Lamorre, Elizabeth  

Ethnic Studies


39 evaluations

ES 112

General Ed
Oct 2012
She is a new professor at Cal Poly. She is clear with her lecturing, however, she treats this class as if it is for upper division students. Some freshman who were blocked into this class were told they should drop it. The grading on papers is treated as if this were English 300 something. Her lectures are dry and all powerpoint. The last hour is usually group work, which is fun until she chooses your groups for you.

General Ed
Nov 2012
She does know what she's talking about and she is extemely helpful in office hours. However, she grades her papers like it is an English class and treats it as if it is upper division. I was blocked into this course and so were a couple others and we were not expecting it to be as difficult as she made it. Boring lectures with a lot of note taking.

General Ed
Dec 2012
I understand that it's probably Professor Lamoree's first year or two teaching at Cal Poly, but honestly, I've never taken a more confusing and dull class in my life. She's a nice, helpful teacher, but she overcomplicates simple concepts and has a hard time speaking to the class in a way that makes sense. Ethnic Studies is often a boring subject as it is, and her methods of teaching made it even worse. Every class you have to come prepared reading a 15-20 page article, which were all extremely repetitive and a waste of time. You also have 3 Reading Responses, which are just summaries of these articles, and made me feel like I was in high school again. The final is 3 short paragraph responses and 2 long essay responses, using the articles as a reference...super easy. The first hour of class is just lecturing and note taking, but the second half is pointless to be there for because all she does is repeat what the article we read for homework was about. Overall, this class was a waste of time (and money...) and I wouldn't take it, or at least not from her, if you have the option.

General Ed
Dec 2012
Anyone hoping to fulfil their ethnic studies requirement without constantly wanting to smash their heads against the desk should not take this so called teacher. She doesn't do anything and I mean anything but read in a monotone voice off the slides. There are also 3 small essays plus one gigantic essay at the , end In which you can only use the bs sources she forces you to read for every class. There will usually be two or three ultra dry essays assigned for each class and none are shorter than about 15 pages each. Most people stopped showing up to class but I wanted the participation grade so I played along and still got a C in participation. Clearly it doesnt matter. So in a nutshell, avoid this nutcase at all costs

General Ed
Dec 2012
I made sure to check polyratings before I signed up for her class, but since there weren't any ratings, I took it anyway. BIG MISTAKE!!!! This was THE MOST BORING class I have ever taken in my life. Not only is ethnic studies an incredibly dull subject, this teacher doesn't do ANYTHING to make it more interesting. I barely learned anything. The readings were super long and super boring and pretty hard to follow. I'm not being bitter about this class just because I got a C, but seriously, avoid this class.

General Ed
Dec 2012
She was so incredibly boring, avoid at all costs. I would do her reading responses and get them edited by friends and go into her office hours to get them edited by her and would still get c's on the final product. She also graded on participation. I would participate in large and small group discussions and still somehow got a c in that area as well. She isn't clear on what she wants. Her lectures consist of her reading the power points word for word and she gives quizzes every day so if you miss class you automatically lose 10 points. DON'T TAKE IT!

General Ed
Feb 2013
I showed up to class about half of the time, did my essays and reading responses either the day or day before they were due, and only read the first paragraphs of each reading and ended up with a C in the class. It is literally the most dull boring class, however, it isnt hard. If you read the first paragraph of the reading you can pretty much get credit for the quizzes by some BS answer. but horrendously boring

General Ed
Jan 2014
This class was my least favorite class of the quarter. We had multiple readings every night which were all extremely liberal and showed no diversity between them. There were three 1pg essays and one 5pg essay all which had extremely vague instructions. Lamorre refuses to post grades on PolyLearn so the only way to find out your grade on any quiz, essay, presentation etc. is to go to her office hours and ask. The lecture is unbearably boring and every class a small group of students lead a discussion on the reading which does not help anyone understand what Lamorre wants you to get out of the readings. The one interesting day was when Lamorre brought in two former prisoners to talk to us about the Prison Industrial Complex although this was quite upsetting to my parents. I would not recommend this professor to a student... ever.

General Ed
Mar 2014
Dr. Lamoree is such a professional and intelligent woman both in and out of the classroom. She really knows her material well and presents the content with high expectations. These expectations can be quite challenging to reach, but as long as you attend her office hours she will be more than happy to help you.

General Ed
Nov 2014
Obviously I didn't do so hot in this class. But avoid this class if you can, especially with her. I fell asleep every time because SHES SO BORING. Her homework is so unclear! Yeah, she can present material, but anyone can put on a powerpoint and explain what's going on in the slide. She really makes it hard for people to understand the homework, her midterms and finals are crazy. And as a freshmen, I was really really overwhelmed by her class. THERE IS SO MUCH READING TOO, HOLY BALLS. My roommate tried really hard and she got a B and she stayed up until 4 AM doing the reading, and I slept at 12 AM because I knew this class was going to be the death of me nonetheless. She's an okay teacher, but super unclear at times and a freaking hard grader. Avoid her and her class if you can. I unfortunately got blocked into it.

General Ed
Dec 2014
This was by far the best class I took all quarter because of the way it relates to both current and past social justice issues. That being said, If you're looking for an easy GE, don't take this class. Expect around 12hrs of homework a week. This course is very reading and writing intensive. A strong writing background will definitely help you in this class as there are 3 mini writing assignments and a five page paper at the end based off of community involvement experiences.There is a midterm and a final which both include short answer and essay responses. Dr.Lamoree is a very intelligent and competent professor, but sometimes can make things confusing because the knowledge base that she pulls from is muuuuch larger than anyone in the class. Be sure to ask clarifying questions if you don't understand and participate in class(it's 15% of your grade).The good part is many of the more complex themes are reoccurring so there are many learning opportunities. She is also very helpful during office hours and tries to break up lectures with speakers, discussion and activities. Would definitely recommend this class to anyone willing to put in the work!

General Ed
Apr 2015
I like her because she was able to present the information that no one else wants to discuss. There will be no social change if people shy away from the hard topics though and Professor Lamoree was so well equipped to talk about these issues. Many people experience discomfort talking about privilege and systems of oppression but they exist and sparked a real interest on my part. She is so smart and knowledgeable and you will benefit from this class if you have a open mind and willingness to discuss!

General Ed
Dec 2015
This class is pretty heavy on readings, as about 4-5 readings are assigned every week and you have to do reading responses on them. The reading responses aren't that difficult though, as they don't have to be super long and part of them is just summarizing. The class was really interesting, as we talked about lots of societal issues that many of us had never heard about before. It is a little annoying that she doesn't post your grades on polylearn much, but she hands back your major papers and all of the people in that class I talked to said they weren't super worried about getting a bad grade. Professor Lamoree really knows what she is talking about and that's sometimes evident in the way she speaks (using large words and deliberating on phrasing) but sometimes when I didn't know what she was saying I would just ask and she would explain it better. All in all, it was a fairly easy class (if reading-intensive) and also an interesting one.

General Ed
Dec 2015
There were short reading responses due every week, but it really wasn't that much reading (maybe 4 or 5 articles on average). It was very interesting to be in that class. If you are considering taking Race, Culture, and Politics in the U.S. I would recommend Professor Lamoree. It's overall a reasonable class. It will help you understand society, race, and politics with a much more open mind.

General Ed
Oct 2017
I love Professor Lamorre! The content is very interesting and she is very intellectual and brings in many different perspectives. This class really changes your perception of social interactions and I catch myself analyzing people's behaviors, comments, and gestures on a more structural level. Recommend this professor and the class!

General Ed
Oct 2017
I love Professor Lamorre! The content is very interesting and she is very intellectual and brings in many different perspectives. This class really changes your perception of social interactions and I catch myself analyzing people's behaviors, comments, and gestures on a more structural level. Recommend this professor and the class!

General Ed
Dec 2017
I did not think Lamoree was as bad as some of the reviews on here. She is incredibly nice and very passionate. Her structuring has some flaws, but the content is really interesting if you pay attention and keep yourself up to date with the readings. The reading is definitely heavy, and she never grades the reading responses so you don't know if your work is what she wants, but the responses only count for 5% of your grade so I wouldn't worry. The multiple choice on the midterm and final is hard, but she is a fair grader on the essay portions. The two papers are easy, only 700 words each; I wrote both of mine in a day and both of mine got As. Honestly, for a GE, I would take this class with her again.

General Ed
Feb 2018
If you lean anywhere on the scale of right, politically, DO NOT TAKE THIS COURSE. She presents information that only reflects the view of the left and when data seems to lend information beneficial to the right, she "disproves" it with "facts" that are false. She is teaching this class subjectively making testing very difficult if your views do not match the views of yourself. All of the readings, for which there are MANY, are very repetitive and opinion based. I would never have taken this course if I knew how subjective it was. Good f-ing luck if you dare to take this course.

General Ed
Mar 2018
Don't do this to yourself. Most boring class I've ever had and she lectures till the last minute of class. And u gotta sleep in a homeless shelter.

General Ed
Mar 2018
She is boring, a bad teacher, and makes you sleep in a homeless shelter for a large portion of your grade. For the love of god and for the sake of your own mental health do not take this class. Also the class material is useless a quote from the textbook is actually "Crack is out, terrorism is in."

General Ed
May 2018
I'm gay as fuck. Brown as fuck. Minoritzed as hell. Still fucking hate this class. She made me hate ethnic studies by turning it into a "busy work" course. Thank goodness I chose credit/no credit as my grading option. Thank goodness I'm an architecture major and I don't have to deal with this class again. DONT TAKE HER. I'm telling you as a gay man of color!

General Ed
Jul 2018
If you're an ethnic studies major, great take this class you'll find it interesting. Any other major this teacher is extremely one sided. I was expecting this class to be a class discussion with no right answer but that was not the case. Lamoree and her student assistants personally attacked students who were asking questions or had an argument disagreeing with her. It made me not want to go to lectures because it felt like a brainwashing rather than a class.

General Ed
Nov 2018
I really hate this class. There is a lot of pointless work and the lectures are boring. She will ask the class questions to initiate discussion and nobody will answer, she will however not call anybody out which is nice since it was a morning class. I feel really bad for Lamorre though because she's really nice. I had a lot of problems for the major paper and she was really understanding and gave me options and extensions to help get it done. She respects our time and efforts and is really passionate about ethnic studies.

General Ed
Mar 2019
I really liked this class. I learned a lot and professor Lamorre was clearly extremely knowledgable. Her lectures could get boring but the material was generally engaging enough to stay focused. Her class had a midterm, two papers, some participation type stuff and the final. She graded a little tough but pretty fair on the papers and the midterm and final were not too challenging if you went to class. I would recommend taking this class. You really do learn a lot and the workload is very manageable.

General Ed
Apr 2019
Professor Lamorre was hands down incredible! She balanced the class well between lecture and discusion of the topis, as well as provided a safe environment to voice your views. I would recommend this class to anyone who is willing to learn about their place as a disadvantaged and advantaged individual (you will learn that it is not all black and white)!!! This is one of those classes that you wish that you hadn't taken just so that you could be able to experience again for the first time!!!

WGS 201

General Ed
Feb 2016
This class is an insane amount of work which doesn't seem to do the course any justice. The readings are extensive and don't really allow students to fully engage in the material because there is just so much of it. Writing assignments are due before each class as well as a midterm, two major papers and a final. The class is interesting and discussion is always good in the class but there is WAY too much work for a General Ed. I would recommend taking this class from a different professor if you don't want to be drowning in homework all quarter long.

General Ed
Mar 2016

Mar 2016

Mar 2016
Professor Lamoree is truly one of the sweetest, most knowledgable professors I've had at Cal Poly thus far on the topic of social justice within the social sciences. She chooses readings that are exceptionally relevant to the course, overall supplying students with a clear understanding of feminist visions and disrupting oppressive power structures. Take this course with her! You will have a much more holistic understanding of society and equity. People frequently criticize courses that do not have a way to practically apply it to their lives; this class is so practical, even if you are a man. It's bomb.

General Ed
Dec 2017
Professor Lamoree is AMAZING! The discussions in class are really fun and a great way to voice you opinions (and boost your grade!). Be prepared to do A LOT of reading (like 800+ pages in the quarter) and writing- certainly not an easy A. However, if you are genuinely willing to put in the time and effort, it is definitely a valuable interdisciplinary course that will change how you see the world. Professor Lamoree is EXTREMELY helpful when you see her in office hours and I would definitely check in with her before writing essays and studying for the midterm and final. For the exams, be sure to pack in as mush information as possible and reference numerous readings to prove that you actually read and understand the material. Good luck!

General Ed
Dec 2018
Professor Lamoree is very sweet and not as bad as some of the reviews on polyratings. There's a reading journal due before every class, 2 short papers (700-800 words), 1 midterm, and 1 final (which is not cumulative, its more like a second midterm). Classes were fairly interesting and we watched 2 movies + a bunch of videos throughout the quarter. She is extremely helpful in office hours and I would highly suggest going before you turn in your papers and/or to discuss any topics you aren't clear about for the midterm/final. The midterm/final were 30-40 multiple choice questions which were very straightforward. There are a lot of readings which took up a lot of my time at first but I figured if you just skim it and understand the main points you should be fine!

General Ed
Dec 2018
This class is not an easy A. The readings and journals all the time are lengthly but if you keep up on them then the final and midterm isn't too difficult. There are 2 short essays that are either based on a service experience (5 hours) or related events (about 3). Make sure to take notes in class and complete the journal entries for every class (those are good for reviewing the readings without actually rereading.) Lamoree is really approachable, knowledgable and interested in the class materials she presents. However, it gets difficult to follow her lectures because she uses very little visual aids. Take this class if you will actually take the time to complete all the assignments and readings. If you show up, take notes, complete the readings, and keep up on journals you'll be absolutely fine! I would definitely take a class with Lamoree again.

General Ed
May 2019
Lamorre is an extremely intelligent professor and is very informed on everything she lectures. However, her lectures could not be more boring, I think I fell asleep in almost every class. The class itself isn't too hard, just a lot of reading but only 2 short essays for the entire quarter. It's a fairly easy class but also pretty boring, sit in the back on the first day so you can fall asleep

General Ed
Dec 2019
Dr. Lamoree’s class changed my life. I would definitely recommend this class, and it made me look at gender, sexuality, feminism, and systems of oppression very differently. The homework is always some readings and then a short two paragraph write up on polylearn which includes your reactions or questions about the readings. The readings always tie into the lectures, and the lectures are usually very informative and interesting. Dr. Lamoree encourages participation, but I didn’t participate once and I still got an A. I found the class very engaging. Also the midterm and final are based on the main ideas of the class and they aren’t too difficult, but I’d recommend taking notes on the readings and class lectures. The other part of your class grade consists of three co-curricular activities and two 700-800 word papers based on those activities. Examples of events include activism marches, listening to speakers, or going to events through safer or the gender equity center. I had a lot of fun with my events, and tbh I did the papers the night before they were due (which I wouldn’t recommend) and it ended up being fine. Dr. Lamoree is very approachable and helpful, and overall I’d definitely recommend taking this class with her!!:)

SOC 311

Required (Major)
Dec 2015
Ms. Lamorre seemed like a really hard professor the first couple of classes because she used jargon that I was unfamiliar with. After that she really did a great job of explaining concepts and answering our questions. She was very flexible with office hours and after class quick conversations. The class consisted of a mid term and final, three small papers and a presentation. She is a very fair grader but expects you to do the reading. There is a lot of reading of articles and chapters so don't get behind. Not an easy class but if you do the work your grade will reflect it.

Required (Support)
Apr 2016
I am head over heels in love with Dr. Lamoree. I have taken two classes with her, and each quarter I've taken her, her class is my favorite. In her classes, you truly get out of it what you put into it. She asks a lot of you; long, complicated reading assignments and near-daily comprehension assignments, along with other time-intensive assignments. But here's the thing: I loved every minute of it. You truly, truly learn so much in her class if you're willing to. People might be looking to her classes to qualify as a simple GE; and while it may not be simple, or an easy A, it is worth it in every capacity. Please, please take her if you have the chance - she is truly a gem.

WS 311

Required (Major)
Feb 2017
Professor Lamorre takes herself very seriously and is very knowledgable in the field of Women and Gender Studies. With that being said, avoid taking this class with her at all costs. Most of her material is subjective and opinion based, and if you do not adhere to the way she wants you to think, you are going to have a tough time scoring well on assignments. As well, if you voice an opposing opinion during her class discussion she will belittle you and make you feel like your opinion is not welcome, even if what you are contributing to discussion is appropriate and accurate. She seems like a very nice person if you are on her good side, but if you get on her bad side by simply disagreeing with her, you are in for a long quarter. It really upsets me that she treats certain students this way, because I think she is very smart and expect more maturity from a professional of her status. If you don't want to take a class where you are forced to keep your opinion to yourself out of fear of discrimination, avoid this class.

WGS 340

Jun 2016
Dr. Lamoree's Sexuality Studies class began very intensely. I felt like a fish out of water having never taken one of these types of classes before. I was also intimidated by Dr. Lamoree herself but this faded as the weeks flew by and I became more and more comfortable in participating in class discussions and speaking to Dr. Lamoree herself. She is a very intelligent person and a wonderful person overall. She is so very nice and when you go to her office hours she is so welcoming and happy to help you figure out any issues you have with the class. I began to idolize her by the end of the quarter. Her tests consist of 2, 550 word essays based on the reading material. You also have to do a final research paper at the end, but if you get a good idea early of what you want to write about, you generally have most of the quarter to work on it, unless you do a service intership. I choose to do the research paper. Great class and I learned alot about intersectionality and heteronormative society. I spoke to her recently about becoming an advocate for marginalized groups like women of color. She had alot of great insight. Love Dr. Lamoree!!!

MATE 436

Required (Major)
Nov 2016
Fuck this guy. Id like to stick my tounge up his ass.