Wiley, Keith  



2 evaluations

ARCH 133

Required (Support)
Aug 2013
Wiley is super laid back and tells a lot of stories. He doesn't assign as much work as the other 130 professors, but he does explain things well and answers questions thoroughly. During the end of the quarter, he lets us do our thing, just as long as the final project comes together. "Wiley, you da shit!"

ARCH 251

Required (Major)
Mar 2005
Being a fifth year senior and looking back on my second year, I am surprised this guy wasn't already on Polyratings. HE IS GREAT! He's up there with the best architecture proseffors- Fowler, DiSanto, Bilgy...I took him the first quarter he ever taught and despite his inexperience, he was one of the best teachers I've had at Cal Poly. I learned a lot and was very satisfied with the work that I created that quarter. He brought a lot of energy into lab and kept pushing the students further, to do their best and then some. He had so many great ideas and he was HONEST. None of the "oh yeah it's,um, great" bullshit. If it he likes it, he'll say he likes it, if it sucks, he'll let you know where to improve. If it's below his expectations, he'll let you know that too. The more you go the extra mile, the more willing he will be to work with you. It was great. Thanks Keith.