Javadi, Siamak  



13 evaluations

BMED 261

Nov 2016
Trump 2016 -> Kanye 2020 -> Vermen Supreme 2024 -> ??? -> Profit

BUS 301

Required (Major)
Mar 2017
Best professor I've had at Cal Poly so far. Very easy to follow and wants everyone to understand his lectures. He gives you a week to do homework and there are 2 midterms that are both online covering about 4 chapters each and then a non-cumulative final. For 301, he has us read a book and there's a chapter summary due by Sunday night. He is very flexible with grading and as long as you turn in your work and say why you missed the due date, he normally accepts it. He also will give you a better grade if he see's improvement throughout the quarter. If you do bad on the first midterm but get better grades in the second midterm and final, he will take that into consideration and bump your grade up. I wanted to get my international business class taken care of, and I highly suggest taking 301 with Javadi.

Required (Major)
Apr 2017
I literally never went to this class. Everything was online. The first midterm is incredibly easy and online. I had a solid A (as did my friends in the class) until the second midterm. It was also online, but way harder than the first. I talked to people in the class and didn't know anyone that got higher than a D. The final was in class, not cumulative and also pretty easy. The other 25% of the class was homework which was all online and writing a paragraph summary to prove you read. I got a very high A on that section and put in minimal effort. He didn't curve which was a bummer because I would have had an A if not for the second midterm, but I also couldn't have tried less in this class and got a B so I can't really complain. Would recommend if you are trying to do as little as possible for 301.

BUS 342

Required (Major)
May 2016
Hi, I am taking this professor next quarter and was hoping someone has taken him before.. Any comments?

Required (Major)
Oct 2016
Dr.Javadi is an excellent professor. He stays on topic and lectures efficiently. He does practice problems over and over and over again to the point you start to get annoyed, but he gets it so into your head that you are over-prepared for his exams. Fast paced class, he places an emphasis on the actual learning of concepts and for you to be able to practically apply your knowledge. As a result, he gives formula sheets for exams and this cuts out on memorizing random stuff. He lectures bell to bell with interactive practice problems in between. Hard to stay awake during the 9am section, but highly recommend this professor. I left this class actually understanding finance. It is not too easy, but not as hard as Gorman. With effort, it is an easy A. He clears doubts and clarifies any question no matter how small and he is very approachable.

Required (Support)
Oct 2016
I'm taking him right now. He is awesome! Definitely take him over Dobson or Gorman.

Required (Major)
Nov 2016
Javadi is great. Best professor for finance. Take him over any other professor. He gives you a week to do homeworks. There are no projects. There are 3 non cumulative exams, this includes the final. Stress-free as long as you study the night before an exam. Easily to achieve an A if you put in enough effort.

Required (Major)
Nov 2016
He is a chiller. Real good guy, great professor. He is very understanding and wants to work with you. There are 2 midterms (both were online) and a noncumulative final. 10/10 would recommend. However, some of his lectures don't really go over what is on the homework, but he posts his slides online so if you go through them you'll find the answers eventually.

Required (Major)
Nov 2016
The man is a legend. Straight forward, to the point. He knows what to cover and how to cover it. You can also tell that he knows what he's talking about and loves to get discussion going in class. 100% would recommend

Required (Support)
Jun 2017
Best professor for finance. He does a lot of in class examples and the midterms are online except the last one. some of the homework is a little hard but he will walk you through questions if you ask him

Required (Major)
Jun 2017
He is the best finance professor ever. He's easier than Gorman and Dobsen, but that doesn't mean he doesn't teach you anything. I believe he teaches you the fundamentals of finance in an efficient and practical way, which is more than I can say for Gorman. He also doesn't have you memorize formulas and you are allowed to use your finance calculator during the exams, which are online (except for the final). He also gives you 5% extra credit if you show up to all of his lectures. Easy A.

Required (Support)
Nov 2018
What quarters does he teach?

BUS 433

May 2017
Javadi's lectures are too complicated. He has taught multiple concepts in this class that I had previous experience with, and the way in which he taught them over-complicated the concepts for people who are novice to them. He is brilliant and deserves credit where it is due, but honestly sheesh. Relax dude