Freeby, Brent  



33 evaluations

ARCH 105

Required (Major)
Mar 2008
i think mr freeby is a nice guy. he really isnt in class at all.. or never stops by at the shop.. like once? but if you go to him he can help you out. i really like him, he was super nice and not very strict on his grading. just put some effort into your projects.. and he'll give you an A. for arch 105... i plead you!! start on your final as soon as possible!! you may think you have a few weeks to do it.. but o man! if you leave it till the last min.. believe me.. DONT leave it till the last minute... =\

Required (Support)
Dec 2008
freeby's 105 class is a lot different than his 121 class. be sure to pay attention to each reviewer's class. in 105 every class has the same basic project in which you make a wooden box. freeby doesn't really care what you do for your project. don't expect him to give you a lot of feedback. you are always welcome to go to his office and ask questions and get a critique but there is absolutely no class time that is dedicated to it. in this class you are basically in the shop whenever you want to be. he takes role and then leaves you to work. he's pretty lenient with his grading. i think he realizes that it's a lot of work for a 1 unit class so he doesn't demand amazing pieces of art from his student. he's a very nice guy (as everyone else has indicated) and i enjoyed hearing what he had to say and i would take him again.

ARCH 121

Required (Major)
Nov 2008
Freeby is a great teacher. If you really want to learn something useful, take this class!! He might be a little harsh at times, but in the end, it's all to help you grow as a student. He's a very normal, down-to-earth guy that really cares about what you get out of the class. Compared to other classes, I would say we had more homework and projects, but all of them were fun and interesting.

Required (Major)
Dec 2008
Everybody says take freeby or wiley. well they are pretty much the same first of all. The way it works is, if you take on of these two you do the most work, but you get the most out of this. we did very little drawing in this class (go do swearingon for that.) a lot of 2d and 3d models and we used a some indesign, illistrator, photoshop, and formZ. everyone hates formZ. he's pretty chill. there are 5 projects for the course. he's fair. you will buy a lot of basswood chipboard and music wire. be prepared to listen to a lot of chill 90s music like acoustic and adult aternative. and a lot of older stuff to like ted nudget, CCR, BTO, jim croce, etc. i didnt think he was overly critical. for most every class we would do 1-4 orthographic puzzles. he gives you a front back and side view and you have to draw the axonametric. as for the other teachers. mueller and grover are less work, but thier still okay, but not as good. swearigon has been around the campfire a long time, and hes won teaching awards and stuff so hes good, but hes more old school, a lot of drafting and stuff, which is what i like.

Required (Major)
Dec 2008
BE PREPARED. This class is meant to challenge anything you think you know about art or architecture, and freeby definitely embraces that. You get tons of work, and you are often frustrated and confused, but not a single minute of your time is wasted. If you are truly interested in architecture, you will gladly spend hours of your time on this class because FREEBY IS AWESOME. Great teacher, great guy, he will get to know you personally and genuinely care about your future, if you care about his class. Really sad i couldnt get his class for ARCH 122 next quarter. "work hard, sleep little." - freeby

Required (Major)
Feb 2009
You will not regret taking his studio class... he is THE best professor for studio freshman year. His class is sooo chill, he gives you a break every class to go get food and walk around and he really encourages a "studio" environment were you come in and work and talk... he will never lecture you or make you spend hours on drawings. The projects are really abstract but really fun and interesting but BE PREPARED TO DO A LOT OF WORK. I had many late nights but i dont regret a minute of it (and i'm the kind of person who will avoid hard classes if at all possible). but not this one. if you have the opportunity to take him, TAKE HIM. Sometimes it was hard to tell what he likes and doesnt like because he rarely gives you his opinion. instead you will get feedback from everyone else in your class. I'm in Wiley's studio now and although we do similar projects, the class is not nearly as interesting or fun... however Wiley is good too. If you can get either one you are in good shape :)

Required (Major)
May 2009
Freeby is great for studio! He speaks clearly and projects (and due dates) are outlined well. If you don't understand what a project is supposed to be or do (because they can get quite... interesting) just talk to him one on one and he'll clear everything up. Also, if you want more guidance on a project, ask him to crit your model individually and you'll get all the direction you need. He definitelyy is demanding. Be aware of this and plan your schedule accordingly. He is totally worth the workload though. You will learn so much about architecture and design and the design process. All his projects have a point to them so you don't feel like you are wasting your time and most of them (if you put in the time) can be portfolio worthy, even first year. If you do take him, be carfeul. Realize that he is only one voice with one view. He is nott God's gift to Earth. Many of his students fail to realize this though and become "Freeb-elites." They feel superior to everyone else just because they've taken Freeby (and many of them for all three quarters first year). Yes, he is wonderful, but still be well rounded and try other teachers as well. Your grade will reflect the effort you put into this class. He is understanding and realizes students have different strengths and weaknesses. He likes to see growth and change (both over the course of a project and the whole quarter), but don't mistake this and think you can start by putting in no effort because he can tell the difference and does catch on. Make the time to take him!

Required (Major)
May 2009
Freeby is the kind of professor you really want to impress. He's the most professional of all the studio teacher which really pushes your motivation in his class. Good critiques make you feel awesome and bad critiques make you want to push harder so can hear him tell you that you have improved. I advise you to seek one-on-one time with him so that you can get a real sense of direction. Another thing would be to really work on your presentation skills. Even if your work isn't too believable, if you can clearly convey your thought process and give purpose to every move you made, he'll really appreciate it. DO NOT miss his class. Do not procrastinate. Be consistent.

ARCH 123

Required (Major)
Jun 2009
I took him first quarter and he was pretty good, and i took him 3rd quarter. 2nd quarter his one project, parasite, is a lot of work and a lot of money and that shys people away from taking him 3rd quarter. but you deffently want to take him 3rd quarter, it was pretty fun and educatational. and you go to san francisco which is sweet, i sugest taking amtrak, you can get an extra day in if you leave early.

ARCH 130

Required (Major)
Nov 2010
Has good experience with architecture therefore leaving workload and prepares you very well for this desired career. Hard grader but learn from his harsh critics. Terrific designer

ARCH 131

Required (Major)
Aug 2005
Brent is still a young teacher, in the sense that he's trying to find the balance between letting students run free and giving them solid feedback. I became frustrated first quarter when he would not tell me specific ways to improve my project. He is hesitant to give you design critiques in class for fear of influencing your design, but very encouraging and humorous outside of class. His grading is fair, but he's the first one to remind you that grades don't mean a damn. Brent really pushed me to stray away from the white-border-log-cabin-architecture I and so many freshmen mistook for creativity. In doing so, he helped me understand that the process of designing is as important as the final product. He has an entertaining, sarcastic sense of humor, is easy to talk to but difficult to learn about, and is highly qualified to teach digital design.

Required (Major)
Feb 2008
I took Brent Freeby and the 13x series my freshman year. If you think you knew what architecture school would be like going into Cal Poly think again if you plan on taking the 13x series. It pushes you creatively and emotionally, physically and financially but most of the work is rewarding in the end. If you are in the 13X series you will most likely develop a deep hatred of students in the 12X series when they are going to bed at 10:00 after drawing a box while you are up till 3:00AM cutting books apart. But the projects do hone your craft and develop an eye for design in general. One of my only gripes about Freeby is that the projects are really open ended it is hard to get constructive feedback from him. He seems to focus on what is wrong but not how to fix it. His TA is usually helpful for feedback but isn't always on the same page as Brent in terms of what is wanted. He also expects you to be at class everyday on time but shows up late at least once a week and missed about 5 days of class over the course of the quarter. If you like pushing yourself to the limit and don't like sleeping go ahead and take 13X and learn alot but if you prefer to play it safe and sleep at night stick with 12X.

Required (Major)
Nov 2010
So yea he is a decent, strict professor but he is too straight forward with students. If you can do all the trash talking yourself, it will make you feel better because he will tear you apart with his cold heart criticism when it comes to projects. He also leaves a huge load of work out of all the other professors and I don\'t think he understands that we have other classes. just put a big fat dick in his face and that\'s what he is. Honestly he can be a dick especially when he\'s in a \"bitchy\" mood (which is rather often). All I can say is that he gave me second thoughts about architecture and made me want to switch majors.

Required (Major)
Dec 2011
Brent has a bit of a reputation for being hard. I think this is mostly because he can be brutally honest. However, he does this and pushes students because he knows it will help them. If you show that you work hard in this class you will do well.

Required (Major)
Dec 2011
Describing Brent is kind of confusing. You kind of like him, hate him, and completely respect him all at the same time. His class is definitely not easy: he seems to assign more work than the other professors. If you want to learn, you should take him. The way he pushes you to your limits really helps you unlock your potential and be the best you can be. It is a lot to handle, but is worth it in the end. If you want an easy professor, I have one word for you: RUN.

Required (Major)
Jan 2016
Brent is awesome. He seems kinda rough around the edges when you first meet him, but once you get comfortable in his class he's nicer and dare I say happier. You can always ask him questions about your projects, but he won't always answer them the way you'd like. For example, if you ask a question like "should I do A or B?" He might just answer with "yes." It can be frustrating to have to interpret the projects a bit more and not receive quite so much hand holding as we're used to (Brent likes to point this out as a flaw of the public education system). He preaches that discomfort is an important part of the learning process. I like Brent because I think he really forces you to realize your own aesthetic preferences and create your own sense of architecture. I definitely recommend taking Brent for a quarter! You'll learn a lot, he's not like the other professors.

Required (Major)
Feb 2016
I'm not sure how he does it, but Brent teaches you how to fully embrace architecture. You'll come to realize his catch phrase, "give a shit," is the biggest lesson you can learn as growing into an adult. He coaxes you to going all in everything you do, and you will be amazed at the returns in the quality of your work. People that don't get along with Brent are usually lazy or trying attempting to kiss ass. Brent is incredibly helpful when you need him (and he won't help you when you don't, which is great for learning in itself) and is extremely knowledgeable of the subject. It would be a mistake to not take him at some point, he showed me that architecture is amazing profession and something I will happily continue to pursue.

Required (Major)
Feb 2017
The first thing you need to know is Brent is purposefully intimidating. He acts this way because he trully expects the absolute best from his ENTIRE studio. But once you get past his persona and find a way to connect with him, he is truly an outstanding human being. I took him fall quarter freshman year and didn't realize at the time how much I learned and got out of that class. If you're not afraid of doing more work than other studios, take Brent. You do more work but you absolutley preform to the best of your ability in this studio. 10/10 would reccomend. Take douchy mcdouchface.

Required (Support)
Aug 2017
Brent looks pretty intimidating and may seem like that at first but after you spend time with him and your studio he acts totally different. He cares about your work but won't go around and tell you what you should improve. You have to be willing to ask him for help and even then he isn't ever clear but he does it to let you think on your own. You have a ton of work in this class, compared to other studios, but you also have a ton of free range and your projects really will turn out better than most other people's. I think it's good to have Brent at least once because his teaching style is pretty different than most. He is a harsh grader but he really is just looking for you to show up everyday in studio and put in the work.

Required (Major)
Dec 2017
Professor Freeby is to the point. He won't take any bs but he's not the scary guy a lot of people make him out to be. He's a genuine dude with a real passion for architecture and teaching. He's intense, yes, but you learn so much from him.

Required (Major)
Dec 2018
Two words... cold love Brent is a pretty good but hardcore teacher. He enjoys giving out work constantly, making so you're always busy and putting you ahead of other classes. Although he may seem mean in the beginning, he does it to push his students to their full potential. I recommend to try to finish your assignments right when they're given and to not procrastinate. Procrastination will kill you in his class. Also, always try to the best you can. He tends to rip up the people who do a half ass job or put little to no thought into their work. It's okay to ask questions, but most of the time he will not answer them saying "Anymore questions" or he just smiles. He wants his students to have a free range of ideas, which will bug the hell out of students who need a definite answer. Tips: ~Do not procrastinate ~Come to class early (I always get there 15+ minutes early. You need to set up your drawings BEFORE class starts) ~If you're sick, send an email and do not just ditch ~Take pictures soon after you finish the assignment (it will help you with your portfolio) ~Go to morning lectures no matter what (he has given "quizzes" to check attendance) ~Try to keep your drawings as clean as possible and DO NOT crumple or fold them ~Rarely use color (he hates color unless it is useful and uses the motto "If it doesn't work in black and white, it will never work in color") ~Portfolio: use minimal amount of words (he despises long paragraphs)

Required (Major)
Jan 2020
Brent was an exceptionally great professor for my very first studio class at Cal Poly. He has a dry and slightly sadistic sense of humor, but once you understand it, you understand that he is very nice and really knows his stuff.

ARCH 132

Required (Major)
Apr 2008
an excellent professor...a professor that will push you while helping you along the way. If you work, you will learn. I had Brent as a freshman a while ago and now that I have moved on, realize what an excellent teacher he was. You are lucky if you have him or can take him.

Required (Major)
Jun 2010
If your are an arce major DO NOT take Freeby. I probably would have liked his class if it was the only class I was taking but throw a hard math class and calc based physics class and a GE into the equation and your going to be hating your life. The amount of work your expected to complete is totally unrealistic especially if you have a job, and/or have tough classes. I was mostly just piseed because I worked my ass of to finish all of the projects (upwards of 40 hours a week outside of class on parasite, and slipcase projects) and I still barely got a C in the class. However, if your looking to learn alot and can handle the work load Freeby will tear your projects apart to improve your design skills. My friend flunked out of Poly because of this guy and Im switching majors so take that for whatever its worth. This major is also terribly expensive don\'t do it if your putting yourself through school.

Required (Major)
Dec 2010
Brent is one of my favorite teachers at Cal Poly. He is definitely a pusher, and if you put in the work, he will absolutely help you to your full potential. A little intimidating at times but once you get to know him he is a very kind person and cares very much about his students

Required (Major)
Nov 2013
If you're an arch major and serious about architecture or want to know if you're serious, this is the professor to take. Brent is a straight forward guy and will help anyone who puts in the time and effort to be better at architecture. At first you might think he is kind of condescending and berating, but in all honesty he is difficult with the intention of pressuring you to become an architect. He is a great example of why Cal Poly's undergrad program is pretty much always in the top 5 undergrad programs in the country.

Required (Major)
Mar 2014
Brent is an amazing professor. He is very vague and is not afraid to give his real opinion. It worked well for me, others not so; I guess it's just the type of person you are. I learned a lot this quarter from him. If you really want to be a better designer and worker and you're willing to work, take him. If you want an easy pass and do the minimum work, not the guy for you.

ARCH 133

Required (Major)
Feb 2009
Douchy Mc-douche douche. Avoid this asshole at all costs.

Required (Support)
Nov 2010
Just stay on top of your projects and seek for advice. He will make you learn architectural concepts.

Required (Major)
Aug 2014
Brent Freeby is the best we have. He is a completely different person around his own class than when he is around regular students. He intentionally makes himself appear intimidating on the outside to deter lazy students from taking his class. Once you are in though, he does everything he can to help you succeed and improve. During class, he will spend hours sitting in a circle with everyone answering questions/talking about the profession, his past mistakes/successes, and how to succeed in this difficult career.

ARCH 160

Required (Major)
Feb 2009
he is a really nice teacher, i took him for both 105 and 160, although he let us work most of the time by ourselfs on 105 he was really there most of the time for 160 always making sure you were following what we were doing. i recommend taking him, its worth while cool teacher and yeah take him if you can

ARCH 353

Required (Major)
Sep 2017
It is common for us students to take the time to give a professor a polyrating when we have complaints. Often times the good things that they do go unnoticed until you realize what it is they have to offer. How many of us take the time to come here and give a professor a good rating instead of carrying on with our day? Not many. Brent is a rough guy, he tells it as it is, and he will never, ever, bullshit you. If your work sucks, well, it fucking sucks. Be glad that there is a professor out there that will choose to not spare your feelings in order to mold you into the best architect you can possibly be. Forget education for a second because what Brent has to offer is so much more. This is a man who will help you find yourself. You will learn so much more about yourself than you will about architecture in his studio - and that is more important than the generic crap you could learn taking any professor. Why? Because architecture is more than just your know-how and more than skill - it's about your beliefs and values. Why are you doing this? Why are you pulling all-nighters? Why are you rotting away in a studio knowing you will come out of it with a job that won't pay as much as being a CM, an ARCE, or... a business major? If you haven't asked yourself these questions, sooner or later you will be forced to answer them in this studio. What is your purpose and your goal? This is a professor who recognizes what architecture is about. As he will say, "we are the last people on earth carrying the torch of humanity. we are the last people here that give a shit." You may not learn as much about other things than you would with other professors in 3rd year, but he will teach you how to figure it out. You may not learn the lessons that I've learned upon exiting the studio, but sooner or later - you will. figure. it. out. If you find yourself lost and doubting yourself - take one more chance and give his studio a try because you may wonder why you ever doubted yourself to begin with. Oh, and don't ever bitch about the grade he gives you, none of them matter in the long scheme of things when your portfolio will be the main tool to get you employed. If you do decide to take his studio, know that in his own way he cares, even though his rough shell may make it seem otherwise - inside he's a softie.

VS 868

Nov 2016
Trump 2016 -> Kanye 2020 -> Vermen Supreme 2024 -> ??? -> Profit