Twomey, Colleen  

Graphic Communication


6 evaluations

GRC 201

Required (Major)
Dec 2012
This teacher needs to be recognized! She is a VERY passionate teacher who makes her power points interesting and is always so happy to answer any questions students have. She always finds some way to keep her students entertained even through some of the more boring topics. The class is really easy. You only ever have readings once-twice a week, a few quizzes throughout the quarter, and a midterm and final. All of the quizzes and tests are based on the power points and readings. Overall, I love how passionate and supportive she is to students. Look forward to taking her in future quarters.

GRC 203

Required (Major)
Jun 2012
I'll be honest, at first, I didn't like Twomey. She seemed condescending and a little controlling about her class situation. She also seemed really sensitive about how students might interpret her but then I realized, she's just a mom of toddlers. It's bound to happen. She knows what she's talking about, especially when it comes to Flexo. Plus, she's a new a professor who barely just started this year. She's not doing half bad. She improved throughout the quarter. Her midterm & final weren't hard as long as you read the material (which is actually a pretty fun read) and attended lecture. You don't have to be far reaching in this class if you want to get a decent grade. Also, my favorite thing about her is her office hours. She's really understanding when talking to her one on one. That's a def plus!

Required (Major)
Feb 2013
Colleen is a really great teacher, she always answers questions and is so sweet about it. She is incredibly knowledgeable about everything. I really loved her class and she made a subject that could be boring fun. She is so nice and is always willing to help. She really cares about her students.

Required (Major)
Jan 2016
Colleen is a great professor. She presents the material clearly and she's very helpful in her office hours. GrC 203 can be a dry class for many students, so just be aware of that. Workload is pretty light for this class. The only comment I have for Colleen is this: I am not a fan of the iClickers. Although you seem to like it, it really doesn't add value to the learning experience. I know you also use them to take attendance, but we're college students. If students don't want to attend class, you shouldn't make them. All students are adults and could make the decision to go to class or not. We're paying for our education, you're not. I'm not a fan when professors try to micromanage attendance for their classes; we're not in high school anymore. Sorry for the rant, but it's just food for thought.

GRC 337

Required (Support)
Jun 2012
Worst teacher thus far in the GrC department. Twomey is smart and knowledgeable about of packaging and preflighting, but sometimes I question her logic and common sense when dealing with certain situations. For example, I had technical problems submitting an assignment online and I spoke with her about it. She saif everything was fine but she never gave me the grade and I confronted her again and think she'd make a great kindergarten teacher because that's how she treats you.

Dec 2018
This course is unorganized and frankly, a mess. Colleen teaches you as if you're a kid in kindergarten. She doesn't know how to run the machines required to complete the course. I was considering getting a minor in GRC but now I know not to.