Ryujin, Don  

Psychology and Human Development


162 evaluations

PSY 101

General Ed
Jul 2003
Don is a great guy, he is really funny and great with stories. He is a down to earth Professor who has really great ideas. Take the class

General Ed
Aug 2008
Hes a badass mofo!

PSY 102

General Ed
Jul 2004
He is awesome. I really enjoyed it when he lectured.

General Ed
Mar 2011
He is hilarious. My favorite class in college so far. Take it with Ryujin.

Nov 2015
I took this class because I love psychology and I had free elective units. Don was extremely funny and kept me engaged the entire time. I loved going to his class. The midterms and final are very well written and not hard to do well on. He ended up curving the final grades to the point where i went from a 90% to a 95%. I am signing up for every class he teaches now.

PHYS 201

General Ed
Sep 2001
This guy is one of the best prof you can get! He knows his stuff very very well. He has funny jokes and I enjoyed his class very much. Tests are fair if you know your stuff, an A is no problem. His behavior motifying project was helpful and fun. I totally recommand his to everyone.

PSY 201

General Ed
Nov 1999
I thought he was very fair in his grading. He is the best teacher I have ever had, so far. His test are very comprehensive, but fair. If you read the book and review his lecture its an easy class. The tests are an equal balance of both. He is very funny and you never have a dull moment.

General Ed
Feb 2001
Don is an awesome teacher. I'm an engineer, and because of Don's class I've decided to minor. His lectures are full of insightful stories and you'll leave his class feeling good about the subject

General Ed
Aug 2002
Don Ryujin is awesome. He is so funny; there's never a dull moment. His lectures were pretty easy to understand. He gave a lot of examples that allowed me to better understand the material. I didn't care what grade I would get in his class; I felt lucky I got him. He gave me a very good impression of cal poly; this is what all cal poly teachers should be like.

General Ed
Oct 2002
Funny guy that teaches his material very well. His classes are never boring and he's very into teaching. He makes learning fun and psychology interesting.

General Ed
Feb 2003
Don is one of best instructors Cal Poly has. His lectures are fun to watch and he keeps you instrested throughout the whole time. You won't want to miss a single lecture b/c he makes the material fun.

General Ed
Aug 2003
Ryujin is an awesome lecturer, although he talked a lot about his life and some problems he faced being Asian, his stories and stuff were really kinda tight. I never really got into Psychology like a lot of people did in this class, but I still liked attending his class. Lecture is held in a huge auditorium with about 500 students, so taking the midterms gets a little cramped, but its fine. 3 midterms, a short term paper, and a final. Nothing more than you should expect, nothing less. Take the class, try to have fun, but most importantly get it done with. Oh, and the 15 minute breaks in between the lectures make a great time to escape and get some grub. Bring a notepad to draw on also.

General Ed
Aug 2003
A must have. The class is total fair its not hard and if you want to get a B it'll take minimal work. He really helps you find yourself and by the time you finish his class you'll leave wishing you could take it again.

General Ed
Aug 2003
>>>>>>>>>> TO EVERYONE OUT THERE Don Ryujin is clearly one of the best teachers you'll ever find at Cal Poly SLO. He's funny, a big motivator, and very informative. Literally, the guy knows his stuff. You might say that he's bias on certain subjects, HOWEVER, if you take the time to understand why he says it that way, you could accept his lecture instead of agreeing with it. The class consisted of 3 tests (40 multiple-choices and 4 short answers), and one Behavior Modification Project. I will only state this: if you want to take a class where you'll gain something out of it, remember some of his memorable lectures, and, most of all, learn more about YOURSELF (Self-Acutalization)...this is the class for you. I can promise that the majority of you will NEVER regret taking this class.

General Ed
Sep 2003
Don is seriously a wonderful teacher. He cares for each of his students. He makes sure they clearly understand the material and presents it in an easy way to remember. His lectures well...they're just one of a kind. Non-stop laughing. His tests are ok. There were always like 5 multiple choice questions (out of 40) that made you say "wtf." I always seemed to miss those 5, but did well on the essays (which were from his notes). I worked pretty hard and ended up with an A. If you don't mind putting in effort, I'd recommend this class. To all the people who understand this.. CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIE!! Hahahaha

General Ed
Oct 2003
Don is definately one of the best teachers I have every had. He really cares about his students and is always willing to help. His door is always open to anyone. I never really liked psychology until I had him. He made the course very interesting and after taking his class, I see things very differently. I highly recommend Don. He is probably one of the best teachers you will ever have.

General Ed
Jan 2004
A GREAT TEACHER!!! A must have teacher for psychology. He makes it interesting, funny, and very informative. Comparing to other psychology classes at other schools, he makes psychology the best. Take him, he's a must!

General Ed
Sep 2004
HE IS AWESOME! AND SI 2004 Summer of Champions.I still remember the 4 F's Feeding Fightinh Fear Sex

General Ed
Apr 2006
Ryujin is the best teacher I have had at Poly so far, and maybe the best I have ever had. He made me want to switch my major to Psych after taking his class, he that good. He is also very funny and makes the material easy and fun. TAKE HIM

General Ed
Sep 2006
I took Don during Summer Institute 2006, and Don is one of the best teachers I have ever had! He's a very humble guy, and he didn't get a bunch of teaching awards for nothing. He presents in a very humourous fashion, and if you're paying attention, it's a fun class. Over the 3 weeks, we had a test every monday, and most of the material was on the lectures. They are worth 60 points: 40 from 40 m/c questions and 20 from 4 short essay questions. He speaks really quietly, so get a seat up front for the full experience. Finally, there was no homework. If you can get a chance to take Don, I highly reccommend it!

Sep 2006
Don is a wonderful teacher. I think his lectures are interesting and funny. I don't remember ever being bored. He covers almost everything you will need for tests and tons of other interesting things. Psychology, like anything, can seem awful if you have a bad teacher. Don makes it really interesting though. The only downside to him is that sometimes he speaks softly, but he may not notice that he's doing this. Depending on the room you're in you may not need to worry about this. Good luck at Cal Poly.

General Ed
Sep 2006
I took the class as part of the Summer Institute program and I consider myself lucky to have had Don as a teacher! He is wonderfully entertaining, and makes the most boring aspects of psychology interesting. His mnemonics actually work, and I guarantee that you'll remember what the OVP and schemas are forever (the Force and cookie theory anyone?).

General Ed
Sep 2006
Don is great. He cares about his students a lot and he is very entertaining. He try's to keep the students interested in the subjects and he succeeds. So far he is my favorite teacher of all time. If you have a chance to take a class with him i recommend you take it. You'll learn a lot and have a great time and make a good friend.

General Ed
Sep 2006
I took this course during Summer Institute. Don is the best teacher i have had so far. He is clear and precise. I am a visual learner, so his teaching techniques make it easy for me to remember the material. About half of the test, which is multiple choice, consist on the lecture and the rest is on the textbook, the other half consists of short answer essays, which i can pretty much guarantee you that 99.99 percent will be from lectures. He makes the class interesting with his cookie theory and star wars lectures. you cant get any better than Don!

Required (Support)
Sep 2006
Don is an awesome professor! The 4 F's! Very informative and useful. read and study notes. You'll do fine. Whoever said that Don is a "bias asshole" ... you are WORTHLESS! Don is highly recommended for any Psyc course you may have to take.

General Ed
Oct 2006
I took Don's PSY 201 class for Summer Institute '06. Your grade will be based on 3 tests and a behavior modification project. Definitely take his class if you can. Don presents the material clearly and makes every lecture both fun and informative. Believe me, you'll miss his class after it's over (I know I do!). Someone mentioned "Asian 101" in an earlier post. The original poster is a closed-minded asshole, period. If that person had taken the time to listen to what Don actually said, he/she would've understood where Don's coming from.

General Ed
Jul 2009
Awesome teacher with amazing life experiences and stories.

General Ed
Dec 2009
Don has the best stories I\'ve heard so far. I looked forward to going to his lectures each day, it was a real interesting class. Tests were challenging and straightforward.

Required (Support)
Jan 2010
Ryujin\'s class was excellent. His lectures were entertaining; the tests were easy; and they will drop the lowest test grade of one of the 3 midterms or the final. I didn\'t take the final, but the midterms were easy and there are great online resources telling you exactly what to study.

General Ed
Feb 2010
A wonderful professor who has a lot of passion for psychology and a great sense of humor. It isn\'t easy to keep an auditorium of students (the largest class on campus last quarter) engaged, but he did it. I truly had a greater understanding of the human mind after taking this course. You have four exams which are equivalent to each other, with one of those exams being the final. Only the three highest scoring exams are counted in the final grade, which means you can completely skip the final exam (as I did). The exams are all multiple choice, which makes them much easier than the usual college course exam. Again, Don Ryujin is a fantastic professor, and the PSY 201 course is very rewarding.

General Ed
Mar 2010
If you\'re going to take PSY 201, take Ryujin! I\'m recommending this class to all my friends only because of him. He\'s my favorite professor at CP so far. He makes lectures fun and can get the whole class (over 500 students) laughing their heads off with his jokes. If I could take his class again, I would. The class itself isn\'t too bad. Just make sure to take notes in class & read the material. Don\'t procrastinate until the last minute to study for the midterm. The online class page for this class is very helpful, USE IT. Make sure to eat breakfast before this class because there\'s security guards in the front that won\'t let you in until you finish your drink or food.

General Ed
Mar 2010
Ryujin is a joke.. He is totally sexist against men because I guess he feels obligated to be? Everything he lectured was common sense, and I really didn\'t learn one thing from him. Really ironic that he tells the class how long distance relationships will NEVER work, when he himself admits that he had one with his current wife..... With the class, I didn\'t even buy the book and I got a B.. Pretty basic, just study the key terms online before the exam. My advice would be to take Kinesiology 250 (Healthy Living) instead of this class to fulfill the GE requirement.

General Ed
Mar 2010
Th guy below me--chill. He isn\'t sexist towards men, I think he just liked getting a laugh out of the 500 person crowd. Yes, our class contained 500 students. Dr. Ryujin was a great lecturer, he was funny and informative. He seemed like a really nice guy. Since he didn\'t make up our tests or do anything else besides lecture then I don\'t really have much else to evaluate him on. I would take him again though.

Required (Support)
Mar 2010
Dr. Ryujin is a talented professor. His lectures are very engaging and interesting. He makes the material really relatable to the students, such as when he discusses romantic relationships and depression in college. There are three midterms, a short paper, and an optional final. NO HOMEWORK OR OTHER OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES! if you are satisfied with your grade, you do not have to take the final, for he throws out your lowest score out of the four exams. Again, the class was enjoyable and pretty easy if you utilize the amazing course website.

General Ed
Apr 2010
This guy almost had me contemplating switching majors, he was hilarious so it was easy to pay attention in class. If you do well on the midterms (which will require some book reading in addition to attending the lectures), you don\'t have to take the final. Take Ryujin!

General Ed
Sep 2010
Don is a great man. He\'ll make psychology interesting for y\'all.

General Ed
Oct 2011
This professor is no doubt one of the best ever, he is hilarious, plus he explain everything good, if I could i would definitely take the class again because he is a great teacher, no doubt about that.

General Ed
Oct 2011
Don is an amazingly inspirational teacher and will tell you things how they are. I personally didn't enjoy the material whatsoever but the stories he told along with the applications of the material were intriguing. Nonetheless it was one of the hardest B's that I've ever worked for in my entire life. The readings were rather long (and often difficult) and sometimes it was hard to retain the information. I took this class during summer so there were only 58 people. However, we were putting in about 11 hours each week which proved to be very demanding. The only thing that I can suggest is that you sit at the front, pay close attention to what he's saying because his voice is slightly impaired, read the book, and memorize all of the diagrams and important studies in the lecture notes to the best of your ability. Good luck.

General Ed
Oct 2011
Amazing!!!!!!!!! S.I. 2011 <3

General Ed
Nov 2011
SI 2011 is better than SI 2007 and SI 2009!!!

General Ed
Dec 2012
Honestly, Dr. Ryujin is an amazing professor. He is very helpful, understanding, patient, hilarious educated professor that will not only teach the material, but help you grow as a person as well. I truly feel like he cares for his students. His way of teaching is very helpful, it must be his psychology background of course. The way he presents everything is very simple and actually engages you and makes you pay attention. Very interesting, and cool professor. I highly recommend him. He's very clear and as long as you do what he says, you will earn a good grade. Fun class, definitely recommend him!

General Ed
Dec 2013
The funniest class and teacher I have ever had in school. Always a fun time. The topics he talks about in class are relevant to everyday life. There are 3 tests (one of which is the final). He makes the first test 20% of your grade and the next 2 30% so you can get used to them. The tests consist of 40 multiple choice questions and short answers. The tests are about 50-50 in class material and textbook material. If you do not read from the textbook you won't get better than a C+. There's also a B-Mod project that is very easy and I was able to finish the paper the day before it was due. Definitely recommend, especially over the other 500 person Psych 201 class.

General Ed
Jan 2014
Don is seriously the best!! I am so glad I had him for my first psych lecture. He is able to present information in a clear and concise way that makes sense and makes it really doable to pass the class if you keep up with lectures and reading. Not only is he a great professor, he treats his students like adults, something that can be hard to find in classes. I hope I can have him again in the future!!

General Ed
Feb 2014
Definitely a great professor. He is very passionate about his job and it shows. As long as you attend class and do the reading, it is very possible to get an A. He makes the lectures very interesting and pretty funny at times. He is also very helpful during office hours. I suggesting taking this class!

General Ed
Dec 2014
Don is an amazing professor! His lectures are always so easy to follow, especially since he is so funny. He does always make jokes about long distance relationships ending, but take it lightly...You will love this class! He's very helpful in that he gives you acronyms to remember specific things, and he's always available during office hours! Tests are based primarily off lecture and some of the book. Take this class if you can!

Required (Support)
Dec 2015
Don is a great teacher! he made the topics generally interesting to students and was very clear of his expectations. for the midterms he gives, make sure to pay attention and take notes during his lectures, half the midterm is from the lecture and half from the book so you need to read and listen. as long as you do that it should be fairly easy to get an A. enjoy his class, especially if you're never taking psych again after!

General Ed
Dec 2015
Don was an incredible professor and person. His lectures are informative and extremely helpful when it comes to his tests. When you study for his midterms: READ the book, do the objectives, do the class handouts, and review your notes from in class and you'll do well in the class. If you're given the opportunity to have a class with Don TAKE IT.

Dec 2015
Don is an amazing professor who really wants to make the class enjoyable for his students. His study guides are super helpful for his tests, and I think his tests are fair if you go to class and do your reading. He never tries to trick you. GO TO CLASS, that was so helpful for me.

General Ed
Feb 2016
The best teacher I have ever had! He is very clear with what is on his tests and explains things in the clearest way possible. If I could give him 10 stars I would. TAKE THIS CLASS!!!

General Ed
Feb 2016
Great man and great teacher. He cares about his students and keeps the lectures very fun and enjoyable. I had him in a 7 am class and didn't mind waking up to go to this class. TAKE THIS CLASS. It's not an easy A though. You have to read the book, study the lecture notes, and go to class if you want an A. But honestly it's a great class to go to. I wish I could take this class again!

General Ed
Aug 2017
Don is a great professor! The way he grades is unbiased, and he is fair to all the students. The tests are composed of multiple choice and free response questions based on lecture and the textbook. Read the book and the lecture notes and you'll be fine in the class. He teaches the material with his own little pictures and acronyms that help a lot. He is a great person in general!! I definitely recommend taking his classes.

General Ed
Sep 2017
SI 2017!!!! Don is such a wonderful teacher. He makes the class interesting and relates the topics to the students using his life experiences and current events!! He's such a lovable professor and I can't wait to see him in the fall to say Hi!

PSY 202

Required (Major)
Aug 2001
Dr. Ryujin is a great teacher and a great person. His lectures are awesome and he incorporates a lot of humor into his teaching. His tests are somewhat difficult, but he curbs them. I did not do too well in his class, but that was totally my fault. OVERALL DR. RYUJIN IS A GREAT TEACHER.

General Ed
Dec 1999
Don is awesome. I suggest you sign up for him for recitation because he's the only one that prepares you for the exam. His funny and is very personalbe. This class was interesting and worth anyone's time. You get out with a better understanding of yourself. There's alot of reading and if you get behind your screwed. But besides that test are multiple choice and not commulatative. Take this class. DOn't be scared that its so big because you get your personal attention during recitation.

General Ed
Mar 2000
He was a wonderful teacher!! If you need to take psy 202 take it with him- He always had the attention of the class and made learning about psy fun.

General Ed
Apr 2000
This class was so far the best class I have taken at Cal Poly. Don is funny and presents the material very well. The class is large, but it is easy to understand and you can always ask questions in recitation. The reading isn't too bad because he gives you some learning objectives. If you can answer the learning objectives you will do fine on the tests. I really recomment Don for psych.

General Ed
May 2000
Don is an amazing teacher! His lectures are interesting and make you think, plus they're humorous. Even though it's a huge class, you can get questions answered and things clarified in recitation. You learn so many things that you can apply to your own life in this class. If you take Psych 202, you HAVE TO take recitation with Ryujin. He's the best and he prepares you for the exams. Plus, he has a review session before the exams, so you have one last chance to ask questions about things you don't understand. Phenomenal professor, incredible class.

General Ed
Dec 2000
Don is very entertaining. He kept the class interesting.

General Ed
Dec 2000
Dr. R is by far the best psyc teacher of them all. BE SURE TO GET HIM FOR YOUR RCT!!! he is the only teacher who tells you what you will be tested on, his classes always do better on tests. Out os all the boring psyc teachers he is the most fun and does activities that the other classes dont do. you will never have homework unlike the other rcts. take him for sure

Jan 2001
Ryujin is a very guy and he definitely knows how to throw humor in to make the class remember certain terms. However i found that most of his recitations didnt really have that much to do with the tests. He would always say, i promise that this will be on the test, and then you would go take the test and there would be one question. He does make a decent effort in trying to get his students to pass the class, he always said that if yo0u were having trouble go see him and he would give you a tutor. Overall i wouldnt reccomend psy 202 to anyone unless its a required course, but if you do decide to take it i would reccomend another teacher for recitation, probably slem since he is the one who made up the tests

General Ed
Feb 2001
Don is the greatest teacher! You'll definitely learn a lot in this class and have fun too. He's got lot's of interesting stuff to say, he's well educated on the subject, and he's funny too. The class is tough though.

General Ed
Mar 2001
He is a great professor easy to talk to, very helpfull if you take advantage of his office hours..He imcorparates humor into his lectures and some personal experiences. Which make it even better and easier to understand. His quizzes are a bit difficult, but he is more than willing to help. I would also like to mention that I took psy 202 in the summer during SI 2000, and had a class of only 35 students, which made that class even better!!!

General Ed
Mar 2001

General Ed
Mar 2001
He's a nice guy that wants you to be ready for the tests, which to me was more importnant than learning. It all depends on how hard you want to work. I didn't work hard at all, and I got a C. Other people seemed to be interested and got A's. But he is a good teacher and I recommend him.

General Ed
Apr 2001
Ryujin is very, very good. He prepares you for the tests, and he's probably the best out of all the recitation teachers. It's hard to get an A in the class, but really easy to get a B. The class is just three tests worth 30% each (based on 40% lecture and 60% text), then 10% on three really easy quizzes on what was covered in recitation. If you take PSY202, take Ryujin, he's the best.

General Ed
Dec 2001
Doctor Ryujin is one of the best professors I have met here at Poly. Very knowledgable about his subject, and very, very friendly. Always pleasant during office hours...Definitely recommend him for recitation...Enjoyed him so much I've decided to minor in psychology with him as my advisor! Havent met one person who didnt say this guy was great. Take Ryujin.

Mar 2002
This guy is great. Psych 202 is a great class in general. I didn't have Ryujin for recitation, but he was defninitely the best lecturer. He is very funny and very knowledgable. I would take this class if you can, and try to get Ryujin for the recitation as well.

Required (Major)
Apr 2002
Don is the best teacher I have had at poly so far. He sparked my intrest in psych, and encouraged me to get a minor in psych. His test aren't easy, but they are very fair. He explains the material very well, and makes the subject enjoyable. I would suggest Ryujin for any class.

General Ed
Apr 2002
Excellent teacher. He humps the air! (the Ryujin ass-exercise) Recommend!

General Ed
May 2002
Don was an excellent instructor! He helped us clarify exactly what we needed to know for the test. His quizes were very easy so it helped out the overall score for the course. He was very entertaining and had a lot of funny stories to share. Take him as your recitation teacher! You won't be sorry!

General Ed
Jun 2002
Awesome Guy. Tells you stories that will have you rolling with laughter, yet still pertains to the subject. Take him if you can!!!!

General Ed
Jun 2002
Here's the skinny on PSY 202. I didn't find it to be that exciting of a course but that's just my opinion. It's a lot of technical and scientific jargon for a course that studies people. The text is rather wordy and not exciting to read. Some parts of the course are interesting- I enjoyed the stuff on emotion, depression, the disorders, some stuff on the brain- but they really need to modernize the course and get a better text. You have to attend all lectures, recitations and read the text to do really well in this course. The multiple choice tests are pretty tough. With every test comes quite a few questionable questions. Some of them were either unfair, poorly worded, or didn't cover valid material. You really need to study your butt off for these things. The recitation kinda helped with the tests also. Don, on the other hand, had a great lecturing style. I always like his lectures just a little bit more than the others. He really could get the place laughing and had an upbeat style about him. I really think that he should do ALL the lecturing in the course and let the others just teach recitation. It was a cool GE, but Psych is not for me.

General Ed
Jun 2002
I'd have to say that Dr. Ryujin is the funniest guy i know. He makes the classroom a fun but also educational environment. Overall the class was easy...it was a wierd setup though...different teachers lecture everyday. My only word of advice...WATCH OUT FOR THE TESTS!!!! The tests are written by Dr. Gary Laver!!! He writes the most ambiguous tests i've ever seen. I studied my ass off for this class and when it came time to tests i knew the answers but the choices weren't on the test!!! Read the book and pay attention in lecture. GOOD LUCK!!

General Ed
Feb 2003
Don is a bias asshole!

General Ed
Feb 2003
This guy has got to be one of the funniest instructors at cal poly. His lectures were never boring and he's really into the subject too. His humor helps a lot to remember the material. Take him if you can.

General Ed
Feb 2003
Dr. Ryujin is probably one of the funniest professors you could have. He made the lecture so worth it. The grade was all me, it is so easy to get an A in the class if you actually try. Definitely worth having, also Slem and Morrill were really good too.

General Ed
Feb 2003
I believe I signed up for Psychology 202, not Asian 101. He knows his stuff, but I don't think he went a lecture without tying something into his ethnicity.

General Ed
Mar 2003
Good lecturer, not great, but good.

General Ed
Mar 2003
When this guy lectures you come away with more trivia facts than Psych material. I think that's actually a good thing for an introductory psych course. His lectures were spirited and upbeat compared to the other prof's lectures. And those theatre seats are much more comfortable than classroom desks. Also, this course is EXTREMELY organized. The web page is great and recitations help your grade. TAKE THIS COURSE IF YOU WANT A BEARABLE GE!!

General Ed
Mar 2003
The lectures Ryujin gave were hilarious and informative. The theater seats are comfy, and the lectures are peppered with video clips. The material is basic, but the examples make the subject more interesting. Overall, I learned a lot about people and how they act. If you are interested in human behavior, then this is the class for you. The exams are written by Dr. Slem, whom I'm told is much better than the previous test writer. I really recommend this class because it is filled with useful information, and it is taught by great professors.

General Ed
May 2003
This is an excellent professor. Of all the classes I have taken at Poly, very few have been in the lecture hall format. I was saddened when I was forced to take this one for the GE. However, the lectures by Ryujin were fun and informative. The way he expresses the material makes it easy to remember, like the gym workout (You'll find out when you take the class). The tests and paper were not onerous as they could have easily been, and the class was mostly enjoyable. It was also easy enough to make going only semi-required. This class informed me much more than I had hoped into Psychology, which was excellent. The only other thing to say is find a good recitation prof - they grade you.

General Ed
Jul 2003
This guy was awesome. I took 202 which is a 500 person lecture taught by about 6 different people. Ryujin was the main guy and probably did about 6/18 lectures (I wish he had done them all). He is hilarious, a very captivating speaker that kept my attention for the full 1.5 hours every time he lectured, and he knows his stuff (he never uses lecture notes)... Grading was 3 exams, all equally weighted, 1 paper, and a recitation grade. Take this class with Ryujin, you will not be disappointed.

General Ed
Oct 2003
Don has an attitude different from a lot of professors. He teaches, and adds anecdotes along with the teachings. He shows videos of the lessons learned. And not to mention he goes over EVERYTHING needed for the test. I had a class of 30 but the grading policy was very easy, and don't fail a test, because it'll make you behind. The homework load was simple, because it was mainly reading chapters. You can actually skim or read the chapters, because half of the test is on the text. I am glad i had Ryujin because i heard horrifying stories of Psy 202 and it turned out to be untrue. Don has really good mnemonic devices to help you learn the material easy, because its a lot of material to learn.

General Ed
Apr 2004
He is so funny, he actually made psychology 202 one of my favorite classes. He makes everything so interesting, and gives lots of examples. I never missed a class where he was lecturing. He is the reason to take psy 202!!

General Ed
Jun 2004
easy class. Ryujin makes it pretty entertaining. His facial expressions are intense. Great job with such a large class.

General Ed
Sep 2004
This class is really easy and the professors present the material in a way that is very easy to understand. I really recommend it bc you will not be bored and it is an easy b if not an a.

General Ed
Nov 2004
Such a GREAT professor. He is funny, smart, little, asian, and he makes fun of himself. He is really one of the best teachers at poly and the best psycology teacher. his Wife is so Hott! LUCKY!

Required (Major)
Feb 2005
This man is incredible. All around a great professor and an even better guy. Take any class you can with him.

Required (Major)
May 2005
Don is AMAZING! He's the reason I switched my ajor... "Follow the Force!" You'll understand when you hear his star wars lecture. Anyway, he's out of this world awesome and you should take him for ANYTHING he teaches!!

General Ed
Jun 2005
It's only natural that the head of the Psych department is the best Psych teacher, and Dr. Ryujin is indeed one of the best. In PSY 202 you take a lecture with 500+ students and several lecturers over the quarter, and a smaller, 30-student recitation section with one of the lecturers. Prof. Ryujin is funny, witty, enthusiastic, and passionate about his subject. He really makes psychology fun and you'll come away from the class learning much more than what the material teaches. If you're taking a PSY class I definitely recommend Ryujin or Slem; avoid King and Ryan.

General Ed
Jun 2005
awesome lecturer! i never missed a day when he was lecturing. he is extremely funny and he relates everything to his students well. you know a professor is good at his job when you go to class and you feel like you aren't at class. i would totally recommend him for any class.

General Ed
Mar 2006
Ryujin is funny, interesting, and a great teacher all around. The material itself is interesting, but Don is able to keep you interested over the entire lecture. The class is really easy if you just use the website to study and go to the lectures.

General Ed
May 2006
Great Teacher. Tells you everything you need to know and then some.

General Ed
Jun 2006
Ryujin is very entertaining! His lectures are always interesting and informative. DON'T BUY THE BOOK!!! EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW FOR THIS CLASS IS ONLINE!!! :)

General Ed
Oct 2006
This guy is soooo funny. 2 e-props.

General Ed
Apr 2007
Ryujin was great as the lecture instructor for PSY. In a class with 500 students, he was able to make Psy interesting. I'm pretty sure you don't have much of a choice for lecture, but he's a good guy, so take his rec too

Required (Major)
Aug 2007
considering how many people were in that lecture, ruyjin was very good at teaching. and he's married to dr. breaux, the milf

Dec 2007
This guy is awesome. He's the best of the lecturers and can actually make them interesting. One of the only lecturers I didn't want to fall asleep to. And this class, I barely studied for tests [just looked a little through the lectures and did a couple online quizzes] and got C's on them. I did the paper....turned it in the monday after it was due for me [due friday before] and got a B-. I actually read the 4 chapters for the final and apparently that worked because i got a B- in the class. Ryujin is a cool guy so take it!

General Ed
Dec 2007
Excellent lecturer. I was in a huge lecture class with 500 people and the only interesting teacher in the group was Dr. Ryujin. He's very easy to listen to and relate to. I didn't know him on a personal level as i never went to office hours for this class

General Ed
Jan 2008
Don Ryujin makes the lectures even more interesting than they already are (I enjoy Psychology) which is a huge plus because some of the other lecturers are very boring and monotonous which can get very tiring during the 1.5 hour lecture. Definitely one of my favorite professors.

General Ed
Feb 2008
Don is a good professor. Even with a class of 500+ he still manages to make everyone laugh and make everyone feel included. Not a lot of people like psychology, but enjoy it with Ryujin. Try to get him for recitation too.

General Ed
Mar 2008
Class was interesting. I liked how we had a different speaker every week, it kept things a lot less boring and if you had a poor speaker one week it was definitely possible you would have a really good one the following class. tests were ok, but mostly this is your standard large lecture class. take it if you can.

General Ed
May 2008
He's a rockstar, like Schoonover, but in a more subtle and quiet way. One of the most well attended large size lecture classes I've taken, which speaks for itself. Most classes have a take-home message relative to RL. Something about managing your relationship with the bf/gf or parents' expectations. Good personal stories sprinkled in, too. Testing is multiple choice from both the book and lecture. I took notes, reviewed them, and read the assigned reading once through. I didn't find the tests at all hard. If you don't test well on multiple choice, though, be warned.

General Ed
Dec 2008
Awesome teacher! Definitly do the blue sheets and read, it helps! Reading before class helps understand lecture but reading after helps you understand reading. Depending on how you like to learn. Study for midterms it helps!

General Ed
Jun 2011
He was the bomb! His lectures were interesting and fun. The class was just easy and one i will miss. Use the online resources!

General Ed
Nov 2011
Ryujin is one of the funniest professors that Cal Poly has. Every time I went to class, I learned something new and actually enjoyed myself. The tests weren't that hard if you read the material and take decent notes. For a G.E. this class was awesome.

General Ed
Dec 2011
Loved his lectures. They were humorous, informative, and light-heated. He always ended each lecture on a very inspiring and positive note. One of my favorite professors at Cal Poly. A definite recommendation!

General Ed
Dec 2011
Ryujin was the main instructor for my psy 202 class, and although there were many other speakers for this class, Ryujin was by far my favorite. His lectures were funny and animated, and I definitely looked forward to hearing him speak. Definitely take him if you have the chance!

General Ed
Jan 2012
Ryujin was the best part of this class. His lectures were funny and actually kept you interested. He has a great sense of humor and knows his stuff. If you want to take psych 202 take the one with him, which I think is listed under Dr. Laver on pass. This has been my favorite class at CP so far. Take it! You'll love him.

General Ed
Feb 2012
Basically, he is full of canned jokes that would make middle-schoolers (and apparently most cal poly freshman) laugh their hearts out. Personally I found his humor obnoxious and lame. Also take away his humor and he teaches nothing, and is not particularly bright. Bottom line if you usually agree with most people take him cause I won't deny I'm very different from most. Also, my girlfriend had his class the year before me so we found out all his jokes were the exact same and his "drawing mistakes" that would randomly end up looking like boobs or something were also staged. Lastly, he is (in my personal opinion) a total crowd pleaser. For example: he will spend a good portion of almost every lecture whining about there not being enough work done in psychology on emotions while he has a PhD and has been in the field 10+ and that all he will ever tell you. Cause he is just so smart and right.

General Ed
May 2012
Extremely entertaining, hilarious and great at teaching. I don't even think there is another professor to chose for this class, but if there was, then you shouldn't even think about it. Ryujin all the way. Even at the end of the quarter you'll want to go to his lectures because its worth the time to listen to him.

General Ed
Nov 2013
Easy class and he makes the material very interesting. Take this class, nuff said. Just make sure you get a good discussion leader.

General Ed
Nov 2013
One of the best teachers I have had. He is a hilarious guy during the lectures which makes psych even more interesting than it already is. The tests aren't too hard if you study. Get a good discussion teacher though, s/he is the one that determines your grade in the class and "looks after you" during the quarter in the class of over 400 students

Required (Support)
Mar 2014
Not going to lie, Psych 202 is a LOT of material and it's in short periods of time, but having Ryujin as the main lecturer and I had him for discussion really was a benefit for me. He is hilarious, his lectures don't put you to sleep and I have a genuine interest for Psychology now. TAKE RYUJIN! Tip: Read the chapters as soon as possible before or after each lecture to stay on top of the material, if you wait, it WILL pile up (learned from experience).

General Ed
Sep 2014
He's a great professor. I always looked forward to his lectures.

General Ed
Nov 2014
Professor Ryujin is an excellent teacher. He presents material clearly and uses humor to keep students engaged. His study guides and demonstrations are a great help for exams. Ryujin is definitely the professor you want for your discussion section.

General Ed
Nov 2014
He is so intelligent, I had such a great time going to his class. I always skip my classes, but never his! He's such a great teacher, and I learned so much from him. He's funny, easy, and helpful. Definitely get him for a psych class!

Required (Major)
Dec 2014
I had Ryujin for my discussion leader for PSY 202. For the class (400 student lecture in Spanos) there were 2 midterms and a final, all noncumulative. Don gave the discussion groups (about 40 students) an hour long lecture once a week clarifying what had been done in the lectures in Spanos, additional information, and study guides for the tests. He curved the tests and took out questions not covered in the study guide which was nice. Class was interesting- he's a great lecturer. He also rounds grades up if you do the extra credit! Great professor, would definitely recommend.

General Ed
Dec 2014
By far the most interesting class I've ever taken. You can get away with skipping a few lectures and still do well on the midterms/final but in all honesty they're usually fun to sit through so I recommend doing it. You HAVE to read the book though or you definitely will not pass the 3 tests that make up your grade. Idk I don't usually like going to class but I was always excited for this one. Ryujin is by far one of my favorite teachers. He's super passionate and engaging which makes you actually want to learn and listen to what he has to say.

General Ed
Jan 2015
Lectures weren't always dry, especially when Ryujin was lecturing. This class is actually very hard to earn an A in. But definitely worth it. I had to invest a lot of time studying and reading the textbook, which is extremely dense. The only way to pass the tests is with the readings. Do the online flashcards and quizzes, super helpful! In his discussion section he gives quizzes after each midterm and you MUST attend his discussion section it is the only way to get a good grade on the quiz, even though the questions are super easy but its stuff you only know from being there. Overall great guy and even rounds grades! Ended up with an A-

General Ed
Feb 2015
I had Don for my recitation section, and it was easily my favorite class that quarter. Dr. Ryujin is funny, knows his stuff, and makes the material interesting. He makes absolutely sure to prepare you for the lecture tests, which was hugely helpful, and only has token weekly quizzes. Go to class and they're a piece of cake. The (400 student) lecture can get a bit dry, but overall PSY 202 was a surprisingly interesting class. I did zero reading and still ended up with a B. With a little bit more effort, it would have been an easy A. If you need a D4 GE, take 202 with Ryujin. You won't regret it.

General Ed
Mar 2015
I thought that this class-which was actually taught by many professors-was so fun to attend. Every lecture was interesting and I honestly learned so much. However, it was a lot of reading...I mean a lot. If you actually want an A in this class, don't expect it to be a cake walk. That being said, it is very possible if you put in the work. And you will have fun.

General Ed
May 2015
Really great at teaching the material, he made it all really understandable and memorable. I think he was an awesome professor.

General Ed
May 2015
I absolutely loved Professor Ryujin! I had him as a professor for discussion and he would sometimes give lectures in Spanos. His lectures were by far the best. He was incredibly helpful in discussion and made jokes all the time. He went over what he believed we needed to study for on the midterms. He was very helpful in prepping us for the midterms with quizzes (easy), great notes, and study guides. Overall, would definitely recommend this professor.

General Ed
Jun 2015
One of the best professors at Cal Poly. Dr. Ryujin's lectures were something I definitely looked forward to every week. Nothing else really needs to be said about the guy, just look at all of the good ratings here. I highly recommend taking Dr. Ryujin

General Ed
Mar 2016

General Ed
Mar 2016
Had him for discussion. He gives you a study guide for topics he thinks will be on test. He is really helpful and goes over things that we need to know. 15% of your grade is on quizzes he gives. As long as you go to his class you should get every question on the quizzes correctly. Would highly recommend.

Required (Support)
Mar 2016
Dr. Ryujin is hands down one of the best professors I have had at Cal Poly! I had him for the discussion section portion of PSY 202. He offers 3 simple quizzes (15% of your overall grade) just to ensure you show up to class--the quizzes are VERY easy. Moreover, he really knows how to engage his students and make discussion section enjoyable and interesting. He also does an EXCELLENT job preparing you for the midterms, providing study guides and handy acronyms to help students remember the information better. He even offers 5pts of extra credit for participating in a research study! I highly recommend Ryujin!!!

General Ed
Mar 2016
I wish he lectured more in psych! His lectures were always the most interesting. He's such a gifted public speaker, each lecture sounded like a TED talk. HIGHLY RECOMMEND!

Required (Support)
Jun 2016
Don Ryujin had the most engaging and entertaining lectures I've had from any professor at Cal Poly so far. His anecdotes were not only relevant, they were interesting stories about his life, and they often related to some greater purpose or deeper meaning. You can tell just how passionate this man is about teaching just from listening to his lectures. He taught PSY 202 along with a couple of less entertaining professors such as Gary Laver and Kathy Ryan, whose lectures were more just a presentation of information from the text. This class required you write a paper that was really easy to write and easy to get an A on. I never read the text book, instead, to study I always just did the quizzes on the online syllabus and it was enough to get a B in the class (maybe even an A if I had written my paper on time and didn't lose a lot of the points; my mistake, though). Pay attention to all of the lectures from this class and try not to miss them because they do come up on the test. For me, it was not hard to pay attention to Ryujin. Overall, to do well just show up to class and listen.

General Ed
Jun 2016
His discussion sections were SUPER helpful on the exams. He gives you quizzes but they are basically just easy points, I did not study for one of them and got 100% on them all.

General Ed
Dec 2016
DON IS THE SHIT! He was by far the most interesting 202 lecturer and not to mention hilarious. His lectures were captivating and informative. I did not have him for my discussion teacher so I can't speak to what he's like in that sense, but as one of the many lecturers for 202 he's great. Don't miss his lectures because they're usually some of the most important and definitely the most interesting.

General Ed
Jan 2017
Don is an amazing professor that is really good at connecting with the students during his lectures. He is also very knowledgeable and relatable, and his lectures are often the most important and most relevant to your life. He is very easy to pay attention to as well. I also had him for discussion. He is equally as genial, but he talks less psychology and more "how to do well on the exam in terms of blah blah blah material." So it isn't really as much of a discussion as a study session, though you can ask him questions during class if you so desire. But the way he helps you remember the material in discussion is really good for the exam, so be sure to attend and get all the tips you can (it will totally save you having to read too much in the book). Pair his study guides with the online resources and you should do pretty well (above average for sure) on all the exams. Don't forget about the writing assignment; it's pretty chill for the most part but Laver always grades them so it doesn't matter who your discussion professor is in terms of the writing assignment. But take any class you can with Don, he is really a very solid professor.

Required (Major)
Jan 2017

General Ed
Mar 2017
BEST PSYCH PROF AT CAL POLY!!!!!! Don is the best person ever!!!! He's a great person AND an even better professor!!!!! His sections always score the highest so do whatever you can to get Don! HE explains everything so well he makes it so easy!!! GREAT GUY AND GREAT TEACHER!!!!!

General Ed
Dec 2017
Really nice and funny guy, keeps the material interesting. Compared to other recitation teachers for PSY 202 his is probably one of the easiest but he still preps you well for the midterms and provides study guides with what information you definitely need to know.

PSY 217

Oct 2001
Don is one of the best professors at Cal Poly. I've had him for several classes. 217 was my favorite but unfortunately it was experimental and not being taught anymore. He is humorous and personable. His lectures are actually pretty entertaining. If you know the material, you will do well in his class. His tests can seem intimidating but if you do the study guide, you will ace the test. He is a very fair grader. Don is ALWAYS available for students whether it be for problems with class or personal problems. He genuinely cares about his students and wants them to do well in and out of class. I can't recommend him highly enough. He is just great. Take him for anything that you can.

PSY 251

General Ed
Apr 2014
Hands down the best lecturer I've had. Hilarious, entertaining, clear and concise. (And he wasn't technically even my teacher) Do whatever it takes to him!

PSY 305

Required (Support)
Feb 2000
Dr.Ryujin was one of the best profs I have had hear at Poly, but that's not to say he is the easiest. His tests were 30-40 multiple choice and 5 short essays. He gives you study guides for the essay questions and if you complete them you will ace that part of the test.( I failed to complete the first midterms essay questions so I bombed the 1st midterm, I studied for the 2nd one and got a 19.75 out of 20- KNOW THE STUDY GUIDE!) His lectures are really interesting, I learned so much from him. He is also EXTREMELY fair and will definately help you out(even find you an in-class tutor) if you need it. Nice guy in and out of class. I would without a doubt recommend him for Personalities.

Jun 2001
don is one of the best teachers that i have come across at cal poly. it's too bad that he spends most of his time teaching PSY 202, because that means the only other class he teaches is personality. but i would definately recommend that everyone takes one of his classes. he is the most entertaining professor and keeps lectures interesting. he makes you want to go to class just to hear what he's gonna say next. he presents the information very clearly, and really makes sure that you've understood it. and he's always willing to help out where it's needed and even provides extra credit opportunities. if you don't take his class you're missing out!!

Required (Support)
Jun 2002
Don was the best professor I have had yet at Cal Poly. His lectures were fun and very interesting. The tests were not easy, but he gave you a study sheet for the short answer questions, and if you read the chapters you could do well. Take him if you can for any Psy class. It is really sad for all the new kids that he is becoming department head because they are losing one of the best teachers here.

Required (Major)
Jun 2002
Don is a great guy. From the begining he tries to learn everybody's name. Also, he tries to give the majority of the students A's and B's. He wants everbody to succeed in life. He speaks kind of slowly. I felt like if he talked faster I would be able to learn more from him. But his lectures were always enjoyable to attend. He gives you study guides for the exams-- know those questions. Also, read the assigned part of the text. He will ask multiple choice questions on stuff not covered in lecture, but I found with quickly reading the material just one time was enough to be able to answer the questions. Overall, I would highly recommend him as an instructor to psych majors and non-psych majors.

Jan 2007
I really enjoyed Don's (he likes to be called Don) approach to the class. Instead of strictly lecturing about the reading material, he added a lot of interesting information from his other classes, research projects, life stories, etc. He is the most engaging lecturer I have ever had. This is especially interesting because he is not the loudest or most dynamic lecturer I've ever had. It is just his quiet confidence, connection to students, and passion about our learning (learning for personal development, not just course work) that makes him so enjoyable. I believe that he cares more for his students and looks out for us more than most other professors. He put a lot of effort into giving advice related to our course studies that would help us build relationships (friends and romantic partners) and develop ourselves. Accordingly, he does a great job of breaking the student teacher barrier in and out of class... you might come to think of him as more of a friend than professor, I do. SO you have to take one of his classes if you can, it could really help you learn to develop yourself. Also, if you're looking to see how your grade will turn out, I think you will be just fine in Don's class too. In the personality class I took, he handed out question sheets days before the exam for us to study. These sheets did a great job of covering the material to be found on the test. The tests will be the only basis for your class grade (to be fair, this is hard for some people). The tests are multiple choice and short answer. If you review these sheets and study with at least one other person you will do GREAT on the tests. I should emphasize again, study with other people. It will be a great help to you (again for the class and for personal development). When I studied with other people, a lot of interesting things came up. So, take his class(es), and GOOD LUCK!

Jan 2007
I loved Don in 202. I didn't like Don in 305. For some reason he was really wasn't that interesting, and he was hard. Helpful hints: 1. Study the blue sheets REALLY well before tests. 2. If you bomb midterm #1, write the 10 page paper instead of taking midterm #2. It's a little extra work but it is an easy to get a very good grade on it. But I wouldn't take this course, I was disapointed.

Mar 2007
Don is a great professor. This class is great for anyone to take as an elective. He gives two midterms and a final. There was an extra credit opportunity to participate in the Psych Departments research. His test are very straight forward and contain questions from lectures and reading. He will bump final grades up for good class attendance.

Jun 2007
Don has some great anecdotes and knows the material well. When he doesn't know an answer, he makes the extra effort to find out from someone else. However, I still am unclear at what I should have learned from the class. Was it to assess my own personality? Is it how different personalities react to different stimuli? Is it how people can be so variable in their personalities? It's finals week, and I'm not even sure I can define personality for you. Yet I'm still getting a B without studying much and never buying the book.

Jun 2007
Hard class, be sure to study your ass off, and go to office hours if you arent doing as well as you'd like, they help a lot!!

Required (Major)
Jul 2007
Great guy. He is a very good teacher. However, the only thing I must address is this: He repeats himself often, and class time can sometimes drag on because of it. Also, I learned a lot of interesting tidbits, but sometimes was unclear as to where his example-story was leading to. Still a great teacher, and I would recommend taking his class.

Required (Major)
May 2008
Adorable! Very fair and caring teacher, and the lectures are quite interesting. I was always happy to go to class, even though it was from 5-7pm. Easy enough to get an A, and there is potential for extra credit.

Required (Support)
Aug 2008
Don is a very approachble, friendly teacher who really loves what he is teaching about. I took the summer session and it went by really fast- so the tests were pretty hard- I'm not gonna lie. But he does curve them, which is good. He is always organized and prepared for classes. I thought he was a really great teacher overall...take this class!

Required (Major)
Aug 2010
Ryujin\'s the man. Tests were tricky, but passable. Make sure to put in a fair amount of time studying for them. Otherwise, I loved this class. Fun lectures, and although he frequently goes off on tangents, even those are interesting to listen to. I would definitely recommend him.

Required (Major)
Jan 2011
I have had two classes with Dr. Ryujin and would love to have another but I have already completed my Psychology minor. He gives everyone a fair and equal chance and as long as you go to class and take good notes, you should be solid. I went to his office hours when I wasn't even taking his class and he remembered my name and went on to give me some great academic advice even though he wasn't my advisor. I am now taking a class with his wife, Dr. Breaux, who is just as amazing! Overall, great people who practice what they preach.

Dec 2014
Super super nice guy that makes class interesting. Personality was a cool class but Don is really funny and that helps you get through the more boring concepts. He's a lenient grader and truly just wants you to succeed. He also added everyone that crashed his class, which is incredibly generous. Great guy, fun class. Very accommodating to your needs as a student. He's super understanding and a really intelligent guy that knows his field.

Required (Major)
Feb 2015
Don is by far my favorite teacher at Cal Poly. I had him for Personality Psych and you can tell he is very knowledgeable of everything he teaches from his practical experience as a psychologist. The exams are fair and his lectures were always straightforward (He's so great he doesn't even use notes to teach). It is evident Don cares about his students and their success in his class and beyond. He also made us think about current issues in the field of Psychology in terms of diversity and limitations. The only thing I regret about this class is that I did not take advantage of his office hours more to establish a relationship with him. TL;DR I would take a class from him again in a heartbeat.

Mar 2015
Don is such a cool guy. He puts his own spin on the theories of personality. He likes to out the racism and sexism that were involved in the studies, which can get repetitive. However, he tries to keep it interesting with relevant studies that we would appreciate. He curves his exams because he knows that not all test questions are fair, which helps. He also has you do a presentation of a psych study to present in front of the class, but he also acknowledges that some students are terrified of speaking in front of their peers so he gives those students the opportunity to write a paper about a study instead. He has been teaching at Poly forever and by doing so has become a great professor that has put a lot of thought into his class.

Required (Major)
Mar 2015
Don is a great professor. His lectures are very interesting and the workload is very fair. He teaches many lessons that go beyond what I would learn from a typical class. I learned things that I have and will continue to apply to life. Taking his Personality class was literally life changing. Don, if you are reading this, thank you.

Feb 2016
Don presents all the material for his course really well, its a super interesting, super fun class and Don keeps it funny and light-hearted. Overall a fantastic professor.

Required (Support)
Jun 2016
Favorite class i've taken in my entire life. Don is a cool dude. He's super reasonable and I don't really know what to say other than I highly recommend both this class and this professor!

Required (Major)
Jan 2017
Best professor I have had at Cal Poly! His lectures were almost therapeutic for me. There were days that his lectures made me feel so much better about my life and where I stood within my own major. I highly recommend taking him. His lectures can easily be applied to your life. He makes you think about things in a different way and he is also a funny guy just to talk to. I wish I could take another class with him because honestly this class will be the one I remember for years to come. Also because he is aware that we aren't all made of money he picked an old edition of a textbook that was super affordable- mine was 20 bucks on amazon. I honestly really respect this guy and enjoy him. He does everything he can to not be a biased grader. There are essay questions on the test (as long as you do his study guide you'll do great) and he grades them based on your empl ID number so that he doesn't give you a biased grade based off of you as a person. TAKE HIM if you can! You won't regret it!

Required (Support)
Feb 2018
Good luck teaching yourself the material. He says his tests are difficult and that's because he doesn't teach you what's on them. What a frustrating class. He let us out early all the time and then 75% of the material he tests on is from the book. Waste of your money and time. He was funny and seemed like a nice person, but choose a different prof.

Required (Support)
Apr 2019
Got recommended this class by a friend who said this was his favorite class of all time. Did not disappoint. Ryujin's teaching style was different in that he does it via PowerPoint slides, but he won't give out all the info on the Slides, and he doesn't post the slides on PolyLearn. So everything you need to know is in what he explains during lecture (attending lecture is VERY important), and his explanations are really clear. His examples are on point and memorable, so you'll be able to remember them for the midterms. Make sure you take notes on everything he's saying as you'll probably need to use all that info on the short-answer part of the midterms. All the content and material was super interesting and you get to take lots of personality tests (if you're a good partner for a relationship, what parts of your personality are high/low, are you introverted/extroverted) that help you learn more about yourself and are fun (all tests are optional). The presentation was really easy and had a basic format to follow, so it's really nothing to stress about. He gives you the option to write a paper instead of do a presentation, but I highly recommend the presentation as it is quick and easy to do. Would highly recommend Ryujin for Personality, because I actually learned a lot and the material was super interesting and straight forward.

Required (Major)
Jan 2020
Don's a great guy, he's empathetic, he's genuine, and he certainly knows how to make a lecture entertaining with memorable examples. However, the examples often drift into tangents which become the focus of the lecture. I often left his class with an incomplete understanding, and I don't feel he answered the question of what we ought to take home from his lectures and ultimately the class. Expect to read the textbook many times beforehand to link the tangents to the applicable theories. A lot of people prefer his style, I don't; personal preference. Don't get me wrong Ryujin is definitely in the upper echelons both on Polyratings and as a professor, but some of the reviews border on flattery, so read all the reviews with a grain of salt.