Ryan, Kathy  

Psychology and Human Development


48 evaluations

PSY 201

General Ed
Sep 2007
Well this was a very easy class. Use the website to study before the tests! Lecture was extremely boring, I could understand the 2.3 hour lecture in 20 minute of reading in the library. Tests are all multiple choice, and the paper is a piece of cake if you took ENG 134 seriously. Would reccomend 201 with Ryan for anyone who is looking to take a easy GE. Very interesting topic too, maybe I was just too dissapointed that we didn't go into more details in some areas.

PSY 202

General Ed
Mar 2001
Dr. Ryan has what seems to be a common fault among psych professors: she explains too much. I wish that attendance wasn't required in recitations 'cause she just went over stuff I already knew. She is helpful with any questions one might have, however. The problem with the class is that there's too many teachers to understand what all of them want, but it's really not that hard if you read and study.

General Ed
Mar 2001

General Ed
Mar 2001
Dr. Ryan is a teacher that may remind you of somewhat of a burn out. She is disorganized, doesn't sound enthusiastic, and some days you are asking youself, "Why did I come to class?" But don't be fooled, her lectures to really clarify what you will need to know for the midterms. The best part about her - I got really sick and she helped me get caught up. She CARES, and that, to me, is worth all it's weight in gold!

General Ed
Mar 2001
If you are stuck between taking PSY 202 and PSY 201, take 201. I say this because I took 202 while my friend took Slem for 201. I studied twice as hard as my friend and pulled off a B in 202 while my friend got almost a 97% in Slem's 201 class. Ryan is a good teacher, but what she has to say in recitation is not extremely beneficial unless you are super confused from the big lecture (of 500 people). Take 201, seriously. If not, Ryan is excellent if you choose to take 202.

General Ed
Nov 2001
Based on looks alone, Dr. Ryan, or Kathy, as I like to call her, deserves at least 5 points out of 4. Although I found it hard to concentrate on the material during class, her stunning good looks kept my eyes glued to the podium all class period long. There has never been a professor who I have been more attracted to and inspired by (except Rooshash). Instead of Psychology, Kathy deserves a PHd in turning me on. Oh baby. Take this class and you won't regret it. ;-)

General Ed
Feb 2004
Dr. Ryan graded the term papers that we handed in for PSY 202 and every single paper got returned to students without any comments. She seemed to radnomly just give out grades. Don't even ask me about last halloween when I saw her at Tortilla Flats dressed as Elvis. She was absolutely plastered, so I guess she gets cool points there.

General Ed
Mar 2004
Of all abhorrences of nature, this woman plays pocket pool more often than a monkey on Viagra. The psyco-babble that just wont stop coming from her mouth is filled with lies and contradictions. She's sexist, never listens to any guy, but some girl could say something like, "But i think eating disorders shouldn't be considered problems," and she'll get all excited and begin clapping like a retarded seal. Ryan is a classic reason why women shouldn't vote, and will never be president. PMS and arrogance are a deadly combination. Avoid this woman like you'd avoid a dark-alley raping, because listening to her is almost as pleasant.

General Ed
Apr 2004
Dr Ryan is very one-sided. She grades the paper for 202, and if your paper doesn't agree with her view, you will not get a good grade. I do not recommend her if you can help it

General Ed
Dec 2004
She was a pretty good teacher. She obviously understood the material very well. She would usually spend the first few minutes of recitation answering any questions from lecture and the rest of the time she'd introduce some new material. The new material wasn't really in the book, and it wasn't really from lecture, so it was pretty important to go to recitation (regardless of the point deduction). Homework and participation made up your recitation grade. Fortunately homework was rarely assigned. It did sometimes seem, however, like she was trying to get you to think in her perspective and not any others. Kind of a narrow-minded teacher sometimes. But she was pretty good and I'd take her again.

General Ed
Jan 2005
Psycho, does not belong in a classroom, maybe a psychoward. She does not help prepare you for the three midterms, and the class has to be the most bland and tasteless hour of my life.

General Ed
Mar 2005
I think Dr. Ryan was a wonderful professor and never strayed away from a student's question in class -- we probably spent more time discussing in depth specifics of things than broad review, which if you actually do the reading outside of class and don't need a professor to baby you through this easy course, is a nice change. Dr. Ryan is just about as good as you're going to get from the group of professors that teach this class. I do reccomend her.

General Ed
Jun 2005
i think the recitation for psych 202 is a joke. this recitation was pointless to attend because it just wasted an hour of my life each week. she doesn't even prepare you for the tests. she only goes over random statistics that are never on the tests. ryan is also the professor that grades the papers. the class has 3 homework assignments and she takes attendance so you have to go. if you don't go to class she will take points off. very boring lecturer but she is a fair grader. take slem if you can.

General Ed
Jul 2006
I wouldn't take Psych 202 to begin with. The class is divided into a 500 person lecture hall and then a 30 person recitation. The only interesting lecturers are Ryujin and Breaux, everyone else is boring and monotonous. And don

General Ed
Jan 2009
The lecture is pretty good. Most of the topics are really interesting. The psych faculty is better than the guest speakers. Except Slem, he is such a nice guy but his voice puts you straight to sleep. I had Dr. Ryan for discussion. AVOID! The discussion is suppost to help you for the test and she only gave out more work and she is so boring. Some people are made to be teachers and other researchers, she is a researcher. She is really boring and her quizzes are really really hard. The only thing that is good about having her a a discussion teacher is that she grades all of the papers. So you can bring your paper to her and she will check it for you before you turn it in.

General Ed
Jan 2009
Ahhhh! Dr. Ryan is very boring! She's a very nice professor but don't take her for recitation for 202. Psy 202 is an awesome class, all the lectures are very interesting and although it's in a 500 person lecture i never missed class or fell asleep! However in Dr. Ryan's recitation, she does not help clarify the lecture(which is what the tests are partly based on, and does not teach you anything new. Kind of a waste of time, but she takes role so you have to go. From the lectures, any of the other teachers for the class seem great!

General Ed
Feb 2009
I hated having Ryan as a teacher. She is incredibly boring and one of the hardest people to approach with any questions. All the other discussion sections got to know each other whereas Ryan would just stand in front of the class and make you take notes off a projector. I would avoid her!!

General Ed
Feb 2013
This professor was not very good at presenting the information in the lecture in a way that kept me focused on the topic. I often found myself drifting off, and not paying good enough attention.

Required (Major)
Dec 2015
She's a very kind and sweet lady, but a terrible teacher. She does not go over the learning objectives that are for the midterms. All she does is talk a little bit about the stuff we just learned in the lectured nothing new.

General Ed
Dec 2015
I really did not enjoy this class. Dr. Ryan made an already boring subject more boring. Don't get me wrong she is extremely nice just not a very good teacher. She does give extra credit and easy quizzes which really helps out the grade.

Required (Major)
Dec 2015
Ryan led my discussion section for PSY 202. Very dry but I would highly recommend attending every session. They were only 50 minutes and missing one can severely impact your overall grade. She was late inputting grades and our class had to beg her for the extra credit opportunity that the other sections had. She ended up not putting in the extra credit before submitting grades which was frustrating as I sent her multiple emails throughout the quarter regarding things being put in incorrectly or not at all. Overall not bad and easy IF YOU ATTEND! Don't miss out on the free points you get from showing up or your grade will suffer.

General Ed
Dec 2017
Her lecture for the whole class was good but her discussion is really boring. She didn't really make us do anything in discussion which was nice. Could be much worse.

PSY 330

Required (Major)
Mar 2010
She\'s so boring. The curves she applies do not help or make sense. She is available during office hours, but NO HELP at all. Try to avoid this instructor, but if you have to take her, it will be okay.

Required (Major)
Dec 2011
She was alright. Her tests are pretty easy, but don't listen when she says to just study the Learning Objectives. There's no telling whether or not the test will actually be reflective of them. There were 3 midterms (50 MC questions), a 4-page paper and a 99 MC question final, and she drops the lowest test grade. There were a few HW assignments, but they were no big deal. I usually did them in class the day of with my iPhone.

Dec 2012
Dr. Ryan is a really sweet lady, but is not a good teacher. She gives tons of power point notes, but hardly anything she says is on the actual test. For an elective course I would say this class was way too difficult and contained too much reading and required material. She had three midterm like test, non-cumulative, and one paper which she does grade hard on. This course could have been interesting, but she talks really slow and is totally boring. It is really hard to follow her during class and it's hard to know what you should study for her tests. I thought it would get easier, but it didn't.

Dec 2014
She is THE MOST BORING professor I have ever had. Having said that the class was pretty easy. But the tests kept getting harder and harder. Also, I turned in the paper (4 page paper on an easy topic that you choose from a list of prompts, super easy) a week before it was due so she could revise it. She said it was a great paper, except one thing which I changed before I handed in the final draft. When I got the paper back I got an 82% on it. I was so pissed. She could have told me the critiques she had for my paper when I turned it in for revision. Overall, class is whatever, she's a nice person but a bad teacher.

Required (Major)
Jan 2016
Professor Ryan seems like a nice lady. She's older and doesn't have a particularly interesting way of speaking, but lucky for you this class does not have a participation grade so you do not need to come. I came only to turn in the homeworks and for the tests, and I regret coming to turn in the homeworks because I didn't realize you could just email them to her. The first test was really easy, followed by a very hard second test. I got a 95 on the first one and a 85 on the second one, even AFTER she lowered the point value of the test by five points. The final was also difficult. Know the neurotransmitters! She had a very generous curve though and graded the papers easily and gave extra credit, so I ended up with an A even without the final curve. Interesting subject matter, I enjoyed the texts, but attending lectures isn't worth your time. Turn in things online, look over the slides she posts, and go for the tests. Shouldn't be a hard class to get a good grade in.

Dec 2018
Do NOT take Dr Ryan if you have the choice. This class was the worst class I have ever taken. I knew she didn't have good recent reviews but I took the class anyways because I was interested in the subject. Biggest mistake. This class had the most unnecessary reading and unclear exams of any class I have taken. The exams are extremely hard and it's extremely hard to figure out what to study. People hardly showed up because she doesn't take attendance. I went every class and after talking to other students who also went every day it seemed like we all felt the same. She is old, boring, and speaks super slow yet somehow there is so much material to know for exams because of the extensive reading she assigned. We had one paper that she graded extremely hard. She would say she was going to do something (like post homework or grades) and completely forget to do it.

PSY 366

Nov 2007
Lecture and lab course: If you

PSY 458

Required (Support)
Apr 2000
At first I was put off by Dr.Ryan because she seemed unorganized and unenthusiastic about the class, but as the quarter progressed I realized that she really is a great teacher. She is a very cool lady- very down to earth. And she's hilarious in her own way. She knows her subject extrememly well and is good at explaining things and answering questions until everyone understands. Class consisted of 3 midterms and a 10 page paper.

5th Year Senior
Required (Major)
Jun 2002
I heard Ryan's class was going to be difficult and boring. And I heard correctly. I know a couple girls that thought the lectures were really helpful, but I found them to be long and slow, and you read the stuff in the book anyway. If you take the initiative to read the book as it is schelduled it will make the lectures easy to understand (and possibly redundant) Exams are multiple choice, and tough-- especially the second one. Study hard. Good luck. (and outside of her boring lecture she is a pleasant individual)

Required (Major)
Dec 2003
This is just one of those classes that you gotta take if you're a psych major, and frankly, it's no fun. Ryan has excellent knowledge of her subject, but her lectures are very boring. I had her class at 8am in the morning too, so I struggled to stay awake every day. The material is pretty hard to grasp some of the time, and it is rarely interesting, which makes it even more difficult. There are three tests, non-cumulative, and one short paper that was a breeze to write. Tests are mostly multiple choice. I barely read at all and still got a B in the class.

5th Year Senior
Required (Major)
Jan 2005
Hard class and boring reading but it is just a class psy majors have to take. Personally I found Dr. Ryan to be an extremely good teacher. She was clear, always made time for her students even outside of her office hours, and seemed passionate about the subject. I wasn't too passionate about it, but I did manage to do well in the class and learn a lot. The 3 tests are all equally weighted and were not that bad (combo of 55 or so mult choice and 15 pts in short answer/fill in the blank). There is one paper which is not hard at all. The concepts are difficult to grasp at times but reading the chapters before class really helps you "get it." She does not take attendence, but there were sometimes a few questions on the test that came directly from her lecture so I suggest going to class. One more thing- she gives you practice tests on her web site and on each test there were always at least 2 or 3 questions that came directly from it, so check them out b/f :)

5th Year Senior
Required (Major)
Nov 2005
This teacher is very understanding of students difficulty and willing to help in any way she can. I'll not go over content as the other review for PSY 458 pretty much said it best. She's a very down to earth person - she recognizes if her tests were difficult and lowers the curve accordingly, and tries to make the next test more reasonable. She realises this is a boring class and tries to make it as interesting as possible. Open to student's questions, tries to break it down as best she can, I'd definetly suggest taking her class. She's nice and cares not only about the subject but the students as well.

5th Year Senior
Required (Major)
Mar 2006
She drones on in class. Lectures are dry and monotone. I was unclear about her expectations for the paper...so I asked her to verify that my topics were adequate, which she confirmed. I still got a D on the paper because I didn't pick the right topics...Ummmm?! The material is already difficult enough and she doesn't help the situation by making the class interesting, enjoyable, or even understandable. Aweful class...she needs to retire. I literally felt like I wanted to jump out the window during her lectures!

Required (Major)
Aug 2006
Dr. Ryan is a behaviorist who loves animals. She did lots of studies on rats, of which she references many times. She knows a lot about what she teaches, but her teaching style is very boring. She uses powerpoint for her whole lecture but doesn't put the slides on blackboard. Powerpoint is good for organization, but if the material is dry, it's not gonna be a good lecture. She likes to stimulate conversation about questions which is good, but they last forEVER. It makes you want to leave because she drags them out so long. The tests are fair, but you have to read and do the study questions. If you just study lecture, you'll get a D or less. You get an essay at the end of class, which isn't too bad - 4-6 pages on 2 topics. She's an alright teacher... I'd say she's better at reasearching.

Required (Major)
Mar 2007
Okay, so I have no idea why everyone hates Dr. Ryan so much. It's true: she can be boring and yes, her lectures do feel longer than two hours at times. But, she's really not that bad. If you interested in behaviorism or learning at all, the class is an easy A. You get a study guide that pretty much tells you exactly what's going to be on the tests. There is also a short answer portion of her tests, but she makes enough hints the lecture before the test that the questions don't come a surprise. She gives you choices of which to answer, as well. I thought I'd have to work hard to get an A, and I did study a lot, but I didn't think it was any more work than any other 400-level course. I think you guys are being way too hard on Dr. Ryan!

Required (Major)
Jun 2007
Dr.Ryan is incredibly helpful and understand of students needs. She is also good at answering students questions in class and helping her students understand. This year she tried using 'clickers' in class to answer questions on the powerpoint, which was helpful. This subject is not everyone's favorite but she does a good job explaining the methods. You can tell that she really loves the subject she teaches. All you have to do to get a good grade in this class is do the learning objectives thoroughly (which means reading)and take good notes.

Required (Major)
Mar 2008
This class can be boring (especially at the beginning of the quarter), but if you can try to relate it to something you know then it can be enjoyable. I have two dogs and work with little kids so I relate all these learning theories to things I've seen my dogs and these kids do. It makes sense, and I get to apply it my puppies and the kids I work with, which have never behaved better, by the way. Dr. Ryan really knows and enjoys the topic and she is very helpful if you ask her for help. There are tests and 1 paper (4-6 pages but it's on two topics so it's really like 2 shorter papers). She gives you very thorough learning objectives for the tests. Tests are comprised of multiple choice and short answer. Make sure you can apply the concepts that you learn because there as many applied questions as there are definition type questions. Read the chapters, pay attention in lecture, and make sure you understand the learning objectives and you will get an A.

Required (Major)
Dec 2008
She is a very sweet woman who tries to teach to her best ability. The material is somewhat difficult to grasp and sometimes boring but she tries to make the lectures not so boring by explaining interesting experiments and making jokes. I liked her, I'm not sure why her rating is this low. Only 2 midterms, a final, and a short 4-6 pg paper on topics of your choice that isn't graded hard. You definitely need to read the chapters and know the study guides for the tests. Very helpful in office hours too.

Required (Major)
Dec 2009
I actually didn\'t mind this class. Although the material is a little difficult, I definitely was able to learn well from her teaching style. There were a few things that she had some trouble explaining when students had questions, but if you keep up with the reading you should have absolutely no problem. Make sure to read because the tests are mostly from the text!

Required (Major)
Dec 2011
If you want to do well in this class i recommend reading each chapter before the lecture and trying to get as many of the learning objectives done before the exams as possible. You do not want to get behind in this class. Also don't plan on Professor Ryan rounding your grade up, I got a 89.5 and worked so hard in this class ( which she was aware of) yet she till gave me a B+ knowing how hard I worked which was upsetting. In order to get a B or above you are definitely going to have to put in the work but if you do this class is interesting and not entirely impossible.

Required (Major)
Mar 2012
This is a required class but UGH, so boring and theoretical. Makes nooo sense even if I did get jacked up on caffeine and listened intently. I have no idea why this is a required class and at least, it needs to be taught in a more interactive,interesting, and updated way. The textbook is lengthy and useless but you must spend hours of your life searching for learning objectives. I do not dislike Professor Ryan, she is a kind person but the whole class needs to be restructured.

Required (Support)
Mar 2013
Dr Ryan is nice and down to earth in office hours. but MY GOD the lectures are terrible to sit through, especially for a two hour class. she doesnt clarify the information in the book that well (which is tough because the book is very dense). although the material is intimidating, its easy to get by with a passing grade. ill be going into the final with a B and i didnt try too hard on the hw and essay but still got by with A's and B's

Required (Major)
Mar 2013
Seriously, probably the most boring psychology class I have ever taken. Prof Ryan is sweet and very understanding if something comes up for turning something in late etc. Its seriously so boring and theoretical, unless your are a psych major I would not recommend taking this class whatsoever. However I also took her for the psy 330 (drugs class), and shes still a little boring but that class was WAAAAY more interesting :)

Mar 2013
This class should really be called "More than you ever wanted or needed to know about classical conditioning". It is without a doubt the worst class I have ever taken at Poly. I took it as an elective for my minor and regretted my decision since the first day of class. No wonder the class doesn't fill up during registration. The homework is very time consuming. I would rather go to the dentist than sit through the lectures. The midterms are the hardest tests I have ever had and not to mention the book is so dense you don't even know what you're reading. Im sure Dr. Ryan is a nice person and all but considering this class is supposed to teach us about learning I expected to learn something about learning. I also thought she would be creative with her teaching and make it interesting. If you have the opportunity to take something else I suggest you take it.

Required (Major)
Mar 2017
yes, this is a hard class, and the material can be very dry. But Dr. Ryan does her best to explain i to you. She uses videos and realize example to put it into perspective. She understands this is a hard lass and wants you to succeed and learn. and although she does not make attendance mandatory, you are lost without her help from lectures, she does a good job at teaching and is more than happy to help you. Don't be afraid to ask questions, because chances are everyone is confused in this class. and mankesureyou actually do the reading and learning objectives, its your only chance at doing good on her tests.

Required (Major)
Mar 2020
Very dry. Very boring. Makes it extremely difficult to follow her throughout a 2 hour lecture. Please avoid if possible, save yourself some trouble.