Van Eps, John  



88 evaluations

MATH 118

General Ed
Oct 2001
Okay, Van eps is a little on the boring side, but he tries really hard to do a good job. His problem is that he explains things once and you totally understand, then he keeps on explaining the same thing over and over again so that by the time he is done you are totally lost. Go into office hours with your questions because IT WILL TOTALLY HELP YOU! Things are a little confusing in class, but one on one he can explain things SO well. I think it's because he gets nervouse speaking infront of the class. He is really nice though and I would recomend the class.

MATH 141

Required (Major)
Aug 2001
While not a professor you would take on basis of his personality, Professor Van Eps does a good job of explaining the material at hand and takes time to hear the problems that students are having. As long as you can stay awake through a lecture, I would recommend this professor.

Required (Major)
Aug 2001
Teaching system fair for everyone. Has a system where if your final is higher than every other grade on a test he just takes your final and adds it to your homework grade and that is what you get in the class.

Required (Major)
Aug 2001
Professor VanEps makes everything seem easy, but you don't learn much in his class though. I would recommend you take VanEps if you want a easy quarter because he's the guy if you want to boost up your gpa...but he ain't that easy though. by the way, his test is like "half luck & half skill". However it kinda hard to screw up in his class because of his generous gradin system.....

General Ed
Feb 2000
This teacher assumed prior knowledge on calculus and never taught to those who had never had calculus in high school. He did give 100 pts for homework, but he was the worst teacher I ever had. If you already took the AP Calc test then I would recommend this class for you, if not then good luck!

General Ed
Nov 2000
Prof. Van Eps is a decent teacher. He gets rather boring, but he can explain the subject pretty well. His tests are pretty straight forward also. If you do the homework they can easily be aced. And the homework is not too much. His grading policy is pretty awesome too.

Required (Support)
Dec 2000
This class was review for me, so I don't know how well I would have learned new material from Prof. van Eps. He would walk into the room and jump straight into "lecture" with "soo...any questions?" After a few days of this, I began to skip most of his classes, sometimes showing up for one day a week and eventually going for two weeks without attending a class. Somehow, even though I missed a couple of homeworks along the way, I pulled out an A-.

Required (Support)
Jan 2001
Yes, I failed the class, but I would definately say professor Van Eps had nothing to do with it. He began the quarter by just walking in the room and starting his lecture and scratching jargon on the chalkboard. Once we finally asked him to go over homework and concepts, the class became much better for everyone. If you aren't a good tester like me, beware. His tests may not be hard, but there are only two midterms (no quizzes) with each having four questions and a final with seven questions.

Required (Support)
Jan 2001
Dr. van eps is the most unavailable teacher i have ever seen. He does not help the students at all, he simply gives his lecture and leaves. His test are strange, one questoin will be really easy, and then the next will be impossible. Cheek your tests after you get them back because on my 2 midterms i was marked down a total 55% (from a 67%-87% and from a 55%-90%)

Required (Support)
Jan 2001
He loves to say Intuitive. By the end of his class he'll have you thinking in Liebnitz terms. Not a social butterfly, but a real laid back cat who knows math in a serious way.

Required (Support)
Apr 2001
I think this teacher is great. He explains the material really well, and he is pretty easy. His grading policy is extremely easy, and I passed without going to half the classes. I don't suggest doing that, but I still passed. He drops any test grades you got that were less than your final test grade, and his final is easy compared to some other teachers. He assigns homework every night, but it is due every Monday. His class is a little boring, but it was worth taking.

General Ed
Nov 2001
although its boring he never gives quizes. the hw is collected once a week. I got a 64 on the first mid term a 76 on the second and a B on the final and got a B in the class. the hw is do or don't do credit.

Required (Support)
Dec 2001
Vaneps is a great teacher. He explains his problems everyday in class. He doesn't care if you show up to class or not. just practice the hw problems and make sure you can do all of them. his tests are pretty much the hw problems with different numbers. great teacher.

Required (Support)
Dec 2001
If you've taken calculus before then this class should be really easy. He does a decent job of explaining the material. This teacher grades very generously. You could b.s. your homework and still get full credit for it because he grades you on how many assignments you turn in. His midterms are not very hard either. I'd say they're like medium difficulty problems in the book. His final is a little more difficult, so do a good review of everything. He also helps you out during office hours and explains the lecture material even better.

Required (Support)
Feb 2002
Van Eps is an awesome teacher. I only went to class half of the time and did about 20 minutes of homework a week and still managed to pull off an A because turning in a paper with your name on it means full credit on the homework. And I don't think the J in J. Van Eps should go without notice. That J is for Jay or joint. I know this guy goes home and takes massive bong hits every day. He must smoke dank, all quarter I wanted to smoke with him but never had the courage to ask...oh well. Take him for calc and get an easy A in a class you never have to go to. Maybe you will get the chance to smoke with him that I did not....

Required (Support)
Jun 2002
This guy is very laid back. His tests are pretty much like the homework but it is composed a few problems where each is worth a lot. The class is pretty confusing if you have never taken calc before because he just goes over the new section and expects you to know the basics. He doesnt care if you are in you can miss as many fridays as you want. Really nice and easy to talk to....he is just to smart for his own good.

Required (Support)
Jun 2002
Van Eps is a very laid back teacher. He collects the homework weekly, and only goes over it if asked. His tests are straight forward and he has a great philosophy on his final. If you get a better grade on the final than you had in the class, that becomes your grade. If you have a 0% going into the final, get a 90% on the final, you get a 90% in the class. Good times.

Required (Support)
Jun 2002
This teacher rules!!!! The best math teacher I have taken at this school yet. his tests are too the point and not to difficult, and he is really cool about grading. Im gonna try and take him for every math class!!!

Required (Major)
Jul 2002
Van Eps was a great teacher and explained material very well. He is laid back and understanding. He does collect homework every week but you just have to do it and you get full credit. He will even go over every homework assignment in class. You dont really have to go to class he posts homework assignments on the internet. this was my second time taking this class the first time i took it with a different professor and failed.

Required (Support)
Oct 2002
Dr. Van Eps is a good teacher and a fair grader. I could have gotton an 'A' if I spent a little bit more time on my H.W. Dr. Van Eps is a nice guy who cares about your grade, ulike Dr. Lewis. Highly Recomended.

Required (Support)
Nov 2002
This guy is cool because he is straightforward. He doesn't mess around, and he is very laid back. He strolls in and just gets to work. He doesn't waste your time. He'll answer questions, and always does the difficult problems in class. so this is a good guy to take if you like to see how things are done. However, if you get people in your class who ask a lot of questions, the class gets boring. He also sometimes gets boring because he likes to prove all theorems. There are no quizes, only two midterms and he throws out whatever midterm is lower than your final. So, that's good if you do bad on midterms but you have to do well on the final. Homework is only due on monday, so you get plenty of time to do your work. I recommend this guy because you get all kinds of breaks and time to do things.

Required (Support)
Nov 2002
Dr. Van Eps is the best teacher. He wants his students to do well. He will never be tricky or sneaky. You will know what is on the test. Even though he has been teaching for a long time he still loves his students to do well. And he is not anal about the homework. You can turn it in a couple of days late. It's ok. completet homework gets full credit whether you have the right answers or not. Dr. Van Eps is the best Professor on campus.

Required (Support)
Dec 2002
So here's the deal with this guy. He's totally nice and friendly and really wants to help his students, he just doesn't do it in the best possible manner (at least for me). I re-took this class, so it was easy enough for me, but I felt that if I hadn't already taken it in highschool, I would have been lost. He is very dull, but I don't know, I just like how he really wanted to help his students. While I didn't attend any office hours, he was willing to spend all of class time if need be going over homework so we understood it. Which brings me to the best part about him: his grading policy just kicks ass. read elsewhere about how it works, but it was a relief. His tests are soooo much easier than other teachers, also. I just hope i'm prepared enough for next quarter...

Required (Support)
Dec 2004
He's actually a really smart and funny guy, but he just does not belong in a classroom teaching. He's too smart. I really don't think this is a class you should take if you are a "learn by doing" person. This class is more geared toward the typical personalityless student who can watch an example and immediately understand all the concepts behind it. Basically, it's for former chess club members. As with any class, with enough time in the book and on other sources, you could grasp the concepts pretty well without him, but isn't that what we're paying for... someone to teach us instead of leaving us in the dark and being totally oblivious/uncaring (I couldn't tell) to whether we understand the material? This guy really needs to go back to How To Present Classroom Material 101 is all I can say. He doesn't give sufficient examples, or my favorite, he teaches the basic concept and then jumps into the problems that have exceptions without first giving a normal problem to show the concept. I don't think he understands anymore that he's actually teaching people that don't understand the material and that don't all have the same math background and train of thought. I'm not necessarily going to say that I'd recommend not taking the class because I'm sure it would suit some people, but if math isn't your thing or if you prefer to have a professor that will give you examples and help you to understand what you're doing in class instead of at home reading the book, I'd say choose another professor.

Required (Support)
Jan 2005
van eps is the coolest,granted most of his lectures are proofs that dont make sense to people that just want the practical way of solving things, hes still awesome. i loved the way he talked, i didn't know anyone could be so impressed with math, once in a while he would stand back and look at the problems on the chalk board and smile. hahaha he's cool though he really enjoys helping you so if you need help ask and he'd be happy to help. his class consists of quizzes two midterms and a final. if you keep up with the homework and study you should get an easy A because his quizzes are directly from the homework. he may not be that great at teaching but he really wants you to learn the material so it makes up for it. If he were teaching 142 i would take it, i hope you take this class!

Required (Support)
Jan 2005
I thought he was a good professor, however his grading policy seems a little weird at times. However, he is very flexible about quiz and test grades and I know that if you go talk to him in his office hours he might add a few points for questions if you have a legit reason why your answer might have been underscored. Even though he doesn't collect the homework, it would be a benifit for you to do it since most his problems are straight out of the book. At times he may seem a little scatter brained. But overall he is a okay professor and a nice guy.

Required (Major)
Dec 2007
he is terrible at explaining things. if you're good at teaching yourself, take him. He poorly explains how he wants you to do the problems, and then book shows you another way. So you do the homework the way the book teaches you, and then he expects you to do it his way on the test. Confusing! don't know how i got the grade i did.

MATH 142

Required (Major)
Aug 2001
Great math professor. He knows all the material very well and explains it all very well. Integrals were not as hard as most people told me it would be. There's homework, but he only counts if you did it or not. There's no quizzes and he drops the lowest midterm (there's 2 and the final). He tends to use a very generous curve. Usually, he lets students leave about 5 minutes early from class.

Required (Major)
Aug 2001
Despite my grade, I think this is an excellent teacher. He knows the material and explains it very well.

Required (Support)
Jun 2000
Very good teacher. very down to earth, and teaches very well. Fair grading system. Highly recomend taking Dr Van Eps.

Required (Support)
Feb 2001
This is one of the greatest calculus teachers I've had. He is very simple is his teaching, he makes things clear and gives you time for the information to soak in. He doesn't give a lot of homework, what he does is directly related to the information he lectures on. Dr. Van Eps makes very reasonable tests and honestly tries not to put anything tricky on them. He is helpful and just a nice, easy-going guy. I enjoyed his class (a math class at that!) and REALLY recommend him to anyone who hates those teachers that takes pleasure out of making you feel stupid.

Required (Support)
Mar 2001
Professor Van Eps is a great teacher when it comes to explaining in detail and drawing excellent graphs in lecture (we all know how when you can visually see something clearly, it helps out tremendously!). My only critism (seriously,the only one), is that he doesnt give much partial credit on exams and that can bring you down. All in all, I would highly recommend taking Van Eps for all math courses.

Required (Support)
May 2001
Van Eps' style of teaching is straightforward and very basic. He moves quickly since he is very efficient in his teaching style. If you keep up with the homework and make sure you know how to do each problem, the class is ok. Homework is graded based on whether you did it or not, and his grader grades individual problems for your own benefit. The tests are on the easy side as the questions are from the homework and usually not the hard homework problems. Also, his tests, unlike some others in the department, can easily be finished in one class period. He drops your lowest test score.

Required (Support)
May 2002
THIS GUY IS AWESOME! His tests are not tricky, he does not give quizzes, and he counts your homework as full credit as long as you turn it in. He answers all homework questions even if it takes all class period. VERY GOOD MATH TEACHER.

Required (Support)
Jun 2002
Van Eps is a great math teacher. Compared to my teacher last quarter, he is a saint. I got A's on all of his tests. There are absolutely no tricks on them, they are exactly how he says they'll be. He assigns and collects homework once a week. He is awesome!

Required (Support)
Jan 2003
ok, here's the deal, hrm.. 2 midterms, hw counts, and there's a final. everything was straightforward BUT it's still difficult because it's alil tricky, but hw was cool, u don't have to get the answers rite it's always counted as 100% even if the grader gave u a score. in the beginning of the course, he totally made no sense, but after awhile.. he gradually got better at explaining, but hey.. maybe it's because i already understood the ending topics of logarithms and the different ways of integration.. OH! and he always used "etc" when he gets lazy to explain problems. i knew a friend who had to repeat the course, and he dropped this class cause he didn't like it, even if it meant to take calculus next quarter, i stayed, i don't know HOW I PASSED, but i did! *whew, i failed both my midterms, thought i did horrible on the final, but yeah.. he's nice and leany on his gradings,so i got a C.

Required (Major)
Jan 2003
Dr. Van Eps is a good teacher, as he will continue to do examples on the board until everyone has a good understanding. He is always willing to take extra time on harder sections. His grading pollicy is also very nice. HW is important, but you get full credit if you do all the problems (they don't have to be right). There are two midterms and a final. If any of your midterms lower your grade after the final, they are dropped. As an example, I got a 93 on my first midterm, and a 57 on the second. How I managed to get a B is still a mystery to me... the final was really hard. Just do the HW and pay attention in class and you should do fine.

Required (Support)
Dec 2011
I absolutely adored Professor Van Eps. He covers the material briskly and sufficiently. You'll be ahead of the other classes and still be thoroughly knowledgable about the material. He provides the perfect balance between the theoretical math and the practical. Never be afraid to ask questions or go to his office hours, as he is very patient and understanding and will help you without making you feel any less for it. I would highly encourage anyone to take him.

Required (Support)
Jun 2012
This guy knows what he's taking about. The only complaint I have is that he is a little boring during lecture, but nothing else. He's a super nice guy, can teach well, homework was graded on completion, no quizzes, both midterms and maybe final were curved, and I ended up with an A because I studied for the final a lot and got an A on that. His policy is an A on the final, an A in the class. Overall, take him!

Required (Support)
Nov 2012
Van Eps is just a nice easygoing professor who really cares about his students. Midterms and final are straight forward and challenging enough. His policy A on the final A on the class is just awesome. Great office hours communication. Definitely take him

Required (Support)
Dec 2012
Dr. Van Eps takes all the stress out of his class. Basically your final grade is the grade you got on the final or if midterms help you he will use those. Great guy requires homework due but if you get behind he won't let it hurt your grade only lets it help. His lectures get a little theoretical, but when you ask him questions from the homework (recommended) he takes a lot of time to go through any problem and as long as there is questions he will keep answering them and lecture later. TAKE HIM

Required (Major)
Jun 2013
Math 142 is VERY difficult, that being said, Van Eps' Math 142 class is very easy to pass. He really wants everyone to do well. He curved the final and let the score replace your midterms if you did better. There are no quizzes and there is hw (that you should be doing anyways) due every Monday, and he'll go over it in class! He's very nice and helpful, but very boring. If you need to take the entire calc series I would request a different teacher because I didn't learn much in his class. But I still passed.

Required (Support)
Apr 2014
Van Eps is a tough teacher, but doesn't make the class too hard as long as you do the work and ask questions. I had no problems with this class, although I know many classmates thought he was too strict. He's a great teacher and is good at clarifying and answering questions.

MATH 143

Required (Support)
Aug 2001
A very good & fair teacher, but you are guaranteed to fall asleep in class. He teaches well and his tests aren't too difficult. This was the highest grade I made in the Calculus series and 143 is supposed to be the hardest.

Required (Support)
Feb 2002
I really liked Van Eps. He knew his math very well. Although he does go a bit fast and it can be hard to keep up, you can always read thru the intros to each section of the book which basically expands on everything he said in class. His homework is graded very fairly as many said below, and he also is very cool about his grading policy with midterms/finals/etc.

Required (Support)
Nov 2002
Great teacher!! I took him for math 141,143, & 241. The test questions are almost identical to the homework problems. He might seem boring but, math is just a boring subject.

Required (Major)
Mar 2004
Van Eps is one of the best professor's I have had here. He gives homework that is never collected, but it would be beneficial to do it because that is what the quizzes, mid-terms and final are comprised of. There are no tricks in his class, everything is straight forward. Office hours rock, and he is always willing to spend class time working out homework problems. Don't be afraid to ask questions, he never makes you feel stupid! Overall a great class.

Required (Support)
Apr 2004
TAKE HIM!!! He knows his stuff. He asks questions everyday about homework so if you're stuck on something, he will go over it step by step. He has a quiz every friday that is on homework problems so if you do the homework (which isn't all that much) you should be fine. He is a good guy. Take him!

Required (Major)
Nov 2011
If you're looking for a teacher who teaches well, Dr. Van Eps is one of the top choices. He cuts straight to material during class but by that time, I find myself usually prepared. Although he presents the material fast sometimes, he gives high credit for just turning in homework and goes over anything you need at the beginning of class. The tests should be straightforward and you may not need the allotted time to finish it. Most of the time, you don't have to look in the book to understand the material. However, if you're looking for a more animated teacher, you should browse the site. Otherwise, Dr. Van Eps does fine teaching.

Required (Support)
Feb 2012
Van Eps is probably the most straightforward math teacher I've ever had. He cuts straight to the material and presents it in an organized, clear way. Sometimes he'll assign a few homework problems that we didn't necessarily go completely over in class, but that's understandable since it should be a given that students are expected to put some of their own extra work in the class to do better. However, that being said, his tests never have anything that we didn't go over in class. In addition, he'll allow students to ask last-minute questions the day of a midterm before beginning, which is really great in case you weren't able to make his office hour and needed to ask him something important before the test. He's very good at working with students and understand what they have difficulties in. Top notch professor, highly recommended.

Required (Support)
Mar 2012
Van Eps' lectures were close to worthless, but helped get me familiar with the material. He collected hw which was good for me, and spot graded it. You get credit whether or not you get the problems right, as long as you turn it in. I got an F on one midterm and a D on the next. I went into office hours after the second one and asked him what to do. He said he would make my final grade in the class whatever I got on the final, and I studied my ass off and got a B.

Required (Support)
Mar 2012
I thought that Professor Van Eps was an extremely good math teacher. It's obvious that he's masterful of the material and as he goes through his lectures you can tell that he's actually processing the material as he goes since he always catches his own mistakes when he makes them (which is pretty rare compared to most math teachers). While he's great at lecturing and is very kind to his students and is always willing to help, sometimes the lectures seem like giant walls of information that are a struggle to get through conceptually. Without going to his office hours or looking up different methods of working through problems and understanding the material, this would be a very challenging class. Calc 3 is a very difficult class and not everyone gets the concepts right away, but fortunately Van Eps is aware of this when you approach him during office hours or after class and finds more in-depth ways of explaining things if you ask him to do so. If he implemented the same explanations in his lectures as he did in office hours, he'd be a perfect math professor, in my opinion. Great guy, take him if you can!

Required (Support)
Apr 2012
He doesn't cover all the topics in Calc 3 but he only tests you on what he covered in lecture. He's a little boring but not too bad. He's really helpful at office hours. He collects homework once a week and goes over homework problems every day at the beginning of class. His tests aren't hard and his grading is kind of lenient.

Required (Support)
Dec 2013
John is a good teacher for calc and I would recommend him to anyone. Cons: He is a generally soft speaker. But other than his quiet voice, he is very friendly, more than happy to help anyone with a problem and goes over homework problems at the start of class if you ask. His tests are fairly easy also. He's a super nice guy and a very solid teacher of calc.

Required (Support)
Dec 2013
Professor Van Eps is an amazing math teacher! He does an excellent job of explaining the material in a way that both makes sense and shows why it is useful. That said, he tends to be monotonous and if you fall asleep in class, be sure to sit in the front. He is very helpful during office hours and he does a good job of recognizing when his students are having difficulties with a topic.

Required (Support)
Feb 2014
This is for the people who struggled with calc 2: Don't take Van Eps! BORING! I sat in the front row the entire quarter in a desperate attempt to stay awake in his class and I failed at that. He faces the board the entire time too so there's nothing really forcing you to wake up. Anyway, he's a brilliant professor, I can't deny that, but I am not very good at calc. He over complicates topics that I now know, thanks to the professor I am now taking for calc 3, are very simple. I just felt like a total idiot in his class and he made me feel even more stupid in office hours as he would explain things and then just make me more confused. Also, I studied a ton for the final and thought I had a chance at passing the class, but it was ridiculously hard and I basically ended up leaving half the test blank.

Required (Support)
Mar 2014
Quiet guy that really knows what he's talking about. Boring, but straight and to the point. Lots of examples, proofs only for important stuff like vectors, planes, and polar coordinates. 2 midterms, no quizzes, hw due every week, and a final. Final replaces worst midterm score. Midterms were 3-4 problems, final was 5 problems. Easy A.

MATH 182

Required (Support)
Jun 2003
Goin to class everyday was my relaxin hour where i could finish up lunch, read the mustang daily, and catch up on any other classes HW. never math hw because of Hotmath and his policy was Hw was worth 100 out of the total 450 for the class and if you had work for anythign you would get full credit for it. tryin to follow his lecture was the biggest mistake ever. you couldnt if you had to. he was so slow and give you so much random useless info on every problem you would eventually say screw it and give up. the workshop is the only way i could see anyone passin his class. the faciliatator was like a filter. all the useless crap that came out of his mouth, he gave us only the stuff that we needed to know. even though he sucked as a teacher if your a self learner you can definetly benefit of his grading. 2 midterms with simple basic problems and the final which is more basic problems to prove u can understand the concepts. which i do til i take the test. and if you do better on the final than your midtems he replaces the midterm grades with your final grade which can be a huge boost.

MATH 206

Required (Support)
Nov 2000
I felt Dr. Van Eps displayed professionalism not only by means of logical communication through lectures but from flexible compromise he provides in his unique grading system. I especially recommend Dr. Van Eps if you are the type of student that procrastinates or doesn

MATH 221

Required (Major)
Jun 1999
If you have to take bus calc then take VanEps. He realizes that bus calc is pointless so he makes the class as painless as possible. He thoroughly explains everything and he just tests you on your basic knowledge of calc ,no trick questions or anything like that and the types of test questions are in the most basic form. I probably learned more in that class than any other bus calc class cause theres really no pressure.

Required (Support)
Sep 2001
Van Eps has the personality of a wall. If your looking for a teacher that makes you laugh dont even THINK about signing up with this guy. Class consists of him going through a crate of chalk a day showing you how smart he is about calc. However that helps you how??? O wait......IT DOESNT. I mean you can ask questions but he makes everything so damn easy your basically left confused as hell. He collects homework once a week this is the highlight of the grading portion of the class since u get credit as long as you turn it in. So basically turn in SOMETHING every week even if its a drawing of your aunt. You have 2 midterms the first is cheese cake and the second is a tad funky. We didnt have to take the final because we had an alternate test and if we liked our grade we were set. When i saw i got a B i threw up a peace sign and booked towards the nearest exit. Take him if you want to be bored to death and contimplate jumping out of the window daily. However its an easy B or C.

General Ed
Oct 2001
Dr. Van Eps is sooo chill. He didn't care if you showed up to class or not as long as you were there for tests and only graded the homework on the fact that you turned in a piece of paper with a name on it. I only went to class half the days and got an easy A with about 20 minutes of work a week put in outside of class. If you want an easy A in calc, take this class.

Required (Support)
Apr 2003
This guy knows Business Majors have no business taking a calculus course, so he is as lenient as any professor I've ever seen. His grading policy is still the same and like before full credit on the homework consists of doodling with your name on it. I hadn't taken a math course since junior year in high school and I had no idea what the hell he was talking about throughout the quarter. Then again I only went to class 5 times and forgot to take one of the midterms. He might as well been speaking a foreign language. If you have any background in math you should ace this class because he only tests you on the basic concepts. As a matter of fact, we only got throught the first 4 chapters of the book for the entire quarter. If you have no concept of math, you should still take this guy because he will pass you even if the only thing you learned was how to copy homework in class before it is due. Van Eps doesn't teach Bus Calc often because he sees no point in it and he knows it is a complete waste of his time. But when he does teach this class, take a priority to get it because I can guarantee there are no other Bus Calc professors that will pass you if you don't anything.

Required (Support)
Dec 2003
van eps is a great professor. He isn't the most exciting guy, but then again, business calculus isn't exactly the most exciting course, either. He does a good job presenting the material and making it easy to understand. He is a fair grader on tests, and really wants his students to do well. He has a cool grading policy. Even if you suck on all your tests, he will take your final grade as your grade in the class, if it is higher than your tests grades. He realizes that business majors will never use calculus, and shows this in his grading scale. I have never been a math person, and ended up with a B. Business calc is pretty much a meaningless class, but bus. and econ majors have to take it. Van Eps is a good choice. As long as you put some effort into this class, you will do fine

Required (Support)
Apr 2007
Definitely one of the best math teachers I have ever had. He moves through the material at a great pace and will be able to explain anything people need help with. Homework was due on monday and was really light. Tests were pretty fair.

MATH 241

Required (Support)
Dec 2000
Good teacher. I thought the class was very easy. Just doing everything you learned in 141 and 142 multiple times. Very easy midterms (2) and final. If you do bad on the final he averages it with the highest midterm or something. He gives you full credit for homework if you turn in anything. THe grader marks it up, but it doesn't matter. I got full credit for homework withough receiving higher than an 80% on it.

Required (Support)
Mar 2002
Dr. Van Eps is Awesome! he is seriously one of the bast math teachers here at poly. the homework wasnt that bad: he usually assigns some everyday but it isnt due till monday and as long as you turn it in, you get 100%. a grader will mark it up but he just counts it as long as you turn it in. and, you can turn it in a week late and stiil get credit! his midterms are a cinch, and you get to use an 8.5 x 11 piece of paper so its even easier. and, if your midterm grade is lower than your final grade, he wont count the midterms in the overall grade. if you do the work, this calss is an easy A. i recommend Van Eps to anyone who is tired of all the horrible math profs at our school and really wants to learn something for a change.

Required (Support)
Apr 2002
Van Eps is wonderful. His tests are cake, usually coming straight from the homework. He explains the material throughly and assigns meaningful homework.

Required (Support)
Jul 2002
He is a very good teacher who is willing to help you with any questions you may have. The tests are straight-forward and are very similar to homework questions. His handwriting is clear and his illustrations are very well done. He puts the homework on his website just in case you didn't get in class.

Required (Support)
Dec 2007
Van Eps is a pretty good math teacher. Compared to other math teachers I've had in college and high school, he's probably one of the best, though definitely not the best. The few times I went in to his office hours he was helpful, and he's always willing to answer questions in class. The only problem I have with his class is that the tests didn't seem to relate much to the homework. I was able to do almost every problem out of the book, but then had quite a bit of trouble on the final. All in all, he's a decent teacher.

Required (Support)
Dec 2007
Dr. Van Eps teaches you what you need to know. He knows what he's talking about. He's always willing to answer questions. His test are incredibly fair. If you complete and understand his assigned homework and suggested practice problems for the midterms, you should do fine. He understands that, with having only 50 minutes to complete a midterm, it's not practical to test on difficult problems.

MATH 242

Required (Support)
Oct 2002
This teacher really cares. His style is pleasent and he is easy to follow. I think that out of the many math teachers available, this one is the one to take if you want to learn and get a good grade!

Required (Support)
May 2003
John is a good teacher for the subject. Homework is CR/NC, lousy midterms get dropped, and he selected a textbook different from other professors. He also posts HW online and goes over the difficult problems in class.

Required (Major)
Jun 2003
Best instructor I've ever had!! Van Epps is great. He teaches at a pace everyone can keep up with and grades homework based on if it is complete. He knows he's teaching difficult stuff, so he spends as much time on each thing as the class wants. He's got a great, laid-back attitude, and a witty sense of humor (not the bad kind). He makes the tests straightforward and as simple as you can expect out of a tough class. I recommend this guy to everyone!

Required (Major)
Nov 2004
He is a really nice guy sometimes you get lost in his lecture but if you ask he will explain so that you understand. His office hours are really helpful and he explains exactly instead of making you guess on what to do. there are two midterms, a final, and a quiz every friday. the quizzes only have like one or two problems on them. He also drops the two lowest grades. He is a really nice guy and a good professor

Required (Major)
Jan 2005
Dr. Van Eps is one of the best profecessors I have ever had. This was my second class with him at Cal Poly, and would take him again if I get the chance. His lectures are easy to follow and he is a big help in office hours. He doesn't collect homework, but will give a weekly quiz taken from the homework. He has two mid-terms and the final. The exams are similar to the homework and the examples done in class. Take him!!!!!

HNRS 244

Required (Support)
Dec 2005
Great teacher, and a very easy person to get along with. Presents the material well, and is always willing to stop in the middle of something to answer questions. His handwriting is hard to read at first, but you get used to it quickly enough. His tests are incredibly easy, and even though the material is confusing, he presents it well enough to make it understandable, and will always be willing to clarify anything you're unsure about. You should definitely take him if possible.

MATH 244

Required (Support)
Sep 2007
Didn't beat around the bush when it came to presenting material and explaining what will and will not be on the test. Clarifying lectures and good assistance during office hours. My most enjoyable math class yet.

Required (Support)
Nov 2007
Van Eps is one of the best math professors I have ever had. His lectures are very clear and thorough. If you pay attention and take good notes in class you will find that you will easily be able to do the assigned homework. Homework is required. However, I soon found out that he is really just trying to get the kids to stay up on the material and homework scores really don't matter. As long as you do the homework he will write you down for full credit in his grades. His tests are very straight forward as long as you go to class. In past classes, I worked very well by just learning the material out of the text. I usually find that my notes do not help me too much. In this class whenever I had trouble on problems I could usually figure it out just based on the notes. If you ever fall behind, go to his OFFICE HOURS!!! he is very helpful and good at explaining in his office hours. He never makes you feel like you are stupid for asking questions. Sometimes I would be very behind and he would still help me with whatever. Overall great teacher and person. TAKE HIM!!!

Required (Support)
Jun 2012
Van Eps is the man! If you have to take Linear Analysis as a support course, TAKE VAN EPS. He is hands-down the most straightforward math professor I have had. He had a nice balance theory/derivations with example problems, and he cut the course down to the bare essentials needed for the majority of students taking it - Engineers. So he focused on differential equations and put less emphasis on the Linear Algebra. Needless to say, if you are a Math major/minor, you might want to take a different professor. If you're an engineering major who just wants to get this course out of the way like me, take Van Eps. The course consisted of 3 small HW assignments a week, two midterms, and a final. If you prepare sufficiently, all three tests are a piece of cake.

Required (Support)
Jun 2012
I transferred into Van Eps' Linear section that came up in open enrollment and I'm so glad I did. Van Eps is an excellent professor if you pay attention to him. You start out the first couple of classes not understanding what the point of the class is while proving simple harmonic motion and population growth on the board. It's about the third lecture when you start to understand it's about writing equations. He doesn't like giving impossible homework assignments, which is good because there's no way you can get through Linear without doing the homework. He also doesn't like giving you things that you will most likely never see again in your life. He understands that you are engineers, not math majors. Consequently, he sticks as much as he can to the concrete processes and he gives very fair and easy tests. He will work out any problem you ask him to, even if it's on a homework that you're all about to turn in. I feel like I got a better understanding of Linear from Van Eps than my friends in other sections got from their teachers. If Van Eps comes up as teaching another Linear section, take him! He will make a confusing subject completely understandable (as long as you do the homework!!)

Required (Major)
Mar 2013
Eps was a very boring teacher. BUT TAKE HIM! He covers much less than the other teachers and by the time the final came around I felt like I had a full chapter less to study than my roommate did for linear.

MATH 248

Required (Support)
Aug 2000
Dr. VanEps wants everyone to succeed. His grading policy reflects this. He is approachable and helpful in his office hour. This class requires a great memory - study hard and memorize, memorize, memorize. Tests are fair, but fill the time allotted. Find a good study partner/group from class, you must talk this stuff over with someone.

Required (Major)
Mar 2003
This class is very challenging and is much different from any other math class. Van Eps realizes this and tries to help in any way he can. He gives us "pep talks" that this stuff takes time to learn and to just keep working at it. The only problem is staying awake in his class.

MATH 306

5th Year Senior
Required (Support)
Apr 2000
Cleary. Obvious. Trivial. QED

Required (Support)
Jun 2000
He has two midterms and a final. Homework is worth nothing but is collected so you can get feedback on how you're doing. Tests come straigt from homework and lecture. Do well on the final and that is your grade. He is fair, clear and patient. He welcomes questions in class as well as in office hours. He also doesn't cram at the last minute. He lets you leave early on some Friday's too. I really enjoyed his class and learned alot.

MATH 344

Required (Support)
Mar 2005
prof. van eps is a great guy. his lectures are extremely easy to follow and he will clarify any difficulties brought up by students. he gives weekly quizzes that usually consist of one or two of the homework problems (homework isnt collected). His midterms are much like the homework problems, very straightforward and you get to use a full sheet of notes, which makes the exams extremely easier. the final is a little bit tougher but definitely do-able. take van eps - dont even consider taking anyone else for this class!

Required (Support)
Aug 2005
Van Eps is the man. As long as you put in the effort, which means attending all lectures and taking notes, he covers almost all the material you need to know in class. He is very helpfull in office hours and will adjust classwork according to how students respond. His tests are basically straight from hw or very similar to his quiz questions which are just hw questions. The best part about him is that if he feels like he is getting nowhere in a lecture, or if the class seems especially confused he will take steps back in order to explain the material better. Sometimes he will get so frustrated he'll just end lecture and start over the next day. He is very easy going and a great guy, I would recommed him to anyone.