Sadig, Saad  



1 evaluation

ARCH 241

Required (Major)
Nov 2013
Alright so part of me kind of feels bad for this guy because it is his first time teaching this course and he doesn't really know what he is doing. I had him for practice and it had absolutely nothing to do with our studio class. He had zero communication with my studio professor, couldn't figure out how to use his zimbra email or polylearn, and has the memory of a goldfish. I can't tell you how many times we had to remind him what our program was for our main project in studio. The entire class all we ever did was draft details that he claims will be good portfolio material but no one cares because all those details are available digitally now. He is a tough grader and says it is "all about the process" but slams you with a bad grade when you turn your draft in. I can say my lettering has improved a lot but besides that, haven't gotten much out of his class. You won't enjoy the class but just push through and get a decent grade and bond with your classmates from frequent rants about his inability to teach college students. And laugh when he gets all flustered because no one is paying attention to him because he can't be taken seriously as a professor.