Von Epps, Lahna  



1 evaluation

MATH 118

Graduate Student
Mar 2006
Ms. VonEpps is a graduate student teacher, but there is absolutely nothing lacking in her grasp of the subject, nor in her abilities to convey it to us students. She is enthusiastic and prepared to help you meet your goals...no matter what they are. I took the class for personal developement, and to overcome my growing anxiety with numbers. The last dedicated math class I took was 17 years prior, but she did not discourage me. She gave me the lay of the land, and made me feel comfortable and welcome. The class is incredibly fast paced, and she has very high expectations that you stay current and focused. She helped me get up to speed quickly with all that I had forgotten...which was just about everything. There are quizzes every week, two midterms, and a final. Her homework assignments emanate from someplace south of hell. No bullshit. But they will help you understand the material. Those sections that I halfassed, were those sections that I did poorly on. Almost a direct correlation. She collects and grades the assignments, and expects them on time. My only complaint about her teaching style, was the speed at which she wrote crap down on the blackboard. I found myself writing so quickly, that I couldn't keep tract of what she was saying. The class notes were most important to me for future reference, as I didn't actually have time to read much of the book. Had I one 'do-over', I would spend more time on the homework, and read a bit more. I actually enjoyed taking this math class, and I don't think I can say that about any other math class in my history. I particularly enjoyed the style and personality of Ms. VonEpps. She is a smart woman with a keen wit and great sense of humor. A strict taskmaster, and you will have to work to earn that grade. Overall, a quality individual and a worthwhile experience.