Werner, Adam  



46 evaluations

ECON 201

General Ed
Dec 2015
Expect to get out of class an hour to an hour and a half early. He lectures pretty fast, but that's just because he just reads the slides that he provides online. So after he lectures, he'll stay the rest of the class time so you can do homework and ask him questions about it. He even gives out what to study for, so there's a plus in staying after class. Otherwise a pretty chill professor; I find him pretty funny.

Required (Support)
Feb 2016
A lot of people like him because he lets class out an hour early, sometimes even more if it was a short chapter, but I feel like he effectively gets the material across in a simple way. If you have a question, he tries his best to explain in it simpler terms. He really understands econ, and I never felt the need to go to his office hours, but I'm sure that if you did need the extra help, it would be totally worth it. Overall, I really recommend him if you have the chance to take him. His tests are more practical questions versus definitions.

General Ed
Jun 2016
His class was a pretty simple GE class. Online homework due every week but you get three tries to complete every question and it takes your highest score. Never paid attention in class and read the slides he posts the night before tests. Managed to end up with a B+ in class. Midterm was 50 questions worth 35% of grade and Final was 35 questions since we only had 1.5 hours to complete it and it was worth 35% of our grade. He is not a teacher that puts up with bullshit. He has cussed/yelled at us several times, but he does let us out very early sometimes.

General Ed
Jun 2016
Personally not a fan of him or his teaching style, but with his curves I was able to pull off a B. Do not take him if you actually intend on learning in class.

General Ed
Jun 2016
Dr. Werner is very blunt and slightly disrespectful. He does not seem to care about his students. During lecture he simply reads off slides word for word. I stopped going to class after the midterm because I felt that I could teach myself the material more effectively. There are only three items that make up your grade in this class: homework (30%), midterm (35%), non-cumulative final (35%). The homework is online and can be highly time consuming and frustrating. Make sure to a lot a solid amount of time to complete homework, however don't bother using it to study for the midterm and final. The homework is MUCH harder than the exams!!!! The midterm is 50 multiple choice questions. To successfully study for the midterm, go over the power point slides thoroughly and do the practice midterm he posts. I studied for 2 days and got an A- on the midterm. The final is 35 multiple choice and in my opinion is more challenging than the midterm. I would a lot at least 3 days to study for the final. Overall, I ended up with a B in the class with minimal effort. TIPS FOR GETTING A GOOD GRADE: print out the power point slides and study them until you truly grasp the concepts, do as many practice/old exams as you can so you get used to the type of questions he asks, constantly check the due date of the online homework so you never miss easy points for turning in homework late, only go to class if you think it will improve your grade!

General Ed
Sep 2016
Prof. Warner class is pretty dry. Especially if you don't really like ECON. He provides students with good resources through, such as old tests and great office time. The online homework was easy to fully complete and get 100%.

General Ed
Nov 2016
He's not a very good professor, I took him for Survey so we had two hours in class and two hours online, but he cancelled the online teaching portion so we only had two hours of instruction a week, and during the lecture he would let us out an hour early so we really only got one hour of instruction. This class is easy if you're good at Econ but it was miserable because I had no understanding of it. It's about two hours of online homework a week, so it's not a lot of work but he's a poor professor.

ECON 210

General Ed
Jan 2016
Super easy-going guy, my class barely talked and he just went with it. He can anticipate problems students have with the material and is very knowledgable. The homework is super easy but the exams were kind of difficult. He curves enough that passing isn't very hard though.

ECON 221

General Ed
Apr 2016
While I passed Adam's class, I felt like I could have had a more enjoyable experience with another teacher. Overall I'd say he's not bad, but not great. I took AP micro econ in high school and passed the test so I only attended about 1/3 of lecture. The first half of this course is micro economics and the second half is a bunch of macro and calculations. *Pros: He doesn't take roll and his lectures are word for word from the power points (which he posts). Studying for tests is not very difficult because he provides you with all the material covered in class. There are two tests (a midterm and final, equally weighted). He let's you bring a graphing calculator to the tests. *Cons: There are only two inputs in your grade (homework and the 2 tests), so if you mess up on one test, you're grade will be significantly lowered. He also is very blunt and sarcastic and isn't afraid to speak his mind. I was personally taken off guard and offended slightly by the way he would respond to certain student's questions... I was a bit scared to talk to him or ask for clarification.

ECON 222

General Ed
Dec 2015
If you want a teacher that lets you out an hour early for a two hour class and who doesn't care at all if you show up to class, take this dude. The class is also based on an online textbook, which I used to teach myself everything I needed to know. To be honest, you wouldn't need to show up to class if you read the textbook. He does know what he's talking about, but he believes everything taught in the class is common sense and that anybody who doesn't know what he's talking about is an idiot. It's definitely possible to pass the class because he curves the exams and the textbook is very helpful.

General Ed
Dec 2015
Adam is a pretty chill dude. I took his class in Spring 2015. His lectures are extremely straightforward, and he only presents the material that you need to know. With this, expect to get out of class an hour to an hour and half early. He doesn't deal with any BS, and he knows that Economics can be confusing. However, he curves the tests so that you won't fail his class, and his exams are pretty simple if you study the material. Overall, take this professor if you want to get out of class early and learn a little something about economics.

Required (Support)
Jan 2016
If you are sensitive to vulgar language, do not take this professor. This is a casual, easy-going professor that is pretty fast-paced in his lectures. I liked him a lot, and simplified many of the concepts.

Required (Support)
Mar 2016
I took Macroecon with Werner and it was very easy. A lot of the content was online so you had to keep up with that (it usually involved reading two chapters a week with a quiz at the end of each chapter). But I literally went to class four times the entire quarter (First day, midterm #1, to pickup midterm, final) and was able to get a B with little stress. Because of that, I can't say what he was like in person but he seemed like a pretty chill dude. I believe he let everyone out of class an hour early pretty much everyday.

Required (Support)
Mar 2016
he curves HELLA

General Ed
Mar 2016
Take Werner's class if you want to get out an hour early each day. He's funny, which is helpful for a morning class, and he posts all his lectures on PolyLearn. The grade is made up of homework and two midterms (the last one counting as a final), which he curves. It's not very hard to pass his class.

General Ed
Mar 2016
No point in coming to class, he just read straight off the PowerPoint slides. He's lazy and his midterm and final didn't at all resemble the hour or two of online homework we were given every week. Wouldn't take him again and wouldn't recommend him.

General Ed
Mar 2016
Werner is the most chill professor I've ever had. The class is a big lecture in the education building. It was supposed to be Mondays and Wednesdays from 8-10 AM, but first day of class he told us that his lectures would almost never go more than an hour to an hour and fifteen minutes. He assigns all his homework online through Aplia, which is nice and easy to use. The online textbook is a lot of money I think, for the number of times you actually use it. He openly told us that if we felt the book was sufficient for us to learn, then we didn't need to come to class. So I stopped going to class about halfway through. Ended with a B in the class, and didn't put a ton of effort into studying for the midterm or the final. Midterm and final are both 50 questions, not insanely hard as long as you go over his slides and the homework. Our final was scheduled for the Friday of finals week, but he decided to skip the last chapter of the book and scheduled the final for the week before finals week! Overall, super chill teacher, and he knows what he's talking about. You cover 2 chapters of the book each week, and you are given an assignment on Aplia on each chapter, both due by 11:00 PM Sunday nights. My advice: take him if you can

General Ed
Jun 2016
There is not much work in this class, except for Apila assignments. Lecture's are pointless, Werner doesn't teach he simply reads off his slides. Midterms and finals were very hard in my opinion, but he does curve the class (I would say by one point). If you are a self learner, then go for Werner, otherwise I would say stay away from him. He can also be very mean to students if they don't get something... which is unfair because that is his fault. He didn't care about teaching or his students at all.

Required (Support)
Mar 2017
I'm writing this review before the quarter has already ended. I went on a run today instead of going to class, and now that I think about it, I never even needed to ever show up to class once besides the exam dates. I'm not the only one would encourage you to do this; this a direct quote from him: "If I were you guys, I probably wouldn't even show up to class, I would just teach all this shit to myself." Can't say I disagree, all you need is to read the online text and do the online quizzes to get your easy A (use the study plan for all the test and quiz answers online). Not to mention he offers extra credit, and per the syllabus, he'll curve the entire class's grade if need be at the end of the quarter. Is he a good teacher? He knows Econ, but if you consider him reading off of slides that you can access later on PolyLearn (exhibit A of why you don't need to show up) to be that extra help you need, you're fucked. You also get out of class in an hour's time, which is nice (though you shouldn't be going in the first place), or you can stay that extra hour and ask him questions in the hour's time he stays after to take questions. Would I recommend taking his class: Hell Yes Is he a good teacher: Hell No Will you get at least higher than a B: You better be motherfucker

Required (Support)
Mar 2017
I got an A, but it was without the help of Professor Werner. He does 2 hour lectures on a full chapter in 30 minutes and lets everyone out early. He's lazy, and you can tell he does not want to be there. Throughout the quarter, you have 3 non-cumulative exams and online homework due every Sunday night, all of this worth 25% of your grade each. If you read the book and do his practice tests, you get A's on the midterms, its as easy as that.

Required (Support)
Mar 2017
Professor Werner lectures one chapter each class for a total of 10 chapters. He only lectures for the first hour then you can stay to do the homework. All homework is online and includes a quiz and a test. Stay after class because he will go over both of them so you can get 100%+ in the homework category with extra credit. There is three midterms, all non-cumulative. There is NO final. He is a good professor, he is extremely knowledgeable about economics. However, if you are looking for handouts, Werner is not your guy. He takes no bullshit, don't even think about emailing or asking him for a bump in your grade or an extension on your homework. He lays out the requirements on day one and it's all in the syllabus. He is super chill and laid back. Take this dude for a pretty easy economics class and an entertaining guy.

Required (Major)
Jun 2017
LOL this dude is chill. Fellas, take this class. I went to class like 6 times and ended up with a B- in the class. Whole thing is online (MyEconLab) except the 3 tests. Super easy to get low B. Don't be intimidated if it's an 8am bc you don't even need to go HA sorry Adam I needed my sleep. Highly recommend.

Required (Support)
Dec 2017
Honestly not a very good teacher, but not a hard class. He gives you the answers during the second part of class to the homework, which is worth 25% of your grade. He honestly does not get a fuck about anything so asking him for help won't help you at all. Just practice the test he puts online and you'll be fine. I didn't even listen to his lectures because they made me much more confused about the course but i always went to class to get the homework answers. He goes very quick over the lecture.

Required (Support)
Dec 2017
Professor Werner goes through his slides very quickly so it's hard to take notes and most of the time he doesn't even know what's in his lectures since he uses the Pearson slides. There are 2 online Pearson quizzes every week (one after each chapter) and at the beginning of the quarter he used to go over them at the end of class but he stopped doing so. When I asked him questions on the quizzes he would just ask me the question again, wasn't clear, and told us the wrong answers sometimes. His classes always end about an hour early though (excluding the quiz review time) so that's cool. I don't recommend taking him.

Required (Support)
Dec 2017
He just read off of the screen and barely explained anything. Every week you do two online quizzes and that's it for homework. There were only 3 midterms and no cumulative final which was amazing. I found that the tests didn't really cover closely what he taught in class so the only studying I did was looking over the past tests he posts on PolyLearn and I did fine. I bought the textbook and never used it lol. If you want an A, buy the book and read the chapters and do the optional homework every week but I was so busy with other extra circulars that I never did anything for this class outside of class time. He finishes the lecture in about an hour but then goes over the quizzes within the next 30 minutes. He stopped doing the quizzes in class after the second midterm for us because so many people bombed that test, but I didn't so it just goes to show that he doesn't really test you on exactly what he presents in his lectures.

Required (Support)
Jan 2018
ECON 222 was a decent class. I struggle a lot with economics and I had a hard time grasping the information, but the class itself is very straightforward. Werner usually lectures for an hour to an hour and a half and then would let us out early. Every week, you do about two quizzes on your own and that is the only homework he assigns. He definitely knows what he is talking about and has a very dry sense of humor.

Required (Support)
Feb 2018
Werner isn't very good at teaching economics. There was so much homework for the class but the homework did not even correlate with the exams. The online quizzes were harder than his exams. I recommend the best way to study for exams is by reading his power point slides, which by the way, he did not even create. He just uses slides from the textbook.

Required (Support)
Feb 2018
Not the best professor. He has powerpoints that he reads off of and sort of elaborates off of during class. He'll put up the powerpoints online so you can see them, and gives you some extra credit over the course of the quarter. He lets class go out really early, so if you're into teaching the stuff to yourself, take this class.

Required (Support)
Mar 2018
I loved getting out an hour to an hour and a half early! It was great that he left the remaining class time open to work on homework and get help. However, he read from the slides word for word and went through them really fast. You have to pay $60 for access to Pearson MyLab to complete your homework quizzes, and another $60 if you want access to the e-text (there is no hard copy available anywhere!) He was also rude in some of his comments/language, and showed his bias when we got to material that covered government policy, which interfered with his already sub-standard lectures. All in all, easy grade.

Required (Support)
Mar 2018
This guy is hilarious. Every class, he'll walk into the room like he could care less, blaze through the slides, and end class an hour early. His body language personally really irritated me: he rolls his eyes, sighs often, and isn't afraid to let the occasional F-bomb fly. Going to class is optional, and as a result, the lecture hall is less than half full on a consistent basis (aside from the 3 midterms). His lectures are sometimes confusing, and for the non-Econ or Business students taking the class, I could tell that they had no idea what in the world he was talking about. Don't get me wrong, this guy knows his stuff with ECON, the problem arises when he fails to clearly explain concepts to students. As a business major who had already taken Econ in HS, the class was more of a waste of time than a challenge. But I felt bad for those who came to class every day and really make an effort to understand the material, only to have to deal with a professor that doesn't care about the subject much. As an upside, he stays after class and will basically give you the answers to the weekly online quizzes, and I was able to milk the answers out of him and get out of the class each day having completed the homework in 30 minutes (and considering he ends an hour early, I get out of class a half hour early with all HW completed). It's actually pretty hilarious how little he cares about the quizzes--it got to a point where a student would literally ask him the question and he would say something like "the answer is B" without any explanation. Unbelievable. Another upside is that he posts past midterms on PolyLearn, and there's a TON of overlap with the current midterms. I remember that for one of the midterms, out of the 50 questions, at least 20 were very similar to past midterms, and 5-10 were exact copies. Bottom line: If you have a general understanding of ECON coming into the class, it will be the easiest thing in your life. You'll barely need to study for midterms, and if you stay a little bit after the lectures, you'll never have to do homework outside of class time. If you're not a BUS or ECON major, however, I'd probably recommend that you avoid this dude and seek out a professor that will actually care about your success in the class.

Required (Support)
Mar 2018
Professor Werner's class is probably the most manageable economics course you could take. Your grade is made up of 3 tests and homework. He gives you practice tests to take before the actual tests and I would HIGHLY recommend that you do the tests 2 times each before the actual tests if you want to get good grades. The homework is pretty confusing so I would also recommend that you stay after class to do the homework so you can ask him to explain the questions (his lectures are usually an hour long so the second hour he stays to help with homework). Overall this class was interesting at times but is what I would expect a macro-econ course to be. I would take Werner again because he does want his students to be successful and will help you if you are struggling.

Required (Support)
Jun 2018
Great professor to have. He just clicks through power points but the lectures never last more than a hour and the concepts are incredibly simple. Overall easy class as long as you study for 2-3 hours the night before midterms. He also posts all past midterms and at least 75% of the questions he takes straight off them so make sure to read those over and you will get an A.

General Ed
Jun 2018
This guy is the man. Perfect amount of work for a GE-- none. Just stay the full two hours and you'll never have homework. Study the exams he gives you for the tests. Easy A.

Required (Support)
Dec 2018
I have no idea why his Polyrating average is so low. Werner is definitely one of the chillest professors and I would highly recommend getting him for macro. The midterms are simple, the online quizzes are worth 25% of your grade and are easy, and there is a ton of extra credit. Werner is very kind and is always willing to help his students succeed. He is also really lazy and uses the same notes that are online. Tons of people just come to class for midterms, however I would recommend actually going because you will truly grasp the subject and he will give you answers to the online quizzes. He also worked at the Fed so he is legit. And if you are really into finance/econ, he will love you. Take this guy. Easy A and some good laughs ahahahahaha.

Required (Major)
Dec 2018
Guy is a fucking CHILLER. Take his class. Best professor ever.

General Ed
Dec 2018
Loved Dr. Werner! He was very passionate about economics even though some people found him boring. I found his dry humor very funny and felt bad that he was sad that only half the class showed up to his lectures. His lectures were sometimes confusing but it was very easy to ask him questions which he answered with excellent clarification. There were 3 noncumulative midterms and no final. There was previous midterms on Polylearn to study from and they were pretty similar in concept to the actual midterms. There is also up to 2.5% Extra Credit. I also believe he curved the entire class a half a letter grade (eg. A- to A). While I found this class very easy, I also took AP Micro in high school and got a 5 on the AP Exam so that made the class very easy as the first 6 chapters were review. There were many students who had to put I lot more work than I did not because I was smarter than them, but just because I had previous experience with econ. If you are good at econ this will be an easy A, but even if you are not or do not have any previous experience I think you could still get an A in this class.

General Ed
Jan 2019
Werner is straight forward and if you are anything like me who is looking to knock out the mandatory GEs really quickly then this is your guy. He gives a 1hour lecture in a 2hour time slot and if you stay for the second half (which most people don't) you can knock out the homework for the week easily by asking him questions if needed. The homework consists of 2 online quizzes due at the end of the week which have multiple attempts. There are 2 midterms and 1 final, which is just like the midterms, all of which are extremely similar to the midterms posted on his site from previous years and consist of 50 MC questions. Personally, this is one of the best GEs I have taken because this professor understands what a GE truly is: a mandatory filler class that people don't usually prioritize nor care about.

Required (Major)
Apr 2019
I showed up to this class four times the whole quarter. For the three midterms and for the first day. It was great. I did the online hw assignments quickly and was able to find most all the answers on either chegg or quizlet no problem. I studied the night before each non-cumulative exam by taking the practice tests he posts on polylearn with answers attached. Half the questions on the exam were straight from the practice tests and the other half were pretty much the exact same concepts with different wording. One of the easiest classes I have taken at CalPoly and it is your own fault if you get anything below an A in this class.

Required (Support)
Jun 2019
The ratings that describe Dr. Werner all have some form of truth however, after taking this class for the quarter, it's safe to say the criticisms are far harsher than it should be. First of all, Dr. Werner was an extremely chill dude who gives zero fucks, but he's willing to help out the students, if the students were to struggle. He's a nice guy and the class was very much a breeze. The homework answers which is assigned through Pearson is easily accessible through online and just put in the time to do them. Secondly, he offers extra credit points by sending summaries of articles relevant to marcroeconomics, so use that to the advantage as well. And lastly, the majority of the exams are the same questions and answers from his exams in other quarters, so study those to do well on the exam. Overall, really solid professor and recommend taking him for Macroeconomics.

General Ed
Jul 2019
I think the general consensus on Werner is either you love being in his class or you hate it. He lets you out an hour ish early which is pretty nice, because you can also use that time to do homework in class or ask him questions if you have any. The drawback, however, is that he only reads from his slides. For someone with no background in econ at all, I found the content pretty confusing. Those who took this as a major class and were already familiar with econ loved his class because he gives you practice midterms that give you a pretty good idea of what's going to be on his midterm. I'd say if you're willing to put in a lot of work and really study his practice midterms, then you might be able to scrape by with an A (like I did), but otherwise, there might be some better options for you.

General Ed
Nov 2019
Werner is an okay professor. He is really good if you like getting out of class early every day, however is bad if you want to actually understand the material. His lectures are all online and he stands there and reads off the slides. He doesn't clarify anything and when you ask for help he just tells you to do the homework. However if you go to his office hours he cares a little more. I studied my ass off for each exam and still got a C in his class. I get why everyone likes him because he his funny and lets you out an hour early but I don't recommend him if you don't know anything about econ

General Ed
Jan 2020
he's the biggest dick i've ever met

Required (Support)
Feb 2020
He was an easy professor. No cumulative final, which was great. Only 3 midterms. If you took macroeconomics in high school, you will do fine.

Required (Support)
Mar 2020
Attended class 4 times this quarter: 3 times for the midterms and the other time was for the first day of class. Truly a great educational experience.

General Ed
Mar 2020
He knows what he is talking about and makes real life connections in his lectures which is helpful. There are 3 midterms and a homework grade, and that's it. He posts all his past tests on polylearn that have almost half of the same questions that are on his new tests. However, he is a really passive aggressive guy. Do not come to class if you are planning on chatting with your neighbor/texting. He will call you out in front of the whole lecture hall and cuss at you. But he makes a 2 hour lecture into 45 mins almost everyday, so paying attention is really easy.

GSB 523

Graduate Student
Required (Major)
Apr 2016
This guy is lazy, if you want to learn something, take an instructor who cares more, but he is an easy A. Wish he would involve current events more so that it is easier to apply the material. He constantly complains/cancels class/makes lame jokes/cusses. It eventually all gets old. For grad school I would expect to get more out of a class. I didn't even have to go to lecture because he didn't go into any more depth than my undergrad Econ GE class.