Meldal, Sigurd  

Computer Science


11 evaluations

CSC 205

Aug 2001
Dr. Meldal ran this class based on confusion. He's the type of teacher where you have to get on his good side, and he grades upon that type of thing. His class was a failure to simulate a real world working environment, and very un-enjoyable. He's got an ego the size of my ass (aka enormous)

Required (Major)
Aug 2001
The software engineering series is tough. It challenges you to learn to work in a team environment and actually produce something in a team environment. Dr. Meldal sets up a real world environment that introduces you to the stresses, responsibilities, and skills you will be exposed to in the real world. Cal Poly is LUCKY to have professor meldal at the school. He is one of the more personable professors in the computer science department. Whether during his office hours or any time he is in his office he is willing to talk about anything bothering you with the class and will give you all the help you could ever need. In working with Dr. Meldal you realize that he truely cares about the class and his students succeeding.He shows concerns both personally and academically for students. If you are honest, hard-working, and trustworthy with the class and Meldal, Meldal will show you the same. I highly recommend him.

Required (Major)
Aug 2001
All i can say about this teacher is that he is a monsterously huge *****. He looks down on you like you were scum. I wonder why hes teaching at our school then if he's so freakin superior to us students. What a jerk!!!! dont even bother going to his office hours if you dont have "just a question" this guy will rip you up for wasting is inexplicably precious time. this guy is such a **** that its not even funny.

Required (Support)
Oct 1999
This guy is a real scumbag. In class, If he doesn't know you, you're in trouble. He looks down on you like a dog, and ready to KICK you out of his class anytime. He got an ego size of Africa and a fairly cheap experiments. Someone kick this ***hole out of Cal Poly please.

Required (Support)
Mar 2000
This eurotrash must be pissed that he flunked out of industry and was booted off his continent. Although very knowledgeable of software engineering, he is most arrogant. His grading is entirely subjective so you will never know where you stand in the class. He makes passionate, scribbling love to his palm pilot, which never returns his favor and consistently bungles his itinerary. His office hours are as useless as his existance. He buys you pizza....seconds before teacher evaluations. All of this is moot; the class is such bullshit, you're guaranteed a B.

Required (Support)
May 2000
He's not THAT bad. He has a rather large ego but he's kinda funny and he always let me sleep in class :) I was pissed off i got a B though cuz god knows i workdd my ass off for an A and didnt get it. But if you know what yer doing and you're competent or at least make an effort to become competent, then you fare much better in the class. It gets easier in 206 (i have him for that right now) b/c he dosent really lecture at all. How kewl is that?

Required (Support)
Sep 2000
He is full of himself, that's all i can say.

CSC 206

Required (Support)
Jun 2000
Dr. Meldal is a wonderful teacher that trully cares for the outcome of his students. Yes he may have an ego but it is well deserved. Come one guys give credit for hard work...

Required (Major)
Nov 2001
I would highly recoomend this professor. I learned more in this class than i have ever learned, it may have been a struggle while I was in it, but I don't regret taking him at all.

CSC 440

Required (Major)
Aug 2001
Dr. Meldal is an extremely intellectual person and a demanding professor academically. If you work hard and shows genuine effort in the class, he will in turn reward you. I recommend for him to get more training in teaching undergraduate classes.

AG 664

Required (Support)
Nov 2016
Taking this instructor is like being in a Twilight Zone episode. You just can