Riener, Ken  



23 evaluations

BUS 342

Aug 2001
I have no excuses. He was a good, fair teacher. I just didn't put in the work that was needed for the class. Dr. Riener had no qualms about helping me, which I appreciated.

Required (Major)
Dec 2010
Ken Riener was honestly the worst professor I\'ve ever had. Probably the most boring too. I got a B+ in the class, its not very hard but you have to teach yourself pretty much everything. I stopped going to class half way through the quarter because I had to teach myself everything before the test anyways and class time was just a huge waste. The first midterm is exactly like the practice tests he gives out, the second midterm is fairly difficult but also just like the practice tests he gives out, and the final was just too long and exactly like the midterms. Riener goes on random half hour tangents that have nothing to do with the class and bores the living shit out of the entire class. He makes way too many mistakes and can\'t be taken seriously ever. I hated this guy, I dont recommend taking his class ever. TAKE IT WITH SOMEONE ELSE.

Required (Major)
Dec 2010
Ooooohhh bbooyyy.. Disorganized, can never get his shit right, HATES it when you question him, not helpful at all during office hours, doesn\'t even teach from the book he \"creates\" his own method of finance which makes no sense at all, obviously primarily an Entreprenuerial finance professor because after the first midterm the material suddenly switched from corporate finance to all this accounting bullshit that he spent two days on before he tested you on it for the 2nd midterm. Overall, you can get an A if you\'re willing to spend the time MEMORIZING, not even learning, the practice exams he gives you. He\'s a pretty fair grader, but this class was a bitch and boring as hell. And don\'t buy the calculator, you don\'t need it you can use your scientific graphing calculator if you have one, for everything. You probably don\'t even need to buy the book either, you really only need the book and the calculator for the first midterm, and then after that it\'s all material that he came up with himself. GOOODDDD LUCK!

Required (Major)
Dec 2010
Worst professors I have had. He didn\'t follow the book and would randomly switch topics and teach you things 2 days before the final. I\'m not good at Finance but I took the time to go to his office hours and he still didn\'t answer some of my questions. If you need a teacher that explains concepts, go to someone else but if you would rather memorize, go to him. I went to every class and did all of my HW and im still confused. Take this class with someone else if you can!!

Required (Support)
Dec 2010
I feel bad for Riener but I must admit he was not a good professor. The class really frustrated me because he was not prepared for class and would do calculations while we are sitting there wondering what was going on. Whenever I would ask him a question he would tell me it was \"simple accounting\" but I have taken both intermediate accounting classes and had no idea what he was talking about. With that said, however, as long as you know how to do the practice finals you will do well on the tests. His tests are essentially the same as the practice. If you are good at memorizing and want to get an A then take this class. If you want to learn finance, however, you should take a different professor

Required (Major)
Dec 2010
Very disorganized. Horrible lecture and notes. Pretty much you either teach yourself everything or do what i did and memorize the practice tests posted so you can just scrape by

Required (Major)
Dec 2010
Professor Riener was not only the worst professor I\'ve had at Cal Poly, but the worst professor I\'ve had in my life. He was completely scatter-brained and failed to present any material clearly. No one paid attention during lecture because we all knew we would have to teach ourselves anyways. He made an UNBELIEVABLE amount of mistakes on homework, test problems, answer sheets, etc. You think he would be able to figure it out after so many years of teaching. When approached for help he made you feel like an idiot and scoffed at whatever it was you were asking. I got an \"A\" in the class and wasn\'t going to write on here but he was such a COMPLETE AND UTTER JERK I felt it necessary.

Required (Major)
Jan 2011
Nice person but scatter-brained. Extremely helpful at office hours and there were no surprises on tests. Recommended if not trying to concentrate in finance.

BUS 431

Required (Support)
Jan 2000
He seems to get confused often and therefore confuses students. He has high expectations of students but doesn't help you meet those expectations. When you visit him in his office he acts as if he doesn't have time for you. I benefitted from and enjoyed the course material but I would have highly preferred another professor.

Required (Support)
Jan 2000
This was the worst class I have ever taken. Reiner has a bad attitude and was not helpful at all when I attended his office hours. I don't know why this man got into this profession when he clearly doesn't care if students learn the material or not. The tests looked almost exactly like the ones on reserve, so they were pretty easy. Nothing from this class would be useful in the real world of investing. He concentrates too much on equations and little details without explaning the uses of them. This class was worthless.

BUS 435

Jan 2008
A complete and utter waste. NOAH can suck some nuts, maybe thats why he is getting an A before the first midterm. Gosh what a fag. Anyways, the practice exams are exactly the same as the actual tests. Good luck paying attention in class, all you will do is look at spreadsheets. You dont learn much, which is a major disappoitment if you are interested in the subject of Finance and Real Estate

Feb 2008
Terrible professor. Information is scattered, he is incredibly nervous and hard to follow. Save yourself.

Jun 2008
There are two parts to this class so I will evaluate both individually. The main part of the class is lecture and is very straight forward. One midterm and a final is it. He presents the material clearly and gives you examples of shit thats gonna be on the test. Then a few days before the test he posts the quarter and two quarters before actual tests and answers. This helps out an incredible amount and allows you to master whats going to be on the test before actually taking it. There are always like one or two small things that he changes but for the most part the tests are exactly the same. And the final is pretty much the same as the midterm so if you fuck up on the midterm just figure out what you did wrong and use it on the final. midterm 20%, final 30%. Ok now the second half of the class, this is where it gets bad. There is a group project worth 50% of your grade and while im sure it will be a little different next year, this quarter they had us come up with a financial plan for a bullshit company that doesnt know their elbows from their assholes, they have no experience, no knowledge, and are no help. Riener has no idea whats going on either so he is no help. Its all up to the group to find grants that might work, figure out some loans, do a cash flow, amortization, etc. None of this is assigned, you just put together a proposal for a site that you have to find. Its pretty tough to get started but once you have a feel for what you think you are supposed to be doing its not bad. But then Riener springs on us that we have to turn in a 30 page write up about the project when he had told us a week earlier that we didnt have to turn in a write up. But that was easy anyway, we just pasted in our power point and excel spreadsheets. The project sucked and is very confusing but he ended up giving everyone a good grade on it just for trying.

Required (Major)
Mar 2010
Riener is very disorganized and scatters stuff all over the board and expects you to know what the hell is going on. it was very hard to follow throughout the quarter and many people didn\'t even show up. the midterms werent too hard, but he would tell us to study stuff and then it wouldn\'t even show up on the test...

BUS 436

5th Year Senior
Required (Major)
Nov 2001
Riener's a nice guy and a good professor. He breaks down the material in lame terms so that anyone can understand it. He gives one homework assignment about every other week (I never spent more than 15 minutes on any of them and got full credit for each one). He gives two midterms and a final. The midterms are just like the homework problems he hands out (he also gives you last quarters midterms so that you can see what his tests are like). Good teacher to take for Entrep. Finance.

Required (Major)
Nov 2001
Professor Riener makes his material very clear and easy to understand. The class is a great substitue for case studies. He makes it interesting and helps whenever anyone doesn't understand. The homeworks are no problem and the test are right in line with the material he covers.

Required (Major)
Mar 2004
BUS 436 was an awesome class. You take 2 midterms and 1 cumulative final and you have 4-5 homework assignments all quarter. The homework takes no more than 20 minutes. He gives you a practice test before the midterms which are EXACTLY like the actual midterm and one for the final. This was by far the easiest finance class I have ever taken. All you have to do is take notes and review his handouts and you will get a really good grade. Take this class to fulfill your finance requirements!

Apr 2004
Rierner was a nice guy, you know. But, you know, I felt gyped with my grade of a B in the class. I felt that I did well enough to get at least an A-, you know. However this class, you know, was pretty easy and, you know, I could have spent a little more time studying for the final. He gives a study guide for the final but there will be other stuff on it too so go back and study your old tests, you know. This was a good class though and Rierner is a nice guy. You know?

Required (Major)
Jan 2005
Wow Riener you definetly have some kind of social disorder. Try making eye contact with the class or someone for that matter for 10 seconds and I miiiight beleive that you actually really are teacher. His notes are sloppy and unorganized, and the book he tells you to buy is worthless. He mumbles a lot and isn't really sure quiete often. But his class isn't hard, just study the review problems for exams and you'll get an A. He really let me down as a professor for a class that I was actually excited about taking.

Required (Major)
Jan 2006
I had trouble in this class... I tried to listen really I did! But I felt awkward everytime I tried to focus my eyes on him.. it was as if making eye contact with him would make him flee the room in a nervous fervor. Then, he'd often write out a ridiculous amount of unnecessary notes on the board which I'd copied down once, screamed "WHY OH WHY??" after I saw what I'd written and then couldn't motivate myself to write anymore than half-hearted notes ever again. So I couldn't look at the guy, couldn't write notes, and I was left to play text-twist relentlessly on the computer in front of me which I'm almost positive he doesn't know how to take control of. His class was an issue of surviving the boredom. Be able to do his practice exams, the real ones are almost identical. I'd avoid taking the guy if possible. I like an engaging professor who looks like he's in control. Riener is the opposite of that. :(

Required (Major)
Apr 2007
This class was probably one of the easiest I have ever taken. Riener is a pathetic excuse for a professor. He does not give a shit about students learning anything as he gives you a practice test before each midterm and the actual test is the exact same with maybe one or two numbers changed. He seems like he will definitely have a heart attack if he looks at the class when lecturing for more than 3 seconds. Overall, super easy class.. Feel free to take this if you dont care about learning and just want an easy A. There are 2 midterms which are as I said earlier, the exact same as the practice tests, a final which is a combination of the two midterms, and a joke of a group project/ easy HW. BUS 436 will offer you a solid review of BUS 342, 214 AND how to add, subtract, multiply and divide numbers.

5th Year Senior
Required (Major)
Jul 2008
Riener if you are reading this SLOW DOWN! Take your time and make less mistakes. I mean no one is perfect but you make a ridiculous amount of mistakes every time you do anything mathematical on the board. I know you have the problem you are working on printed on a piece of paper in your briefcase. Maybe bring it with you to the board. It is just kinda hard to take you seriously when you make so many mistakes. For everyone else, this teacher is average. Not great by any means. Not terrible like many other finance teachers. I am interested in starting my own business and I learned some good tools in this class. But they are all really basic ideas and your basic accounting classes will have been much harder than this class. To be honest this whole class was a big joke. Not sure why I came on a regular basis. Maybe the cute girl I was sitting next to.

BUS 464

Required (Major)
Jan 2004
Okay teacher, Easy A. The exams are basically the same as the practice problems he gives just the numbers are slightly different. U do learn a few neat things and hw is a breeze. Feel free to add another class to your schedule when taking this course because it does not take up much of your time.