Larson, Lisa  

Communication Studies


5 evaluations

CM 101

General Ed
Mar 2008
i couldn't agree more with the other two evaluations for professor larson. not only was she disrespectful to her students, but she doesn't know how to teach them either! basically, she criticizes you for being a beginner at a class that she's supposed to be good at teaching, and you can't manage a good grade unless you deal with all of that! you have to deal with her biased attitude towards EVERYTHING (only her opinion matters) and if you don't, good luck trying to get that A. If you are a student with trouble in public speaking, i highly suggest you find another professor; professor larson will only give you a bad and boring experience.

SCM 101

General Ed
Mar 2006
She picks favorites, and grades according to them. Also, if you are republican, she will not like you. She loves to argue with students, and she only gives A's based on if she likes you... no matter how much the class likes your speech. Unless you are Martin Luther King or John F. Kennedy, you probably won't get an A. She likes to grade assignments out of 0 possible points, meaning if you do perfectly, nothing happens to your grade, but if you are not perfect, you recieve a negative number of points which kills your grade. I've never had any other class where you can score a negative 5 on an assignment. Basically, this lady is psychotic, and intolerable. I am a democrat, but she is such a one-sided raging liberal that I wanted to join the NRA, lobby for oil companies, and ban abortion.

SPC 101

General Ed
May 2008
Professor Larson is good at presenting material but not good at understanding why you don't understand it. It did seem like she had favorites in the class and did grade based on those people, but that was only because those people always had really amazing speeches and their presentation is what set the standard. Her final is easy, it's based on the reading (text). She is a harsh critic, but honestly she wants you to be prepared to present in front of people and not look like an idiot when you leave Cal Poly and don't know how to give a small speech or present your ideas to your employer. If you're sensitive, don't take this class. But if you like criticism that will make you a better student overall, I strongly recommend her class.

SCM 102

General Ed
Jan 2008
My experience in this class was awful. Perhaps the most frustrating thing about this professor is her lack of respect for students. That aside, this teacher is a biased grader. if she doesn't like you, your speech will get a bad grade no matter what. I wish I knew that I was walking into the class with a B, I had no chance at an A. I feel bad for the kids she didn't like. He lectures are boring, and her attendance policy is annoying (you lose points from your final grade for missing a class). She is very bullheaded and argues with students. She also makes her political leanings annoyingly clear.

CHEM 747

General Ed
Nov 2016
Trump 2016 -> Kanye 2020 -> Vermen Supreme 2024 -> ??? -> Profit