Morningstar, Barbara  

Art and Design


81 evaluations

ART 101

Jun 2010

ENGL 103

General Ed
Mar 2008
Easiest professor ever. Basically did everything in that class 30 minutes before the actual time it was due. She was pretty weird and her lectures (if you could even call them lectures) were ridiculously boring and it wouldn't hurt you if you didn't listen because there was nothing that important worth listening too. we got the entire week before finals off which was pretty sweet and sometimes she will cancel class for a "Morningstar holiday" which was amazing.

ENGL 114

General Ed
Feb 2000
Ms. Morningstar isn't a very good teacher. Sorry to say that her classes were boring and dry to the bone. I found myself staring at the clock for two straight hours. I do not recommend her at all. Her class itself was of medium difficulty and most of the grade is based upon three essays that have no particualr substance at all. The readings from the book did not add to my understanding of English in any way. If possible, don't waste the time/money on the book or her class.

Required (Support)
Mar 2000
You write a lot of essays, and she is very critical, but the end result is the hk is fair, and so are the quizzes, as well as final grading of the portfolio. She is a little boring, but not any worse than another average teacher.

General Ed
Mar 2000
Mrs. Morningstar was a wonderful teacher. I learned a lot from her class. She is a very nice woman and was always willing to help students when needed. She gave our class many helpful hints on getting ahead at Cal Poly. By reading the book (which was not difficult and I HATE reading) and paying attention in class, it was not hard to get an A in the class. There were never any surprises on her tests. We had a quiz about every week and I think somewhere between 3 and 5 essay's, which were not too difficult. Overall, I highly recommend this teacher. She is so friendly and I truely enjoyed going to her class.

Required (Support)
Dec 2000
Ms. Morningstar was definately a good teacher. Make sure that you're on her good side, since english is always subjective it does make a difference. The content of the class was a little boring but Ms. Morningstar definately tried to make it somewhat interesting. She's very good at letting us out early especially on fridays. She likes when you write essays that flow well and make sense, she doesn't want you to try and use sophisticated words all the time. Overall, i would recomend this teacher because she is fair and easy to talk to.

General Ed
Aug 2002
If you happen to get this teacher, turn around and run. She's had a few too many sniffs of paint fumes. This woman cannot teach, she's not helpful and she totally picks her favorites. She thinks if she gives out A's the english department will look down on it for her being too easy so good luck with that. She's very condescending and you feel like youre in kindergarten again. DONT take her.

ENGL 134

General Ed
Mar 2002
Morningstar is a good teacher. She tends to talk a little much but is very easy. The tests were from the book ONLY and the asignments weren't to hard.

General Ed
Sep 2002
Ms. Morningstar was a wonderful teacher. Her lectures tended to be boring a lot of the time, but I think that might have been because I took a 2-hour class. Her tests are straight from the book. If you read, you won't have a problem. Make sure you do the reading every night so when she asks about it the next day, you can get extra participation points. She does count participation, so show up to class every day and occassionally answer a question and you'll do fine. Her class was easy except for one thing: essays. She either LOVES it, or HATES it, so whenever you get an essay assignment, GO TO HER OFFICE HOURS. She'll tell you exactly what she wants you to do with the essay...and give it to her to revise before you have to turn in the final draft. Other than that, I definitely recommend her.

General Ed
Feb 2003
This class was extremely pointless. The test are a joke as long as you half-ass study. When it comes to essays, if your an engineer, dont take this woman. She only likes flowery writing, you know that cheesy emotional crap. I should have had an A in this class but apparently I didnt express my "feelings" enough in my essays. If you can take another professor, but if your stuck with her, just kiss ass and you'll do fine.

Required (Support)
Apr 2003
I had Morningstar for the 2 hour block english class twice a week. Naturally I was a bit worried about having 2 solid hours of English but she always let us out early anyway! She was really nice and shes open to creativity on her assignments. I wrote essays about really stupid things that I actually enjoy and I was never graded down because of it. I'd definitely recommend her... English has always been pretty easy for me but most people will probably get an A without too much effort in this class.

General Ed
Apr 2003
she doesnt help much, just kind of seems out of it. she needs to get in touch with reality.

General Ed
Dec 2003
Dr. Moningstar is a really nice person but she should not be teaching English, she's too artsy. Eng 134 was an easy class, but she grades so subjectively that it doesnt not matter how hard you try on assignments bc she'll judge you as an A B or C student within the first week and give you that grade throughout the quarter regardless of your material. If you want an easy A or B and dont want to learn a damn thing than this is your professor.

General Ed
Dec 2003
Professor Morningstar is a really great teacher to have. She really does care about her students and wants class to be something you don't dread each day. She is a tough grader on essays but if you do well on the short simple quizzes that require you to read MAYBE 10-25 pages you'll do fine. She likes you to add fluff to your papers because it seems that she likes to read a little extra and dive into details. All in all, she's a good teacher and you get out of class early(by like 25 minutes early) just about everyday.

General Ed
Jan 2004
First of all Im an OK writer but she basically gives you a grade at the beginning and then sticks with that til the end of the year. She is an art teacher and really like a lot of flambouant, and descriptive essays. If you arent a very strong writer dont take her, she will tear you to peices and you will get a C in the class. She told us at the beginning of the year about how she has a week off, week of movies, and no final. Yeah that rocks but I mean come on that doesnt say much about her. She would come in class on Monday and tell us about how drunk she got on Sunday....shes really spacey, like on drugs or something, I think she did a lot of drugs in the 60's or even the 90's. Overall, shes just aweful dont take her!!! Please whatever you do

General Ed
Feb 2004

General Ed
Mar 2004
Professor Morningstar is not an adequate English Professor, and you should try to avoid her if at all possible. She trys her hardest to make students' feel bad about the quality of there work. SOrry Professor Morningstar, not every person was gifted with the ability to write as extroardinarily as you. Ppppplease. She would downright insult students in front of the entire class...something that I don not find the least bit appropriate. Her assignments suck. Basically, you write three fantasyland essays that she grades like shit. To make a long story short, don't take her if you know what's good for you.

General Ed
Apr 2004
When I read these polyratings of Morningstar, I thought that I could just get along by writing shitty essays that were fluffy, but i was wrong. THis lady is the biggest bitch I have ever met and i swear just dont take her. THe class isnt hard, but she picks people that she hates, and just rips on then day after day. Unfortunately I was one of those that she HATED WITH A PASSION. For no apparent reason, she picked me out of the class to bitch out in front of the entire class for like 20 minutes. Just dont take her. Plus shes like high school teacher, and takes role everyday. so you have to go to class, it really sucks. Shes basically a fat and stoned out bitch so dont take her.

General Ed
Apr 2004
Mrs. Morningstar is an intersting person. She is one of those teachers that chooses favorites, so definately get on her good side from the beginning. Luckily I was pretty much on her good side the whole quarter, although that still won't get you that far, since I obviously ended up with a B and not an A. I thought that if I just did a lot of fluffy and descriptive stuff in my essay it would be okay, but that is not the case, although it seems like she likes that sort of stuff. Unfortunately, she takes roll everyday and you loose points if your not there everyday, which is really hard if you have her in the morning. Also, most days there really isn't anything to do, so your out of class in like 20 minutes, which is great, but it makes it seem pointless to bother to get up and walk all the way to class. She rarely has anyhing really planned so you never really learn anything all quarter. The class is not horrible, but there are better teachers out there.

General Ed
Apr 2004
i got a b+, she's very abstract and I'll just end it with this, NO COMMENT!

General Ed
Apr 2004
Morningstar was an okay teacher. She is very "artsy" and different, but interesting. We had to write in class essays once and a while and also some papers we had to write on our own time. You have to study for her quizzes because if you don't, you might get a bad grade because they can be tricky. Not a super hard class, but not a great one either.

General Ed
Jul 2004
She was alright. One thing I didn't like was how she would say rude comments about some of the students, I thought that it was very unprofessional.

General Ed
Jul 2004
morningstar was awesome! If you show up to every class and do the reading, its pretty chill. She's really lax with the class and let's the students decide what we'll be studying. Best class i've taken at poly

General Ed
Oct 2004
K, Barbara might be a little bit, well a lot, of an air head, but who can complain? Class was cancelled atleast 3 times and everyday we were let out of class a half an hour early. Her tests are right out of the book and fairly easy if you read the text. She was a little bit of strick grader when it came to essays but she was very helpful and seemed really interested in the students.

General Ed
Dec 2005
Very good instructor. Allows you to fix any graded essay until the end of the quarter. Quizes are very easy if you do most of the reading. Make sure to talk to her about your work, she is great about giving usedul feedback. Also, we rarely stayed the entire two hours (if ever), usually getting out after 60-70 minutes or so.

General Ed
Dec 2005
Morningstar's class is a breeze. You just have to show up because she takes role. You can revise your essays as much as it takes to get an A. The reading is a bit excessive and may seem overwhelming but she goes over most of it during class, giving valuable.. hints.. right before the quizzes. She's often unclear on the due dates of assignments and is a bit unorganized at times, however, it's usually to your advantage. The class is NOT challenging, and there's never really a defined lesson plan, so you're left there staring at the clock, listening to her.. ramble.. you get out early nearly every day. So if you're looking for an easy A, it's here on a silver platter.

General Ed
Feb 2006
This class was managable. There was nothing to terrible about it except at times she was a little annoying and didn't explain what she was looking for in essays. I didn't care for her quizes from the book because it was all about how art relates to the world. It wouldn't kill you if you took her, she actually at times suprized me and was nice, but I'd say if you can get a better english teacher.

General Ed
Mar 2006
Morningstar is Awsome. How many other teachers do you know that gave students the day off because of Mardi Gras? This was the one class I always felt relaxed in and never really worried too much about what we would be doing in class. She makes deadlines for essays and homework that always change. You can practically turn in every essay on the last week of school and she won't mind. She is very understanding. Quizzes are extremely easy as well as the essay topics. I'm usually not all that great at English and never expected to get an A until the last couple of weeks. If you do the readings and put a little effort into the writings, an A is easily attainable.

Required (Support)
Aug 2006
Morningstar was awsome. Usually I hate english but she made the class tolerable. Her side comments can get annoying but if your just ignore them and do some of the reading, its a very easy a.

General Ed
Dec 2006
There would be only one reason to take this class with Morningstar: If you want to get an easy 'A'. If you actually want to learn something related to English then don't take Morningstar. She talks mostly about random enviromental crap or bags on some student's writing in front of the rest of the class. She never came to class with an apparent lesson plan and toward the end of the quarter would regularly let us out of class 20-30 mins. early. We wrote three papers the entire quarter each 3-4 pages long. I didn't learn anything new that I didn't already know from high school. Easy but really boring.

General Ed
Feb 2007
I absolutely loved her! Shes a little different, but thats what made class interesting, she cancelled a lot but i didnt mind that at all! Im trying to get her again for ENGL 145.. I suggest you take her if you dont want to do a ton of work, We read a book that was actually pretty interesting, Feed, and I am NOT into reading, I dont think I read one book in high school, i just used spark notes, but this book actually kept my interest and you do discussion in class about it.

Required (Major)
Feb 2007
Morningstar is a fantastic woman. She's compassionate, humorous, and gives random classes off if it seems appropriate. However, I'd suggest taking another professor if you're worried about getting an A. I tried incredibly hard, and would be docked off for the same thing over and over-no matter improvements. It's difficult teaching a writing-intensive course in lecture form, and she's okay. If you need more help, i'd either plan on lots of office hours and referring to the syllabus every single day to keep up on what's going on in class or taking someone else.

General Ed
Feb 2007

General Ed
Mar 2007
Basically an easy A. The only point in going to class is because attendance is part of your grade. If you follow directions and actually do the reading, you'll get an A. If you find English difficult, then get help from her from her office hours, although the one time I tried that, she never showed up. She's a whimsical lady who usually bull shits her way through class unprepared. You can tell she's an Art teacher rather than an English one, but oh well. Easy A if you want it.

General Ed
Feb 2008
she is really easy. if you want an good grade take her. you would learn anything though. we had alot reading to do. i never did it and got mostly good grades on the quizzes. we only wrote three essays. she even let us revise them after we turned them in. overall, she is a weird hippy, but very easy.

General Ed
Mar 2009
A lot of Polyratings say that Morningstar is an easy teacher, but that is definitely not true. I learned absolutely nothing from this woman. Her grading style is so inconsistent and if you ask her about a grade you got on a paper, she will have no idea as to why she gave you that grade. If she doesn't like your opinion then she doesn't like your paper and you'll get a bad grade. Basically if you are any bit conservative don't take this crazy liberal's class, because you won't get an A.

General Ed
Mar 2009

General Ed
Mar 2009
The books we had to read were pretty dumb, but she realized that after the fact. Not tough to do well in, just turn in your stuff and read the books and youll get As on all the quizzes. Interesting class, most time class felt nothing like english but she is a nice person. Very strange, but nice.

General Ed
Mar 2009
This was a really easy class. There were 3 essays which you could revise and a few quizzes on the readings which were pretty straightforward. Morningstar is a really nice person but she doesn't do much in the way of teaching. If you are already a decent writer, I recommend this class, it will be a breeze.

General Ed
Jun 2009
She does not know what she is doing. Long pauses during class. Her writing is utterly illegible. All this being said. I would take her class if you have a terrible history in english like me. I never read the books and got a B. The amount of work you have to do to pass this class is minimal. So easy. Total, for the entire course, I did about 6 hours of work. The entire quarter. And I could have done less and gotten the same grade. If you hate english, Morningstar is for you.

General Ed
Feb 2010
A pretty easy class. I didn\'t really feel like I learned anything at all. If you do all the work and turn it on time you should get an A. Overall, Morningstar\'s an easy teacher and the workload is pretty light.

General Ed
Feb 2010
She is doesn\'t keep consistent thoughts. But I recommend her to anyone! EASY CLASS

General Ed
Mar 2010
Do not be fooled by the positive feedback. Morningstar is a terrible teacher. Workload is light, but she is inconsistent with her grading. I got a C+ on my first essay and it was a narrative of myself! She is ridiculous. Her writing in illegible, and if you ask her why you got a low grade, she won\'t know what to tell you. Shes horrible at giving directions, and all she talks about in global warming. Eff this class. Get out while you can.

General Ed
Mar 2010
If English is your weakness and you just want to get this GE out of the way, take Morningstar. She\'s nice & friendly. She\'s also understanding and caring towards her students. However, I haven\'t learned much from this class. She\'s very strict about proper structure of your essays and take points off if your citation page doesn\'t follow exact guidelines. There\'s three books in this class, but they\'re easy to read. She doesn\'t grade fairly on papers, but she lets you edit one of the papers to get a better grade. She lets the class out early almost every other lecture.

General Ed
Mar 2010
Overall she is a pretty terrible english teacher. That being said, this was one of the easiest english classes ive ever taken. If you can write at least decently, it will be a very easy quarter.

General Ed
Jun 2010
Morningstar was an okay teacher. She is very \"artsy\" and different, but interesting. We had to write in class essays once and a while and also some papers we had to write on our own time. You have to study for her quizzes because if you don\'t, you might get a bad grade because they can be tricky.

Required (Major)
Jun 2010
Morningstar was awesome. Usually I hate English but she made the class tolerable. Her side comments can get annoying but if your just ignore them and do some of the reading, its a very easy A.

General Ed
Dec 2010
if you are looking for a good english class then dont take her. if you are looking for an easy A then sign up because this is the easiest A at cal poly. If you know how to write you can get an A on any essay and you can BS the reading quizzes.

General Ed
Dec 2010
Good teacher, average work load, interesting to be around. She let us out early every class (about an hour) and lets you re-do essays. She requires two books and assigns reading from each, DO THE READINGS or you\'ll fail her 4 quizzes. Overall, I\'d recommend Ms. Morningstar, easy B and if you put in some effort you\'ll get an A.

General Ed
Jan 2011
this is an easy class. u get out early every day. she lets u revise essays and boost your grade. the reading isnt too bad, i suggest making brief notes to study for quizzes. on the other hand, i literaly did not learn a single thing the entire quarter. every class i felt like she was straight up wasting my time. we did alot of "write about how you feel right now" type garbage. while this hasnt happended to me, i hear that if she disagrees with your stance on an essay, she will probably downgrade u. easy B overall.

Required (Support)
Mar 2011
I dont really agree with the reviews before me. I learned a lot from Morningstar... I probably wouldn't have if I didn't try in the class but if you put all the effort into class and assignments you gain a lot from the course. She's a really good teacher, too. Just a different style. Definitely an easy B but you have to work for an A. You get to revise your first two essays and there are 4 tests the whole class. If you don't read, you'll fail the quizzes but the reading isn't difficult material or anything. I loved her and i hope i get to take her classes again

General Ed
Mar 2011
Morningstar is.... eccentric. She is a good teacher and you should take her if you get the chance, just be aware she is weird. We only wrote acouple essays and there were no midterms or finals. There are reading quizzes, but they are not too hard. She almost always let us out of class early, and she lets you revise every essay. This is a super easy class and it is really easy to get a good grade in it. She does have somewhat strong opinions, and she is definitely a hippie. She is really laid back and is easy to talk to.

ENGL 135

General Ed
Apr 2010
If you want an easy English class, take Morningstar. She is a little bit crazy, but it makes the class a lot more interesting. She grades really easily on essays and she is always there to help you/give extensions if you need it. I actually enjoyed going to this class. It was extremely laid back and class got out 45 minutes early a lot of the time.

ENGL 145

General Ed
Dec 2001
Prof. Morningstar is a huge fan of assigning a reading for a night and the very next day taking the entire class period to read aloud to you exactly what she assigned you to read. Its all repeat verbatim. She does not teach, she reads. Additionally she makes attendence mandatory which is completely ludicrous because you don't learn a single thing in her class. I left this class knowing nothing more than when i came into the class other than Professor Morningstar is really Professor Moronsuck. Lates

Required (Support)
Jan 2002
such a laid-back teacher.... she let us have like 2 days off... and we didnt hafta show up to class during dead week... we had a few major assignments, all of which we had more than enough time to complete... tests were pretty easy... you cant go wrong with an ex-hippie(?)

General Ed
Jan 2002
Since it was such an early class (7 am) and I was a senior taking a freshmen level english class, I didn't put much effort into the class. She is a nice lady and a pretty good teacher, but nothing to get excited about that early in the morning. The two midterms were a bit harder than I anticipated (but certainly doable), there was also a short-answer test, an editorial assn- where you basically write 10 summations on editorials, and a group project (which was a pain in the ass). Overall, not a very hard class if you put the effort in (which I did not) where you could fairly easily get an A. She is also very approchable if you do have a problem, and attendance is a must as it counts towards your grade. And the reading wasn't difficult, but you had to do it since that is where she tested from as there was never must substance to her lectures.

General Ed
Feb 2002
Ms. Morningstar is a nice woman, but she should not be teaching! Actually, she doesn't teach. she merely reads things from the text. Really a waste of time. Also, I found it ironic that the prof of an argumentation class was illogical at times. very frustrating. Don't hear me wrong, I think Ms. Morningstar is a good person and means well, but, she is not fit to be teaching an argumentation class. Try to get another prof if you care about learning.

General Ed
Dec 2002
If this teacher could teach, she might be a good teacher. Our class(ENGL 145), was completely pointless, she never taught the material, just gave out a study guide a day or two before the midterm, and told us to study. Most days were spent just talking about random stuff, and dont think about just skipping class, because there is penalties for not going to class. The tests are not that hard, and there isn't a ton of work for the class. You can get an A and not work extremely hard, but it is gonna be boring. If you dont mind going to class and wasting your time, take her class. Otherwise, take another prof.

General Ed
Feb 2003
She is an interesting professor. She doesn't teach a thing, just tells you to read and write article summaries from opinions in the newspaper and grades them very hard! She has no business teaching english. If you aren't a very good writer don't take her she'll rip you to pieces and not really tell you what needs to be fixed to help you in the future. If I could go back I would have taken the speech section for this requirement.

General Ed
Jun 2003
Professor Morningstar is a good choice if you like going to class and sitting there not learning anything. She grades on attendance and it's so pointless. She has you do a ten page group paper, which is boring and if she gives you the option to do it on your own do it!! Her article summaries are bullshit and a major waste of time. After you have done two, you get the idea and it just drags on. She is a nice lady who means well but I think she should just stick to artsy stuff.

General Ed
Dec 2003
If you're thinking of taking Morningstar, RUN!! RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN!!! This was BY FAR the most pointless class I've taken yet. Honestly... Ms. Morningstar must have good intentions, but --I'm sorry-- she should NOT be teaching this course. Whenever I talked to fellow students in the class about her, the first word to everyone's lips was "pointless." Every class felt like I was wasting an hour of my life. Everyone was falling asleep. She just seems really flighty, forgetful... and she doesn't really TEACH anything. She talked to us like we were infants. Really slow... quiet... sugar-coated voice. She'd mark people down for being 30 seconds late and then the next day she'd be 15 minutes late and say nothing about it. She seemed extremely hypocritical to me. Plus her grading seemed random -- sometimes she'd take tons of points off a writing assignment for arbitrary things... other times I felt I wrote a bad paper but she'd give me 100%. As far as the work load... you do a few in-class writings which she can be kind of harsh on sometimes if you don't try. You do these write-ups on articles that are a PAIN. They just take up time and don't teach you a thing except reinforcing how to write a works cited page. That's the only thing I got out of this class. There are a few tests -- they're not bad, but you do have to study. :) Almost every class we sat around, all of us with glazed-over expressions on our faces as she murmured stuff like "bad traffic today, huh?" and then she'd try to spark discussions after a while when she didn't know what else to do and for the most part, we'd all just sit there and stare back at her in silence. A few times we had good discussions. That was a little entertaining. But overall, she NEVER seemed to have any plan for the class except to just sit there and look at us while she droned on softly about some issue. For most people I think this class was an easy A or B. If that's what you want, be my guest. Barbara Morningstar is a very sweet and creative woman, I'm sure. But I'm warning you: you'll spend 10 weeks feeling like you're throwing your tuition money away. This was the worst class I've had yet.

General Ed
Dec 2003
I'll be brief: I'm a good student who gets good grades and likes to be stimulated in class. I try not to be biased, but I can confidently say that this is the worst teacher I have ever had in my 15 years of schooling. This class is beyond pointless, and will suck out your will to live. Morningstar never has any focus, drive, or even lesson plan. You will be bored every day for ten weeks. Oh, and she takes role. Avoid this woman! She is NOT A GOOD TEACHER!!!!

General Ed
Apr 2004
Honestly, she is probably the worst teacher I have ever had. Pointless, opinionated, mean, and generally stupid. Pick another teacher.

General Ed
Apr 2004
AVOID AT AL COSTS!!! Firstly, she fucking takes role! Secondly, she is the most boring, lazy, and uninformed teacher ever born. If you re required to take this class, PLEASE find another teacher, for your own sake. There are many better teachers who teach this class. Do not take Morningstar! YOU WILL WISH YOU WERE DEAD!! You'll thank me later. p.s. Y'know, I bet she came on here herself and put those good reviews up.

General Ed
Oct 2004
I got an A so i think i am allowed to say my opinion without fear of "settling a vendetta". Basically, she is an unjustifiably ignorant and uninformed teacher. For a university professor, she is surprisingly unprofessional and air-headed. Its almost disturbing to imagine that I have spent as much money as I have, just to be required to sit and bite my nails everyday as this woman leans back in a chair and stares off into space. And she takes role. Just avoid her. She'll be fired soon anyhow.

General Ed
Dec 2004
I took her a couple of years ago...and I can't believe the English department still allows her to teach

General Ed
Jan 2005
Did not find this class to be difficult in the least. Found myself wanting more intelligent, stimulating conversation, which instructor tried to facilitate but did not often succeed in doing. On the other hand, writing prompts were interesting and writing assignments were good intellectual exercise.

Required (Major)
Mar 2005
If you have any option, do not take this class!!! She seems really out of it and spends most of the class talking about her personal life. I don't know how she is allowed to teach English. Every once in awhile she decides to assign the class some work, but doesn't explain the work or her expectations. If you do the reading, she spends the entire class reading the chapter out loud to the class. This was my first class, my first quarter at Cal Poly and it was a total joke. If you want a total breeze, take her. But she is really irritating, and she should stick with art!

Required (Major)
Mar 2005
A fair grader, but she doesn't really focus on writing style or grammer which may or may not prove a trial depending on your ability to write well. This was basically SCOM 101, except instead of presenting arguments orally you present them verbally. Be ready to have the Toulmin Method hammered into your brain. You can get by on the midterms by not doing the readings and just skimming before the test, since she goes over the readings in class anyway. She does pay attention to her students, though, and she WILL notice if you're absent and eventually dock you for that. Pretty good, but not the best.

General Ed
Jun 2005
nice professor that relates to her students well. be prepared for her to discuss her personal life with the class because she does it quite often. she is very honest and understands that everyone doesn't want to be in the classroom all the time. she let us out at least 1/2 an hour early every class. the class consists of a bunch of papers, a couple of presentations, and 2 midterms. the class is easy as long as you do all the work and put some effort in. an A is very attainable and a B is almost absolute. i would recommend her to anyone, especially if you don't want to be challenged that much and you want your GPA to be bumped up.

General Ed
Aug 2005
Take this teacher if u want a B or higher in english. I am not that great at writing i I still got a B. U have 2 midterms and a final and she tells u whats on them they aren't hard at all. U have to write like 4 essays which aren't hard or long. Shes real cool and not a hard grader she even shows up to class late and cancels class a lot. There was only a couple of times where we took up the entire class time. Other than that she lets u out like 30min early. Fun teacher and easy A.

General Ed
Feb 2007
Okay, I have no idea why Professor Morningstar has such a low overall rating. I am taking her right now for Engl 145 and I have to say she is defintely one of the coolest teachers I have ever had. She is so nice and laid back about everything (the laid back part apparently being the main complaint by people who must be complete douche bags), and she grades pretty darn easy (which is VERY nice for a GE class because GE is just bs anyways). She does make you write though, you just don't have to deal with the heavy criticism of a tough professor or the stress of a bad grade. She often draws away from the planned activities/due dates/class sessions on the syllabus to make sure we are happy with the pace and what's going on in the class. She makes you feel extremely comfortable in the classroom, which is nice since you do have to speak infront of the class a couple times (once again, very laid back, not scary at all). She lets you out early too when the weather is nice. She is just an awesome teacher and person. I definitely recommend taking her for this class, and any class for that matter, I promise you will not regret it. Oh, and as for everyone who scored her low, f*** you.

Required (Major)
Mar 2007
This class had the potential to be really fantastic and intellectually stimulating, but for some reason she decided to make every single assignment be about global warming. She took off 5 points on my first assignment merely because it was not about global warming. She doesn't really clarify what she wants exactly. Her laidbackness was actually incredibly frustrating. Yes, she canceled class often, and I don't know about you, but my college tuition is expensive, and I am paying for her to teach me how to be a better writer and I feel like I learned absolutely nothing in this class.

General Ed
Jun 2007
As a sophomore, I really didn't want to be stuck in a freshman level English GE course where I'd have to do tons of reading and writing. This was a great alternative! Prof Morningstar was fun and creative. I really liked that we focused so intently on Global Warming and prevention measures (which was totally unexpected), and the few papers that we did write were on that topic. I don't think I learned too much about argumentative writing, but all the assignments did demand some ability. There were also two midterms, but you could argue for extra credit. She was laidback, but she'd publicly call you out if you did something wrong - not often or anything, but if you can't take any sort of criticism, watch out. I also enjoyed the readings she assigned, including Ishmael by D. Quinn. And the organic feast was great :) Overall, I really enjoyed the class and it didn't take up too much time.

General Ed
Aug 2007
Barbara Morningstar is the easiest teacher ever. If you take ENGL 145 with her, you will get an A by putting in minimal effort. Her class is laid back and the lights are usually off to conserve energy. Beware that if you do a write-up on an article that is not pro global warming, you will be marked down. She is very nice, but extremely unorganized and probably shouldn't even be teaching. If you are looking for a class that requires minimal work, gets out an hour early almost everyday, and guarantees a good grade... this is the one.

General Ed
Sep 2007
So... you walk into the class and see this hippie teacher talking about growing bean sprouts and reading Al Gore's picture book and you think to yourself "this class is going to be a sinch." Well, it is, and it was the biggest waste of time i have ever seen. I'm not saying this because i'm resentful for a bad grade, i got a B+! I would just hate for anyone else to waste their time with this cook. I wrote a paper on the theories against global warming and literally got a B in the class because of it. I learned absolutely nothing about writing or grammar. She's disorganized and constantly cancels class. Get out while you still can!

Jun 2010

Jun 2010
\"No comment\"

General Ed
Sep 2010
Half the class wasn\'t even about English, it was about your carbon footprint and being vegetarian. However, most of the information she had on this and related subjects was out of date. The first midterm was ridiculously easy, one of the questions was \"The regarian method is used my girly men and sissies\" T or F? The Final was a little harder. A decent amount of worthless reading. Class was pretty much worthless too, the only real thing we learned about were ethos pathos logos, the regairan and toulmen methods. Skim the book before tests and that\'s it. Also he subtracts a lot of points for missing class, and she knows even though she doesn\'t take roll. The best part was when half the class fought back with one little project we had to do, basically telling her she was wrong.

ENGL 218

General Ed
Mar 2001
This class was easy. THere were 3 papers, an optional research paper (you could do in-class assignments instead) a daily quiz on the easy reading, 2 midterms, and punctuation quizzes. If you are competent in writing, take this class. I didn't learn one thing and it was a breeze! The easiest A I've ever gotten in my life! Professor Morningstar is a very nice woman who is very approchable.

PSY 302

Required (Support)
Nov 2016
During this entire quarter all I could think about was how this professor reminded me of that small little dog that runs through the back of scene 23 in The Incredibles by Pixar. Seriously, if you look it up you will only be able to see it...