Schroeter, Christiane  



58 evaluations

AGB 212

Required (Major)
Dec 2007
Dr. Schroeter will be the most unfair teacher that you will ever have. Let me clarify, as far as grading policies go she will change her mind throughout the quarter on how much certain things in class will affect your grade. She assigns a fair amount of homework and you will probably get close to a zero because unless you word something exactly the way she would say it she will mark the answer wrong, even if it is right. Her exams are not any better, be prepared to see points taken off for right answers. Furthermore, be prepared to be spoken to rudely and sarcastically daily, also be prepared to have a professor treat you like you were 12 years old. You might be required to memorize the names and photos of the entire class which is a clear violation of student privacy rights. She will not help you during her office hours because of the large volume of students waiting to speak to her and if you catch her at her office outside of office hours she will not bother to open the door. She is a teacher who does not care wether her students succeed and seems to get pleasure out of her students not doing well on a subject that is fairly easy to understand. I wouldn't wish this professor on my very worst enemies.

Required (Major)
Jan 2008
I agree with the comment below mine 100% The worst teacher ever. She also has a hard with the language barrier from German to English. She always acts so happy and so helpful, but when you need actual help from her there will be 100 people also trying to get help because she makes no sense in her lectures. She lectures sometimes and then next class meeting she says " oh that was wrong i really meant this..." Horrible. One day in class we had another AGB teacher viewing her teaching and grading her, he actually stood up and said she was teaching wrong and he went on for 15 minutes why she was wrong and explained the correct way to look at the scenario. All I say is do anything you can to not take this class with Schroeter.

Required (Major)
Jan 2008
Awful teacher. The only reason I pulled off a B in the class was because of the book. Without the book I would've learned nothing. She has no idea what she's talking about. Her quizzes were especially hard. The class average on most of them were 5.5 out of 10, and that was 30% of our grade. The only reason people were actually able to pass her class was because she gave us extra credit on learning everyones name in the class. However, on our final quiz we were not able to complete the extra cedit because it was against school rules to print out pictures of students with their naes attatched. One positive thing about the class was that we got to regrade our test. We would receive 1/2 pt for every 1 pt question we missed.

AGB 301

Required (Major)
Feb 2012
Schroeter is awful. Her inability to speak fluid english makes it so difficult to explain material that is easier to learn oneself. The entire quarter was students giving presentations, a complete waste of time. She is unfair and doesn't know how to accurately asses her students based on talent. She expects midterms answers to be in the words she would use. Nice lady, pretty attractive, you can tell shes smart, but awful at teaching.

Required (Major)
Mar 2012
Sweet Jesus take a different professor

Required (Major)
Mar 2012
DO NOT TAKE HER! Her grading is absolutely unfair, she expects you to remember word for word exactly what she said on every homework assignment, test, and quiz. It was group presentations all quarter long and we were tested on what the students said in their presentations. The amount of material we learned was pretty close to nothing, however, we had a bunch of tough quizzes and two impossible midterms. Her lack of the right words in English make it very hard to understand what she is trying to say. If you have another option, please take someone else...

Required (Major)
Mar 2012
Moderated Comment
If you want to take a class where you spend more time thinking about how much you can hate someone, look no further. It is a shame that Cal Poly has teachers like Schroeter that clearly cannot teach and don't do anything about it. She grades however she feels like.... She made THREE clerical errors and when I went to talk to her about it she looked at me stupidly and asked, "have you read the syllabus?" She won't correct any mistakes SHE made if you don't bring it up within a week of posting the grade, even if you have proof otherwise. She is just an overall shitty person. She puts on this happy facade.... I really hope she reads this and reconsiders her career choice. ... BTW, class average was a 72% during the last week of finals. I can't see what it is now since BlackBoard is gone.

Required (Support)
May 2012
What a total fake!!!!! She is utterly terrible.

Required (Major)
Jun 2012
Dont take her even if this is the only class you have the opportunity to enroll in

Required (Major)
Jul 2012
Christiane Schroeter knows a lot about Food Marketing. She just CANNOT teach it. If you care about getting an A DO NOT take her. Her class is not worth the effort. I strongly recommend taking any other 301 professor. If you do end up with her study study study for the first Mid term. I guarantee you will not be prepared for it. Take the weekly quizzes seriously because you'll need all the help you can get for your final grade. Also start your final project immediately,I mean immediately you will definitely thank your self for doing so.

Required (Major)
Jul 2012
Dear "dr." Schroeter, you don't know how to teach, nor do you know what to teach. Literally your class provided hardly anything that is actually applicable to marketing. You fail Cal Poly each and everyday you teach there. I got more out of a 20 minute interview for a marketing position then I did an entire quarter learning from you. Couldn't even remember your name from a quarter ago. Had to go on my portal and im not happy that i find myself still wasting my time with you.

Required (Major)
Nov 2012
Only plus= no final. otherwise: she has 2 midterms that are nearly suggestion is to make marketing all you study for 10 days in advance. the presentations every week are pointless and no one listens, but then she tricks you with hard questions about the presentations on weekly quizzes. the final project is a joke, but definitely get started on it early. overall, try to keep your composure throughout her will be VERY HARD sometimes.

Graduate Student
Required (Support)
Jan 2013
Dr. Schroeter's teaching style and grading process can be viewed as more challenging than other teachers I have taken. She can appear a bit aloof and/or insensitive to specifc students and their educational needs. The class was demanding. Tests and quizzes were tough, but I do not believe they were unrelated to the material we covered. The scope of the marketing principles are quite extensive and the team presentations that are required make for a continuous and very concentrated quiz/test/project focus. You will definitely need to be on top of the reading, studying and project demands. There is no real 'down time' so you must be aware of your other classes and their requirements. If you have another teacher choice for this specific class I would recommend taking it from another one. And I would also recommend a lighter class schedule if you must take this class from Dr. Schroeter. If you can avoid taking her teaching/grading style personally and overlook the cultural quirks of her German background, you will minimize any of the more negative perceptions that have been posted here. She is not an easy teacher, but this could be understood more from her attempt to cover too much material that competes with the time the required team presentations also require. This is quite the demanding class for a 300 level course.

5th Year Senior
Feb 2013
Dr Schroeter is a TERRIBLE TEACHER as well as a TERRIBLE person!! She is rude to students and has a terrible understanding of AGRICULTURE in California. This lady may have her "DOCTORATE" but she is literally the worst teacher I have taken at Cal Poly! Schroeter argues with people throughout lecture and gets distracted by any side conversations or comments. The class consists of two midterms and a final project with a small percentage bases on participation and assignments. I would highly recommend taking another teacher for this class!!!!!!

Required (Major)
Sep 2013
Seriously don't take her. I would have gotten a B if she didn't take off MASSIVE amounts of points for having your phone out in class. Obviously this is my fault, and I wouldn't say not to take her if that was the only problem, but holy shit it is not. She is the most inconsistent grader out there and makes NO SENSE in her lectures. Arrogant German bitch. The type who will correct you angrily if you don't call her DOCTOR Schroeter. Don't be fooled by how obnoxiously sweet she acts the first day or two, her attitude comes out strong a couple weeks in. I can't tell you enough how much everyone in my entire class hated her.

Required (Major)
Nov 2013
Dr. Schroeter is really a nice lady on the outside, but her fake smile and enthusiasm are easily seen right through to her evil core. Prepare to spend a full quarter memorizing her exact words for quiz and test questions, and not actually learning the material. Every quiz is a few true and falses, and then a stream of short answer questions where you must answer them exactly as she would, word for word. Then you get two midterms, which are just like the class quizzes only on steroids. The only silver lining to this class is that their is a final project instead of a final exam, and that for a majority of the quarter, one class a week is gobbled up by group presentations, keeping her from not talking. Please do not take this class. You will learn more and get a better grade with someone else. Trust me.

Required (Major)
Dec 2013
AGB 301 has been one of the most challenging yet rewarding courses I have taken while at Cal Poly. From day one, Dr. Schroeter outlines her high expectations of you and gives you all the resources you need to succeed. Dr. Schroeter is extremely devoted to student success and does all that she can to help students clearly grasp all material, whether that be adjusting teaching techniques for each group of students or being readily available during office hours. If you make a conscious effort to do well in this course and learn the material, your grade will reflect that. The midterms are challenging, but those challenges help you better understand the material in a way that no other class will. Both group projects will help you learn how to apply the course material to real life situations, a talent you will need to have when you enter the industry. I am extremely thankful for Dr. Schroeter and happy that I took her class!

Required (Major)
Dec 2013
For starters, anyone who accepted their admissions to Cal Poly should expect to work hard for their grades. Everyone goes into this class thinking because it says "AGB" or because it says "Marketing" that it will be an easy A..but its not! This class is very valuable and dense with information that we are required to know. Dr. Schroeter did a fine job teaching the material. You can't expect to only go into class and listen to the notes to absorb all of the material, you must do the readings and attend office hours because the information can be hard at times. Im a fan of Dr. Schroeter and you would be lucky to have her as a teacher. It will be a lot of work but it is well worth it at the end! This is college…not high school.

Required (Major)
Dec 2013
Many evaluations below are emotionally driven and not very helpful for actually knowing what this class will require of you. Here was my experience: No final or class during finals week! Downside, put more emphasis on other aspects of class. Quizzes(30%ofgrade): I found it very helpful to answer every question on the in-class documents; if a definition showed up, memorize it. (usually one definition per quiz) I only took about 1 hour before the quiz day and got an 8/10 or higher. Lowest quiz is dropped. Midterms: I wish I would have studied more for these tests. I got a C+ on both midterms by just looking over all of the material and not taking much time for working out problems.(maybe 3 hours per midterm, if that) If the instructor takes time to make students work out problems in class, take a hint as that set of problems are important. It is going to be up to you to know the problem by starting from front or back and is for sure going to be worth a lot of points. Projects: 2 group projects. Do them thoroughly, start early and you will be more than fine. I took these projects seriously and imagined i was actually with a company or CEO, may be silly but kept me focused and learned a lot more from it. Dress business for your presentation. It was hard to sit through a lot of presentations toward the end of the year but they do have value for the last quiz and if a group does a good job it will be interesting and some insightful facts. Instructor: Ability: A(knows her material and presents it in correct order) Recognize/clarify: B (Lets students answer students questions if the way she teaches it doesn't make sense to a student) Overall: A (Qualified and well prepared for class) Very happy - seems like a good person genuinely interested in student success. I went to office hours once, wish I would have more for projects and midterm material. German - some accent on certain words that caught me off guard if I wasn't paying attention. Hand Writing - some is not legible but she went way out of her way to ask the class if they can read it and correct it if people could not. No Electronics - deducts from the grade if she catches you, but I would have liked to use a tablet or computer for notes. Overall: I think a lot of students had a hard time with not being babied in this undergrad class. If you do not have the mentality of relating class material to real life yet, you will not get as much out of this class as you could.

Required (Major)
Jan 2014
Schroeter overall is a good teacher and I would recommend her to any student who can pay attention in class and be able to relate the material learned to the Ag world. She is very similar to Hamilton, in that she is very specific in what she wants, in terms of answers on tests and homework. Be very specific and only say what you need to say. She does not make empty threats, so take what she says and follow it 100%. I got B's on both the midterms, while the majority of the class got C's and D's. I ended up with an A- and my friend who got D's on both the midterms ended with a B. She grades based on exactly what she wants so make sure to take notes everyday. The class overall is very passable because she is pretty generous on the presentation grades and the homework assignments. There is also no real final which is awesome. Pay attention in class and a B is very realistic. She is also very enthusiastic and its clear she enjoys what she does.

Required (Major)
Jan 2014
Indeed I believe that the last comments are doing damage control. I would skip the last three ones and read what others had to say about Schroeder!

Required (Major)
Mar 2014
Overall, I liked this class. I learned a lot, but it was very demanding and time consuming. Attending class and participating are key. Her tests and quizzes are really focused on the slides so don't stress as much about the reading. Going to her office hours will help you a lot, because her grading is very much based on weather or not she sees you putting in effort. She will give you a C just for meeting all of her requirements, but you can easily get a B or even an A by going to her office hours and applying her feedback. By the end of the quarter you should be a lot more used to what she expects and how she grades and the class will be a lot easier.

Required (Support)
May 2014
Schroeter is an awful teacher and a very difficult person to deal with. She is not understanding if you have a life outside of class (i.e. work, family, other classes, field trips, YOU NAME IT!) I would think that someone who spend time as a student would understand or try to be somewhat understanding if something happens- all my other teachers did and worked with me! Bottom line- I would never recommend Schroeter as a teacher and would recommend Cal Poly looking hiring more professional and somewhat compassionate versus the cold-hearted snake they have in teaching AGB classes. Be nice, smile, and take life a little less seriously. JEEZE!

Required (Major)
Nov 2014
Schroeter gives you guidelines and you need to follow them. When she says to cite your sources - cite every freaking source of information and your images. If you follow her rules and show up you will pass. The text book is outdated its been recycled for 10 years about so you can get an old one and be ok - do the readings, you will be quizzed on them. Its a mostly fun class if you are interested in marketing.

Required (Major)
Nov 2015
If you want a good grade in Schroeter's class go to every class, memorize everything, and don't ever talk to her. If you ask a question she'll be rude. If she makes a mistake and you correct her, be prepared to lose a few percent of your grade for being disrespectful. Schroeter has the biggest PhD. ego of all time. You don't learn anything useful about marketing. It's easy to bs your way through the class but only if you lay low and avoid her at all costs.

Required (Major)
Dec 2015
First, I'd like to say that I would pound the shit out of her pussy. I bet back in her college days, her cunt was penetrated by multiple cocks on the daily to the point where she's still pissing cum to this day. Other than that, there's nothing good I can say about this woman. Her midterm is the hardest single test that I've taken in my life. It metaphorically bent me over, and fucked me in the ass. She doesn't believe in curving and showed no sympathy in ass fucking the entire class with that midterm because she gets horrifically ass fucked by her husband like that every day. The second half of the class is group presentations, which we get tested on for the final and that's bullshit because I pay tuition to get taught by professors, not my classmates. So if you're looking for descent milf of a teacher to jerk off to, Schroeter might be worth your while. But if you want to actually learn something and care about your GPA, take someone else.

Required (Major)
Dec 2015
Dr. Schroeter is by far the most difficult woman I have ever had to deal with. Throughout my academic career I have gotten along with all of my teachers, even who were less than pleasant people. So, when I was warned of how horrible she was, I chose to ignore her reputation and take her class anyway. Bad choice. She comes off as a cheerful and enthusiastic. DO NOT LET THIS FOOL YOU because I swear to god she is a heartless nazi bitch. Her online quizzes are difficult, but not impossible. The group projects were graded with obvious bias, and the midterm absolutely destroyed every single person that I talked to. Do not show up late to class and if you do she expects an "apology email"(...What the actual fuck..?) Also, be careful when you ask questions in class because she loves to twist your words around and make you feel like an absolute idiot. Morale of the story: Fuck this class and do not take this crazy nazi of a teacher.

Required (Major)
Dec 2015
Let me premise this by saying that I work my ass off. I have a 3.7 GPA and when I see a shitty PolyRating i usually ignore it and get a decent grade (I got an A in 212 with Gill). This class is the only exception. This class is based on group projects and a single midterm. If you have an awful group, regroup yourself before the final project. I made the mistake of staying in the same group for the final project and my group members took advantage of my work ethic and did close to nothing. As for the midterm, Schroeter tries to act like shes helping you by handing out a study guide but its literally just the key points from the beginning of each chapter. She has us print out all the slides anyways so she could have just asked us to study those. The midterm was totally not comprehensive at all. I am convinced that that this woman does not know how to put tests together and they're riddled with spelling and grammatical errors. In addition to this, she attempts to profit off of students by making us buy "her" book though its just a combination of three other, outdated (think mid 90s) books. I feel that I could have really benefitted from and enjoyed this course, but this professor really let me down. Not surprisingly, our grades for the final project and test aren't up yet despite the fact that we took our final during dead week. If you must take 301 with this professor, try and take it credit/no credit because this class fucked everyone over.

Required (Major)
Dec 2015
Marketing should be a fun class but Schroeter ruins it.. her grading is insane.. the midterm was so hard 90% of the class failed and she didn't curve the class at all. her personality is unlike any other professor I have ever came across.. she is EXTREMELY ANAL about every little thing. if she doesnt like you she will drop your grade. her final was pretty easy but she never posted the grade for it.. and most of the class is based off of your group projects??.. which is something i dont agree with at all and youre also tested on other group projects which is stupid.. the online quizzes are pretty easy and got As and Bs on most of the but still got a C in the class. if you want to try and succeed DONT TALK IN CLASS AND DONT EVER PULL OUT YOUR CELL PHONE. overall TRY AND AVOID HER or take it credit no credit!!! ruined my gpa. honestly everyone i know tried so hard and still got Cs. TRY AND AVOID

Required (Major)
Dec 2015
This class is not impossible to pass... with a C. If you're expecting to get an A or even a B, your chances are slim. Her midterm was a terrible and almost everyone failed. She accusess students of cheating on her online weekly quizzes and will call you into her office and interrogate you with no evidence that you even cheated. She's a really nasty lady and terrible professor, I'm shocked that Cal Poly has kept her around. Overall, KISS ASS if you have to take her, go to every class, and don't ask questions unless you want a rude or passive aggressive comment as your answer.

Required (Major)
Apr 2016
This class is really not much fun at all. The material could actually be very interesting and useful but instead the material is presented kind of all of the place. There is 2 group presentations/projects that pretty much require you to meet with your group and work with them all quarter. Every single person I talked to got an F or a D- on the midterm. There is also approximately 6 quizzes that are open note but still hard to do if you didnt actually prepare for them due to the time constraint. The final test is actually fairly easy if you listen to other peoples presentations. She does give two extra credit quizzes that added a total of 10 points to your midterm score which was nice. Overall this class is basically an easy C. Couldnt really imagine what level of effort would need to be put in this class to achieve an A.

Required (Support)
Jun 2016
Schroeter I doubt you read these cause you don't care at all about student success but if you are please take this into consideration. Go to the administration office, give them your 2 weeks notice and retire. This class is horrible, don't take it. I tried for 2 quarters waiting for a new teacher but I eventually had to take her. Would have been nice to actually learn some valuable marketing skills I could use in the real world someday but instead this class wasted 10 weeks of my time.

Required (Major)
May 2017
To see all of these negative comments about Dr. Schroeter disheartens me. Yes, Dr. Schroeter has high expectations for her students, but she is fair in all that she does. For instance, at the beginning of the quarter I forgot to take the extra credit survey (which counted as 5 extra points on the MIDTERM) and she approached me offering to open it up again on polylearn. I didn't even know her that well and hadn't gone to office hours yet. I had to miss an entire week of her class because of an internship and she was more than understanding and helped me catch up on the material. My point is, she cares. Because of her I decided to take Produce Marketing (AGB 445). I recently ran into her an told her and she invited me to come talk to her about my future career and possibilities. We talked for an hour about my future and I can guarantee she had more important things to do. In terms of the class, the midterm is challenging, but she doesn't let it affect the students grade. Show up to class. Listen. Ask questions (because she WILL take the time to answer them), and turn in and present a high quality group project. She is preparing all of her students for the professional arena, so work hard to meet her expectations and you will pass her class.

Required (Major)
Jun 2017
Like most of the AGB department, this course and teacher are a complete joke. Unfortunately it must be taken, so word to the wise, pick a good group, show up to class, and realize she is useless. Her lectures she forgets half the info midway through her talking, and then doubles back trying correct herself. She can't articulate information clearly, doesn't teach anything marketing related (Honestly Hedging is a joke to learn, considering most people won't ever touch it), and was a waste of my money. I learned nothing from this class that a 10 minute youtube video couldn't show me, so be prepared to be bored and jump through some hoops! This course will be easy, except for the final. She purposely uses "tricky" questions, probably because she doesn't have enough real "marketing" info to talk about, so be ready for a hard final. I wish they would drop this entire course, it doesn't teach anything, the teacher isn't current with the industry, the technology, and should be replaced.

Required (Major)
Dec 2017
Ms. Schroeter has a lot of energy and knowledge on the subject of food marketing. However, she is NOT good at teaching it. Her tests are ten times harder than her ability to teach. The class basically consisted of a quiz and an activity every week (one on each day). This was her way of making sure you came to class. The activities were easy points, and I got 100% on all of them. The quizzes were open book open note but were still some what difficult. Lastly, the class has only two 50 question midterms and NO FINAL. The first midterm wasn't that bad, but the second one was pretty difficult. The only reason I was able to get a B in the class is because there was one extra credit quiz that she added the points to our second midterm. I would not recommend Ms Schroeter.

Required (Major)
Dec 2017
Most of these comments are negative and they are 100% CORRECT. She is literally the most inconsistent grader I have met in my entire life. Class is an absolute waste of time, as she reads word for word from the power point. But she gets upset if you pull out your phone or are staring too much at your computer. She acts all happy and excited 24/7, but the second you ask her a question she gets super defensive and pulls the "I gave your class extra points on the midterm." Ok, well that's not at all what I was asking about and the only reason she did have to give those few points was because we all did horrible. Anyways, she's really pretty and that's about it.

Required (Major)
Feb 2018
This professor, bless her heart, just doesn't know how to teach well. I learned nothing useful in this class. Tests are far harder than they should be and are sometimes confusing. She treats students like they're in elementary school and requires participation and attendance to class. The textbook is a joke and it's a piece of crap because it came from Cal Poly. Don't bother buying it, if you want to use it for anything just grab the one from the library if you need to, but good luck navigating it. There's really no homework, just in class activities which are easy points, and quizzes that you might need to try a little harder on, even using your notes. No final, but you better be ready to take a hit on the exams instead because they're not very reflective of what you learn in class. Infuriating and ineffective teaching style, professor is nice as a person but if you can avoid her, please try your hardest to get someone else. I didn't have a choice, but hopefully they get someone different in the future.

Required (Major)
Mar 2018
Dr. Schroeter's class is straight forward. You show up and do what is expected of you. You will pass no problem. Many of the rude comments mentioned on this page only reflect personal opinions. I thought this class was very doable, interesting, and provided overall useful knowledge for any career in business.

Required (Major)
May 2018
Seriously so inconsistent. Don't take her

Required (Major)
Jun 2018
This class is a waste of time, if you have taken agb sales and agb econ then you already know 85% of the material...the rest of the course is common sense that you do not need to be taught. I don't even know why this class is a part of the agb curriculum. Besides her annoying voice, the participation grade will make or break your final grade. If you don't become her best friend and raise your hand every day then you will not get a good participation grade. I had 100% attendance, had a 95% on the iclicker questions, but because she never called on me when i raised my hand I got a D in participation. Also don't ever get caught on your'll lose all your participation points. Do not take this class with her

Required (Major)
Dec 2018
Honestly, I'm not sure why everyones comments are extremely negative. Professor Schroeter is a great professor and presents material well! All the quizzes are open note and she reviews before them so if you aren't getting an A on them then you probably aren't paying attention in class. She doesn't have a final and her midterms aren't too bad! If you go to class you will get easy points by simply raising your hand and answering questions. I think she's great and she even brought homemade chocolate chip cookies to class on the day of our midterm.

Required (Major)
Dec 2018
Schroeter is not a bad professor by any means. The exams are unreasonably hard and you can almost bet on the fact that no matter how hard you study you will get a lower grade than you think you earned, but other than that, as long as you show up to the class its really not that hard. Shroeter has a personality that you will either love or hate, but she's not intentionally mean.

Required (Support)
Feb 2019
DO NOT take this professor if you have to. Her attendance policy is whack! She has a TA sit in front of class and pick out people that she thinks are on their phone or looking at something unrelated to the class on their laptop. I attended every single class and got a C- in my attendance grade. Got marked down multiple times because I was taking notes on my laptop on Word. Unbelievable!! Stay away!

AGB 304

Required (Major)
Apr 2020
All over the place, neurotic, off topic. Schroeter cares more about showing you videos and pictures of her kids and playing irrelevant music for students to guess the artist than about teaching material. She cares too much about participation, so much that it tales away from the class. Popular because she teaches classes at the rec, NOT FOR HER TEACHING. Once you get past her cute and peppy demeanor, it becomes very evident that her priorities for conveying information are completely turned around. Would not recommend taking this professor.

AGB 310

Required (Support)
Dec 2016
worst teacher Ive ever had

AGB 313

Required (Major)
Apr 2012
This class is a game, and the people that play by her rules are the ones who succeed. When it comes to assignments it is imperative that you write the answers she wants to see, not merely the correct ones. It is also important to participate in class and mimic her enthusiasm as she tends to pick favorites. When it comes to presentations one MUST connect the relevant information back to the course, as this is what she is really looking for. Just always ask yourself, "What does she want to hear?" and you'll be fine.

AGB 318

Required (Major)
Mar 2009
I dont care how long this comment stays on this page, Dr.Schroeter can go fuck herself. I passed the class...barely and i still think she's a bitch

Required (Major)
Mar 2009
All of the comments below are completely irrelevant. The only reason why people would give Dr. Schroeter a bad grade is because they think that studying for a class means drinking all weekend and then looking over your notes for two seconds or just not doing anything. Dr. Schroter allows students to show what they knew on quizzes each week and gives you credit for going to class. Just make sure your group hands in the assignments each week and you will be fine. Tests are reasonably easy and she gives extra credit assingments. DO take her for this class!

Required (Major)
Mar 2009
Mrs. Schroeter is the best. Take her for sure. Don't listen to all off the negative comments about her because they are completely false.

Required (Major)
Mar 2009
Dr. Schroeter is a great teacher, who knows a lot about what she is teaching. She makes class fun and allows for extra credit to help out your grade. Her tests are pretty easy, and the quizzes each week are mainly questions that students make up themselves. Great Teacher! Definitely take her classes!

Required (Major)
Apr 2009
Dr. Schroeter was one of the best teachers I have had so far at Poly. What I really liked about her class was how it was structured. She let students write the weekly quiz questions, then she would compile them for the students to study off of. I honestly studied for 30 minutes off that sheet right before class and I almost always got As. The tests are pretty much big quizzes. She also offered a decent amount of extra credit. The projects for the class (there were 2) were fun and interesting, and not that hard. Also, you do not need the book. If you want to learn, have fun, and get a good grade, take this class w/ Dr. Schroeter!

Required (Major)
Jan 2011
I listened to the good comments, but shouldn't have. Don't take her. More worried about following directions than learning the material.

Required (Support)
Jun 2011
She talks to students like we are her young daughters...and there are many awkward pauses in class when she waits for an answer. DO NOT TAKE OUT YOUR PHONE IN CLASS...she is really anal about this. The tests are pretty straight-forward if you answer the study guide. She has a power trip sometimes with assignments due, and the homework assignments are really annoying/tedious. Overall, you probably will have to take her, and she is average, but a large part of the class had issues with her.

Required (Major)
Nov 2011
Dont be fooled by her attractiveness. Shes German and you can tell. If there was a professor who I would avoid in the AGB dept she is definitely one of them. Granted there are certain classes only taught by one professor but for 301 or anything but it would be worth the effort to put it off a quarter or two just so you may be able to stay away. She is the type of professor who assigns you to a group to present a (very easy) presentation, but if you cant be there on that day for a legit reason, she wont be flexible. What she says goes. She's close minded and a terrible grader. She actually told us to say nice things on her department reviews because "she reads them and she doesnt want to feel bad" even though im pretty sure most of the students wanted to make her cry and stay awake at night wondering why no one would recommend her. These arent insults, they are truths.

5th Year Senior
Feb 2015
Honestly I really don't get all of the negativity about her on Polyratings. My guess is it's about what happened a few quarters ago. She repeats (VERY often) at the beginning of the quarter not to plagiarize anything and that she will fail you if you do. A while back some students plagiarized a powerpoint presentation (copied the whole thing off the internet) and she failed them. Maybe it's them lashing out? Anyway, I went into this class absolutely dreading it and took it credit/no credit due to the scary polyratings comments. Turned out that she's actually really nice and a good professor and if I remember correctly she won some teacher of the year award. I was impressed that she learned everyone's names within the first couple of weeks, especially since it was a twice per week class. Getting an A is slightly difficult, getting a B is not hard if you show up and pay attention, and if you do the work you're pretty much guaranteed to get at least a C. Just take good notes, study the powerpoints she posts online and it'll be fine. Keep in mind that almost all 300-500 level classes are much more difficult than 200s, but this is definitely one of the easier ones.

Feb 2019
This course is very doable and explained clearly on the syllabus. Graded materials include: easy activities (based on the day's lecture), open note quizzes, 1 midterm, participation and a group project. Although Schroeter's tests are pretty dang hard you can easily make up for a bad score by coming to class and participating. I found the final project to be fun and creative - you and your group get to introduce a consumer project in a foreign country. The other reviews posted are clearly students who did not put in any effort... this course is manageable and does not require an unreasonable amount of work.

AGB 404

Required (Major)
Sep 2013
AVOID AT ALL COSTS!! Shroeter's class is the biggest waist of time at Cal Poly. I have used Polyratings extensively, and I knew she was going to be bad, but this lady is, by far, the worst professor that I have ever had. I have never even taken the time to write a review but I THOUGHT I COULD WARN PEOPLE SHE IS THE DEVIL. She has a thick german accent, and she is a lot like Hitler. She will test you on her daughter's favorite color and if you say blue instead of navy blue you get no points on the test. We need to get rid of her because she truly is a waist of our time and retail management is such a load of commen sense crap . you learn almost nothing of importance. If you don't pretend to be interested you will receive a bad grade. She is also sexist and favors females. She will mark you down for the most ridiculous things and if you even nicely ask her after class why its wrong, she gets mad and will mark you down further. The projects are so time consuming and are so boring. Hope you like learning about European retail stores.

Nov 2013
WOW!I think she is a German dominatrix posing as a college professor. This is an elective course and now you have been warned. If you are stuck and this is the only class you can take to graduate, I would consider the alternative of not getting a diploma. I would rather clean septic tanks with my tongue than have to spend anymore time with Dr. Schroeter. Don't let her looks fool you! Inside is an SS prison guard looking to take the world over one student at a time. I went in excited about retail and left with a little less faith in mankind. Enjoy!!!! She has tenure and can't be fired! And you can't beat her either and she knows it. So if you want a passing grade, suck it up, kiss her German ass and never ... ever ... engage her or complain or she will bend you over and back a dump truck full of strudel up your ass come grade time. Ja wohl, mein Fuhrer!

AGB 406

Required (Major)
Nov 2014
The comments about Dr. Schroeter being unsympathetic are true, but when it comes down to it... if you go to class and office hours and do you work correctly and when it is due you will be fine. It is easy to blame the professor when you don't do well in a class, but if you do not go and turn in crappy work late, it is your own fault. She makes herself very available to students when they are struggling and is happy to review your work before the due date to check for errors. If you do not take advantage of that, there is no excuse for your poor grade. Everyone has other things going on in their life that sometimes make it difficult to get work done, but in the real world, outside of the Cal Poly bubble, if you do crappy or late work, not matter what your reason is, you do not get a second chance to retake the class, you get fired.