Howe, Patrick  



13 evaluations

JOUR 285

Required (Major)
Mar 2012
Avoid taking classes with Howe. It's a waste of your time. Yeah, Brady's class might be a lot more demanding but it'll be worth it by the end of the quarter. Pat doesn't even seem very knowledgable of the material he attempts to teach. His tests are unreasonable. They are extremely abstract and do not relate to his lectures. It's sad because the content of the class is very interesting but he teaches it poorly. Creating your own blog was awesome! But in the end, it doesn't count towards that much of your grade, even though it was the main focus of the class. My final advice: Wait to take this class with Brady.

Required (Major)
Dec 2012
Despite the student review below mine, I did not think Howe was that bad. This class is set up as a lecture/lab. Everything is on the computer, lab, homework, midterms, and final. We started off the class by discussing technology news, what is trending today. Speak up here and he will notice!!! Then moved on to a less than 20 minute lecture, taking notes will hep you with the final. Do not buy the book, he even says it is not mandatory. Our lab project for the quarter was to create a blog of your own subject choosing. Music, downtown, local wineries, farmers market, health and fitness, vices. These were just a few that my classmates did theirs on. Each week one assignment (such as creating a Twitter account for the blog) and one blog post (interviewing at least 3 people and writing a 500 word post) are due. This was fun! It embodies the new way journalism is moving, towards the internet. Howe is an interesting guy and has some cool personal stories of his own that added to the class. Take this advice, always bring your phone to class with you. Ie, iPhone or android. Something with a camera/video/recorder. This will be your lifesaver!

Required (Major)
Mar 2015
Howe is a decent professor. For your blog make sure to choose a subject that interests you but that you'll also be able to complete the assignments with. It was next to impossible to get quotes and original images for my blog topic, and if I had thought a little bit longer about the required three sources I probably would have chosen a different topic. Also read the book and the readings he posts on polylearn, every once in a while there is a pop quiz and you will fail if you haven't read anything. Howe expects expert results for the audio and video projects. I would say don't take this class as an elective unless you have experience and are into blogging. For journalism majors, just get through it, it's not bad enough that I would recommend taking another professor.

Required (Major)
Jan 2016
He's pretty pompous. In a subtle way anyhow. He knows his stuff (sorta) and at times looks like he respects his students, but if you look at it as a whole, he's a little bit too professor and less teacher. His lectures are decent, but he doesn't REALLY try to make sure you get what he is lecturing about, it's almost a 'if you don't get it that's on you' thing. Which is nice when sprinkled here and there, but for an entire quarter of technology-driven lab work?

JOUR 350

Required (Major)
Jun 2017
P Howe is the man! I have now taken him for two quarters, and absolutely love having him as a professor. He is approachable and open, but really knowledgable about the information he teaches. He encourages his students to grow as much as possible, but you have to be willing to put in the same amount of effort that he does. While he has high expectations, he provides you with the support and resources to help you exceed them. I really appreciate his honesty and passion for what he does. I definitely recommend him as a professor!

Jun 2018
Howe doesn't know half the things he is teaching. He grades in a very subjective manner and doesn't take anyone's perspective into consideration. I would not recommend this professor if you have a different point of view as him. He treats those who have a different mindset as second-class citizens

Jun 2018
Howe acts as though he knows a lot, but his lectures seem to say otherwise. Technology is hard to understand but he expects his students to know more than him even though in his lectures he can’t effectively teach the concepts. Than he becomes a very nit-picky grader. If you don’t agree with his teaching styles and he starts to pick up on your opinions towards him, he immediately drops you and treats you as a lesser compared to others in the class. I do not recommend this professor if you don’t like being a kiss up to teachers.

JOUR 352

Required (Major)
Aug 2018
I love Professor Howe! He's funny, relatable, and super helpful with everything required by the course. Every students gets one-on-one meetings about enterprise stories where he tells you everything you're doing well with and everything you need help with. He does an incredible job preparing students to be journalists and tells it like it is. Professor Howe has worked for Associated Press and understands newsworthiness as well as current issues. He wants you to improve as a writer and knows how to make it happen. One quarter with Prof. Howe & my writing improved 10-fold!

JOUR 390

Required (Major)
Mar 2016
he sucks

Required (Support)
May 2016
Howe is great guy. He seems nit picky on grading, but at least he maps out for you what exactly you can do to improve. Once you go to his office hours, any class of his is doable -- you just got to stay on top of everything time wise and you're fine.

JOUR 401

Required (Major)
Jul 2013
This class was a cake walk. Considering it is 400 level I was expecting something a bit challenging. You DO NOT need to read the textbook or buy it. You DO need to go to class. Now only does Howe notice, but he gives credit to people who come (especially if it is a morning class). The most important thing to to speak up at least once per day in discussion. You DO NOT need to take notes. There are NO quizzes, NO midterms. Their was a group project at the end of the quarter which you need to participate it because your peers will give you a grade. You DO need to do research on the country that is assigned to you and make weekly updates regarding the research you find. If you are smart you will use this as your in class discussion material.

Required (Major)
Nov 2013
I love this man. I had him for global coms last year, and am currently in 352 with him. He's one of the few teachers I've had who not only encourages all my weird hobbies/interests/obsessions, but actually allows me to incorporate them into my schoolwork. He's also really flexible and willing to work with you when you're having difficulties. I've gotten more points than I probably deserved on an assignment before just because he appreciated my effort so much. His personality is quite fun too-- he's tiny and adorable and most of the time seems mild-mannered and sweet, but then every once in a while he'll get super sassy and sarcastic out of nowhere, and it's freaking hilarious. I might be a bit biased because I have a lot in common with him, but I think Howe's an awesome teacher and an awesome dude. Take him.

EDES 826

Nov 2016
Taking this instructor is like being in a Twilight Zone episode. You just can