Lascola, Russ  



21 evaluations

PHIL 230

Required (Major)
Jun 1999
All I have to say is philosophy is a pointless and useless subject. I can't believe the types of thing he discussed in there. Man, I am glad I am not a philosophy major. The class is a waste of time, and so is he.

General Ed
Aug 1999
This guy's lectures were kinda hard to understand, but if you take good notes you won't even have to read the books. I barely read anything and still got a B+. Studying for tests is easier if you've written down his exact words and phrases from the class, since that's what he uses most.

General Ed
Oct 1999
The Prof spends a lot of time explaining the material he assigns, sometimes he goes into too much detail. The result is that the notes become almost as important as the text. I thought he was helpful and clear. Not the most exciting course I took but he didn't waste my time. If you read carefully and are into this stuff, he's pretty good.

General Ed
Jan 2000
While the lectures appear to be completly obscure in class, if you take decent notes, you can understand the majority of the material. I never completly understood what he was talking about in class, however, after reviewing my notes, I always understood. The lecture while mind numbingly boring takes the place of reading the books. A usefull hint is to go to altavista and look up the summery of the book because the three books are also boring.The grading is fair, three 12 point in class essay that he gives you the topics to study for ahead of time and three 20-30 point multiple choice tests a few days after the essay. Not a terribly exciting subject but the teacher is pretty good.

General Ed
May 2000
I thought I would hate philosophy, but after taking this class, it make so much sense to me now. This teacher is awesome, take him because he makes a hard subject easy.

General Ed
May 2001
Even though I dont like Phil I understood the material that he went over in the class. His tests were fair and based on his lecture. Take notes, as they will have the answers to the tests and essays. He tells us in advance what the essay questions will be and gives us ample time to clarify any questions. I would take him again for a Phil class as he was a good teacher who knew the material and was able to explain the text to us in a clear and concise way.

General Ed
Feb 2003
The books cost way too much and are pointless. the multiple choice exams did not come from the reading or class, this guy was so boring in class and didn't care about students in his office hours. He has obviously lost his passion for teaching the subject and should move on to something else. He made a class I was looking forward to taking, into the worst class I have taken at Cal Poly.

General Ed
Mar 2003
It's simple the guys a jerk, he can't lecture, he can't grade, I think he has trouble reading. If you're looking to learn anything (in Philosophy), or if you're middle-eastern, look elsewhere. Even my dad doesn't like him.

General Ed
Apr 2003
Professor Lascola knows a great deal about Philosphy, but he needs to work on explaining it in a way that you'll understand. Maybe it's just the subject itself, but I found it extremely hard to follow along in the class. You definitely have to stay on top of reading assignments to do well in the class.

General Ed
Apr 2003
This is the worst teacher I have ever taken. I now hate philosophy. He babbels on in class about a subject that should only take 10 min to get to a conclusion. Don't bother with the books, just go to and read them before class. He talkes in the same language era as Plato so it is really hard to understand his clairfications of the book because they are just as unclear. DON'T TAKE THIS GUY.

General Ed
Mar 2004
Great teacher. Went into as much detail as the class wanted to go into. Covered a variety of topics from Plato to the current state of the mind body problem. Knows his stuff. Definitely one of the best teachers I had at Poly.

General Ed
Jul 2004
Not a fan.

General Ed
Mar 2005
This "teacher" was the absolute worst I've had at Poly. He didn't even have a syllabus and began the class saying how he's not afraid to fail a whole class if he has to. A real pompous jerk. He'd ask questions in class and then shoot down your answers, his view was the only "right" one. An extremely unfair grader, 4 multiple choice tests and 3 essays. I fully prepared for all essays and he gave me low grades, despite the fact that I knew the material well and wrote extensive answers, capturing the essence of the question and fully answering the way he'd asked. I don't care what you have to do to avoid this horrible man, DO IT! I should have taken this class at Cuesta or at 7:00am with ANYONE else! This man deserves to be fired and Cal Poly should demand better professors!

General Ed
Mar 2005
OKay, so i know i got a D. But this guy sucks ba l l s. Anyone can just stand up and talk to a class--he gets an A for that. But to teach the material is another story. His class consisted of long drawn out lectures and he would ask if you had anyquestions, but i didn't know what to ask cause i didn't know what we had talked about for the last hour and 20mins. I reccomend take anyone else. Tests may seem easy with only 3 but uhh he grades his essays difficultly i got marked off 5 points out of 20 because i didn't defined a word he had been using since the dawn of class. Serious nut case. Don't take, Pass on Las..

General Ed
Mar 2005
Don't bother unless you want to be the most frusterated person alive. Lascola is the absolute worst teacher in the world, he dilutes the material, does not explain anything well at all and is the most unfair and critical grader I've ever experienced. He made this class living hell everyday. I went to class, took notes, studied and he still reamed me over and over and over. Total incompetent asshole. I didn't come to college to experience such horrible professors. He truly should be fired.

General Ed
May 2005
3 essays, 4 multiple choice exams. I don't usually do polyratings, but I really disliked this professor. I've never felt like my money has gone to waste at this school until I took Lascola's class. He was a horrible lecturer, liked to make people feel stupid, and didn't present the material clearly. If you are unfortunate enough to have him as a professor, don't think about the material, just find his point of view (which he makes very clear, I heard, "And I personally believe..." a lot in this class) and repeat his beliefs back to him. That's the only reason I got a B. Oh, and once he said the formula for glucose was C10H22O10, which is wrong.

General Ed
May 2005
This is the type of class that while you are sitting in, listening to his sloppy and extremely boring lectures you will be thinking about an escape root, or day dreaming about sexual relations with your significant other becuase actually listening to Lascola, is equivalant to gouging your eyes out with a rusty nail. Truthfully, the lecture is very unorganized, and the exams consist of an essay question and 20-30 multiple choice questions. He is an ass hole about makeups, and very un-sympathetic. grading is terrible because you can get 100 percent on the multiple choice but completely fail the essay because he is extremely nit-picky, and if you did not write exactly what he wanted to read with crazy hypothesis about in depth philosophical theories then you failed. he sucks DON'T TAKE HIM!

General Ed
May 2005
I know you'l look over to the side and see that yes I did get D in this class, and its the worst grade ive ever gotten in my life. That however is not the reason I am saying that this is one of the worst profs I've ever had. He goes on in class about things that seem very simple, and you think you understand...but unless you have written down exactly what he said word for word and memorize it, you will get it wrong on the test. For an example, he took off points on an essay of mine for using the word inclination instead of belief. This may sound like a bitter diatribe, but seriously, DO NOT TAKE THIS PROF, I sighned up for the class because it was the only section available, I wish I had just waited until next quarter to take the class.

Apr 2008
I had Dr. Lascola a few years ago, but before I leave, I wanted to make sure I gave him a thorough review. In short, he was an amazing teacher. He made the most complicated issues easier to understand. He was there to help students who wanted to learn. I leave Poly with great admiration for this professor and I am a better, more well rounded person, as a result of his efforts.

PHIL 231

Required (Major)
Aug 2001
I took this class during the summer and he seemed pretty kicked back. Tests weren't too hard, I hardly read the material and missed class weeks at a time. VERY boring material though.

GSB 390

Nov 2016
Missed the first day, went to the second day. Went to the midterm. Went to the Final. Three days of class total. I got a B, easy. This kind of shit gives our school a bad name.