (Major)
Sep 2006
Y.C. is an awesome instructor. He thinks of interesting and fun labs for students to work on. For example, this summer he had the "Video Game Time Trial". You had to build and design your own R/C car with a wireless camera mounted on it and then drive it up the wheelchair switchback. His lectures are very straight foward. He makes hadouts for every lecture that outlines main equations and a recommened design approach for certain design criteria. Remember this is a design class, all the information you need for your project will not be handfed to you. Treat it as a job and think of Y.C. as your ,so go to him when you have questions. He will definately help you out and make your life hell of a lot easier. This is the one thing most people did not do in our class and they just complained the whole time.

5th Year Senior
Required (Major)
Jan 2007
ME 329 is extremely plug-and-chug, and so to get upset at Yong for teaching the class that way is stupid. The truth is that Yong really believes in his students and wants them to absorb the material. You can't go wrong with Yong! Especially when the lab before a midterm is critical (read: pay attention during this time!) to doing well in the course. You will not regret taking Yong.

Required (Major)
Mar 2008
Hey BRIAN M.J. Noland! Do not take this guy if you actually want to learn something! All he does is give you endless handouts, puts up the EXACT paper he gave you as a handout, and reads it to you, I guess he thinks we are children who can't read on our own. If you want to get by without learning the material, you can because his homework is EXACTLY like his lectures and his tests are composed of EXACTLY the same problems as his review sessions. It like he is completely oblivious that this doesn't promote learning. But if you actually want to learn something (which is a good assumption considering you are in college) stay away from this guy at all costs.

Required (Major)
Nov 2013
Y.C. is the Mr. Miyagi of mechanical engineering. That is all that needs to be said. Wax on, wax off. "You're the best around, nothings ever gonna keep you down."

Required (Major)
Dec 2013
While Professor Yong's lecture notes made the material very clear and easy to understand, for the longest time I could not tell if he simply had incredibly high expectations for his students or if he just didn't care about his students. His lectures were really just reading off of his notes (with some annotations here or there about his experiences in the field; while interesting, you wouldn't normally pay attention to), I feel he could have had more of a benefit with example problems. He was not approachable during office hours; he has a very hostile demeanor, an accent that is hard to understand, and very little patience. He is also one of the harshest graders I have had. Throughout my time in CalPoly I have come across many excellent professors; however, I fucking hate this guy. I am just glad I don't have to retake this class and put up with this ordeal again.

Required (Major)
Jan 2014
Alright, where to start? How about saying that the guy below me is an imbecile. Y.C. is a laid-back, VERY practical teacher. He does not beat around the bush and does not try to trick you on tests/homework. He assigns one problem a night, very manageable, to keep you on track with his lecture. If you have any common sense whatsoever, coupled with a want to actually learn the material, you will do well. That being said, yes, YC can be a little bit abrasive if you come off as a moron. If you do not know some key values or principles this late in the game, he will call you on it. Frankly, it's hilarious to see him do it in class. So yeah, don't be the idiot who asks for the elastic modulus of steel in a 300-level ME-class. And better yet, don't join the military, or anything else that doesn't tolerate BS. It won't work for you. As far as lab goes, it was probably one of the most rewarding labs I've taken here at Cal Poly. It is the essence of the learn-by-doing that we came here for. Long story short, he lets you loose in a project team to build a custom, one-off RC car from scratch. It sounds hard, and he gives you basically free-reign. But in the end, you learn a lot, make some good bonds, and have a fun time doing it. Oh, and he's a big fan of Guiness, so cheers to that.

ME 405

Required (Major)
Dec 2001
Yong gives terrible lectures. He hands out copies of the the overheads and then proceeds to literally read them. I'd suggest taking a handout and then leaving except that every now and then he'll spit out some minute detail that will show up on a test (there are 125,000 steps possible in a microstepper motor). Speaking of the tests, be sure to find old ones. He gives you at least one old one, but find more if possible. He likes to reuse questions - sometimes verbatium. He's not kidding when he suggests there might be a pop quiz (I think we only had two the whole quarter). Weekly homework is pretty easy and straight out of the book. Incidentally, that book will become your best friend - it holds the keys to your passing grade. As for the project, get on it early. No, earlier than that. You need all the time you can get; don't wait till the week before. Especially, you need to learn how to program as soon as possible.

ME 406

Required (Major)
Apr 2006
ME 406 is the biggest waste of time. It is sad that the class is under the mechatronics concentration. But that doesnt mean you have to take it if you are doing mechatronics. I am writing to urge you to replace me 406 with a real class like modern control theory (EE 513) or digital control (EE 342) because i really wish someone would have warned me. It is sad that they let such a dinosaur like Yong teach a senior elective. The class focuses on PLC's which take about three days to learn. The rest of the quarter is spent wasting your time. There is also a quarter long project, which is a big portion of the class. However, most of the people in the class end up doing a bull S@&! project so you may as well do the same because it really isn't goint to affect your grade. Again, i urge you, if you are a real engineer, take a real engineering class and leave the PLC's to the IME's. Maybe if enough of us start to replace the class with something useful from another department they will come up with a new mechatronics class (and hopefully can YONG).