Jones, Robert  

City and Regional Planning


16 evaluations

EDES 101

Required (Support)
Dec 2004
EDES 101 is a stupid class where the first couple weeks are devoted to teaching the freshmen in the College of Architecture all the stuff that they learned at Open House or Summer Advising. He doesn't want to fail anyone and if you miss an assignment there's always an alternate one. The assignments are easy and you can usually do them the day they're due before 5 PM. He's a prick in his e-mails, and if you don't understand something he said then he'll treat you like you're a complete idiot and should just quit school immediately. You don't have to go to class once your name is called once on the roll sheet though, and that's always a plus for an 8 AM class.

Required (Major)
Feb 2006
EDES 101 was a bland class that most people show up to once in a while because they are forced. As an architecture student I actually enjoyed some of the lectures about different buildings, styles, and their history, but quite a few lectures put me to sleep. Not many people stay awake for an hours talk on statistics of shrub placement etc. The lectures vary topics, and I only went to a few of them that had to do with my major. There are often guest speakers who talk about their professions, which can be interesting depending on what you are into. To pass the class all you have to do is make a trip to poly canyon, a few assignments and turn them in on time, then pass a final with a 60%. He takes roll, but only calls 10 names out of like 500, so make friends in the class and devise a rotation plan to get around that and sleep in if you please. It was common for people to sprint out the door after their names weren't called at the beginning of roll. Jones' facts were sometimes wrong, and it was funny to watch students point out the difference between Toronto and Seattle. He is definately a deal making, fundraising dean, but he does have tallent in drawing. If I passed, I know you can.

Required (Support)
Mar 2006
This class was seriously boring-but there is not need to complain about it. It is supposed to expose all entering students to the different professions in the CAED department, and it does that (but it kind of ignores LA-I would only notice because I am an LA major). You only have to show up a couple of times, if he calls your name once you are free to miss every day because he can only punish you if you miss twice. Our final was super easy because we could take it online because a bunch of kids had conflicts with the new finals schedule so that was sweet. Really students need to quit crying and just take the class for two easy units.

Required (Support)
Mar 2006
Boring class, got a 98% on final and only went to class for a couple weeks. Class is supposed to expose you to CAED by giving you assignments and projects that do with other majors, which makes it a pointless class. Go to class until he calls your name on the role and then don't go for a long time. Assignments are on blackboard so check it often to get assignments done.

Required (Major)
Dec 2007
u dont have to go to class. just do the assignments that are assigned online, turn em in on time, and ull get credit. simple as that

Required (Support)
Dec 2007
This class is useless. They mean well in having it, but everything covered is covered in your major courses no matter where you are in the caed. This class is HEAVILY biased toward architecture and though it's nice to look at, the shit gets old because the other 4 majors, especially la, crp, and cm, are just glossed over (btw i'm arce). Also, this guy is a bigot (quote "who is going to pick our strawberries for us?" in reference to Mexican migrant workers) so if you're not one, don't bother going to class. And besides, you don't need to go because they hold your hand through everything on Blackboard anyway. I hadn't gone for a month and went to the last class meeting before the final to find two things: the shit that was covered was going to be emailed regardless and everyone just laughed at Jones (quote "I'm going to give everyone a quick oral"). Don't go to class. Ever. It's a waste because you're gonna sleep through this 8 am class anyway. The final is a joke too. I read through the study sheet twice, once the night before and the morning of. One important note: take 4 other classes besides this one it'll get you set up better for the winter qtr if you're a first year and the time that this course takes up is negligible--it's a joke and the entire caed knows it.

Required (Support)
Feb 2008
Boring class, I went twice

Required (Support)
Feb 2008
EDES 101 was an interesting concept but lacked a well thought out follow through. The point was to put you with other students from the CAED who you might not have classes with so you can learn to work together, or something like that. But with the class just a lecture at 8:00 am with 400 students the goal of the class isn't really fulfilled. If there was more than one section and the class size was smaller I think the goal of the class could be better achieved. Jones was interesting at times and boring at others but for a class that you have to take as a CAED student it wasn't that bad. There are make up assignments for everything (due at the end of the quarter) and you really don't have to go to class to pass. Oh, and Jones has a slave named Josef who helps him with the technical stuff. It is pretty much worth going to see them take 15 minutes to start a power point.

Required (Support)
Dec 2008
This is probably going to be the easiest class i ever take at cal poly. There are 4 little assignments to have to do. They arent grade you just have to do them. Then there are two quizzes. You take them outside of class so you cant take them with friends, and you can use a study guide with pretty much all the answers. Most people will get about a 20 out of 25 on the quizzes. Then there is a 50 point midterm, which you take outside of class just like the quizzes. Togeather the two quizzes and the midterm make up half the grade. The other half is the final exam. what you learn in calss doesnt really help on the quizzes, so only about 1/4 of the students went to class. I was one of those 1/4 who went to class. I didnt study for the final (I need only 40% to get credit, most people are about the same) The people who didnt go to class. Had to study, and watch the movied we watched in class on thier own. I got a 94% on the final it was easy. This is an easy class. I suggest going to class, especially if you have another class right after it. The teacher doesnt really have any effect on the class, so do worry about it. In class we watched a lot of videos and had guest speakers.

Required (Support)
Mar 2009
I'm sorry to say that this class was a bit useless. The information probably would have been interesting if it wasn't 8 in the morning and the technology would actually work. It was a good introduction course; the guest speakers were informative, but I was tired. The assignments are fairly simple and take the tests online, with notes and friends!

Required (Support)
Jan 2010
What a waste of a class. I showed up MAYBE 40% of the time, easily got through it. Most of the class was just watching movies or dealing with technical issues that his slave, JOSEF!!!, would have to come out and fix. The class is trying to cater to so many different majors that nobody gets that much out of it and it\'s too early being at 8 and everyone knows it\'s dumb so nobody is inclined to do anything. Dean Jones has good intentions, but the class has no use being a class and us having to pay Dean Jones to teach it. Anybody can teach that class, not somebody making a 6 figure annual salary.

Required (Major)
Nov 2010
His EDES 101 class is a complete waste of time. You could never come to the class and still pass just fine. It\'s a morning class, and a useless one at that. Definitely not worth waking up for. His lectures have nothing to do with what\'s on the exams, all the exam info is online and thus it\'s easy to get good grades on the exams. Even if you don\'t do too well on the exams, it\'s a pass/fail class, so you\'re probably still fine.

Required (Major)
Dec 2010
There\'s not much more to say than what has already been said. You\'ll finish the projects the first month of the quarter and then from there just take the midterms online (which require no studying) and the final. They don\'t fail students who complete all the projects. Actually, I half-assed one and missed another and I still passed. The point of this class? Not too sure. Maybe ask Josef.

Required (Support)
Dec 2011
Something about Dean Jones just makes you want to fight him. Boring as hell and early in the morning. Not too hard tho

CRP 211

Required (Support)
Dec 1999
R.A. Jones has the degrees, but just shouldn't be teaching a lecture class... This was one of the most boring classes I've ever taken, worse that arch-history. Dr. Jones is never prepared for lectures, and I swear he spent three sessions pounding the idea of Baroque Streets into the class. When he brought slides to class, as he got to each slide, he'd pause and obviously have to figure out how each one relates to the class. Given his grading system, you're never held accountable for lecture material, since your whole grade is based off of a book report, research paper, and a final that was essentially another research report. Even at that, his lectures bored me to tears, since he taught at what seemed like a high-school level. Overall, this is a REALLY EASY class, and the required reading is a JOKE. If you think the lectures are usless, then DON'T WASTE YOUR MONEY ON 3 BOOKS.

CSC 298

Graduate Student
General Ed
Nov 2016
he sure does like his women, wet!!