Sutliff, Michael  

Physical Education and Kinesiology


6 evaluations

KINE 310

Required (Support)
Nov 1999
Dr. Sutliff is the best professor that i have ever had at Poly. This is the best LS major class that I have ever taken. His activities are fun and exciting and you will learn more than about PE. He teaches you about actually understanding children and their needs. He is a fair grader, and the only down fall is the text book that he uses. Lots of committment and work to earn a good grade, however, the work that you do is fun, and enjoyable. You do fun activites in class and you actually become friends with your class mates simply because he forces you to become closer. Great class, take this course with Sutliff!

Required (Support)
Jul 2000
This guy has a total ego problem. If you don't surf or are overweight you are doomed. Be prepared to work your ass for a three unit class; that can be taken a little more mightly. I heard the other instructor is worse. But how can anybody be worse than this "DUDE"?

Required (Support)
Nov 2000
Dr. Sutliff is a great professor. He does give a lot of work, but everything is done in groups so it works out ok. He is very understanding and always asks if there are any questions. The class was also great and couldn't have been better with a different professor....

Required (Major)
Jun 2002
Dr. Sutliff was a great professor with lots of fun activities. I learned a lot of fun PE games, and this was a class I enjoyed going to. You have to do a lot of work, but it is group work and most of it fun. Through our activities I got to know all of my classmates, and best of all the one midterm was easy and there was no final! Take this class - best LS one yet.

Required (Major)
Aug 2005
great professor!! he really wanted his students to do well. it was a fun class that teaches you how to teach elementary PE. one day a week its lecture, the other day you play PE. You get with a group and make a PE lesson that you eventually teach to your class and to a real elementary class, which replaces the final. its so fun and i learned more about teaching from this class than any other class ive taken. Sutliff really believes in what he teaches and i wish more professors at Cal Poly cared about their students the way he does.

PE 400

Required (Major)
Jun 2006
Dr. Sutliff is an okay person, but he wants his major students to do all of his work for him. He wants everyone else to work hard while he skates by. He doesn't check in on his students who are doing projects for him. He wants to be this amazing person and has all of the right ideas, but he just isn't that guy. He should give people a break when they aren't that person either. He assumed that if people didn't understand it was their fault and they weren't working hard enough, when sometimes we just didn't understand new concepts. I get why the 310 people love him, but for majors, it is a different world where he only likes people who are "pleasers" and point hungry.