Lee, Richard  

City and Regional Planning


7 evaluations

CRP 212

Required (Major)
Aug 2001
Taking CRP was an essential class for my major. I thought it was very dry and difficult to follow along with Dr. Lee's lectures. He leaves transperencies on the overhead for a short amount time, not giving enough time for students to copy. The class criteria was divided up into 5 different assignments, a mid-term, attendence, all counting for 15 percent of your grade, and a final for 25 percent. There were 3 required texts, but I only bothered to buy one. Usually halfway through his lectures, students became so bored that they would get up and leave class, which left only about 10 students at the end of his lectures. I did very poorly on the midterm and final, but on all the assignments I did rather well which scored me the B+ in the class. Dr. Lee trys very hard to help students pay attention but unfortunalty he fails. If you would like to get more out of the class I suggest you take another teacher, otherwise stay in Dr. Lee's class and get a nice grade.

Nov 2001
Professor Lee is a great guy and a good teacher. He is very organized and presents most of his notes on powerpoint. He cares a lot about his subject and the students. The class was not that difficult but you do learn a lot. The videos are a little dry but other than that this is a good class. He is a funny guy, down to earth and always lets you go home a little early.

General Ed
Dec 2001
Dr. Lee is a very nice guy. The material is not very ineresting though. He knows his subject very well and obviously enjoys it. But he has a hard time convincing the class to be interested in city and regional planning. He is very fair in his grading and if you go to class and take notes you usually do not have to do the reading.

Required (Major)
Feb 2002
I took this class as a requirement to change majors into CRP, and taking it only confirmed my decision to change. Lee was sometimes a bit out there and hard to follow because he changed his powerpoint overheads so rapidly, but if you pay attention, you will learn something. It is tempting not to go, but remember, part of your grade comes from participation. Pay attention to what reading he says to study for the midterm, the rest of it you definetly do not have to read. The final was take home and pretty easy. Overall this class was in my "don't have to stress about" catigory.

CRP 214

Required (Support)
Jun 2001
He's a good natured guy, but his classes were a tad boring. The problem isn't him, its his subject. Not many undergrad planners are really into transit planning so it can seem slow, but the class is very informative and I recommend Lee. He knows a lot about planning and he lets you work in groups. He let us have a "take home" final and it was a very nice way to end the course.

CRP 435

Graduate Student
Aug 2000
I took this course becasue I know transportation is important in my field (planning) and had never had a course in it before. The lectures were interesting, esp. given that the class met once a week for three hours. Dr. Lee was always willing to "fill in gaps" I didn't understand. The readings and writing assignments are good, and though both can be demanding, most of this work is over by mid-term. Most of the time in the second half of the quarter is devoted to group and individual projects, which was a great help for my thesis since I could use a lot of my 435 paper in it.

STAT 632

5th Year Senior
Required (Major)
Nov 2016
Fine teacher, but a little dry in the presentation. I wouldnt suggest having her at 8:00 in the morning, might be difficult staying awake.