Miller, Charles  



83 evaluations

BUS 212

Required (Support)
Dec 2001
Professor Miller was a great teacher. He made a subject as uninteresting as accounting seem fun and easy to understand. He always started each class with a joke or some story about his family. If nothing else, the bad jokes were worth showing up at 8 inthe morning. He also seems to honestly care about the students and actually enjoy comming to work, which is something I can't say about all the professors at Cal Poly. There was a large course load, but was fair. We had one or two chapters to read a week plus about 5 short answer questions to turn in (he roled a dice to see which one he would grade). They were easy enough, you can usually get them all done in class and get full credit. His exams were tough though. He only had about 30 questions per exam so you can only miss a few questions in order to get an A. Plus,there was no curve so that made it even harder.

Required (Support)
Dec 2001
Although accounting is definitely not my favorite subject, I really liked Dr. Miller. He has a great sense of humor and would do anything to help his students do well in the class. He told us right away that he realized how boring accounting can be but that he just wanted to make the class fun and easy for us. Even though I didn't really go to class, I did well on the tests because there were sample tests from past quarters posted on his website, and our tests were very similar to those. I didn't even have to read the book. Just make sure you do your homework and learn the answers to those practice tests, and the class should be cake.

Required (Major)
Feb 2002
Easy B, this class is a breeze and it teaches you a lot!! He is upfront about dates on tests and hw. Tests are easy.

Required (Support)
Mar 2002
Tad is a great guy, his tests are not to bad since he puts all the last quarter tests on the web to study from and most of the questions are the same. The hw is easy because the anwsers are on the web too! His jokes are the best!!!

Required (Support)
Mar 2002
He was a great Prof. He always had funny jokes and stories to tell throughout his lecture. Accounting isn't the most interesting class, but with his stories it made the class so much better. As long as you do all the homework and study the old tests from on-line you are sure to get an "A". The class is pretty straight forward. He drops the lowest test score and the lowest homework score. All in all, he is an awesome Professor.

Required (Support)
Mar 2002
cool teacher, his lectures are filled with jokes and life lessons. I enjoyed class when i came, but it didn't hurt me to miss it, which was nice, use the online tests to study, but you really learn more when you actually look up the info in the book which I did for 2 of the tests. Definately take this class.

May 2002
Excellent professor. The class was a huge lecture, but the people in the very back were still involved in the class. He starts off every class with a joke. Great guy, very willing to help. Material is clear and straight forward as are the tests. There are weekly homework assignments (very clear if you read the text) and he drops your lowest homework and test score (that means you don't have to take the final if you are happy with your grade going into it) Everyone should take this class!

Required (Support)
Oct 2002
Tad is a great guy and I found his class surprisingly enjoyable for an 8am class. He presents material clearly and easy to understand. He also has past tests online to help you study. You even get to drop a test, which can be the final if you choose. Overall, I really enjoyed taking Financial Accounting from him!

Required (Major)
Oct 2003
This class was easy and fun. I took it last year and earned a solid A, didn't have to take the final, and had a lot of fun. Tads jokes are funny but corny and the first three tests have previous tests to study fromt that he gives you! How hard could it be? Plus, it's MULTIPLE CHOICE ACCOUNTING! Everyone I know in the major loves Tad, too, so I'd say overall he seems like a really good choice.

Jul 2005
A great professor. Miller is funny and entertaining during his lectures. Not a difficult class if you spend a few hours a week studying.

BUS 214

Required (Major)
Jan 2004
tad is a cool guy. through all the jokes (some are good) and his bashing himself, there is a good professor here. basically, if i have an opportunity down the road to take another class of his, i will.

Required (Major)
Feb 2004
Miller is an awesome guy! I barely passed this class b/c it was at 7 am. Although he is a funny and entertaining guy, to retain the info in this class, make sure you take it later in the day. Also, stay up on the reading. I'd definately take him again.

Required (Major)
Dec 2010
Tad Miller is a G in accounting

Required (Major)
Dec 2010
Tad is a baller. His class was very difficult for me, but I walked away with so much more than just a lesson in accounting. He genuinely cares for and loves our generation, not to mention he is a true kid at heart. Take this professor because I assure you he is one of the best professors at this university.

Required (Support)
Dec 2010
Tad Miller is an awful excuse for a professor. He is clearly an externality of the California budget cut crisis and Cal Poly\'s inability to hire quality professor\'s. Besides being a sexist incompetent instructor, Tad wouldn\'t be able to teach accounting if his life depended on it. Most of his class consists of insulting students that ask questions (even if they\'re good questions) and the rest of the class is spent with his back turned towards the students scribbling illegible numbers on the board. The only reason I didn\'t fail this class is because I read every single page of the book and did all of the accounting lab problems. If you are unfortunate enough to have Miller as a professor, I suggest skipping class and spending that time reading the book instead.

Required (Major)
Jan 2011
Tad is one of my favorite professors at Cal Poly. He's entertaining, knows what he's doing, and is the perfect balance between being fun and serious. Attendance is somewhat mandatory, as there are points that can be used for needed extra credit, but it's not a big deal to miss. However, it is a big deal when you miss because of the missed information, so go every class.

Required (Support)
Mar 2011
Tad is hilarious and a great teacher to have. NOT a hard class with him. Take him and find out

Required (Major)
Mar 2011
Tad Miller is the WORST professor I have experienced at Cal Poly. I hate when people rate professors by the niceness. Who gives a shit? If he's nice but he teaches like a homeless illiterate what does that mean? For one, he isn't nice. Half the time he is in the room, he is either making his FUCKING lame jokes about how women are smarter or about his daughters. And when he is actually explaining, NO ONE in the class knew what he was doing. For 214, I took Earl Keller (great professor) but unfortunately, he fell extremely ill and couldn't teach the class any more. Another unfortunate event happens, we got this lame excuse of a teacher to fill earls place. Oh what agony. He explains shit out of his ass. Look, It's not that I'm lazy and don't study. I studied A LOT for this class and the idiot Tad didn't help one bit. STAY AWAY FROM THIS SEXIST NOT FUNNY OLD GEEZER. He lame excuse of a teacher. P.S. If you must take this idiot and you have to ask a question in class, be prepared for a dumb ass look and him making fun of you some how.

Required (Major)
Mar 2011
Tad is a great professor who gives very fair tests and will help you out as much as you need in the class. He tries to make the subject matter [which is inherently very boring] exciting and he has a good sense of humor, and that says a lot for an accountant. The practice midterms are very representative of the real tests, just with different numbers. He doesn't post the answers but if you have a friend to go over them with you can figure it out or go into his office hours or stop after class and he will explain it.

Required (Support)
Mar 2011
WOW. It surprises me to see such negativity towards Professor Miller & his class. I took his Bus 214 class my 2nd quarter at Cal Poly and was thoroughly satisfied with his teaching. For someone that could easily be my granddad, Tad is upbeat, charismatic, and you can tell he truly cares about your success & understanding. His approach to teaching is one of humor and simplicity. Each lecture is simply a review of the book exercises while focusing on the key components we will need to know for the test. And not only that, he posts on blackboard past exams going 3 quarters back for you to study from. They end up being exactly like the midterms - Pretty mellow right? Now, for those who say: 1) "...when he is actually explaining, NO ONE in the class knew what he was doing" - - I say, his teaching is clear cut and to the point. No extra filler or complexities. Teaches you what your tested on. 2) "The only reason I didn't fail this class is because I read every single page of the book and did all of the accounting lab problems. I suggest skipping class and spending that time reading the book instead." - I say, what "accounting lab problems"? I did not pay for or even look at these problems in the online lab. And what "time reading the book instead."? I figured out earlier on that reading the book would not be necessary only working out the exercises in it. Professor Miller outlines everything you need to know IN LECTURE - exactly why if you go to class & study past exams (the one's he provides to you) you'll be set! Soooooo... If you like simple teaching, past exams to study from, and a humorous lecture (sorry for those who take personal his jokes, that's why it's called a joke - lighten up maybe?) TAKE PROFESSOR MILLER ... you won't regret it!

Required (Major)
Mar 2011
Tad was an AMAZING teacher! he gave examples that fully showed what we would be required to know for our exams. At least half the class got A's on the first 2 tests. plus he posts past tests to his website which are great studying tools. This class requires a bit of practicing with the material presented but overall this class was very great.

Required (Major)
Mar 2011
You have to go to Miller's class high to understand what he's talking about. His lectures have no material in them, he simply does sample problems on the board, which take about an hour each because he sprinkles in stupid stories about how he almost invested in Starbucks and how his used car lot has been a learning experience for him and how he likes his house but his wife thinks its too small. The only reason I got an A in this class was because he posted old exams for the first two tests online, and for the final I studied for probably a total of 30 hours on my own during dead week. I never learned one thing in class, I just sat there and read the piece of shit book and tried to make a little bit of sense out of it. This was the biggest waste of my time. Do not take this class.

Required (Major)
Jun 2012
Good professor. He's very nice and approachable, you just got to understand he likes to joke around. Just roll with the punches and the class will be that more enjoyable. He puts past exams up online for you to study for, so there is really no excuse for not being prepared. His lectures can be a bit dull sometimes and monotonous though. Just read the text, do the practice problems he assigns, and absorb what he says in class and you should be fine.

Required (Major)
Feb 2014
I am going to fail this class. He doesnt have the best teaching style. If you take him its best you get the my accounting lab and go to the free tutoring the college offers because you will need those in order to back you. I wont be taking him again. Its a hard concept to grasp and his teaching style did not match up with my learning style. And yes he lets you see old exams but not the answers and if you dont know how to do the work then it doesnt matter how many old exams you have.

Required (Support)
Mar 2014
Alright, here's the real deal on Dr. Miller, AKA Tad. Please ignore the whining, lazy students who were so shocked when they partied half of the week, didn't put any time into a college course, and are butthurt they got a bad grade. It's true: Tad can be a bit sexist at times, he cracks jokes, and pokes fun at people who are just begging to be made fun of. It's also true that Tad gives us his exact exams for the past year, and goes over every type of problem on the tests, so there's no excuse for not getting an A on each one. All Tad does is change the numbers on the tests. He has a useful, albeit archaic-looking website, which has all of his chapter outlines, instructional videos, and past exams on it. USE HIS WEBSITE TO STUDY EVERYTHING! There are absolutely no tricks in this class. It is necessary to at least skim the chapter you're learning before going into the lecture, and bringing your book to class helps so you can see which homework problems he's going over. He only tests us on the type of problems he's covered in class. If you feel lost, go to his office hours or to the free tutoring and workshops offered by the College of Business. Basically, there are no excuses for failing such an easy class. I got an A on every test, thoroughly enjoyed his lectures, and plan to go into accounting now.

Required (Major)
Apr 2014
Worst professor Ive ever had. Doesnt explain anything. Gives you practice tests with no answers so their pretty pointless. Dont take him.

Required (Major)
Dec 2014
Tad is my favorite professor at Cal Poly so far!! He is extremely approachable and does his best to lighten up the subject with jokes and stories. He really cares about the students and almost every class he shared some kind of motivation for everyone to do well and be the overall best person they can be. There are quizzes for each chapter but if you do the reading and attend class they are very generic applications of the material. There are two midterms and he gives you three old tests online that are the exact test with different numbers. He does not give answers but if you do not understand you can easily ask him in office hours how to do it so there is no reason not to do well on them. Lastly, if you are happy with your grade before the final it is not necessary to take but if you do need it to boost your grade then he dedicates the last class to review and answer questions. I STRONGLY recommend this teacher!!

Required (Major)
Dec 2014
Tad is an absolutely horrible teacher. Does not care about how his students do and is willing to fail half the class. I showed up for lecture every single day, did every single one of his practice tests and still ended up having to retake the course. He gives you problems to do every night and his lectures consist of going over those problems. DOES NOT TEACH A SINGLE THING. Save yourself a quarter and drop this class asap. He is a lottttt of talk and no action. I have never had a D in a class in my life and he is straight up the worst professor I have ever had.

Required (Major)
Mar 2015
Makes fun of students constantly. Conceited and makes it hard to ask questions, doesn't answer questions directly even if you ask them. Horrible at relating material in a way students can understand. Talks about his wife instead of teaching.

Required (Major)
May 2015
Tad is one of those teachers who I'm going to remember. For an 8am class, he brought the humor to keep us awake and genuinely cared about his students. The final was optional and grades were based off of quizzes and two midterms. He definitely made me interested in accounting, so if you have the chance to ever take his class, go for it.

BUS 319

Required (Major)
Dec 2008
Tad Miller is a solid professor and even though we bumped heads a couple times this quarter I think I would take him again over Savage (the other teacher teaching 319). He is a by the books guy and the grade you get is the grade you earned, just like it is in the real world. That being said he wants to see you succeed and although he has a funny way of showing it (the second midterm class average of a D was not curved) if you study you will be alright. The class has one dealership project and the second one is on the pinkbook. The first midterm is based of the dealership project and the sales and acquisition cycles so if you paid attention and "played the game" as Tad calls it, you will be fine. The second one is a bunch of theory from that useless book they make you buy (he will tell you what you need to know) and the Pink Book. For our class he gave us a third project due during dead week that was originally not in the syllabus in exchange for making the final only 50 points (a good tradeoff). Points on tests and projects are the same. Having said all this I want to add that you have to be a hard worker which may be a obvious statement granted that we are in college but the projects are somewhat time consuming and although you don't spend that much studying for the final and midterms I would still say this class takes up quite a bit of time and Tad can throw curveballs from time to time. He is nonetheless a solid professor and wants you to be successful even if he has a funny way of showing it sometimes.

BUS 321

Required (Support)
Aug 2000
First let me begin by saying that Bus321 is a very demanding course to begin with. Tad Miller was a great choice for the class. He assigns a lot of homework and expects a lot from students. Yet, he relates very well with students and will drop anything he's doing if you come into his office for help, even if it's not during office hours. Tad doesn't collect the homework, but his tests cover everything that he assigns from homework

Required (Support)
Aug 2003
WEll, luckily for his fall students, he is adding quizzes to help pad your grade. But all we had were three tests, each 33% of your grade. He is bad in lecture. All he does is problems, but he doesn't clarify or well document his steps. He's hard to follow and kind of mean to the students if you ask a question. I would avoid him. I feel i would have gotten a good grade from any other teacher, but because of his teaching, tons of people in my class are gonna have to take the class over again. He's says its not him and its just a really hard class, but he doesn't help any. avoid him!

Required (Major)
Sep 2003
Tad may know the material in his head, but he certainly can't convey his knowledge effectively. Class lectures were pointless; he is so scatterbrained that it's impossible to follow him. He does make himself available to students outside of class, but his inability to teach is really frustrating. Tad is a very defensive person, and gets upset when you bring up questionable grades. My overall experience of Tad is that he is unpleasant and obnoxious. Avoid him.

Required (Major)
Sep 2003
Dr. Miller, loves what he is teaching, but can not teach. When most of the class failed the first test he was mad at the class for not putting out as he had wanted. In the end, it did not matter how well you did on the final, because if you had not done well on the first test, you were not going to pass the class. 3 tests, 1/3 of the grade each. DO NOT TAKE FROM THIS TEACHR!!!

Required (Major)
Oct 2003
2/3's of this class did not pass. When I asked if I should drop the class, Dr. Miller said "no, everone who stays with it will make it". This is not true. I did really well on the final, and I still got an F. Don't take from this guy.

Required (Major)
Feb 2004
Tad is a really good professor. I barely passed 214 last year because I never attended classes and I was absolutely dreading this class, and I still got a B+, and I credit a lot of that to Tad and his teaching style. I actually enjoyed going to class and I really really like accounting now. Hes got a great sense of humor and keeps things upbeat. There are like 3 or 4 exams (cant remember exactly), each covers two or three chapters. The final is NOT cumulative, and he gives you links to his website where he has posted previous exams. I'm telling you this is what you need to do to get at least a 'B': Attend as many lectures as possible. Buy the book and do the problems Tad assigns Before the exams just work through all the practice tests and go to office hours with any problems. The real exams are just like the practice ones. Good luck and take Miller

Required (Major)
Mar 2004
Awesome professor. Tad gives clear lectures and keeps you awake with his jokes and overall great attitude. By far the best professor at poly. Understands students and gives fair exams. You will not be dissappointed with Dr. Miller.

Required (Major)
Mar 2004
Tad is one of the most caring professors at Poly- you know he got into the profession for the students and his love for them. Oftentimes he is hard to understand but he is more than willing to help you in his office hours if need be; and I highly recommend visiting him if you ever have a chance- great guy.... This course is hard, study the old tests as well as the homework questions thoroughly and you will do fine- ASK QUESTIONS!

Required (Major)
Dec 2005
I think he's an awesome professor. He's willing to spend as much time as necessary with you to help you understand the material, he has practice exams available online for you to take that are really close to the ectual exam, and he genuinely cares for his students. The only reason I did so poorly is because I hadn't taken an accounting class in four years and it took me awhile to remember the basic concepts again. Overall, if you have the opportunity to take him for this course - take it. You will not regret it.

Required (Major)
Jan 2006
Wonderful professor! Dr. Miller is so nice and helpful. His lectures and tests are straight forward and you know exactly what to study. This class is not easy though. There is a lot of homework and a lot of information to learn. Do all the assigned homework, ask questions, visit Tad during office hours, and study a lot for the tests. I highly recommend taking Tad's class.

Required (Major)
Jan 2006
BUS 321 is not as bad as everyone makes it out to be. Tad truly cares about his students and sincerely wants people to do well. He goes over homework problems in class everyday...however he does not collect homework. Go to class because he does things differently than the book and he wants you to do them his way. The class is a lot of work-don't get me wrong. However, he gives you old midterms to study from. STUDY THEM--they are exactly like the real midterms. He gives you plenty of resources and doesn't try to trick you. There are 3 midterms, one quiz, a project and a final. The quiz is very simple, the project is exactly like the one you did in BUS 214. The only real challenging thing is the final because you don't get a practice one. You will do fine-keep up on the reading and do the homework even though you don't get points for it. Tad tries really hard.

Required (Major)
May 2012
Tad is a baller. I got a B+ in his class and feel like if I put in more effort and attended his office hours I would have boosted my grade. That being said, he will go over what you need to know in class and explains the material in a straight forward fashion. He has the deepest quotes you will ever hear and was a great instructor. I hope he will be around for my upper division accounting classes

Required (Major)
Feb 2016
I've had Tad twice and just really dislike his teaching style and him as a person. He puts up a humble front but it becomes clear that he is very full of himself. HIs tests are the absolute worst. You can go in and understand the concepts, but if you make a little mistake or two, it can wreck you. He curves, but not well. I find him very difficult and am very happy I never have to take him again.

Required (Major)
Mar 2016
Tad comes off as a really nice guy and is a nice guy as long as you make an effort. Come to class prepared and be able to answer questions and he will take that into consideration while grading your tests. There were only 3 exams while I took him and while they were all very hard, the homework prepared you pretty well. Be sure to understand the actual concepts and not just how to do the problems since he throws in some tricky, confusing problems that are different from the homework.

Required (Major)
Mar 2016
Tad is a breath of fresh air for the accounting department. Experienced yet doesn't drone on about his stories, witty (which keeps your attention), and able to explain problems in new perspectives that are easier to learn. Optional homework that can only help your grade if you complete it, 2 quizzes (worth 40 points each), 2 midterms (worth 100 points each), and 1 final (worth 75 points). All problems on the quizzes/tests are exactly like performed in class, just with new numbers & twists SO JUST REDO ALL OF THE PROBLEMS. EXTREMELY prompt on grading (1-2 day turnaround on a 10 page test), accommodating during office hours, etc. etc. Overall would definitely take Tad again, just keep up with the work and study more than you think you need to.

Required (Major)
May 2016
Tad is a fantastic professor. One of my favorites by far. He is very funny and sarcastic, so don't get offended... Fire something back at him he'll love it. There is a good amount of information that needs to be covered throughout the quarter, so naturally the class is fast paced. However, UTILIZE HIS OFFICE HOURS!!!! Tad truly wants his students to succeed and has a love for teaching so he does as much as possible to help. He provides past exams to study off of so make sure you take full advantage of those. All in all, TAKE HIM

Required (Major)
Oct 2016
Bad professor overall. Very boring, hard to follow, and I can barely stay awake in his class. He constantly goes off topic, and doesn't teach the material well at all. Participating in the class is often hard, because he doesn't clearly answer your questions, and often mocks you for asking them. I highly regret taking BUS 321 with him.

Required (Major)
Jan 2017
Tad is great professor! I can understand why some people would not like his method of teaching. He expects you to have read the book and do the book problems prior to coming to class. He then goes over the problems in class and will ask if you have questions. This is your opportunity to ask him to clarify anything you were confused on when doing the problem. If you're expecting to come to class and have him do step by step lectures on the book material, then he is definitely not the professor for you. But if you have reached this far within your accounting concentration, then you're pretty much already expected to learn most of the material on your own. Tad will help you and guide you, but he's not there to babysit you through it. Some quick tips, stay focused and stay on top of your stuff! The class moves at a fast pace but it is manageable. The practice tests will be your savior, make sure you know how to do every problem by heart because he usually just changes the numbers. Don't be afraid to go into his office hours to ask for help. I know I didn't get an A in his class but I am still very proud of my work. I actually ended up enjoying this class a lot more than I thought I would.

Required (Major)
May 2017
He's super funny.

Required (Major)
Apr 2018
Literally the worst teacher I have ever had the displeasure of having. Tad is unhelpful in his office hours, even saying that youre asking dumb questions. I couldnt believe his lack of help when I was asking for it. The class may be hard already but its even harder when you have to teach yourself. Thank god he's retiring like he shouldve done a decade ago. 0/10 instructor

BUS 322

Required (Support)
Dec 2006
Tad is a great teacher and makes a boring and dificult class not so bad. I had to retake this class after failing it with Keller and I was able to do much better thanks to Tad. He teaches directly out of the book so it is really easy to follow along and know what to study. Be sure to do all of the questions he assigns. This makes passing the class a lot easier. Also, just about everthing he lectures is on the tests so there isn't a lot of fluff. Furthermore, his test questions don't build on each other too much so if you screw up the first or second step in a problem you won't miss the next 6 questions as well. This means there are a lot more problems on his tests. Where as Keller may have only had 6 on an exam Tad will have about 20-30. They go really quick though and as I said missing one or two doesn't mean you bomb the test.

Required (Major)
Jan 2007
Let me first off say that Dr. Miller is a great guy and he truly loves his students. Above all else he cares about his students and their well being. He gives "heart to heart" speeches sometimes and it really shows that all he cares about is his students doing well. However, his teaching methods are marginal and he has troubles conveying the material. He's a smart guy and knows what's goin on, but seems to have difficulty teaching his students. It ends up, just study everything in the book and go over his practice exams and you'll be fine.

Dec 2007
Two Midterms and one Final 30% Each, one Accounting Process Project 5%, one Cash Flows Project 5%. Miller is a Great Teacher. Its a no bullshit class. Very practical, just the really important concepts. Amazing teacher, great ability to explain and break down concepts, I really don't think it can be taught any better than this. He definitely does not make accounting any harder than it needs to be!

Required (Major)
Feb 2008
Best accounting teacher at poly hands down. He really carea bout his students and you can talk to him about anything. Take him as much as you can 321, 322, 425.

BUS 425

5th Year Senior
Required (Major)
Dec 2004
Tad is one of the nicest professors I've met in the school of business. I feel class time could be used in a more productive manner but overall he's a good guy. Be prepared to participate since he calls on people at random, thats what the whole class time is used up on. If you study his powerpoints you will be fine on the exams. This class requires a lot of memorization but it's not too bad.

Required (Major)
Dec 2005
Tad is a nice guy but clueless. His tests are straight memorization and he doesnt teach anything in class, but you have to go for participation points.

Required (Major)
Dec 2005
Tas is such a funny guy. The tests do require a lot memorization, but if you look over the slides and spend some effort learning the information, then the tests are very clear. He tells you exactly what you'll need to know and gives you practice exams. Tests are VERY similar to practice exams. Participation is a must to get an A. He calls on people at random. This class was overall very enjoyable and I would take more classes with him if I had the opportunity to.

Required (Major)
Dec 2005
Tad is a good professor and I enjoyed his sense of humor. It's a good class.

Required (Major)
Dec 2005
Tad is a great professor. He really cares about his students and CPAC and is always willing to help. This class is pretty straight forward and all about memorization and flash cards. He posts copies of old tests on his webiste and the midterms are exactly like them. So it's really feasible to get at least a B if you try and work on the memoraization. He calls on people at random for questions and you get points for right answers, and a lot of people got screwed on the grades for not having enough points. It's all part of the luck of getting your name chosen and him calling on you. Anyway, I don't know if anyone else even teaches audit, but Tad is a great guy for the job!

Required (Major)
Dec 2006
Tad's (he hates being called Charles) auditing class is simply one that demands to be attended. Sure, he is the only instructor for Bus 425 and your participation grade that makes up a disturbingly high percentage of your overall score is dependent on you KNOWING-not just briefly reading-the lecture chapter so as to answer randomly assigned questions. But he tries to make coming to class each day exciting and educational. Tests from earlier quarters are available to study (the real test is very very very similar). There is one project which shouldn't take too long, but its also kind of fun (Vouch and Trace with work papers, invoices, orders, and shipping documents). The thing I didn't like about the class were the students who always seemed to jump on someone elses participation question like jackals feasting on the wounded. Unfortunately, there aren't enough participation points to go around. Even if you attend every day, you will not earn 100% participation without stealing someone elses question. Good class, bad jokes, laughable videos, good professor.

Required (Major)
Jul 2007
Tad is awesome. The memorization thing is true, but the material isn't that tough to memorize. He does call on people at random, but if he didn't, the class would be way boring, so it definitely keeps you on your toes. At the end of the quarter, he makes sure to call on people who don't have as many participation points. He's a really funny guy and he definitely cares about all of his students.

Required (Major)
Mar 2008
Tad is a great guy who goes to lengths to keep students interested in the dry material. He calls on people at random for participation points that you only get if you answers correct. The biggest problem with this, other than the hilarious or embarrassing moments of getting it wrong, it means that you must already know the material before it is taught to you. This raises the question of whether he is a Teacher or just someone who facilitates learning. For people who study like I do (class then read associated chapter, or cram at the end), you may find yourself struggling for points at the end of the quarter. Either way, if you are going for CPA you need to know some auditing and he is not a bad teacher to have, if you don't mind memorizing a good amount of stuff and learning on your own.

Required (Major)
Apr 2008
This class is pure memorization. He tells you exacgtly what to memorize for the tests. Participation is huge, so get the slides from someone who was in the class before and you will know what to expect. The projects are both easy, i dont even think he really grades, but just makes sure you completed them.

Required (Major)
Apr 2008
Tad is awesome, enough said. Not a ton of work, two projects during the quarter are really easy, studying for the exams is best done with some flash cards and a group of people, not a hard class at all, take Tad.

Required (Major)
Jan 2009
Easiest class ever. Just show up the lectures and memorize the old tests and you get an A. He gives you so many hints on whats gonna be on the exam. The participation may be tricky if you dont know the material but the rest is cake. If you know how to sucessfuly disect his website you can get the answers all of his own tests

Required (Major)
Dec 2009
I have found that a lot of the material Miller goes over in class is also relevant to the CPA exam, so save your notes.

Required (Major)
Dec 2009
This class is strictly memorizing accounting standards, definitions, and processes word for word. As tedious as it can be, you will leave the class with a deep knowledge (and sharp memory) of the different aspects of audit. 3 midterms and a final, all worth 20% of your grade. 2 quick projects and some participation points. Tad is a boss. He makes you work for your grade - you need to go to class to get some participation points as well as be prepared to answer questions from the reading when he randomly selects your name (word for word). It\'s a little intimidating at first but it\'s college, and Tad\'s the only one who teaches the class. Keep your notes and ask people from past classes for their stuff too.

Required (Major)
Dec 2009
The bad news: Regular class attendance is almost necessary to get full participation points. The good news: Miller is a great guy and the class is easier than it appears. The two projects are short and sweet. The exams require mostly memorization of auditing principles and rules, which may seem redundant and silly on the outset, but there is a good reason for it. I am studying for the CPA exam right now, and find that most of what Miller emphasized in class and required us to memorize is also the same stuff that is on the CPA exam. He provides you with old exams to study and pretty much tells you what is going to be on each exam in class, so you\'d have to be a complete moron to not pass this course.

Required (Major)
Jun 2011
I must say I came into this class hating Tad. I had him for BUS 319 and it was the worst experience of my life. But the way he teaches auditing is so much different. I actually found myself liking him by the end of the quarter and really appreciated his teaching style. The tests are very straight forward and you just have to memorize the material. The participation points seems intimidating at the beginning of the quarter but he always adjusts it down so even if you don't like participating you can still manage. Overall, I enjoyed this class and think it's important to take if you're accounting. I'm going into tax and I still thought it was worthwhile.

Required (Major)
Dec 2011
Tad presents most everything that you need to know for not only his exams, but, from what I've heard, the CPA exam as well. There are 3 midterms and 1 final each worth 100 points, 2 projects each worth 25 points, and participation worth 50 points. He WILL call you out in class, so if you don't know the answer, prepare to feel awkward while everyone watches you fail; this, however, is motivation to come prepared to class, because the questions he asks you are only meant to reinforce the material, as well as boost your participation points. There are practice exams on his website, so the midterms should be easy. As long as you put in your time, you'll come out of the class with a good grade.

Required (Major)
Mar 2013
As I am sitting here cramming for the Audit CPA exam I thought I would review Tad's performance. I never really liked this guys pompous teaching style. He really does think he is the world's best accountant. And he is so busy making fun of his students you end up being dissuaded from asking substantive questions. But beyond that he is pretty good at relaying information. One thing I want to correct is that while much of the information he teaches is on the CPA exam 1) it is only about 5% of the exam and 2) he is so nit picky that it is completely counter productive to your learning. Miss a word and you are docked 3 out of 5 points, which isn't at all like the multiple choice CPA exam. Thought that may help some.

Required (Major)
May 2013
Whoever wrote the below comment, you obviously don't understand Tad's humor or his ability to make his class EXTREMELY EASY TO GET AN A IN AS LONG AS YOU DO EXACTLY WHAT HE SAYS. It's really not that hard. He literally tells you everything that will be on the test, he provides you with prior quarter TESTS, AND he presents the material in an interesting, entertaining way where you actually want to listen to him. Whoever wrote that comment below (and I feel like I know who you are because you whine in class all the time) you obviously are going to do great in accounting because you have no appreciation for entertainment or personality. Oh, btw, I'd like to see you study for the auditing section of the CPA exam on your own to see how you'd do. You probably wouldn't even know where to start. So to argue against your comment about how Tad doesn't cater to the exam, he caters a lot better to it than you would on your own. End of story, Tad is an amazing teacher. He is extremely knowledgable of the subject material, he is entertaining in class, and as long as you have a slight clue of what's going on in class, you should do well because he literally tells you what is going to be on the test. By far my favorite accounting professor at this school. TAD IS THE MAN. Oh and once again please (if you are a lower classman or someone who has not taken Tad) disregard the comment below. That person is probably going into tax and obviously doesn't have a clue about how amazing this teacher is.

Required (Major)
Dec 2013
Tad is an all around great person, and excellent professor. Audit isn't a particularly easy subject, nor is it all that interesting, but he manages to make class fun and presents the material in such a way that it seems like most students really learn it. He is very available for extra help outside of class, even if you can't make it to his posted office hours. His tests are fair, in that he never puts anything on the test that he hasn't discussed multiple times in class, and assigned a reading on. The questions that he uses in his powerpoints for participation points often wind up being on the tests, so there really aren't any surprises there. Tad genuinely wants each of his students to do well, and goes above and beyond to make sure that everyone in class is learning the material .

Required (Major)
Dec 2013
Tad is the man. Class is always entertaining, and he makes very clear what you need to study to get an A. He also genuinely cares about students, even if they go into tax. The class really isn't that hard, but there's a lot of memorization involved.

Required (Major)
Jun 2014
Tad is the man. He expects a lot of memorization for auditing in his courses but is VERY clear of what his expectations are so there is massive amounts of room for success. Tad is the best professor in the Accounting department by far, he really really cares about his students and stresses the importance of always having a lively, positive class. Auditing would be really boring with any other professor but it actually turned out to be my most enjoyable this quarter. A lot of laughs in the class and not too much stress because you knew that if you put in the required time to study that you would succeed.

Required (Major)
Feb 2015
He loves to hear himself talk. Great sense of humor but unfortunately it is all an act, he's not that nice of a person. He preaches about kindness but does not follow his own advice. He plays favorites which normally isnt an issue, but considering the fact he grades each test by hand your grade your grade will be negatively affected if you don't pretend to like him. Had high hopes for the man but was definitely disappointed.

Required (Major)
Apr 2017
Honestly this class ain't that hard but it's a lot of memorization. It's a lot at first but everything gets easier toward the end since the information repeats itself. Study early and you will be rewarded! The participation may be intimidatiding at first but don't worry and just do the questions he post ahead of time.

Required (Major)
Jun 2018
Tad is a really nice guy. He likes to pick on and tease students in front of the class, but if you go and talk to him one-on-one he is incredibly understanding and sweet. I was worried he would be yet another white business professor, but he is working on understanding his privilege and implicit bias, which is much more than most other faculty are doing. The class is not difficult, but it is a LOT of memorizing. It is definitely do-able, but you HAVE to stay on top of it or your grade will quickly come tumbling down (my own). You will also have to participate in class, because you will need the points. He puts students' names up on his PowerPoint slides with random questions (but they're not random, they're the study questions on his website), and that's where you get participation. The tests are not multiple choice, so I mean it when I say you have to memorize pages worth of definitions and auditing objectives. Start making flashcards early. If you actually go to class, he is very clear on what you need to know word for word and what can be summarized. Somehow people in the class were able to do just fine without reading anything. I think they must have gotten notes from previous classes because you cannot find the answers to his study questions online. I bought an old edition of the book and as a pdf in order to save money, and it worked good enough. Overall, be prepared to spend a good amount of time studying for this class. I would compare the workload to maybe BUS 342 or ECON 303.

Required (Major)
Feb 2019
Fuck this class.

Required (Major)
Mar 2019
Tad Miller is one of the best professors on Cal Poly's campus. He lays everything out that you need to know and is extremely direct. He will explicitly tell you what is important and what is not. As a student you are only required to memorize things with his definitions which will ALL be on the slides. If someone thinks he is hard or difficult, then they clearly did not put in the effort. This class is A LOT of memorization, but the terms all are useful and related to the class. There are also no surprises.

Required (Major)
May 2019
Miller is very very nice! You can tell he cares about his students and attempts to give live advice every chance he gets. He also is pretty woke about his white privilege being a pretty old guy which I really respect about him compared to the other business professors. MY main issue with this class is the MEMORIZATION. I personally hate memorization type of classes because I feel like there is no real learning happening. I understand it's learning the base line of auditing however, I think he could incorporate more practice problems and class discussion instead of just moving through a powerpoint for 2 hours and randomly picking people to answer a question. Its hard for me to pay attention because he goes on a lot of tangents (and I know he does this to try to keep the information more interesting and the class engaged) however I just can't follow. My advice: google everything a lot of past student work is on quizlet and study the old midterms he gives you as they are a pretty accurate representation of the test. If you're a good multitasker I recommend doing other school work in class but being ready to answer one of his study questions for participation and then spend most of your actual study time outside of class memorizing the definitions.

CSC 912

Nov 2016
Fuck this guy. Id like to stick my tounge up his ass.