Heying, Melanie  

Chemistry and Biochemistry


12 evaluations

CHEM 125

Required (Support)
Feb 2011
Heying is a disgrace to Cal Poly. She is not a university level professor. She cannot control the classroom, appears to have little knowledge on the subject, makes ample mistakes on the board and in here powerepoints, and makes a horrible use of class time. She quickly rushes through stuff when she makes mistakes or when the class is confused because of her lack of explaining. I just wanted to get through chem with little trouble and honestly, an asshole difficult professor would have been a better choice than taking Heying. She is nice, but an idiot. I hate chem as it is but Heying makes it 10 times worse. I am truly embarrased by this "professor".

Required (Support)
Mar 2011
Dr. Heying knows her stuff, but she does NOT know how to teach effectively. Every single one of her exams and quizzes has multiple errors on it and that makes it extremely confusing to know what she really is asking for. Her lectures and notes are scatter-brained and unorganized. The quizzes and tests do not represent what is covered in lab/lecture at all. Avoid at all costs and take her brother, Michael Heying. He rocks.

Required (Support)
Mar 2011
Heying is ridiculous. Like someone already said, every. single. test. has errors on it. Also, her powerpoints are useless. They basically tell you (sometimes) the name of whatever you learned in class that day but not much else. No actual material. This professor is a real dud. Ill walk away with a B in this class and nothing else. Maybe a little less intelligence actually.

Required (Support)
Mar 2011
There is a reason that Heying has a 0.00 rating so far: She has absolutely no idea how to run a classroom or teach chemistry. Avoid her if you want to get your money's worth at Cal Poly

Required (Support)
Mar 2011
Heying is a really bad professor. Not only do all of her quizzes and tests have errors on them, the problems on them are completely outrageous. She basically expects you to teach yourself the material because she hardly teaches you the things on there. Plus, the final was completely bogus. She only gave us 2 hours when everyone thought we had 3 so hardly anyone finished the final! Then she didn't even really curve it!!! She wasn't that great in lab either because the labs didn't even teach us the material, but instead were basically just busy work. Avoid taking her if you can!

Required (Support)
Mar 2011
Where the fuck to begin.....each and every single form of examination that this clown gave us had some type of error on it....I mean if its gonna happen dont let it happen on every test or quiz you give us. She expects you to teach yourself a subject that is not so easy and she basically just babbles on and on for the whole class period. Her tests were ridiculous and the final was horse shit. She gave us 2 hours to do a test that should take a normal student 3 to complete. She never curved anything and was pretty bad at explaining stuff. I wont completely bag on her, she does know her Chemistry, but she does not know how to teach a class. Avoid her at all costs unless you want to get fucked. Take her brother Michael Heying. His class was not any easier, but he did an amazing job at presenting the material to us.

Required (Support)
Mar 2011
Where the fuck to begin.....each and every single form of examination that this clown gave us had some type of error on it....I mean if its gonna happen dont let it happen on every test or quiz you give us. She expects you to teach yourself a subject that is not so easy and she basically just babbles on and on for the whole class period. Her tests were ridiculous and the final was horse shit. She gave us 2 hours to do a test that should take a normal student 3 to complete. She never curved anything and was pretty bad at explaining stuff. I wont completely bag on her, she does know her Chemistry, but she does not know how to teach a class. Avoid her at all costs unless you want to get fucked. Take her brother Michael Heying. His class was not any easier, but he did an amazing job at presenting the material to us.

Required (Support)
Mar 2011
Dr. Heying seemed chill in the beginning of the quarter...and it just went downhill from there. Lectures were very unorganized, quizzes and exams were poorly worded, and the final was horrible (she didn't even teach us the last 2 chapters cause she was behind)! She is a fairly inexperienced teacher, though, so she will get better with time...hopefully. One good thing about her: she knew ALL the material. The biggest problem was her lack of ability to convey it effectively. Bottom line: she's pretty bad, but from what I hear, most of the CHEM department is. Take Dr. Neff if you can.

Required (Support)
Jul 2011
I'm here to evaluate Michael Heying, the brother of Melanie Heying. Dr. Heying's teaching method is simple. All you really need to do is copy the notes he writes and you should be fine. The only issue with our class was that nobody ever went to his office hours. He got butt hurt about it and decided to punish us for it by making the midterms extremely difficult. The class average for the first midterm was below 60%. He basically told the class after he returned the midterms that nobody went to his office hours so he assumed that everyone understood the material completely which is why the midterm was so difficult. So, if you want an easier time in Chem 125 with Michael Heying, make sure you attend his office hours or you will be in a world of pain.

CHEM 128

Required (Support)
Jul 2011
This evaluation is for Michael Heying. Dr. Heying is a nice guy who cracks alot of jokes during class. He is pretty good at lecturing and teaching material. His quizzes are not that hard and he drops the lowest score. The problem is that he makes his tests ridiculously difficult. You can studying alot and still mess up on tests because he throws so many curveballs. His extra credit questions are way too hard also. Do not get him as a lab teacher because he is very critical with grading in both lab and especially on tests. Take Dr. Heying is you're willing to deal with his harsh grading and tests. Also, he never tells you why you're wrong on quizzes and tests. You just are.

CHEM 312

Required (Support)
Dec 2010
The way Heying runs her class is that she gives you handouts and you work in groups to try and get the handout done. For the first couple of weeks it isn\'t hard, because it is basically nomenclature. However, when it starts getting to actual organic chemistry material, the packets do not help and are confusing. She does not even provide an answer key. When students have a question, she does not answer your question at all, she is not helpful. Her office hours were not helpful either, she just asked you more questions and you left more confused. Do not buy the textbook, you don\'t need it. I had to teach myself the whole quarter because she cannot present the material clearly. Try and take another professor at all costs! Ochem is not hard, but Heying makes it extremely difficult by not lecturing on the subject.

EHS 986

5th Year Senior
General Ed
Nov 2016
Missed the first day, went to the second day. Went to the midterm. Went to the Final. Three days of class total. I got a B, easy. This kind of shit gives our school a bad name.