O'Neill, Sheryl  



11 evaluations

MATH 100

General Ed
Dec 1999
I think Cheryl O'neill is a fine professor. She goes to great length to help her students understand the material. She is good at explaining mathematical concepts and is genuinely interested in our academic success. I just wish the class were lecture, not that tedious computer program.

Required (Support)
Dec 2000
Mrs. O'Neill is a good teacher. During the class for the fall quarter she was really good in explaining the material but then there is so much work you have to do during the quarter. The math cd is you have a quiz over every section and then you have a total of six quizzes and then two midterms. Be ready for the end of the quarter because you will have a final with around 50 questions. Then 37 of those we mutiiple choice and then the final had 12 short answer questions. But then just be ready to work for the whole 3 hours while you are in there. And then every other class period you will have homework to do and then there are around 50 questions that you have to do everytime and he is a real picky person when she knows that you get help from other people on the homework. Also be ready to stay for the whole time every class period because she gets really upset if you leave early even if you are an A student and i didn't understand that. But overall she is a good teacher and she knows how to teach well and DO NOT be afraid to go to her office hours because they really help in the long run and she cares for the students well being if she knows that you are trying.

MATH 221

Required (Support)
Mar 2002
Take Mrs. O'Neill! She is an excellent teacher and explains the material very well. She is extremely nice and very approachable for office hours. She is probably one of the best teachers ive had so far at Cal Poly. Her class consists of two midterms(fairly easy), homework, and a final. The final was kind of difficult but you should have a good grade going into it anyways. She makes Bus-Calculus seem extremely easy and she takes her time going through each lesson. I highly reccommend this teacher.

Required (Major)
Apr 2002
Professor O'Neill was great. She concentrated on explaining exactly what you were required to know and spent lots of time explaining homework. All the tests were related to the text homework (get the solution manual too). If you make all her lectures and take good notes, do all the home work and pay attention, you won't hardly need the text to understand what is being covered and make a good grade. I was dreading Calculus, and had to drop it once already. I was able to get a B, when all I wanted to do was pass the class. Plus, she is extremely likeable and personable.

Required (Support)
Apr 2002
I love this lady! Dr. O'Neil is the best. I was terrible at high school calculus, but O'Neil makes it easy. Granted, Math 221 is a little easier than regular calculus or even high school calculus because the book doesn't cover as much, heck we're business majors, we don't need this stuff anyways. I got Dr. O'Neil as a total fluke because the assigned professor was in the hospital, but man am I happy! This class was great, she is sooooo nice and understanding, she is really helpful in her office hours but you won't need them, she explains everything very well in class. Whatever class you are taking, you can't go wrong with O'Neil, she's simply the BEST!

Required (Major)
Apr 2002
Sheryl O'Neill is the best professor I have ever had! She is such a sweet lady and was always willing to help me when i was struggling, which was pretty much always. She knows the material very well and presents it in a way that makes it very understandable, the only reason i struggled is because i am terrible at math. Overall, she helped me so much over the quarter my grade went from a D- to an A-. I would highly recommend taking professor o'neill for any class you can, she is a great teacher!

Required (Support)
Apr 2002
Sheryl O'neill is the best math teacher I have ever had! She explains the material well and is always available for office hours. She will go over anything until you really understand it. She made Calculus by far my favorite class and is one of the best professors I have ever had at Poly. As long as you do the homework and attend class it is easy to do well in her class. I reccomend Sheryl for any class you can take with her.

General Ed
Feb 2003
i loved her. she was the best teacher i have had at cal poly. she is so fair, so helpful. she raelly wants you to do well. there are no suprises on the tests, they are easy and straight forward. take her, u will not regret it

Required (Major)
Jun 2004
Mrs. O'Neill is the by far the best teacher at cal poly! I recommend taking her. She is straightforward and knows what she is talking about. Her tests are to the point and she doesnt put hard questions you wont be able to understand. She is always there to listen. Take her, you wont regret it

Required (Support)
Jun 2004
Prof. O'Neill was the most awesome math teacher I've ever had. I only got a C because she pretty much would reteach me all the material covered in class when I came to her office hours. If you think you're horrible at math, I'm even worse than that. I didn't expect to pass the class, especially after getting really sick right before the final. However, she was always willing to help me out any way she could, and she's the NICEST lady, who will never turn you away even if she's extremely busy, so take her even if you have to bend over backwards to do it. There's 3 quizzes, she drops the lowest score, 2 midterms and then the final. There's also a good amt. of hw, which she collects, but do it cause it really helps you know the material for the test and it boosts your grade cause she gives you some points for it. Overall, you couldn't ask for a more dedicated and sweet lady. I wouldn't have passed Calc without her.

CRP 937

5th Year Senior
Nov 2016
During this entire quarter all I could think about was how this professor reminded me of that small little dog that runs through the back of scene 23 in The Incredibles by Pixar. Seriously, if you look it up you will only be able to see it...