Lavoie, Derrick  

Biological Sciences


34 evaluations

BIO 111

Required (Support)
Jun 2008
I though Lavoie was a cool guy. Once you get to know him, hes really nice and says some ridiculous things that will make you laugh. I just had him for lab, but his grading seems pretty fair.

BIO 302

Required (Support)
Mar 2008
Dr. Lavoie is a very nice man. However, his ability to teach to a lecture hall leaves a lot to be desired. Dr. Lavoie's presentation of material is very confusing, it is actually much easier to learn from the book. It seems like he memorized the information he is presenting, because if he is asked a question he becomes confused. Often students would answer questions for each other because Dr. Lavoie wasn't able to. We had three midterms (dropping the lowest grade) and a final. Dr. Lavoie does give you study guides which are somewhat helpful, but my best advice is to read the book and try to answer the problems in it, then go over the study guide. The wording of questions on the tests is also confusing, be sure to ask for clarification while you are taking them. Also, be sure to do the extra credit, it brought my grade up to an A from a B.

May 2008
Dr. Lavoie is able to present information in an exciting an interesting way. He seems to just keep us on the edge of our seats. While the class was quite difficult I really got a lot out of it. Out of all the profs I have had a Poly Dr. Lavoie is probably the best.

May 2008
Dr. Lavoie is an awesome teacher. He made the lecture powerpoints available on line, which really helped me in following the lecture. He always tried to share something, every lecture, from the news that was related to genetics. I really learned how amazing this field is. His natural enthusiasm for the subject also got me excited too. I would like to see some more assignments that supplement the text, but other than that -- he did great and I learned a lot. His grading is fair and the workload is demanding. The book is wordy. Overall, I would recommend this class to anyone.

May 2008
So bad! Run fast! Take anything else! He is a bozo!

May 2008
This was one of the more interesting courses I have had at Poly. The professor was thorough in covering the required material and did it in interesting ways. I felt that he was very considerate of my concerns and alwys helped me when I needed it. I felt I deserved an A especially after all the work I put into it. And fortunately, this is what I got. Don't take this class if you don't intend to put time into it.

General Ed
May 2008
I found this course fascinating. Dr. Lavoie presented the material in NON BORING way that many of the instructors seem to do in science. He showed us that genetics is a rapidly changing field that has incredible potential of for the future. The tests were multiple choice and covered exactly what we did in class, and we had a study guide. I would say that he did try to move too fast sometimes and I found myself doing more studying than I thought I should do. But in the end it was well worth it. I also found I needed more time to go over stuff with him but he did not have enough office hours to meet my schedule.

Required (Major)
May 2008
hands down the worst teacher i have ever had. did not know what he was talking about and constantly made mistakes. i brought in my test and showed him why my answer was right, and he said oh well do extra credit. did not answer questions in class, and was more concerned with finishing the lecture than making sure you understood. he would go through slides and say "oh this is important read it in the book" then expect that you know what wasn't in the book and what he planned on lecturing on.

Required (Support)
May 2008
Shame on you you Prof. Lavoie.... Commenting on your own page, and more than once too. Just so you know.. no students I have ever met get up at 7 in the morning to praise their professors online. Furthermore, the quarter is not yet over (we still have 2 exams left) so your comment on 5:07 pm, May 7, 2008 is total BS. I guess you are nervous about your job, I would be too. Here are some tidbits from the course that may help to paint a picture about Prof. Lavoie. During the first few classes we had a break somewhere in the middle of the two hour lecture. A lot of people began to leave during this time, so breaks were stopped. Lavoie has a tendency to exaggerate science in order to attempt to artificially increase the interest level of the class. What really bugged me was when he lectured on a yahoo article and then later tested on its material. Don't bother asking questions. He doesn't know the answers. A friend and I typically leave class recounting instances when incomplete, incorrect, or inapplicable material was covered. On the plus side he offers a bunch of extra credit to compensate for his inability to teach effectively. Also, he has given me great confidence in my chances of getting a PhD, because if he can, then it's definitely not as hard as I had thought.

Required (Support)
Jun 2008
This is an extremely interesting course. Be sure to do the extra credit, which is nice. The tests are fair but hard, so be sure to study. Lavoie was very helpful one on one.

Required (Major)
Jun 2008
I got a lot of the course and had to work real hard. The prof was so patient with students stupid questions. I wish we didn't have to have such a big class. I think the tests were pretty hard too. The only reason I got a C was because I couldn't put more time into it. Genetics is so cool though. Overall, great course.

Required (Support)
Jun 2008
I would have to say the course was difficult at first. I didn't get how much work I needed to put in out of class. I think I got a d on the first test. Dr. Lavoie helped me with my studying strategy and I started making up circle and square images of main concepts and trying to connect them together. This was kind of weird at first because it didn't make much sense. As I kept at it I began to see more and more connections between the concepts. My grades on the next exams gradually went up. I wish I had one the extra credit and I know I would have had an easy A.

Required (Support)
Jul 2008
This prof rocks for sure!!!! He helped us get through a tremendous amount of material during the quarter. It was all so interesting that I am sorry I got a B. If I had done the extra credit I would have had an A. So be sure to do that. Making the powerpoints available was great. Not being a bio major was at first a bit difficult but Dr. Lavoie always was there to help me think through the concepts I was having trouble with. Thanks. If you want to learn a lot then this class with Lavoie is what you want. Good luck!

Required (Support)
Jul 2008
A good class overall. Could have had more time to study for exams. Be sure to do the extra credit, without it you will probably get a lower grade. The instructor was a good teacher and seemed to care about whether we got the information or not. Many of my other profs at poly just present and and don't have time for questions. This class had lots of questions and some wre pretty off the wall. The instructor dealt with each one and that was nice.

Required (Major)
Jul 2008
He is very confusing. Take anyone else, if you can. He spouts memorized info., and can't field questions without babbling! He tries to be too chummy, I think to compenste for his pathetic social and speaking skills.

Aug 2008
A very nice course with lots of cool visuals. It kept my interest the whole quarter. One thing to do is the extra credit and the readings. Good luck.

Required (Major)
Sep 2008
Dr. Lavoie was fabulous. He helped me when I really needed it and he was able to explain it so I finally got how to solve the problems. Take Lavoie if you can. Good luck.

Required (Support)
Oct 2008
This course was one of the best courses in science that i have taken at poly. Be sure to do the extra credit. Dr. Lavoie was very patient with my questions and I appreciated that. I wish he had more office hour time. The exams were standard mutliple choice and somewhat boring. AT least they did match what we did in class pretty much exactly. The study guides were right on.

Required (Major)
Oct 2008
I really enjoyed this fascinating class. Dr. Lavoie was one of the more exciting professors I have had at poly. The lectures were well prepared and very visual. He had lots of pics and clips that helped me get the ideas. Because of this course I am thinking of changing my major to something dealing with genetics. He also gave lots of extra credit. For advice, I would say to keep up your reading and do all assignments on time.

Nov 2008
This class was not my usual class because there were so many people. Dr. Lavoie did a great job helping me get the main ideas. I was lost a first, but once I began to realize how genetics was everywhere around me I started to really get it. I suggest you do your readings and go over the study guide because it matched most of the questions on the test exactly. Great learning experience for me. Extra credit was good and needed.

Nov 2008
Nice interesting stuff. Exams fair but mc. Extra credit really helped. If you don't like punnet squares don't take this course.

Required (Support)
Dec 2008
Do tha extra credit. Have fun. Lavoie is great!

Mar 2009
What a great course and teacher. This guy was cool and the subject great. Do the extra credit and study your notes for the exams. Good luck.

Apr 2009
I thought going into it that genetics was cool. Now I am even more jazzed. Thanks for giving me a glimpse of what the world might be like in the near future. Tremendous potential out there. Hell, I might even change my major to bio.

Required (Support)
Apr 2009
GREAT JOB DR LAVOIE My only suggestions are just go to class and do the extra credit.

Required (Support)
Jun 2009
Nice class. Brought down to my level which isn't done that much at Poly. I would recommended downloading lectures on your computer and doing the ec. good luck

Required (Major)
Jun 2009
I finally have gotten to make a comment in this forum. I remember Dr. Lavoie to be a thorough and interesting professor. One thing I can positive about the course it is opened my mind to possibilities. Genetics is so vast and so interconnected with everything. On a negative side, Dr. Lavoie took too much time to address so pretty wierd questions. We just had some many students that it is probably best to deal with questions after class. I would recommend the class highly and good luck.

Required (Support)
Aug 2009
Covered a lot of stuff. Very interesting. Do e.c. and go to office hours.

Sep 2009
The class was fine and I would recommend it. I didn't get much time to work one on one with the prof as I would have liked. I remember that the tests were all mostly multiple choice, and mostly covered the lectures, and were not easy questions. And I should certainly mention that the prof was hot. thanks cal poly.

Mar 2010
Well I am not here to tell you how to study. You know that. I do want to tell you to take this course which I think is so awesome. Dr. Lavoi did a nice job helping me understand how genetics works in my life. Thanks. You had better do the extra credit or you will probably drop your grade.

Apr 2010

Required (Major)
Jul 2010
Do the extra credit. I think he is too generous with it however. The prof made me think about genetics

Required (Support)
Dec 2010
Book is hard to read and tests are a bit tricky. Go over study guide carefully. Do ec. lol

TH 745

Required (Support)
Nov 2016
What the guy/gal below said. Amen. I too took this class and have long since graduated from Poly, but I was cruising Poly Ratings for a kick and thought that I should pipe in and let you know how much of a joke this prof is.