LaSalle, Timothy  

Dairy Science


2 evaluations

DSCI 201

Required (Major)
May 2015
LaSalle is an incredibly smart man. He knows just about everything about the basics of dairy nutrition, and knows a ton about the environment and how it relates to agriculture on a global scale. He often lectures about problems our generation will face in the future, which is super interesting. Unfortunately, those questions barely show up on his exams. We once spent an entire 2 hour lecture talking about global warming, and on the midterm in the following class period, there was 1 question on it. So no, he doesn't really equally cover all of the topics he is testing. But if you try in this class and take good notes during his lectures, you will learn so much about nutrition (and beyond that). He has a great sense of humor, is super approachable and sweet, and his goal is to make sure you understand material, and not just fill in true or false answers on a scantron. Just pay attention during lecture and show up to labs. The labs are incredibly simple and mostly consist of looking at various parts of the dairy and the feed mill. Overall, a great class that I learned so much from and very much enjoyed.

SS 742

General Ed
Nov 2016
Taking this instructor is like being in a Twilight Zone episode. You just can