Halderman, Anthony  



15 evaluations

ENGL 134

General Ed
Apr 2004
As Halderman himself says, he's one of the more leniant graders for English 134. This class was really basic and really easy. For example, we would spend entire days naming the parts of speech in a sentence. Halderman has a very laissez faire attitude about homework; you can turn it in whenever it's convienient for you. Overall, he's a nice guy. I'd recommend taking him if you want a laid back class and don't want to struggle for grades.

General Ed
Nov 2010
Im a freshman not done with this class but hold a solid B. I am not an english person, but i did all of my readings and made sure i got A on quizes to bring up my essay grade. Theres 3 essays, and to do well go by his writing tasks including parallelisms, transitions, and only a few to be verbs. He ultimately wants to make you a better writer, is leniant on days to turn in homework like whole quarter if you talk to him. Office hours were big help, i didnt get an assignment so asked for help and got to redo it. Hes a cool guy, a little rough grading on essays just because he wants you to improve. An A is possible, but not for me.

General Ed
Nov 2010
Super easy class! You don\'t have to go to class, but it\'ll help you a lot if you do. Once you get the hang of the way he grades papers/tests you can get A\'s in everything. He\'s a really nice guy and all the assignments are fairly easy

General Ed
Dec 2010
Professor Halderman was my favorite teacher this quarter. He presented material at 9 o\'clock in the morning with a smile on his face every day, even though he could see that a third of his class was falling asleep from lack of sleep. I found his material very basic and simple to understand, but was difficult enough to employ in essays that it provided an academic challenge.One thing to pay attention to when writing essays is the writing tasks, because you must pay attention to them while writing your essay or he will dock you off points. His grading is very lenient, and he provides students with a chance to rewrite every essay to improve their grade. I would take Halderman if you had the choice. He is not a difficult A, and you will also learn a lot about how to write more fluidly and effectively.

General Ed
Nov 2011
He is a super nice professor, he isn't too strict about hw, and always accepts late hw with full credit. the only problem is that his essay grading can be pretty tough at times. he has a lot of writing tasks you need to worry about in your essay, which is the only problem

General Ed
Dec 2011
The Good: Halderman is a great English 134 professor that truly loves teaching. I had him at 8am for four days a week and he always let us out early. He makes it very obvious what he expects from you. 3 essays, 1 midterm, and a final. There were occasional quizzes but nothing that I couldn't get at least a B in without studying. In the essay's you'll be assigned writing tasks that are very simple to follow. The Bad: Halderman loves the fluff. If you're a writer who can embellish and "bedazzle" your writing, then by all means, take this man's course. I had a very hard time because all my life I've been taught to write concisely and effectively without adding fluffy details so it was hard to understand why I wasn't receiving the best grades on my papers. Overall: An excellent professor. I highly recommend!

General Ed
Dec 2012
He treats you like an elementary school kid. Do not take this guy. Makes you feel like an idiot. Also, he think he's cool with all of his published works and photos. He even shows off with them. Avoid.

General Ed
Dec 2012
I don't like it when my classmates go dissing on profs. wtf. I thought it was an interesting laid back engaging class. I learned about writing. It was good for me. I recommend.

General Ed
Dec 2012
Halderman's class is garbage. And it consists of him saying: "lets take a gander at this sentence" "what words in the sentence kind of hit you in between the eyes" "What do you think? I like calling on people who were absent to the last class" He will write awesome and approving comments on your essays and then he'll slap a B- on it... He wants you to evoke the sentences in a research paper... He is against clear and concise writing, instead he wants fluff and several other unnecessary details. He limits be verbs from 4 to 5 per page; meaning you can only use the words, is, are, were, was, been; five times on each page He kills class time by showing us his horrible photography skills and monologs about how his parents don't appreciate his artwork so he asks his students if they like it. And when he says he will bump your grade up if you go to the classes where he offers thoughtful paragraph responses it is a lie, he just wants you to come to his pointless class. This guy needs therapy and to get his english degree revoked. This class was the greatest waste of my time, his teaching techniques are faulty, he is unclear in his directions, and he talks for no reason. Avoid him at all costs.

General Ed
Dec 2012
I agree with the guy/girl below. I didn't see the point of going to class. He probably would have brought someone's grade down if that person didn't show up rather than "reward" those who did come to class. And all the fluff he likes is pointless.

General Ed
Jan 2013
Easy going style. Not too difficult but still interesting. The essay topics were broad enough, which is good. He likes writing tasks, so pay attention to those. The creative project was fun to do and some were OK to watch. He wants you to learn.

General Ed
Nov 2013
Good class. At first I thought it was a bit slow, but it quickly got helpful and interesting. He's easy to talk to. I like his approach to writing. But he can be a tough grader at times.

General Ed
Dec 2013
An 8am class is too early for me. I don't like getting up that early if I don't have to. He tried to make it interesting. I learned a lot about the different rhetorical techniques. He also makes you study some grammar, which is good really. The writing tasks helped too. My friends and I totaled liked his class, preferably not at 8am though.

General Ed
Jan 2014
Halderman is such a great guy and you can tell how passionate he is about teaching. He is super chill and doesn't care if your late or if you turn in your homework late. I would show up tho because he does short assignments in class for attendance and it goes into your grade. Such a easy class.

ARCE 605

Required (Major)
Nov 2016
Taking this instructor is like being in a Twilight Zone episode. You just can