Waltz, Grant  

Biological Sciences


5 evaluations

BIO 111

General Ed
Aug 2012
First of all, this professor is really really hot. I had a crush on him the whole quarter. Lmao, but more importantly his review! He is a super smart guy. He is a grad student but probably more intelligent than a lot of professors. Presents the material pretty clearly, but the lab tests can be hard if you dont study, so just study and make sure you understand the science behind the process of the labs. You will be missed, Grant, for more reasons than one.

BIO 113

General Ed
Jan 2009
He was an overall "good" teacher. He does a good job at preparing the information. There are a lot of power points, but they're more interesting than a plain lecture. He also has a personality - a rare commodity in professors now. Pay attention in class, go on every field trip possible, and DO NOT wait to collect your bugs! The bug collection is EVERYTHING in this class.

BIO 160

Required (Major)
Dec 2007
Grant is a grad student doing research in morro bay. He is really laid back and the easiest grader out of all the labs. However, he does not explain things well. He puts a slide on the projector talks for a minute or 2 and then moves on. He has only 2 hours of office hours and I didnt go and i never heard of anyone going and it helping. Go to lab and keep up with your notebook and do the discussion questions. discussion questions are a huge help with preparing for the quizzes and actually do the lab and dont copy from people. the frist quiz is written and the rest are all hands on with microscopes and the animals/plants. If you didnt observe it in lab then you wont know what to do in the quiz. Get with you lab group and study and dont just stay in lab for the minimum. those who stayed later and took their time did better in the class. Unfortunately i caught on to that at the end when it was too late. There is a lot of memorization and remembering what slide looked like what can get confusing so go to the microscope lab where all the slides are located in a box labeled bio 160. its right across the lab room on the 3rd floor. id take grant if you want things easy but in the long run if you need someone to teach better take someone else that is harder and youll get a better grade.

Required (Major)
Feb 2008
The lab intros were very quick and often confusing. If you get confused you HAVE to ask him because he is not one of those instructors who can tell you are confused and will help you anyway. With this lab you have to be on top of things, especially with your lab manual. If you leave it until a few days before it is due, you will be screwed. Study the slides because thats what the lab quizes are, and believe me it can get very confusing if you don't even know what you are looking at in the first place. Overall my insight to you is that if u need help stay the full three hours and GO TO HIS OFFICE HOURS!!!

BIO 162

Required (Support)
Jun 2009
Very cute guy, but don't be fooled, he is a very harsh grader. The lab exams are difficult, be prepared. Make sure your lab manual is thorough and accurate, label everything. Don't expect him to help you if you have a question either. I think he knows what he is talking about, he just doesn't share the knowledge. If anything, he confused me more and/or made me feel like an idiot. I wish he would just answer questions with responses but instead he answers questions with questions.