Tandon, Shyama  

Electrical Engineering


34 evaluations

EE 211

Required (Major)
Aug 2001
Dr. Tandon is hysterical. Some people think his tests are difficult, but I thought they were fair. On his tests he will ask a question regarding a portion of his lecture that he only briefly has covered. However, it's not that difficult to determine what that question will be. Find the one difficult topic that he covered only one day in lecture and did not particularly emphasize. Be sure to know that material. Otherwise, his lectures are a bit bland. He will occasionally crack jokes that are pretty funny. I would recommend taking his class.

Required (Support)
Jun 2007
Wow.. this guy is horrible. I am a CPE, and even an EE friend of mine who's really into EE, says Tandon is bad. Unfortunately, having him as an only choice for a professor wasn't great. On day 1, he always talked about caring that the students fully understood the material, which I thought was great. However, he really, really just plain sucks at teaching. He's been retired for many, many years, and we all wondered why he was teaching this course. His writing is messy and small, and he just jumps from point to point doing "what the book says" without really explaining things, but just writing equations. All he did all quarter, for every lecture, was regurgitate his 20-year-old notes, stop every once in a while (while we all beyond confused) and asked "is that okay with you guys?", while waiting for one person to say okay. His lectures ended up being practically pointless. The midterms were pretty straightforward though, and it was pretty easy to get most of the 25 points (each point is about 1% of your grade!). He gives a lot of partial credit. You have to teach yourself practically all of the material, but you can get a good grade in his class. He's practically useless as a professor. I failed his two midterms and did decently on the final, and was very, very fortunate to end up with a C. The class was curved somewhere from 10-20%. In the middle of the quarter, most of us were already expecting to retake this class next quarter. Stay away from this guy - maybe even if it means delaying your EE series courses.

EE 212

Required (Support)
Jun 2000
Tandon seems, on the surface, nice and pretty funny. But his tests totally killed me (even though I'm very good at EE). I didn't like the things he tested on, and it wasn't a fair representation of our knowledge. He can also be rude and hard to deal with. A smart guy, but not fun or easy to deal with, and not very good at giving fair tests.

Required (Major)
Aug 2002
Tandon is by far the worst teacher I have ever had. He could care less about the students and will yell at you for asking "stupid questions." He grades unfairly on the exams and will not let you plead your case. AVOID AT ALL COSTS!!!

Required (Major)
Jun 2003
this teacher is definitely the worst teacher ive ever had. this guy is also the meanest teacher ive ever had. avoid this guy. he does not help you in lab so dont take him for lab either. i dont even know why he shows up to lab. the students just follow the book and all he does is sit at the desk with his feet on the table. he is such an idiot.

Required (Major)
Sep 2003
His tests are extremly easy. If you do the homework and understand it well there is no reason u can't ace his class.However, he is extremly sarcastic and is not very helpful. Have a good study group! Do ure homework well and compare the answers as he is very peculiar in grading. i like t oavail office hours so he is not my type but if i have to take him i will

Required (Major)
Aug 2004
you know i only have myself to blame for this grade. he wasn't easy but he wasn't hard either. i just didn't put enough time into my hw as i sould. if you do the hw and actually try to understand it you will get at least a B in his class. he give a good amount of partial (but not that much so he is pretty fair). he doesn't let you have any notes at all, which is what really killed me b/c i did the hw but i didn't remember how to do the problem when it actually turned up on the test. half his test are almost exact problems from hw (but the harder problems from hw which is why i did bad b/c i forget the "trick" to slove it) and the other half is fair (i did pretty well on this part). try to find someone that took the class before and have them help you with the hw b/c tandon really is no help and you need to know how to slove to pass his test with a good grade.

Required (Major)
Jun 2005
Tandon is really not as bad as these ratings make him sound. I took him after reading these because I had no choice, but now I am glad and I am taking him again. His tests are more than fair, and although he assigns HW, it really doesn't hurt your grade unless you don't do it at all. It is just kind of there as a borderline grade decision maker in the end. If you take the time to go into his office and ask questions, he is very helpful. He didn't allow calulators or notes AT ALL on the first test, just to make sure we knew what the calulations meant, but he dropped that policy for the remaining exams. If you can struggle through the HW, the tests are cake!

EE 228

Required (Major)
Dec 2004
Professor Tandon is one of those love

Required (Major)
Dec 2004
Fuck Tandon!!! He is by far the worst teacher at Cal Poly. Not only can you not underatand the bastard but he is horrible at office hrs. If you have the chance to take this prick dont do it!!!

Required (Major)
Mar 2005
Frankly I do not know why people think he is so bad. He presents the material clearly. He does tend to skip quite a few steps but if you ask he will go through them. I hope people who write reviews actually go to class because I am currently taking his 302 class as well and half the people do not show up, which helps me out because they all bomb the test. He does make some pretty odd remarks but they are all meant to be jokes. I have had worse teachers by far.

5th Year Senior
Required (Major)
Sep 2008
Tandon is alright. he's not great, but there are definately worse. many people dont like him that much, and i dont blame them. he's is a bit abraisive. some students had trouble remembering stuff from a previous course and he yelled out that it wasnt his responsibility to re-teach what we should already know, and he has a little bit of a point. one student was so angry with him that he actually called Tandon an asshole to his face! so be warned. ask questions, but otherwise keep quiet. if you have another option for the class you may want to consider it. if Tandon is your only option just take the class and bite your tongue. we wants to try to pass people if he can (on mid level stuff i assume). study and you should survive.

Required (Major)
Nov 2008
By far the worst teacher in the EE deparment. His U's look like V's and the other way around and if you ask him whether he drew a U or a V on the board he will usually yell at you for making fun of his hand writing. It doesn't matter because the only thing he writes on the board are equations he copied straight from the book. He can't tell you what any of the variables mean or what the equation even relates to. All he can do is copy the book. I went into his office hours a couple times and he said he wouldn't help me because i hadn't read the book. but the sad thing is i did, and i showed him where the book doesn't explain anything and he ended up closing his office hours early every time because he didn't want to answer any of my questions. Unless you can teach this course on your own, don't take it with him. and Tandon if you read this.... do the department a favor and please go back into retirement and stay in retirement...

EE 242

Required (Support)
Dec 2000
I was scared on the first day of lab. Tandon seemed totally strict and unwilling to listen. It took a little while for me to learn that he was not as strict as he seemed. He actually has a sense of humor. But he does not like answering questions, and sometimes I think he can't answer them. Perhaps it's all part of his plan: let the student figure it all out by himself. If you do not read the lab ahead of time, you are screwed. It usually takes more than the 3 hours to finish the lab and write-up, so he gives an extra hour to finish it. If you have a good grasp of the labs, you will do good on the final. The final is just a review of the past labs- no equipment necessary. As others have said, Tandon is the kind of teacher most people either love or hate.

Required (Major)
Mar 2002
Tandon was a pretty funny guy. He was okay for lab. I can't imagine taking a lecture course from him however. I think sometimes he makes pretty condenscending comments, just don't take it personally because he does it to everyone. If you make a comment or ask a question he thinks is stupid, he'll say something like, "Absolutely rediculous!" which I thought was hilarious but other people probably didn't. Make sure you really go over the lab before hand and do the prelab and you should be fine.

EE 255

5th Year Senior
Required (Support)
Mar 2005
FUCK THAT LITTLE PIN-HEADED, SQUINTY EYED, LAZY FUCK! Worthless, I have NEVER earned a D in any class up to this point. Dr. Tandon is the most atrocious teacher at ANY university. He could have failed me, but I would have ended his teaching career abruptly.

Required (Major)
Jan 2009
If there's someone else to take, you should probably take them instead of this prof. I don't think I learned anything from his lecture, all the stuff I took into tests was self-taught. He does grade easily but I'd rather have taken someone else to learn the material better. Decent prof in (295) lab, but this class wasn't hard at all. And yeah, his handwriting's pretty bad, but that happens when you're a retired prof apparently. Couldn't imagine him for 228 haha

EE 301

Required (Support)
Nov 1999
Tandon is rude and doesn't really answer student's question. He is the worst EE Prof. that I have had!!!

EE 302

Required (Major)
Aug 2001
Shyama shouldn't be teaching courses that Power Students are taking, simple as that. I don't think his specialty is in Power Courses or Control Systems. He should just stick with lab courses, period.

Required (Major)
Mar 2005
This is the 3rd class I have taken with Professor Tandon, and let me tell you he gets easier each time. Each time his accent gets easier to understand, his handwriting isn't that bad (after some getting used to), and he makes more jokes each day. Tandon assigns and collects homework (has a grader who grades it), but myself and other students believe the score you get on the homework doesn't mean anything, as long as you make an effort and is turned in, he will give you most of the credit for it. His 2 midterms are very do-able and he tells you 80% (4 out of the 5 problems) that will show up on the test so that there is usually no surprises. However, that made many students drop their guards when it came to the final, which was VERY hard for this class - needless to say there was a curve, and most students turned out with the grade they had going into the final (from my perspective). Many people dislike Tandon for his accent, way of laughing at students, and harseness in grading... what those kids need to learn is that this is a college, 300 level course and that if you expect a professor to hold your hand and show you every step so that you don't even need to open the book to earn a good grade, you don't belong here at Cal Poly and if you graduate with a degree it should be ripped up. Professors are not here to baby-sit, and those students need to grow up and develop some self-discipline... Tandon understands this, and if you show effort, he does all that he can to help you and give you the benefit of the doubt when he assigns grades.

Required (Major)
Mar 2006
I thought he was cool when I took him in 228 but he really sucked in 302. In class, the stuff he said was simple enough and made sense but his quizzes and midterms were harder than he taught in class. Basically he taught you the basics in class but the homework, quizzes, midterms, and final were more difficult. They seem like they should be easy but he doesn't teach nearly enough in class to have these tests. If you're the type to never go to class and just learn from the book, if you should be fine. If you depend on the professor to teach you, stay away. Also, his grading seems really arbitrary. People I know all had the exact same grade going into the final and all did about the same stuff on the final. However, some got A's, some got B's, some got C's. I think he picks favorites and gives them A's while other people get B's and C's for the same work. It's makes absolutely no sense

Required (Major)
Oct 2006
Tandon is a good teacher who likes to teach. He presents what is really needed and leaves out the non practical things. He dosent teach topics just because they are in the book. His tests are on the most important topics and he usually does the prob at least 3 time before in class.

Required (Major)
Oct 2006
Great professor, excellent during OH. And also grades on a huge curve! =) Take him if you can.

Required (Major)
Oct 2006
Not a bad prof. He tells you practically the problems that will be on the test. Doesn't care much for attendence or homework, although you should still do them. The final was a bit tougher than the MTs. However, after the curve, I ended up with a B even though I thought I would get a C. Quite a good suprise.

Required (Major)
Apr 2007
Tandon is a funny guy, but he isn't a good teacher. I rarely learned from lecture. His midterms and finals weren't that hard as long since I spent many hours studying the homework and homework solutions. He curves a lot, with his class averages probably being a B or B-.

EE 303

Required (Major)
Nov 2003
Vhat is dis? I'm talking about corona, and no it's not the beer with the lemon! As the first evaluation pointed out, either you hate'm or love'm. His tests are more than fair. Study and do the homework and you should have no problem getting a B or higher. You'll probably get more out of reading the book than listening to his lectures, but that could be said for many professor's. Take him for what he is and appreciate him for what he isn't - one of the Killer B's.

EE 325

Required (Major)
Aug 2001
Dr. Tandon is really a funny, likable guy despite what other students may say. He may not present the material very clearly (his handwriting is hard to read), but he is willing help you if you ask. His accent does take some getting used to. His grading is very fair, but we fell behind the syllabus and he had to rush the last few lectures. He draws lots of diagrams on the board, but does not explain what they are for, so you need to read the material on your own to understand it.

Required (Major)
Apr 2003
professor tandon was a very clear in his presentation of the material and knew what he was teaching very well. he was one of the best professors i've had here.

EE 328

Required (Major)
Jul 1999
Dr. Tandon is a Love'm or Hate'm proffesor, the only way to find out is to take a class and cross your fingers. I find him interesting to listen to, and pretty entertaining. He's extremely helpful in office hours. But if you haven't done the reading, do it before you ask questions...

5th Year Senior
Required (Support)
Nov 2000
Tandon is one of those professors that you will hate while you're taking his class. However, when you talk to other students who take the same class with another professor, you'll appreciate how straightforward Tandon is. If you like having a class taught to you, I wouldn't suggest taking him. However, if you're good at teaching yourself, take Tandon...you won't regret it.

EE 342

Required (Major)
Aug 2001
I believe he knows his materials, but he is definitely not student-friendly. I had him for lab, and everybody hated him. He would often come and try to help us when we didn't need any help. When we really didn't understand something and needed much help, he would end up yelling at us for not understanding the materials and blaming us for not reading the lab manual, of course I had read the manual. He basically wasn't willing to help us when we needed help the most. Don't take Tandon!

EE 406

5th Year Senior
Required (Support)
Mar 2001
Dr Tandon is one of those professors who is Tenured....and knows it. He has a very lax teaching style, and is very unthorough when it comes to explaining material. Although I got an A in the class, I did not learn enough to ready myself for the follow up EE 407...

EDUC 525

Graduate Student
Required (Major)
Nov 2001
Does not care about students. Terrible in office hours. Expects too much from the students to learn on their own because he's just too lazy to teach.

EE 525

Graduate Student
Required (Major)
Nov 2001
Does not care about students. Terrible in office hours. Expects too much from the students to learn on their own because he's just too lazy to teach.