Yeung, Alan  

Computer Engineering


1 evaluation

CPE 169

Required (Major)
Dec 2004
This was a new professor; I think he was a TA for a little while before this, so he wasn't exactly sure of what to do or say. That's why his grading policies & procedures, and his presentation weren't very logical. What he briefs you at the beginning of lab wasn't very useful if you had already read the lab. If you follow the lab's instructions and his format guidelines, you'll do just fine. If you get stuck on something, he usually explained it in a manner that would get you to solve the problem instead of him telling you the answer right out. It was an effective teaching method. But he wasn't very understanding when it came to other things, such as reasonable solutions or even grading. He seemed to grade based on a whim. Many times there would be no marks except for a B on the lab report. And when the EE network went down and no one could access their files or print, he suggested rewriting everything on paper. Other people had to throw in their 2 cents to give a more reasonable solution. Not a bad teacher, just could use a bit more common sense and give out more useful information that isn't on the lab at the beginning of class.