Heesch, Red  

Graphic Communication


5 evaluations

GRC 357

Nov 2002
I don't know how this guy does it. I had him for 361 last year, and he put me to sleep every class. Now I'm in his 357 class for only an hour a week and he still manages to put me to sleep! He talks in a very monotone way that makes anything that he talks about seem boring. He's retired so he only teaches a couple classes, but it's a pretty unique experience to be in his class. He is an AWESOME resource for graduating seniors trying to get jobs. He knows his stuff for sure; just prepare to drink a lot of coffee or something to keep you awake in his class.

GRC 401

Required (Major)
Aug 2001
Red is a very interesting lecturer. He brings a lot of industry experience to the classroom. Although his lectures might get a little long... overall he is a great teacher.

Required (Major)
Aug 2001
Red was a good teacher, but occasionally during lab he would doze off. I would then go out and get snacks from the vending machine. When I returned, he would steal my Dr. Pepper and Snickers bar. I have always resented that. Red knows a whole bunch about sales and stuff. Ask him about that one thing he did that one time when he was working with that one printing company. It's a good story. I learned more from that story than anything else in the class. The answers to the first quiz are: yeah you thought you were going to get the answers didn't you? We'll you're wrong. Go take the class; it's required if you're a GrC major so you don't have a choice. Seriously, it's a great class and Red is a good guy.

GRC 421

Required (Major)
Feb 2004
Red is full of knowledge, and his stories about the industry were interesting at first. But, after the first week, classes got real boring and people started not coming. I found it difficult because he was so laid back that I wasn't as commited to the work as I should have been. I need structure, explicit deadlines, and no gray areas in class to succeed. Otherwise, I get lazy and confused.

ART 514

Required (Major)
Nov 2016
What else is there to say? Fine person, nothing interesting. Class was meh... Blah, blah, blah... Fine person.