Hill, Craig  

Chemistry and Biochemistry


25 evaluations

CHEM 124

Required (Support)
Feb 2001
Useless... Avoid this guy. He doesn't lecture and expects you to get it all the first time from reading the text. When he does talk about the material, his tests are on something else. The TA's we much more help (thanks Dan!!)

Required (Support)
Feb 2001
This guy is a joke. He comes in and sits behind his desk and reads powerpoint slides off to the students. Or sometimes he would read directly out of the book. His grading is really fucked up. The class average on tests where in the D to F range. HE WILL NOT CURVE TESTS. So you might ask how did I get a B? Well your guess is as good as mine. Maybe Hill figured out at the end that he needs to keep his job and decided to curve. Whatever the case, AVOID this guy. You won't learn Chemistry at all.

Required (Support)
Feb 2001
What can I say about Hill???? In one word, useless, to my college experience. I

Required (Support)
Feb 2001
This teacher is useless. Don't even bother. He comes to class without any preperation and then hands you a test or quiz every week that expects you to know the nitty-gritty of the book. You have to be a chem stud. He will tell you all quarter you have a 55% and then you may end up with a B like i did. I have no clue how i got a B. But thats what it said and i'm not complaining. BUT GO OUT OF YOUR WAY TO TAKE ANOTHER TEACHER. I PROMISE YOU WILL HATE CHEM if you take doc.hill. p.s. oh yeah he has study sessions for his exams. But comes to the session without a book, or materials, and he just sits there. He will half-way answer your question, and just expect you to know the rest.

Required (Support)
Feb 2001
This guy expects you to learn everything on your own. The test average for every test was below a fifty percent. He really didn't care either. He wouldn't lecture, so I wouldn't reconmend this teacher to anyone.

Required (Support)
Mar 2001
If you get stuck with Hill learn how to teach yourself. His lectures are worthless, they consist of various pictures from the chapter which he tries to explain. In his office hours his inability to teach the material becomes more apparent. His no curve policy stills puzzles me because more then half the class should have failed. MAKE IT EASY ON YOURSELF STAY AWAY FROM HILL!!!!!

Required (Support)
Mar 2001
OK, I know everyone above has been very harsh with Hill. Yeah, his lectures were not very informative. His tests were hard. But you know, in the end, I think he got the point. He began to give activities that went through what we were learning and we finally did things in class. I think he learned his lesson the hard way. But about his office hours, he was always helpful there. One thing I must give to Hill is that he understands that Chemistry is not our major and that his class wasn't the only one we had. I had a lot of extenuating circumstances and I couldn't go to his second midterm and a lot of the quizzes and lectures. He was very fair with me. He allowed me to take the final and he always showed he cared. A lot of other teachers would have just blown me off cause a lot of teachers don't understand that their class is not the only one we have to worry about. I give Hill a lot more credit than most people. If you take the time to talk to him, he will always give you time and he will try his best. I think that Chem. 124 with Hill was bumpy because it was his first quarter teaching also. Give him a chance and don't be afraid to approach him about anything. Don't blow him off as lousy just because he made a few mistakes. I think if he keeps trying, he can be an awesome teacher. Just give him a break. Teaching isn't the only thing in his life either.

Required (Support)
Mar 2001
Dr. Hill's instructions are pathetic. He uses strictly PowerPoint and never deviates from reading the script for his instruction. When students pose questions, he usually just restates what he just said in a slower pace. On three separate occasions when doing in-class exercises, I asked him a question regarding one of the problems assigned and he couldn't do it. When he can't figure something out, he directs you to the TA for help. Pray that you get good TA's if forced to take this Professor. His tests were "interesting" to put it kindly; you will see ways of writing chemical formulas never covered in the class. I highly recommend finding another instructor.

Required (Support)
Mar 2001
Dr. Hill is a very smart prof. and a great guy. The only drawback is that you will have to teach yourself the material out of the book. You won't really learn much from his lectures. Although, if you want to do well, go to his office hours. He is really nice and it will help a lot!!! His office hours are very helpful. . .you come away understanding a lot more. He will even do review sessions sometimes before midterms. . .bug him to if you want them. I would recommend him, but this class is a pretty big time committment outside of class. Be prepared-

Required (Support)
Mar 2001
No one likes Hill, but I actually thought he was okay. He wasn't the best lecturer, but all you have to do in the class is show up and take notes. As long as you can read the chapter at home and learn chem on your own, you'll do fine. Everyone does have a point, somehow everyone ends up with a B in the end. Hill isnt too bad, and atleast he doesn't make you do dumb exercises or lab write ups.

Required (Support)
Mar 2001
This teacher, although knowledgable about the information we were required to know, does not know how to effectively COMMUNICATE the information to the class. As a teacher, he almost completely failed to do his job, which is to teach us and give us understanding. His tests and quizzes were almost impossible and no amount of studying could prepare you. His office hours showed me that he's not a bad guy and wants to help, but his lectures are poor and not thought out. I would not recommend this teacher to anyone who cannot learn out of a text book alone.

Required (Support)
Apr 2001
Don't take Hill. That's all that is important.

Required (Support)
May 2001
At first I thought that Prof Hill was not good, but after a week or 2 I changed my opinion. I think now that he is a fair teacher. His lectures suplment the reading and his tests are very similiar to the HW at the end of the chapter. I have not taken chem since high school (3+ years ago) but am doing fine in that class. I reccomend that you read the chapters, do the HW and you will be fine. While the calss on average did poor, I did not. I am not a great student though, I just didn't expect the teacher to do my work for me. The Labs are easy (only 1 or 2 reports that had to be typed) and the other class work was cake. I would take Craig Hill again for Chem 125 because his teaching style is average, his lectures are clear, and his tests are predictable and fair. One note on his weekly (about) quisses - they are 10-15 questions with no partial credit. They are fairly easy though.

Required (Support)
Jun 2001
Dr Hill umm what can i say..... he is more of a figure head in the class sure he has powerpoint presentations but they really dont help when it comes to the tests. How i managed to pass this class remains a mystery to me. Just expect to teach yourself if you take him and become best friends with your book.

Required (Support)
Jun 2001
Despite what everyone else has said, this was an easy class. We never had any homework because we always finished the labs in class. From what I have heard the other chem professors give a lot of homework problems and difficult lab write-ups. For the labs, no one understood what they were doing so we just asked the TAs for help and they would tell us what to do. The labs didn't help clarify the material but we never had to do formal lab write-ups. The lectures were extremely boring. When I had him again for 125 I realized that I didn't need to go to the lectures because everything made more sense in the book. I studied a little on Thursday nights for the weekly Friday quiz/test and usually did ok. Just learn how to do the problems the night before the test and again for the final. His tests were all multiple choice so if you are good at guessing, take this class. The bad thing is that he gives no partial credit. He is a new teacher, so he's still learning how to teach. He tried more for 125 by giving us printed notes and we had to fill in the blanks, but I didn't find this helpful at all. I like Dr. Hill as a person, but I feel that he doesn't have a good teaching style. I also thought that 125 was harder than 124. For most of us engineers, we don't use chemistry anymore after 125 so who cares if you learn it or not? So, if you are motivated enought to teach yourself and you don't care about actually learning or understanding anything then take Dr. Hill.

Required (Support)
Oct 2001
Hill was interesting to listen to, and there was definitely never a dull moment. However, his ability to teach lacked greatly! He didn't have his own lesson plan, and his lectures consisted of him talking endlessly while showing the class a power point presentation. If it wouldn't have been for the SI i would have failed the class miserably! I get the feeling Dr. Hill wouldn't know a thing about chemistry without his power point presentations.

CHEM 125

Required (Support)
Mar 2001
So I just got a D+ in Hill's class, so I am pretty much pissed off but I will try to break down the class as best as I can so you guys have an idea of what you're in for. He has 5 quizes, 3 midterms, a final, and all of the labs. The lab part is really easy, he gives you a bunch of time and the write ups are short. I am sure that you have read how he gives boring power point lectures and that you literally have to read the book and teach yourself the material, 100% true. I brought my grade up but I guess my slow start of 40% on all of the quizes was to low to overcome. I heard about his big curve and how people failed all of the tests and stuff and then got a B, where did the curve go? Homestly, DO NOT TAKE HILL!! Wait another quarter or crash someone else, he is the worst teacher I have ever had or heard of.

Required (Support)
Apr 2001
I have never disliked a teacher in all my years of schooling. Well, as it turns out there is a first time for everything. I found Dr. Hill to be the worst professor I have EVER had. He did not express the material clearly. The tests have nothing to do with what we learned in class, in the labs, or for that matter the text. I found that I did better when I did not study. My knowledge was held against me in this class. Do not take this professor! He took a subject I loved and taught me to hate it.

Required (Support)
Apr 2001
This is a class where you learn the material after being tested on it, which makes it difficult to do well on any of the weekly quizes. The labs are easy but pointless and will save your grade. Hill is a very boring lecturer, making it difficult to pay attention in class. The book is also difficult to understand, so I advice studying with other students in the class. The class average on the quizes and midterms was 60% and he does not curve. The final was difficult but do-able if you review all the previous quizes and midterms. I suggest Baker instead, she is a much better teacher and actually shows care and concern towards her students.

Required (Support)
Apr 2001
take another teacher for chemistry, this guy is really hard, he doesn't teach what's on the test, he's boring, and his head is too small for his body. I got an A in chem 124 and then I had to work really hard for my C

Required (Support)
Apr 2001
Please to not take this guy. Save yourself. Flee from his lectures of powerpoint. No professor will give you such a hatred for a subject like Dr. "Chill". By the way, were did he coem up with this "Chill" cramp?

Required (Support)
Apr 2001
Hill is the worst professor on campus. Nothing is good about his class. The labs are easy but you will learn nothing. If it was not for his aids no one would pass.

Required (Support)
Apr 2001
Take this course at a JC if you get Hill.

Required (Support)
Apr 2001
STAY AWAY FROM HILL AT ALL COSTS. If he was the only professor you could get, take chem some other time or at a JC. He is good for nothing. All is lectures are done through a power point presentation that just summarizes the book word for word and uses graphs, diagrams and pictrues straight out of the text. In labs, he talks down to you, doesn't tell you what you need to do, changes the procedure with out telling you and doesn't tell you what you need to turn in. The only thing that helped me in that course was the TA (Thanks "the man"). I warn all of you: IF YOU'RE LOOKING INTO HIM, STAY AWAY, IF YOU HAVE HIM, DROP IT AND IF IT'S TOO LATE, MAY GOD HAVE MERCY ON YOUR SOUL!!!

PSY 819

5th Year Senior
Required (Major)
Nov 2016
Taking this instructor is like being in a Twilight Zone episode. You just can