Williams, Jason  

Psychology and Human Development


25 evaluations

PSY 101

General Ed
Sep 2019
He is a predator who uses his phone to look up women's skirts.

PSY 111

General Ed
Jun 2018
Google Cal Poly professor charged after allegedly using phone to look up woman's dress

PSY 201

General Ed
Jun 2010
Jason Williams was an amazing teacher, he kept the material interesting all throughout the quarter which allowed me to be able to pay attention to everything. He had 3 midterms and an optional final all of which were very fair. If you do the reading and pay attention in class I guarantee you to get at least a B+ on the tests. On top of that he gives extra credit to help raise your grade. He is amazing, funny, interesting and smart, take this class with him if you can you won\'t regret it.

Required (Major)
Dec 2010
Great teacher and I loved this class. Definitely buy the book. There are four tests, non-cumulative, that consist of his lectures and the book. The book is interesting though so it\'s not hard to read. I studied my notes and read the assigned reading before the tests and got A\'s on all of them. Pretty easy tests and Williams is really nice and is easy to talk to. I definitely recommend him.

General Ed
Dec 2010
His lectures were interesting and I always felt like I really knew and understood the material, but I felt like he made his test questions out of nowhere and on all of the little detailed info you never thought you would need to know. He presents info that is relevant to college students and even offered a bit of extra credit. Great professor, interesting class, impossible tests. I did all of the reading and even went over my notes, but that did not ever seem to be enough.

Required (Support)
Jun 2011
Super easy class, and Williams is a nice guy, just a little wired (he really enjoys his coffee), but good sense of humor and knowledge of subject. Class was basically 3 midterms and the final (slightly weighted 4th midterm). Final is not cumulative either. Tests are all multiple choice, really pretty basic, and He'll throw out problems people all missed. Tests cover lecture notes and basic reading material. Chapters are decent and fairly easy reads, usually covering subjects in class with a few extra terms and details. If you do the reading and take/review basic in class notes, there is no reason to not get an A. It's not hard to take notes and pay attention in class because topics are mostly pretty interesting and engaging. I slacked off and missed some classes and readying for the 3rd midterm and it took me down. If you like psych or need this class, take him, it's chill.

General Ed
Jun 2011
Professor Williams is a pretty cool person. His lectures are really interesting and the two hours go by fast. He even has a mid lecture ten minute break. I highly recomend you take this class with him. There are plenty of opportunities for extra credit, so there is no way to fail this class. There are three midterms and a final, but the final is just another midterm and its all non-cumulative. The midterms are easy, and although there is reading, you can just read the chapter summery and be just fine. And the reading itself is super short and easy. If you wanna learn and pass the class with ease, take Psyc 201 with Williams.

General Ed
Jun 2011
I was going through a bit of a tough time when I was taking this class, and I think I probably could have gotten an A if I had been distracted by other things going on in my life. There are four tests in the class, none of them cumulative. You should do fine on them if you read the book and take notes during class. There is also extra credit that I highly recommend doing. Williams is very energetic and funny and makes the material interesting.

Required (Major)
Dec 2011
Williams is a great professor, his lecture is not right out of the book, which I found to be refreshing. This however does mean it is important both to read the book and attend class. He is very entertaining and presents the material in a way that is easy to remember.

General Ed
Dec 2012
Williams is a great teacher! He is very interesting and is able to answer almost any question about psych. There were 3 midterms and a final, but he told us what would be on the tests. Study lecture notes more, and read the book to clarify things or if you have time. I read the book because it was an easy read and was generally interesting. Take his class!!!

Required (Major)
Dec 2012
His lectures are usually interesting and straightforward, even though he's a little goofy at times. However, his tests are much more difficult than they need to be. I'm a psych major, did all of the reading, knew his lectures cold, and studied my ass off for the 4 exams, and I ended up with a C on every one. A little bit too intense for a general psych class if you ask me. With that being said, he's a good guy and not a bad teacher.

General Ed
Dec 2012
Williams is a great professor. He made the class very interesting, and its so much easier to learn about something that interests you. There were only four non-cumulative tests, each worth a little bit more than the previous one. As long as you go to class and read the book modules, you will have no problem getting a good grade. If you get a chance to take his class, do it. It was probably my favorite class this past quarter.

General Ed
Dec 2012
I hate psychology. Just thought I'd put that out there first. So of course I don't love Williams, but he's alright. I took a psych course in high school and I figured I could float through the class that way. I was right more or less, there were some things we went more in-depth on. Basically, 4 midterms, the 4th midterm is the final, so the final isn't cumulative. No other work to do. Pretty easy GE. I found that I got better grades the less I studied. He throws in some WTF questions every once in a while. I realized the day before the final/midterm 4 that I had gone to one lecture since the last midterm..and got an 80%!I put very little effort into this class and walked away with a B-, but it definitely could have been an easy GPA booster. DEFINITELY buy the book.

Required (Support)
Jan 2013
This was a really good class. I was worried about taking psyc because I had never taken it in high school and wasn't very interested in it, but this professor is great. You need to go to all the lectures but its ok because theyre interesting. Also be sure to actually read the book because there are things that you dont cover in lecture that will be on the tests. The tests over all werent that hard, he always has some silly questions, but you do need to put time into studying to get and A on the test. Definently recommend this class!

Required (Support)
Feb 2017
Williams is the coolest guy ever. I had him during Quarter plus (9 units in 3 weeks) where we had four hours of lecture four days a week. We had a big workload, but his lectures were super clear, and all of his expectations were clearly set for exams. He gave us Starbucks breaks every couple hours, as well... Super cool guy! Would definitely recommend.

PSY 329

Required (Major)
May 2009
When I took Professor Williams in the Fall, it was his first quarter teaching at Cal Poly. He seemed to be getting in the swing of things and getting used to the quarter system. For our tests, he gave us a list of the possible questions and then he would pick a few of them to actually test us on during the exam. It took a lot of preparation but it was definitely worth it because you really knew the material and it pays off in the end. He doesn't try to trick you and if you give him the straightforward answer, as he said it in class, you're golden. I would recommend writing down EVERYTHING he says in class even the examples because it really helps when you're studying. Also, he might be better now that he's used to Cal Poly but when I took him, he seemed to confuse us on some of the material just in the way that he explained it. Overall, I would take him again because I got an A and it's easy to know what he's looking for in the class.

Required (Major)
Mar 2012
I took Psy 457 Memory and Cognition with Dr. Williams and loved it. Well I enjoyed this class even more. We got to create and run an experiment from start to finish and write an APA paper about it. Dr. Williams was very involved and spent so much of his time helping us and allowing us to come in as many times as we wanted to get help. It's nice to find professors who care and give their time to students.

PSY 457

Required (Major)
Feb 2010
I had Dr. Williams for Memory and Cog and as well as 329, he was great!... He mostly lectures so you need to write down everything he says, but if you ever have any questions he\'s very helpful. He gives study guides to help you study for tests which are very helpful, I always did them the night before and studied the day of (not that you should do this) and I got an B+ in the class. There were two midterms and a final, extra credit opportunity, and the class is pretty interesting. There are also CogLabs you do online, which are super easy!

Required (Major)
Feb 2011
I have taken two courses by Professor Williams and hope to take more. He is very interactive with the students and super passionate about what he teaches. He knows what he's talking about and is very good at getting the class to understand it as well. There is never a dull moment in his classes! He attempts to draw pictures on the board to illustrate a concept, but he isn't a very good artist and he doesn't do a very good job at erasing the board... but other than that, no complaints. He is a fantastic teacher!

Required (Major)
Oct 2011
Dr. Williams was a great teacher. His lectures are entertaining and he is very interactive. His lectures are important and you can earn extra points with his essay questions.

Required (Major)
Nov 2011
He's energetic and is funny in class. My main problem with him is that he doesn't write anything down, and his power points are mostly pictures. You have to hang onto his every word and write everything down he says. It doesn't help that he's cracked out on coffee all the time and can't keep on topic. I also felt that he played favorites, and gave some people higher grades because he liked them. Definitely not my favorite professor, but he unavoidable.

Required (Major)
Jan 2012
Funny guy. Super dynamic, engaging and enthusiastic. Your grade is made up of 4 exams with multiple choice (25% of test grade) and essay portions (75% of test grade). The multiple choice is tricky, but the essay portions are straight from lecture and not hard to do well on. The overall material is pretty interesting too. I'd take him again.

Required (Major)
Mar 2013
One of the best teachers at Cal Poly! Great combination of demanding and laid back. Presents very hard material in a clear, interesting way. 2 mid terms and a final which he gives you the possible essay questions ahead of time. Smart guy, great teacher

Required (Major)
May 2013
DW is a very enjoyable lecturer. Especially true in 457. Mem/Cog is a great class and his passion for psychology comes out very clearly. He assigns this one great article at the beginning of the quarter that is so relevant to philosophy (his other passion), so that's a neat way he brings some other information to the table. Williams' lecture style is cool - very informal. He just sort of talks and its a lecture. The material is absolutely fascinating and very very applicable. It really builds on PSY 340 well. His testing style is easy - he gives you 12-15 possible essay / short-answer questions a few days before the exam, then asks 5-6 of them. He also throws in a m/c test that's 15 questions long. Extra credit possible in the essays. Lots of cool stories - ask him about coffee and absinthe and you'll be someone he remembers.

Required (Major)
Jan 2016
This was my second class with Profesor Williams, so I knew what to expect from him. He is a scattered lecturer. He doesn't provide lecture notes/slides so you are left trying to write down what he says, not knowing what is actually important for this class and what is just some interesting tidbit he decided to share or what is an extraneous detail he added in. His class would be impossible if he wasn't kind in how he formats his tests. The class consisted of three exams that had around 15 multiple choice and short answer/essays. He gives you the essay questions ahead of time though, usually around 15 total, and he picks 4 for you to answer. Since he gives you the questions they are pretty manageable and he will give an extra credit point or two for very complete answers. The multiple choice were (as he acknowledges) extremely hard and entirely off of the book reading (which is not what he lectures on). Even after reading the chapters completely through twice, I didn't recognize a study referred to in three of the questions on the final. LUCKILY, he will give you back points on questions the whole class didn't get, which happens often. On one test we got 5/15 points back and some people still got Cs. The final is a 15-20 page paper, but he let us do extra credit that shortened the length and gave us back points. Overall, his class is enjoyable to be in but will leave you stressed and floundering, but because of his policies you'll end up doing fine, just maybe a bit worse for the wear. Also, he sucks at answering emails.