Police, University  



2 evaluations

EDUC 100

Graduate Student
Mar 2008
They're are unfair and unjust. They claim to be trying to make sure everybody is safe but looks for any opportunity to fail a student or to get them in trouble. Getting pulled over for no reason is a typical trick that they play. Looking for safe and reasonable people for who have had a drink or two is one of their favorite weekend activities. Watch out for those parking nazi's as well. They should be running DARE programs instead of playing all sorts of shenanigans. I call their work child's play...but who knows...maybe someday each one of them will graduate onto a real police force instead of a chasing students into their dorm rooms while they're asleep to drag them to a drunk tank.

Graduate Student
General Ed
Jun 2012
Great Police Department with very nice, understanding, and friendly officers and dispatchers. Officer Schad = 100% good guy of the year. Knows when to give a cite and when to let people off.