McCleskey, Patrick  

Industrial Technology


7 evaluations

IT 137

Required (Major)
Feb 2005
McClesky is a straightforward professor who presents relatively easy material. He posts everything online, so if you put in a moderate amount of effor you should have no problem.

Required (Major)
Apr 2006
Doc is a great guy with some hilarious stories. Be aware that he sometimes makes false statements, he likes it when students call him out on his work. Just study his study guide and use his office hours for extra help

IT 150

Required (Major)
Jun 2005
Time consuming class, but not too bad. He give two projects which take a lot of time and pretty much nobody actually gets to work, but he will still give you a B if you have something. Papers he grades very easy, just about everyone gets an A. Its his tests that suck. I think there were four and each one has essay section, multiple choice section, and then a fill in. all of these parts are impossible, but the rest of the class does so shitty that his "Z-Score" grading boosts your grade quiet a bit. Builds a lot of interest in major I thought. Make sure to know all video question answers for test.

Required (Major)
Nov 2005
Tough class. I dont think there is any other teacher to take, so just have to get through it. He is very smart guy and knows his shit, but his tests are near impossible. You just have to memorize EVERYthing he says in class. When he randomly says "this will be on the test..." write it down, bc it actually will be. Memorize the percents and numbers from the videos, he will ask for them. There are two research papers, two group projects with presentations, and I think 4 tests. The tests and projects are most difficult.

Required (Major)
Mar 2006
Doc is a great guy with only good intentions. His lectures are often boring and he does correct himself alot, but if you go see him at office hours HE WILL TELL YOU EXACTLY WHAT IS ON THE TEST. He wants to help you to get an A. Good teacher, 150 is way better than 137 too

Jun 2006
Doc is a really nice person with absolutely no business or ability to teach. He used to work on cars in the 80's and assumes nothing has changed, so his lectures are completely off. He knows what he knows, you aren't going to change it and if you don't learn the wrong material you will fail. He starts off each test with "a few things I forgot to tell you..." or "For test purposes only, assume this is right, even though it is wrong..." The projects are easy and there is no book or homework. There is nothing you can do but take the class with him, so buckle down and get ready for a class with tests that are impossible, grading that you can't argue with (even though you will be right) and a teacher who is a really nice guy, but has no idea what he is talking about. Good luck

GEOL 298

Required (Major)
Nov 2016
Taking this instructor is like being in a Twilight Zone episode. You just can