Jenkin, Bryce  



208 evaluations

MATH 112

General Ed
Jul 2009
I took this class credit/no credit because I'm TERRIBLE at math and jenkin's bad reviews on polyratings scared me. Those reviews might be accurate for his more difficult math courses, but Jenkin was a VERY funny, all around good guy when I took him. He was always fair and understanding. He recognizes that Math 112 fulfills a GE for liberal arts majors who do not need an in-depth understanding of math and makes the class as easy and straightforward as possible. If you're having problems and you talk to him, he will help you out. He even said to us, "I'm not looking to fail anyone in this class." He doesn't assign crazy amounts of homework or ask you to do tons of reading. He won't keep your for the whole class period if he doesn't need to. This class should not be too much of a problem for anyone--even if you totally suck at math like me.

Required (Support)
Nov 2018
Most proud of a B I will ever be. Jenkins still remembers me and gives me a nod whenever I see that big guy on campus. Big fan. Check out his band btw

MATH 118

Required (Major)
Apr 2004
oh my god, he's the bestest and so coooooooooooolllll. And then there was math.

Required (Major)
Dec 2004
Awesome proffesor. He really knows how to teach math. His class includes three mid-terms, which he drops the lowest grade from the three. He gives weekly quizzes. He does not collect any homework, but just do the homework because some of the questions come out in the test. He will collect just one problem from the homework to see how we do. Midterms are worth 50% of the grade and the final is worth 30% and quizzes and homework is worth 20% of the grade. Eventhough I got a B+ in the class, he i still a good teacher and if u get a chance try and take Bryce, he is an awesome professor.

Required (Support)
Jan 2005
Jenkin is a great teacher. I have never had a math teacher that was so concerned with helping his students and making sure that they understand the material. He is always available in his office for help and is eager to make sure that his students understand what is going on. If you are able to take him, make sure you do!

Required (Support)
Jan 2005
This teacher was amazing. I am really bad at math and for once I was not only good at it but enjoyed doing my homework because I understood it and got the right answers. He is really helpful in his office hours. Oh and at the end of the quarter before finals he said that if you got a higher grade on the final then you got in the class he would give you that grade. He didnt collect homework but said that he would start to next quarter. He gives three midterms and drops your lowest one. He is a great teacher take him if you can.

Required (Support)
May 2005
this guy is the shit. Cool guy, great teacher. Take him.

General Ed
Dec 2005
This guy is the worst professor ever!!!! If you have never taken a pre calc class, dont take him! He expects you to know everything about clac already and rushes through everything! He's really intimidating and makes you feel stupid with the little comments he always makes! I mean, he's cool if you like sarcastic guys that come to class practically drunk and high everyday. The tests are nothing like the homework and he doesnt care if your failing. i loved math in high school but now I hate it because he made it twice as hard as it needed to be. I even had a tutor and still got a D...horrible professor, get out of his class as soon as you can!

Required (Support)
Dec 2005
Is the person below suggesting that this professor came to class high and/or drunk or is it just more potentially libelous commentary seen all over this website?

General Ed
Feb 2007
To be honest, Bryce is a perfect teacher for math 118. He is very funny, and tremendously laid back. But the most important thing is that he knows his Precalc very well. I can't say that he is good at every other class he teaches. BUT IF YOUR A STUDENT LOOKING FOR A 118 TEACHER, TAKE HIM IF U CAN. thats the bottom line.

Mar 2007
This guy is awesome, not only is he a great teacher, he's hilarious and just too funny so it makes the class interesting and exciting. He keeps it real and doesn't bullshit and tells it as it is. Take this guy, he's awesome, really helpful, funny, and just interesting. Never did homework, which does help so do it, but got a B anyways prob an A if i did the homework lol.

General Ed
Apr 2007
i dunno about the other math courses but hes the best math 118 teacher. take him if you can!

General Ed
Nov 2008
Jenkin is an awesome professor. I wish I could take him for all of my math classes. he is hilarious but also know's his stuff. He is like Jack Black from school of rock, but intelligent. Grades tough, but usually you know what youre already doing because he is a good professor.

General Ed
Jan 2009
One of the best Math Teachers i have ever had... i did zero homework and got a B in the class.... always keeps the class's attention and always has good stories take Jenkin's class if possible

General Ed
Jan 2009
Jenkins is a great teacher if you know the material alreay. He shows up late, ends class early,canceles class and tells stories of his highschool days. The whole time he teaches he acts like you should know what you are doing. If you are taking a easy class this teach is the bomb, tests are pretty relaxed but don't expect to get much info from him.

General Ed
Jan 2009
Bryce is just a rude person in general. He is always late and disorganized, so I can't say much more about his teaching abilities. Luckily I already knew all the material so I pulled an A, no thanks to him. If you struggle with math, and like to be treated with some respect as a student, then don't take his class. Yes, he can be funny, but that's not really why I am in college. Besides, his jokes are generally based around making fun of other people or students. I am here to learn. If I want to laugh I'll go to a comedy show.

General Ed
Mar 2009
I walked in to my math class a bit freaked out due to many of the reviews I had read before actually registering for Bryce's class. Within the first week I felt really overwelmed and went to office hour only to find out he was not there. HOWEVER, contrary to what many people wrote I was straight up with him and he helped me the ENTIRE quarter. So he makes a few jokes about people, take a fucking hint that is who he likes.The people in my class who he made fun of were also the ones in office hour on regular basis getting help and shooting the shit with him on the daily. Nobody really cares and it adds some comedic relief to an extremely boring subject. If you dont like this teacher it is most likely because you are not putting in the effort needed to do well in a college math course OR you are just extremely uptight and have issues with a little release. Either way I would say take this guy if you are ready to laugh and ask for help. If not then take one of the other profs here and most likely have a much more monotone experience. This guy is legit.

Apr 2009
I worked hard in this class, going to office hours and asking questions in class. I feel his test are harder than what he prepares his students. He is a funny guy, but I dont think itll cut it in helping your grade. I feel he is one of the most willing teachers to help you in their office hours. C/B totally possible

Required (Support)
Apr 2009
TAKE THIS CLASS!!!! He presents all the material very simply and clearly. Some people in my class seemed to be confused a lot, but I have no idea why. There is a weekly quiz and two midterms and a final. If you understand all the material these are extremely easy. He never throws trick questions, just the most basic for each section. Homework doesn't have to be turned in, but it doesn't take long to do and helped me out alot. Another plus is he is extremely funny. Usually going to math class stoned is no fun, but with Bryce it's like getting a class and comedy show!!! :)

Apr 2009
jenkin was for sure a funny guy and pretty good at explaining math. however, i took this course during my first quarter here, and was a little intimidated by his style, so i didn't feel as comfortable going to his office hours going to get the help i needed. if you're comfortable with a professor who will be straightforward with you and make fun of you a bit, but will make you laugh, jenkin is your guy.

General Ed
May 2009
What a fucking joke. This guy is the biggest douche I've ever seen. When I came to college, I was expecting to get a real math teacher for a change, but instead got stuck with this fatass. Like an idiot, I figured "Hey, I'll learn math!" but instead got stuck with this douchebag making fun of me like I was back in kindergarten. He would maybe be an ok teacher, if we were all back in Jr. High, or maybe early high school, when the maturity level is low. But here in college, I expected something a little more professional. Show come class, you fatass moronic douchebag.

5th Year Senior
Required (Support)
Apr 2010
Take this guy. Had him and class was a blast

Required (Support)
Dec 2010
Professor Jenkin is the probably the best math teacher I have ever had. He presents the material in a very clear and concise way and he always offers simple ways to complete a problem. The class consisted of weekly quizzes, two midterms, and a final. Homework is assigned but not collected. He jokes a lot in class which makes the class more entertaining and helps keep you interested during lecture.

Required (Support)
Mar 2011
only one word to describe Brice Jenkin, BADASS. although he did give me a B and i felt like i should have gotten an A it was still a good time though

Required (Support)
Mar 2011
JENKIN ROCKS! Take his class if you can. He presents the material in a way that makes everything seem SO OBVIOUS, yet he does not make students feel stupid for asking questions. It's hard to explain his personality, but just take his class and you will understand what I am saying. Don't judge a book by it's cover. This guy is highly intellegent.

MATH 119

Required (Support)
Mar 2004
Jenkin is cool. He understands the students well, and presents the material as clearly as you can get with trig. He is definately funny and makes the class interesting. I never went to his office hours, though I should have, and I managed an A. He lets you use a notecard for midterms and the final, and he lets you vote on how many midterms you want. Overall, I'd say he's a good teacher and I would recommend him to anyone.

General Ed
Feb 2009
Doesn't teach anything. Just copies the example from the book. Doesn't fully answer your questions. Makes fun of students. Quizes are medium. Tests are hard. Must do homework cuz your get lost without it. Would Not recommend.

Required (Support)
Mar 2009
The Quizzes were easly but tests were very difficult. He threw questions in that that were very specific on the test.. He blames the class when the whole class does terrible and doesnt realize its a direct reflection on his horrible teaching methods. He cusses out the class and is very rude. I would recommend that you DO NOT take him. Unless you like being called stupid

MATH 141

Required (Support)
Mar 2007
Bryce is by far one of my favorite teachers at cal poly. Hes enthusiastic and wake you up when you fall asleep in his class. He goes over the material very well and it used jokes to keep you awake. One thing i learned however is to DO THE HW! He doesnt grade your hw so make sure your motivated to do it. Most of the problems from the test are pretty much in the HW or very similiar. Dont slack off and you should be fine and if you dont know how to do something ASK!

Required (Support)
Jun 2007
If you want to feel like an idiot, take Bryce Jenkin. Maybe he can teach, but you'd never know between the insults he throws out at the students, and his seemingly drunken tirades about nothing. I was afraid to go to his office hours, because I didn't want to leave feeling like a fool. Terrible teacher, terrible exams. No teacher should be almost an hour late on the day of the final. Inexcusable. I mean, he was funny in class, when he wasn't making fun of you in some way, but I wasn't there to laugh, I was there to learn.

Required (Major)
Sep 2007
Jenkins is without a doubt, my favorite professor of all time. He presented himself in a laid back manor, joking every now and then, while still sucessfully conveying the course information. His office hours are just as effective as the course time, and he makes it a point to see that everyone suceeds. So far, this is the only course i looked forward to 4 days a week, and honestly enjoyed myself a great deal in the class room. 3 CHEERS FOR BRYCE JENKIN!!!

Required (Major)
Dec 2008
At the start of the quarter I wasn't really sure what to think of this guy. The first day of class he walked in and started yelling profanities like a sailor on shore leave. But as the quarter went on he turned out to be freaking AWESOME! He is super funny and always has a story to tell(ask him about his Disneyland trip). He seems like he doesn't care about his students at first, but this is absolutely not true. He was always willing to help in office hours and made sure we understood everything in his lectures. He is also a very fair grader and gives tons of partial credit. He even let us retake the second midterm when most of the class bombed it. We had quizzes almost every week, two midterms and a final. He also assigns homework but doesn't collect it. However, unless you do the homework you will probably fail the class, so do it! He is kind of all over the place during lectures though, so you really have to pay attention. He also randomly switches numbers around sometimes leaves things out all together, but it doesn't happen to often. Overall a good teacher who knows his stuff.

Required (Support)
Jan 2009
Bryce is the most hilarious and one of the best math teachers I've ever had. If you choose to go, his classes are funny and usually not that long. I never did the homework and only went to class half of the time and got an A.

Required (Major)
Jan 2009
Best math professor ever. If I could take his class every quarter for math, I would. Great personality. Very clear lecturer, unlike most teachers who spend forever on proofs that you have no idea what they are for Jenkins is very good at conveying messages. Not much more to say. He is AWESOME! Jenkin, if youre reading this: ALEGEBRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

General Ed
Mar 2011
Badass. Cracks jokes, yet knows what he's talking about. He gives you lots of hints and guides you through problems, even on tests. If you have no idea what to do on a problem, just try asking him in the middle of the test. He may lead you onto the right path. He doesn't collect homework, but I HIGHLY RECCOMEND you do most, if not all of the assigned problems. If you do the homework and go to his office hours if you don't understand a concept, you'll do fine.

Required (Support)
Dec 2012
Great calc teacher, funniest guy ever. I loved going to this class. Two midterms and a final, quiz every friday. Go to class. He sometimes goes a little fast and isnt good at hiding if he's pissed off that we dont understand something and can sometimes pick on students. He's a good guy and really, really smart. He made Calculus easy for me. Take him but keep up, you dont want to get behind in this class.

Required (Support)
Jan 2013
Jenkins is hilarious. His classes are easy to pay attention in because he's got a big booming voice and he makes tons of jokes. He also uses a fair share of profanity so if you're easily intimidated then I'd recommend another teacher. Other than that the dude knows his stuff. He assigns problems, but doesn't collect or grade homework. He give 1 quiz per week (unless you have a midterm), two midterms, and a final. Quizzes are 20%, Each midterm is 25%, and the Final is worth 30%. He drops your lowest quiz score. His office hours are pretty helpful. He goes fast in class, but as a result he does a lot of problems. I managed a B+ with no previous experience in calculus. All around, he's really funny and enjoyable and still a good teacher.

Required (Major)
Jan 2013
Jenkins was a very good math teacher. He was also hilarious! Seeing him on the street or in a bar you would never think he was a calculus teacher. His tests were challenging but he was nice and let us drop our lowest midterm if we got a higher grade on the final, you could tell he really wanted everyone to pass. The weekly quizzes also helped solidify the material. Even though occasionally he would lash out on the class when we didn't know an answer I would definitely still take him again. He was also pretty good at articulating concepts and always kept the class lively and interesting with his stories.

Required (Support)
Mar 2013
Jenkins is one of the better calculus professors at poly. He shows you how to do everything needed for the homework, quizzes and exams, its just a matter of whether or not you choose to study. Do his homework and you basically don't need to study for his exams, that being said, he doesn't collect your homework but it's probably a good idea to do it. Also be prepared to get ripped a new one if your a business major, its hilarious. welcome to college, go experiment!

Required (Support)
Apr 2013
I had him for fall quarter in 2012 (my first quarter at poly) and Jenkin is the best calculus professor at cal poly, honestly, and I've had two other good calc professors. He's entertaining, smart, caring, and a great teacher. He made me want to go to class, presented the material super clearly and if you just keep up with the homework (which you don't have to turn in) you will definitely get an A and fully understand all the Calc I material. I'm foreign and went to his office hours a couple of times when I struggled a bit with english and he was superb at explaining and taking his time to really make sure I got it. Also, he plays in a rock band and is super funny. Just don't take his jokes too seriously

Required (Major)
Jan 2014
Jenkins is the man. He is the funniest and most entertaining professor I have had so far. He actually makes math a subject to look forward to if only to hear his witty jokes. Despite being funny, he knows his stuff and is an excellent teacher

Required (Support)
Dec 2014
First off let me start by saying that if you want to learn true calculus without any bs or dumbing down then this is your guy. That being said, he doesn't always go over all the material in class and he usually chooses the hardest hw problems for the quizzes, so definitely do all of the hw even though he doesn't collect it. His office hours are great (Even the ones at Ciao) he will answer all your questions and address all your concerns. There are three midterms and he drops the lowest one if your final grade is better. I got A's in my calc class in HS, and I was not prepared for his class, but now I am more prepared for calc 2 than most of friends whom had easy calc 1 professors. And as previously stated the guy is also a world class comedian, would recommend.

Required (Support)
Mar 2015
The legendary Bryce Jenkin! I fucking love this professor. I'm usually one of the more quieter students in class, yet her knows my name. This professor knows his shit, and always lectures in a way that all of us could understand. He literally holds our hands as he teaches new material. He could get so pissed at us for not answering his easy questions that reassure him that we're actually paying attention. He (for the most part,) has weekly quizzes that are very easy to get a perfect or 90% on if you actually do the homework throughout the week. His exams don't require countless hours of you studying, but can very easily become things you fail if you don't do your part and study at least a little. Overall, fucking choose this guy! I'm so sad he was not an available option for me next quarter! :( OHHHHH, and also, if you're too conservative or are more on the serious side and don't really enjoy jokes or cursing, don't take math with him. He jokes around a lot and sometimes makes fun of his students (I don't give a fuck though so its fine). He's a giant goofball, and a great professor!

General Ed
Apr 2015
Jenkin is the man. Hands-down one of the best teachers at this school, and possibly the best teacher I have ever had. If you want to do well in his class, do all of the homework even though its optional. He is hilarious and makes math seem like a game rather than work. I strongly encourage anyone to take his class. He will always go the extra mile to make a concept crystal clear if you go to his office hours. His teaching style is unlike any teacher or professor that I've had so take him if you can.

Required (Support)
Nov 2015
Professor Jenkins is the best professor I've had thus far at Cal Poly. That isn't saying much, as I'm still a Freshman, but he really knows his stuff. Calculus is difficult, and he understands that. He also understands, however, that this is the premier Engineering college in California, and he holds you to those standards. This class will require a lot of time and effort, especially if you never took Calc in high school. Please, please, PLEASE go to his office hours! Not only is he extremely helpful, it shows him that you care.

Required (Support)
Dec 2015
TAKE JENKINS! Best teacher I have had at Cal Poly! (I honestly mean this) Math has been a hard subject for me and jenkins made this class such a fun environment. Every day his hilarious jokes or funny comments would just brighten up the material, cause honestly who likes calc? Jenkins is the coolest teacher ever. He really cares about his students success and wants everyone to do well. He will make appointments with you to go over any material you are struggling with and is very helpful during office hours!!

Required (Major)
Dec 2015
Awesome dude, I didn't do well in his class because of what he had been pointing out all quarter. He knows that half the kids in the class have already taken Calculus in highschool but college does Calc on a new level, you really have to work on it even if you've done it before. Overall his class was honestly the only bearable one I had this quarter, he does a good job teaching and hes funny as fuck. 10/10 would take his class again in a heartbeat.

Required (Major)
Dec 2015
Professor Jenkins is the best. Calculus is not the most exciting subject, but he makes the class laugh and creates a great environment. Be prepared for him to be snarky and laugh along with his jokes even when he rags on you. He won't check homework, but holds you accountable on quizzes for knowing material. Midterms are straight forward if you pay attention in class. Will also answer any questions at office hours. Definitely take Jenkins if you want a good time and to understand calculus!

Required (Support)
Dec 2015
Jenkin is probably the best professor I have had at Cal Poly. He ran a straight forward class (breakdown: 10% HW & quizzes (HW not required, but recommended), %20 for each mid-term (3 in total), and 30% on the final. The notes were straight forward and he only tests you on what is assigned for HW. More importantly he brings a lot of humor to the class, referencing everything from family guy to Schrö·ding·er's cat. He is also extremely helpful at office hours and cares about his students success, offering to switch a mid term-grade for the final exam if need be. If you want to gain a thorough foundational understanding of calculus and want to have a good time doing to it, take Jenkins.

Required (Support)
Dec 2015
Great professor. Funny guy. Calculus is not the most exciting subject, but he definitely makes it fun. He cares about his students; his office hours helped a lot of students, and he does ciao sessions, too. Take this class. As long as you follow his directions (doing hw and practice problems and such), you would learn calculus and do well in the class.

Required (Support)
Mar 2016
I would highly recommend anybody to take Bryce Jenkin. I had not taken math since junior year, which was pre cal. Coming to my fall quarter freshman year going right into calc 1 was a huge step and I was very overwhelmed and didn't have a clue about what I was learning. But pretty soon I was back on my feet especially due to how great of a teacher Jenkin is, His office hours are great and you can get more help on the stuff you need. Not to mention he's no doubt the funniest teacher I've ever had. He actually makes going to math class fun and something I want to do. His tests and quizzes are pretty hard, but still very fair. All around one of the best instructors I've had during my education.

Feb 2018
As someone who wants to become a teacher, I can say Jenkin has no idea how to teach. He does not try to understand student difficulties learning and can only explain things in one way. If you are someone who cannot learn in a way compatible with his teaching style you will not be successful in his class. I was set up for failure on the first day of class when he asked how many people were engineers (I am not one) and his response to the majority of the class being engineers was "There's a reason people who study agriculture and liberal arts aren't in this class." This immediately scared me and left me in a bad mindset for the rest of the quarter. Although he was open to helping students in office hours, they were no help to me because he explained the things I didn't understand the same way in office hours as he did in class. If I didn't understand it the first time being told the exact same thing is not gonna help me the second time around. I was enrolled in a study session which I attended every week and stayed 10-20 min after everyday to ask the study session leader more questions. I received my worst grade ever in this class. I really believe it is the hardest I have ever worked to receive a very undeserved grade. Just because I am not an engineer doesn't mean passing Calc 1 should be impossible for me. I retook the class with a different professor and was much more successful, math is hard for me to begin with so having a teacher who understands that every student learns differently but can still be successful with the right amount of hard work and motivation is crucial for me. If it is not for you then you should get by fine in this class.

MATH 142

Required (Support)
Nov 2005
Jenkin is the SHIT!!! Take this bad ass dude if you have the opportunity. He is the man. Sick ass concert Jenk!

Dec 2007
jenkin is the man. He constantly yells out profanities and is extremely sarcastic, and even patronizes his students. Hilarious. Not only does he present this dry and boring material clearly and thourougly, he does it in a manner which is fun and enticing. I had him twice a week for two hours, and we rarely went the whole to hours. His tests and homework are fair. If you have a problem on a test, say if you dont know how to do it or get started, he will lead you in the right direction. I actually walked away from this class truly understanding the material, not just learning it for the test and just forgetting it. his office hours are helpful. He can go a little fast at times. Overall, he doesn't bullshit you...what you see is what you get, and how much time you put into the class is what you'll get out of it. good teacher

Required (Support)
Apr 2008
Jenkin is an absolute stud. He can present the information clearly and effectively, as well as keep the class entertained. I mean if you get bored in his class you just dont have a soul. His stories and antics will keep you awake even if you have stayed up for 48 hours straight studying for 3 midterms... His quizzes are easy and his tests are decent. He does not grade homework but you should do it bc the test and quiz questions usually come straight from there. Take him if you can. Im taking him again for 143

Required (Support)
Apr 2008
This guy is freaking awesome. He explains material well and is absolutely hilarious. If you have questions from the homework (which is never due) he will do the problem and actually explain it as he works it out on the board. Tells a joke or story pretty much every class period. He is awesome and i would definately try and get him again.

General Ed
Aug 2008
Great teacher and knows how to teach the math. He knows where students get lost and explains those in ways that you will understand. 142 was hard as hell and I got a D+, but I would still recommend him and tried to get him for 143 along with most of the other students. He loves to make fun of the students as a whole but as long as you aren't really sensitive to jokes you will enjoy the class. His stories are pretty good also.

Required (Support)
Sep 2008
Bryce is a very funny and cool dude. That is, when you're hanging out with him outside of lecture time. His awesome stories, dry sarcasm, and making fun of students are very entertaining, but just enough to distract you from the fact that he's not really teaching. The most he does is just writes examples and homework questions on the board and then caps on the class because one person struggled with that problem. Then he struggles through it, relying mostly on the smart kids to tell him the next step, and then comes to a point where he says, "Ok, you get it, blah blah blah" or something and moves on before you can point out that he didnt really help with your understanding of it. Some days he comes in not hung over and actually brings a sharp mind with him and makes class very worthwhile. Most of the time though, he's just limping through the day to get it over with. I got a 5 on the AP test and went straight into 142 with him, but failed partially because I was an idiot pothead, and partially because he lost the majority of my tests and quizzes so I didn't know my grade sucked until the end of the quarter. Avoid him unless you're well grounded in the material already and are looking for an entertaining hour every day and don't want to do homework.

Required (Major)
Sep 2008
lost your work? more like you never came to class to collect it. hate his guts? because you failed. think he doesnt know whats going on? you think they hire just anyone to teach here, please! welcome to college. go study and figure it out. plenty of his students love him and most of them failed. quit crying, put down your bong and sac up. he cant carry you through it. what's the matter, mom not around to wipe your butt anymore?

Required (Support)
Jun 2009
Bryce Jenkin is an awesome professor. I had him for Math 142 and 143. He is a very funny and entertaining teacher. Both his quizzes and tests are demanding but fair. I had trouble understanding his lectures, most likely because I didn't do the optional homework, but he is very helpful in office hours. He is very welcoming in office hours and not intimidating at all. Great guy, great teacher, ya I got C's in both of his classes, but thats because I was a freshman, a slacker and didn't do the homework. Definitely not his fault.

Required (Support)
Jul 2011
Bryce's calculus class isn't easy, at least the tests and weekly quizzes aren't. However, you won't be bored in the class thanks to his personality. So at least if you have to learn math, you'll be entertained.

Feb 2013
This guy is the fucking man. I have trouble figuring out how a person is that funny. Like after you walk out of class and someone tries to make a joke you're like "dude that's not funny" cause you're comparing it to the coolest professor that ever existed. He is the fucking man

Required (Major)
Mar 2014
TAKE HIM. Imagine that Einstein and Sons of Anarchy had a baby, and you can picture Jenkins. He teaches you magic. In his spare time he plays Dumbledore and Gandalf the Grey.

Required (Support)
Jun 2014
Jenkin is the fuckin man. I've never had a professor like him, ever. He comes off as an idgaf professor and will kill you with the first midterm but after you will see that he does care and he will help you out in office hours if you go. He's great. He cusses in class and was probably the most entertaining hour of my day. He's not only entertaining but he's super smart and great at presenting material. I got a D on the first midterm but I went to office hours all the time after and did the homework and did well after that. Take Jenkin, you won't regret it.

Required (Support)
Aug 2014
Jenkin was a great professor. Think of him like a drill instructor, but with sympathy; he drilled us hard with weekly quizzes and two midterms, and though he is ruthless with his grading, he is totalling willing to assist his students step by step with any problem. Super helpful in office hours. He's can come across as an asshole sometimes, but he's damn hilarious and makes class interesting. I recommend Jenkin strongly, just be willing to put in work.

Required (Support)
Aug 2014
I love Jenkin!! He is scary as hell at first, but you'll quickly learn that he's really the farthest thing from it. He makes calc interesting, and even with all of his jokes, stories, and swearing, we always managed to get through everything. He also has office hours 4 days a week, which I actually looked forward to going to. (Ask him to move them to Ciao!) More importantly though, I learned a lotttt of calculus and feel really prepared for 143. Take him, I promise he'll be one of your favorite teachers.

General Ed
Sep 2014
THIS GUY. If you want a pure no BS class- this is it. Uncensored. By far my favorite professor ever, if I could take him for math for the rest of college I so would. He presents the material clearly, does everything within his power to keep lectures interesting, uses colored chalk, swears profusely. Office hours are super helpful. On the other hand- if you're going to half-ass a course and not put in any work: it will be the hardest class ever. He's not dumb- he knows who shows up and who doesn't. You will get no sympathy from him if you're skipping class, and it's pretty obvious if you didn't do the homework because the quizzes ARE HOMEWORK QUESTIONS. Put in a little effort, go to office hours, study several days in advance for tests and it'll be a great class.

Required (Support)
Nov 2014
Jenkin is easily my favorite math instructor I've had! As a first quarter freshman I was concerned I would be stuck with a stuffy old professor who just didn't really care. Super wrong! Jenkin is not for everyone. He's condescending, rude, explosive, ornery, but downright hilarious. He swears quite a bit in class and makes rude/crass jokes, but they're HILARIOUS. He really should be a stand up comedian. His teaching ability is pretty damn high. Whether in class or office hours, he has always been able to properly and thoroughly answer my questions so that I understand the concepts well. He isn't easy to approach at first, but if you laugh at his jokes and give him a hard time in return, he softens right up. While some people have said he doesn't care about his students, I disagree. In class he has sincerely said (not with a condescending tone) that he cares. Not because of how it looks on him, but he doesn't want this class to be so hard we can't make it. He wants to help, but you gotta meet him halfway. All that to say, Jenkin is a fantastic teacher that is not for everyone, but taking him is definitely a better option than most everyone else for 142 (if not every other teacher).

Required (Major)
Dec 2014
To start, I took Calc 2 with Jenkin (MATH 142) Jenkin is a very strait forward guy. He is going to teach you everything you need to know with his witty personality and no BS policy. As a first time freshman student at poly, he was pretty intimidating at first. If you go into his office hours he will help you work through anything you don't understand. Jenkin really cares about his students and how well they do in his class. Jenkin is not the easiest grader, but he is absolutely fair. He was a great introduction to college learning and I have the upmost respect for him. If you're looking for a no BS strait forward learning experience, Jenkins is your guy. As an engineering student, I recommend you take this guy. You're going to work for your grade, but you're going to learn all the skills you need to move on to the next level in math.

Required (Support)
Feb 2015
Take him if you can, I'm sure there are equal teachers out there but you can't do much better than Jenkin. Highly recommend.

Required (Support)
Feb 2015
Jenkin is a great professor and does whatever he can to help you understand and pass if you come to him for help. Even though I failed his class, I still recommend him. It was my fault I failed, not his. Very funny, very knowledgeable and he really does a good job teaching the material. His office hours are great, but his tests can get pretty hard.

Required (Support)
Mar 2015
Jenkin is the man. He is by miles my favorite professor/teacher I've had in college and high school. He presents information so well, is absolutely hilarious and clearly indicates what will be on his exams. There are definitely no surprises. Also, I really should have got an A in this class. If you can stay on top of homework assignments and be ready for quizzes an A is very doable. The one thing I'd warn people about though is Chapter 8 (he even says this in the beginning of the course). I did well on my first two midterms and probably got a bit cocky so I didn't study nearly enough for that midterm and failed miserably. Fortunately he lets everyone replace their lowest midterm grade with what they got on their final. Anyway feel very very lucky if you have the opportunity to have him as a professor.

Required (Support)
Mar 2015
Jenkin made this class much harder than the other Calc 2 sections. If you're like me and Math 142 is your last math class, I'd consider taking a different instructor than Jenkin. That said if you're looking for a challenge and to REALLY learn the material, Jenkin will prepare you very well for Calc 3 and upper level math courses at Poly.

Required (Support)
Mar 2015
Jenkin is probably the best math teacher that I have ever had. He presents all the material in such a clear way that it is almost impossible not to understand it. He grades extremely fairly and the only practice you need is the homework. Sometimes he will give out a review sheet and I suggest that you do these because they almost mirror what will be on the test. TAKE THIS PROFESSOR

General Ed
Apr 2015
Jenkin is possibly the best teacher I have EVER had. If you're going through to Calc 3 and beyond, Jenkin will prepare you for it better than anybody else could. This is a tough class, and you need to do the homework that isn't graded. He gives VERY generous partial credit if you screw up a stupid algebra rule, and actually wants you to succeed if you put in the work and go in to office hours (then you'll get an A). Overall, his class is engaging and he is hilarious, I found myself wishing the class would last more than 50 minutes.

Required (Support)
Jun 2015
Prof. Jenkin is the coolest guy around. I don't think theres a math professor that teaches a class you will enjoy more. TAKE JENKIN

Required (Major)
Aug 2015
By far the best professor I had all freshman year. He presents material super clear and his tests and quizzes are tough but very fair. Super funny guy and will always have great stories or completely unrelated analogies. He wears the coolest shirts like something you'd see from Napolean Dynamite. He gives a ton of non-required homework but I suggest doing most of it until you completely grasp the subject. You will get an A if you put the work in.

General Ed
Sep 2015
challenging but amazing learning experience

Required (Support)
Jun 2016
Hands down, best math professor i've ever had. This man changed my life. It was a challenging course and often thought I wasn't gonna make it. Do the homework, ask questions, go to office hours!!!! If you put in the effort and desire to succeed, Jenkin will do WHATEVER it takes to make sure you reach your goals. This is a class for people who want to learn, who want to be prepared for higher calculus, and have one of the best experiences ever. He's absolutely entertaining and exceptional at delivering complicated concepts. He will find the root of any students struggle and support you, as long as you take in the time to show that you care and want to kick ass in this class. I felt like I was going to fail the course after a midterm that destroyed me, but he helped me and brought me back up. Homework assigned but not due (DO IT THOUGH), weekly quizzes based off the homework, and 3 midterms. He is difficult but fair. TAKE JENKIN IF YOU EVER CAN. CHALK WILL BE THROWN. YOUR LIFE WILL BE CHANGED.

Required (Major)
Oct 2016
Jenkin is the f-ing man. All you mofo babyheads out there who gave him bad reviews suck. He is the nicest most caring professor at Cal Poly. The only reason someone should give him a bad review is because they didnt do their homework and didnt care. Jenkins knows what he is doing. Listen to him from the first day. If he tells you to do homework then do it and stop being a babyhead. Less talk more pew!!!1

Required (Support)
Dec 2017
Jenkin is one of the best professors you may ever have

Required (Major)
Dec 2017
Jenkins made me laugh in class everyday. He made math fun with his jokes and just his overall personality. However, his class is no walk in the park. He gives extremely difficult homework and tests. Also, in class he often started an example and then said "you guys can finish it," which, I could not. Overall cool guy, but you're going to have to work very hard.

Required (Support)
Jan 2018
Jenkins is the best. He is willing to help during office hours and is funny enough to keep you engaged in a boring subject. The best description I saw was the person who put that Jenkins is if Sons of Anarchy and Albert Einstein had a baby.

Required (Support)
Jan 2018
Professor Jenkin is amazing. He incorporates humor throughout his lecture and this makes the class much better. The homework problems are fairly easy if you pay attention to the lectures. The quizzes every week are directly related to what you learn. The midterms are definitely tough but if you know the concepts and how to apply them in different situations and problems and take the practice midterm then you will be able to get an A or B. The final combines everything that you have learned and uses many methods in one problem, so definitely prepare for that. I definitely recommend this class 100%.

Required (Major)
Feb 2018
Jenkins is a great professor and really knows how to present the material clearly, while also keeping the class enjoyable with his humor and witty comments. He is also good about working with students and his office hours were very helpful. He may seem unapproachable at first, but he's a really nice guy who just wants to see everyone succeed, and is willing to help out in any way possible. He even helped me with a professor reference form for an application the quarter after I had him. Definitely reccommend!

Required (Support)
Mar 2018
Jenkin is a great guy: he explains the material well and he's really funny. The tests are just hard as hell though, just do your homework and you'll be prepared. Any of the reviews here that complain about him are just from punk-ass students who thought college calculus would be as easy as the AP class taught by their football coach.

Required (Major)
Mar 2018
Jenkin is amazing. He is definitely one of the most difficult calc professors on campus and he challenges his students. However, in lectures he presents the material clearly and efficiently and always makes sure the students are able to follow. If you are looking to actually learn while having a fun time, take Jenkin!

MATH 143

Required (Support)
Apr 2006
This guy is a joke. The only reason that his poly ratings are good (3.5 as of now, but I expect it to go down tremendously) is because he has only taught business calculus. But now, this is engineering, and he can't handle it. He came into class totally unprepared for the first day. And since then, he has been unable to answer any of the homework questions. He simply can't do them. He only copies the examples straight out of the book, which any invalid would be capable of doing. He's a "wannabe" badass who can't do integrals, and yet, has the audacity to call US lame. He doesn't even look over the homework questions before he assigns them, and therefore he assigns WAY too much (like 2-3 hours a night). He needs to get a clue. Don't take him unless you're doing the easy stuff, because this guy is not cut out to teach engineering calculus. Then again, this is only the second week, and there is a chance he will improve. I'll keep ya'll posted.

Required (Support)
Jul 2006
when he walked in the first day the entire class thought it was a joke. he is totally relaxed about everything, and sometimes that was a problem. people would ask questions and he would get halfway through and decide it was too hard or that he was on the total wrong track and then just go on to something else. homework was not collected, but really useful because he would use the same problems for tests and quizzes. test were curved down to an 80% as an A. he was a great guy, but alot of the learning came from reading the book. =)

Required (Support)
Dec 2006
What a joke...don't let his guys' laid back personality fool you. He knows nothing, everytime a student would ask him to do a question on the board, he would start to do the problem, then 3 or so people would correct him along the way and he would realize how much of an idiot he is and he would give up. sure he's entertaining and "fun," but if your looking to pass the class, you better be ready to teach yourself the material. i would suggest that if you're going to take him, only do it for a lower div math course, because calculus is just too much for this kid....and yes, i mean kid. no homework collected, tests are straight forward and he does curve.

Required (Support)
Jun 2007
Jenkin teaches Sequences and Series LAST!!!! Which is the exact oppopsite of most teachers for good reason. Even though Homework is not collected. DO IT! His quizes and test comprise of questions straight from the problems he gives you. He will also put questions strait from the examples at the beginning of each chapter. He is a fair grader and his test are fair as well.

Required (Support)
Jun 2007
I left this class with an "A" and everything I needed to know from 143. I think that's a sign of a good teacher. The biggest thing is, do the homework. I know it's not collected, but his tests questions are almost identical to homework problems. On top of being a great teacher he also kept class fun with his great sense of humor. The only bad thing I can say, is that he sometimes made fun of students that didn't to that well, but maybe they deserved it. His tests are straight forward, one was curved 10% and he's an easy grader. Just show up to class and try to understand the homework. You don't have to be a math genius to get a good grade in this class.

Required (Major)
Jul 2007
Ehhh, notice below that everyone taking below Calc or business Calc is grading this guy as a good teacher and those taking Engineering Calc has it on him hard. Well, he is pretty cool. I mean, I got a C but thats because there were two kids in our class who were freaking repeating it for the third time and screwed up our curve. He is very generous when the whole class seems under like mine. And he gives you ALOT of opportunities to increase your grade and earn back points. He even curved the midterm to an 80% A. So it made it very VERY helpful to increase your midterm grade by a grade point.

Required (Support)
Aug 2007
Bryce is a genuinely cool guy. And a pretty good teacher. He keeps the class laughing without slowing down the curriculum. He doesnt collect homework, but unless you are a math genius, you have to do it or youll probably fail. his tests are tough but fair, and the quizzes arent too bad. Plus, he's in a rock band, i even saw him rocking out at a local metal show. and he's hilarious. Recommended to anyone.

Required (Major)
Aug 2007
This guy is AWESOME! hilarious guy and very helpful in office hours. Definately take Jenkin!

Required (Support)
Apr 2008
I dont know how anyone could possibly thinking jenkin is a good teacher...he comes into class everyday either drunk or high and does not do a good job at all of teaching the material...stay away from jenkin he is not as good as it seems

Required (Major)
Jun 2008
Bryce Jenkin is a terrible teacher who makes fun of his students for being stupid even though the students have to correct him at least 10 times in one class period. You suck bryce jenkin and stay away from him if you are actually trying to learn something

Required (Support)
Jun 2008
Jenkin is a great guy. But beyond that it is downhill. He basically reads examples out of the book and puts them on the board. So if you learn better reading the book, then this is for you. There were quizzes every week and two midterms, homework wasn't collected but advised, along with flashcards to help memorize the difficult material of the class. The class was two hours and it became harder in then end, because he taught the course in the oppisite manner than the other calc. 3 prof. While this did make it easier to understand the harder material for the final, it really didn't help in the long run. He was very willing to help in office hours if he is ever there and always gave of partial credit. But when it comes down to actually learning the material, he is average.

Required (Support)
Mar 2010
This guy is hilarious. He\'s a rockstar. I think he definitely appeals more to males then females because all of the reviews below are true. He\'s a dick but he is oh so funny. He always came in reeking of cigarettes and coffee with his big ol\' metal tattoo on his chest. I feel like he actually gave kind of difficult tests and quizzes, but if you do the HW which is not collected, then you should do just fine because he takes questions right out of the HW. For example, if he assigns 2-30 evens, then he might but number 25 on a test or quiz. He usually puts a medium difficulty problem for the quizzes or tests. He also gave a lot of chances to redeem ourselves because his midterms were actually super hard for the 1 hour you\'re given. He didn\'t even grade our 2nd midterm, just handed it back to us and told us to turn it in at the end of the week. Oh and if you have a question on how to do something during a quiz, midterm, or final... he\'ll show you how to do it or at least lead you the right way. Kind of ridiculous but at least you\'ll know if you\'re doing it correct or not. I only recommend him if you have 8th registration or lower... take him if all other sections are full. It\'s not the end of the world... but you better have thick skin.

Required (Major)
Dec 2011
Having him in the mornings certainly helped me wake up. As you can see from the past ratings that he's the type to cuss and treat his students like we're little kids. Overall his teaching style was not that bad. So you may ask, why did I get a C? Well his midterms screwed me over. They are way harder than his quizzes (which were easy). All I can say is if you want an easy A don't take him. Just be prepared to work your butt off!!

Required (Major)
Feb 2012
he sure keeps you awake mostly at 7:00 am, his test were not too bad, compared to how bad they could be, I had a hard calc BC teacher and got a B in jenkins without doing most of the homework even though i really recommend that you do the hw.

Required (Support)
Dec 2016
I thought he was a great calc 3 teacher. He has a crazy sense of humor which can be pretty intimidating at first, but after a while you realize that he actually cares about his students and he wants you to learn. If you approach him with a question he is completely happy to help and gives a pretty good explanation. 3 midterms and a final. The midterms are hard, especially for the 1 hour you are given to complete it, but I also believed they were fair. The class was so much fun, very entertaining, never a dull moment. Even though the material was hard and I struggled a bit, I learned so much, and I feel well prepared to go on to calc 4. Quizzes twice a week, on Tuesdays and Fridays, usually one question and usually pretty easy. He likes to take most of the time lecturing on proofs more than giving examples though, because he really wants you to understand WHY you are doing something. Sometimes this was great, and sometimes it was bad because I would leave class not actually knowing how to do the problems. I recommend reading over the chapters in the book before attempting to do any homework. The hw isn't collected, but if you want to pass, you have to do it. Overall, I enjoyed the class and am happy with Jenkins as a professor.

Required (Support)
Dec 2016
Jenkin was a great professor. He was very good at explaining the material and was helpful during office hours if students did not understand it. My only complaint is the difficulty of the class; it was significantly more difficult than the other 143 classes. He often told jokes that would offend some people, but it kept the class entertaining.

Required (Support)
Dec 2016
This guy is really cool. He's funny and conveys the material really well! However, I've failed his class twice, two different math classes, and this was no coincidence. He is an amazing professor and great at teaching the material, but his tests are WAY too hard! And he doesn't curve them. One midterm's average was 59% and he didn't do anything about it. He just lectured us as to why he was confused that everyone did poorly and showed us how we probably wasted time on the exams. Don't get me wrong, I love his as a person and had a lot of fun in his classes, but when it came to the midterms I pretty much had a mental breakdown every time out of fear. I even took the supplemental workshop for his class and I did well in there, but when it came to his tests we was unpredictably hard. I'd stay away from this guy :(

Required (Support)
Dec 2016
Best teacher I have ever had. No question. Jenkins is tough, funny, harsh, relatable, borderline offensive, and I love him. He drills in the fundamentals, making sure proofs and derivations are well known. Because of this, I have never felt more confident in math. Being someone that grew up despising math class, I have grown to love it because I know the concepts so well now. Expect to work very hard, but also have your hard work rewarded tenfold. I highly recommend this professor.

Required (Support)
Dec 2016
So Jenkin is a really cool guy. He makes class interesting with his quirky personality which is nice. I personally think he presented the information really clearly. The biggest complaint I heard was that he didn't give many examples. He tried to give more examples due to everyone asking but he stopped halfway through the quarter because we fell really behind schedule as a result. He is helpful in office hours but everyone goes to them so it's sometimes not helpful because it's too busy. What is difficult is his tests. His tests are very very hard and the exam averages are low as a result. Calc 3 is hard as it is and from what I heard, other professors' tests aren't as difficult. However, I enjoyed the class and feel that I walked away with a good understanding of the material. If you are good at math and willing to put in some effort studying, Jenkin is a cool teacher to have. If math is not your forte, perhaps find a different teacher.

Required (Major)
Jan 2017
Oh Jenkins...where do I start? I loved and hated this professor. He is HILARIOUS, I'll give him that. You won't be bored. However, in my personal opinion, Jenkins' style of teaching is roundabout and confusing. If you are not naturally good at math, chances are you will really struggle in this class. He uses strange ways of explaining things, like saying "You're telling the joke wrong!" In relation to a math problem. Very amusing, yes, but in no way helpful to my understanding of the problem. Also, he "assigns" an ungodly amount of homework EVERY. SINGLE. NIGHT. It's not due, mind you, but if you don't do each problem you will be sorely lacking in some skill that he is definitely going to quiz/test you on at some point. His actual homework assignments are every weekend (or most weekends), which he writes himself to be extra hard and he collects it the next Tuesday. You will probably need his help or a workshop leader's help or the "smart" student's help to figure out these homework problems. He also gives two quizzes a week. And a midterm about every two weeks. I found his midterms to be absolutely grueling, even after studying hours and hours the week before. On the bright side, he's a good teacher if you get him in the right setting, and will certainly be happy to help you if you can find time to study with him alone...which is borderline impossible. His office hours are always mobbed with about 15 students (and that's on the lower end of the range), and you usually end up waiting in line for his help while he brushes the Calc 3 students aside so he can focus on the "hard" class of Linear Analysis. Thanks Jenkins. Also, maybe I just have a soft skin, but this guy spent a lot of class telling us that the topics are for "baby heads", and basically if you don't get it you're clueless and "can't be an engineer". I was not only insulted but actually hurt by what he said. Also, if I went to office hours, and demonstrated confusion with a topic he does not deem worthy of being "difficult", he will take precious study time to tell you how you SHOULD know this, and if you studied at all you would be able to rattle it off with no problem. May I point out that I had workshop AND spent 2-3 hours every damned day working on his homework? So, in the end, not my favorite dude. He's funny and a nice person, but a truly rude and condescending professor. Good luck if you take him.

Required (Major)
Jan 2017
A lot of other students in my class struggled. Most of the students in class were freshmen in calc 3 without ever taking calc1 or 2 here at poly. THIS IS A COLLEGE LEVEL CALC 3 CLASS. DO YOUR HOMEWORK he would say, and you know what? He was right! Some of the other students thought that Jenkins was being condescending, but he was telling us everyday like it is. Study. Study. Study. I enjoyed this class soooo much and would take him again if possible. If someone is complaining about Jenkins, they probably are not engaging him, or trying hard enough. He had 7 hours of office hours every week for extra help and a lot of people never showed up. Sure, office hours were crowded on mondays because the homework was due tuesday. How about the rest of the week? How about asking for help on the book homework, not just the homework that was collected. How about trying the homework yourself or asking more questions. What are you gonna do if you get a real job where people's live depend on you? Tell your boss it's too hard? ... Baby heads and he was right. Quizzes: Twice a week worth 10% of your grade. Homework: A lot. Do it and you will be fine. Worth 10% of your grade. Exams: Straight forward but contains a lot of material. Know your stuff before the exam. Three midterms, lowest replace with final exam score if it helps your grade. worth 20% each Final Exam: Choose 8 out of 9 problems to complete. Worth 20%

Required (Major)
Jan 2017
This guy is amazing. If you have a chance to take him, take him. All the assholes who are saying this guy doesent know what he's doing are completely wrong. They are all the dicks that sit in the back of the class and don't ask questions. Make an effort, and this will be an amazing class for you. Go into office hours and ask questions. He is an amazing teacher and all the assholes who have posted about this class really never made an effort to create a relationship with this professor and truly utilize this class.

Required (Support)
Feb 2017
Professor Jenkins was great! Class was engaging and the material was often presented with a story to help to connect with. The class was challenging to say the least--his tests were quite brutal. But he challenges his students with just as difficult extra homework, so once you get to the tests, you're prepared for them. This class is a lot of work, but Jenkins definitely makes it so you know the material. He takes the time to write out all the proofs as well, which can seem fairly tedious, but also contributes to a deeper understanding of the material as well. His office hours are also a necessary component of passing this class, as they are very helpful. He's got a very coarse sense of humor, but it can break up an otherwise monotonous class. I definitely recommend!

Required (Support)
Feb 2017
Jenkin is a great math teacher. Calc 3 is a difficult class, but Jenkin made it enjoyable with his great sense of humor. Even though concepts can get confusing in class, he is very helpful in office hours, and clearly cares about his students.

Required (Support)
Feb 2017
Professor Jenkin is not only an entertaining professor, but he teaches the material well. Yes, he assigns a lot of homework, but it is helpful to do and it will show up on his quizzes. He is accessible during office hours and wants his students to succeed. His explanations of concepts are easy to understand and goes into derivations of equations without getting to the point where it would be confusing. I would highly recommend taking Jenkin.

Required (Support)
Apr 2017
First off, let's get this on record. I took this class in the Fall 2016 quarter. On top of starting my first job, I did not do the homework which was not a great idea. However, the material for this class is not easy by any means and Jenkins did an alright job explaining things. I received a D+ AFTER the curve. I got an A is Calc4 with ease. Though, after this class, I went on to take MATH 241 with William Hesselgrave and the difference was NIGHT AND DAY. Jenkins is a great guy, but not a great teacher at all. Furthermore, he TRIES TO FUCK YOU OVER WITH CONCEPTS THAT YOU PROBABLY FORGOT ABOUT FROM PREVIOUS CALC CLASSES LIKE TRIG SUBSTITUTIONS. Bill Hesselgrave is much more fair and only tests you on material that is relevant to the class and not material that you probably forgot from previous classes. If you're looking to suffer, look no further! However, if you want to just learn the new material and not chase your own tail trying to remember older material from say CALC2, then find someone else...

Required (Support)
Mar 2018
really good prof. Cares a lot about his kids. Fun times. Lots of hw but its fun hw.

Required (Support)
Mar 2018
Be prepared to put a lot of work into this class. When he says to do your homework, and then do it over and over again, he's not joking. To get a good grade in this class, you absolutely need to know the material like the back of your hand. His midterm problems are harder than the problems in the book, so don't skip the harder problems from the book thinking you won't see anything like them on the midterms. Overall, he explains the material clearly and answers questions thoroughly. His grading is fair too. But as a warning: he can be a little intimidating at times, and often refers to the students that struggle as "babyheads" so if you're sensitive to that, maybe consider another professor.

Required (Support)
Mar 2018
Good professor to take. He is willing to help students during office hours and he is overall an enthusiastic teacher. Tests are challenging, but fair. Reason why I got a D is because I had a heavy quarter and calculus just doesn't click with my brain at all.

Required (Support)
Nov 2018
Jenkin is a pretty good professor. However, 143 is a very hard class in of itself so you will be doing a lot of work in the course. Also, his midterms are very difficult compared to the homework and the quizzes.

Required (Support)
Dec 2018
Jenkin is a funny guy and class is always entertaining. His tests are super hard and it is difficult to prepare for them because the test problems are harder than the homework in the book. He is a good teacher and is helpful in office hours but it is always crowded. Take him if you are good at math.

Required (Major)
Jan 2019
I loved Professor Jenkin! A lot of reviews on poly ratings say that he gives lots of homework, and there is quite a bit, but he doesn't collect it and it's a college level math class so I don't know what else people expect. He's very helpful in office hours and really cares about what's going on in his students' lives. Calc 3 is kinda a rough class with hard material if you aren't used to series and vectors, but he makes learning it fun. Class is always entertaining and as long as you DO THE ASSIGNED HOMEWORK and study, you'll pass this class.

Required (Support)
Mar 2020
BRYCE JENKINS 10/10 WOULD RECOMMEND!!!! I failed calc 3 the first time around and was dreading taking it again, but Jenkins made class fun with his jokes and office hours were incredibly helpful. I actually understand calc 3 who would have thought. Getting a good grade will not be a cake walk but is very doable if your willing to put the work in. I would highly recommend class with Bryce he is an absolute legend!!!!

Required (Support)
Mar 2020
Jenkins is a top notch lecturer and quirky dude that delivers derivations and key concepts with clarity. He will go out of his way to help students succeed. If you work hard, show your face at office hours and do the graded homework assignments and book problems, it will pay off!

MATH 144

Required (Support)
Dec 2008
Bryce is a super chill teacher. I had taken calculus in high school, so I didn't exactly have that much to learn from him and he was fine with me not going to class. He is a hilarious person with equally funny stories.

MATH 161

Required (Support)
Aug 2013
This dude is the funniest, most real, smart awesome professor at Poly. For real, wish he taught all my other classes. Most professors at Cal Poly are dry and boring and don't give a shit about their students. Jenkins IS the man and he sincerely cares and will help you when you need it. He needs tenure for real. Teachers like Jenkins are rare to come by. If you have the chance, take him.

Required (Support)
Feb 2014
Jenkins is a great teacher. He presents the material clearly and the way his class operates is really straightforward. He is hilarious and definitely makes class interesting. Take his class.

Required (Major)
Feb 2014
Jenkin is the man. I actually had a hard time concentrating in class due to how much I was laughing. This guy is hysterical and acts like he doesn't give a shit, but at the same time he presents the material clearly and teaches the math very well. Go to class and you will do fine. Take Jenkin if you can.

Required (Support)
Mar 2014
Bryce is freakin hilarious. Definitely was my favorite class last quarter, even though its calculus. He keeps us very entertained. He swears a lot for sure. But it all kind of adds to it. Skates, plays in a band. Definitely take him. And ask about his tattoo. He's a good teacher too. Doesn't move too fast, and is very willing to help in office hours. He also cancels class a lot, which is cool. However, he doesn't appreciate anyone that doesn't work hard, and is always ranting to the class about how we're all gonna fail and how none of us care at all.

Required (Support)
Apr 2014
First off, I would just like to point out that I never took any sort of Calculus in High School, aside from Precalculus. That being said, I naturally thought calculus wouldn't be that difficult. I found that out the hard way. I got a D on both of the midterms and practically cried in his office hours fearing that I wouldn't even pass the course. He told me he could tell by my first midterm that I had never taken calculus before but promised to help me pass if I came to his office hours with each and every question I had. Although he is a funny guy, he definitely tests you well and makes sure you know the material. He is very helpful in his office hours and would encourage me to come to every single one of his office hours and sit down the hall and do homework, that way when I had a question he would be right there to help. He cares a lot about his students, but will only help you if you are willing to work. He is a little intimidating due to his condescending nature and hard to approach with a problem, but once you get past that he is a great teacher who does a phenomenal job of explaining things clearly.

Required (Support)
Jun 2014
Ok Jenkin is literally the best calculus professor I have ever had! He is hilarious and presents the material in such a clear way that it is hard not to do well. Take him if you can!

Required (Major)
Feb 2016
Someone get this guy a bar stool, a glass of water, and a brick wall. He is hilarious! Jenkin finds a way to incorporate comedy into calculus and still manage to be a fabulous teacher! He is very easy to understand, easy to approach with questions, has fair tests, and obviously cares about his students. I haven't had a math teacher this great in a long time. TAKE JENKIN!

General Ed
Mar 2016
This man made bioCALCULUS worth the while! 100% recommend taking him-- his jokes literally brought tears to my eyes- i forgot it was a math class. I recommend you keep up with the homework even though its not due as the quizzes are drawn right from it. The exams are completely fair and if jerkin likes y'all he will outline exactly what'll be on each test! TAKE HIM!!!!

Required (Support)
Mar 2016
Bryce Jenkin is my spirit animal! He is one of the most quotable people I have ever met. He is one of the best professors I have had here at Cal Poly. He lectures very well and breaks down calculus to its basic form. His quizzes are very fair and he will usually outline them ahead of time for you and also hold office hours in Ciao where he will do example problems that are much like the ones he puts on the exams. It is recommended to do the homework even though it is not actually collected. Jenkin is very accessible and extremely helpful in office hours. He makes class super fun and has the best jokes that will crack you up.

Required (Support)
Mar 2016
Jokes. Math jokes. Math taught in jokes. Just be ready for jokes. He is a generous grader. He teaches math very well as he is very animated and easy to listen to. Chalk will be thrown. Also: he is a sarcastic a-hole, so if you dont have a developed taste for untasteful jokes then you might be a little uncomfortable in class. Be prepared for you, your mom, and jenkins himself to be ripped on incessantly. Am taking again for 162.

Required (Support)
Mar 2016
Jenkin really knows what he is talking about and he makes the class very entertaining. However, he would sometimes waste time going off on tangents/getting upset during class, so some homework assignments were a little difficult to understand and complete. However, he made it very clear what he expected of us and it was not difficult to do well in the class. Overall, smart guy and I'd take him again.

Required (Support)
Mar 2016
On my first day of class, we were all patiently waiting in the classroom for Jenkin to show up, most of us seeming nervous and intimated by the idea of calculus, when a bearded, tattooed, HOMELESS MAN strolled in and started writing on the board. Of course, this could not have possibly been our professor... but sure enough he introduced himself and went full swing into his daily standup comedy routine. From that day forward Jenkin proved to me that he is the smartest and funniest, bum I have ever met and by far my favorite professor. He comes across as super intimidating and scary, but I kid you not, he is a full blown teddy bear in his office hours. GO TO OFFICE HOURS! He will HOLD YOUR HAND through the whole process and make sure you are prepared for the exams. His exams are incredibly fair, in fact I was not even challenged by the midterms they were so fair and straight out of the textbook. He doesn't collect homework which is kind of a bummer if you are tight on points, but it also makes sense because he knows we are just going to cheat on the homework anyways. Jenkin is not for everybody if you are not prepared to put the work in, but I assure you everyone is capable of getting an A if you try hard enough. IF YOU DON'T CARE, HE DOESN'T CARE, so don't complain about failing the midterms when half of the questions came out of the homework. Jenkins is a super cool guy, and I even considered taking Calc 2 just for fun so I could have a class with Jenkin one last time. Don't take Jenkin if you don't have a thick skin or if you have some illusion of self-entiltiment.

Required (Support)
Mar 2016
I came into this course with reservations from previous experiences with calculus. Jenkins tore down all of these walls and turned my idea of calculus upside down as math 161 quickly became my favorite class of the quarter. Logistically we had quizzes every week with the exception of 2 midterms and the final. He did not collect any of our homework but was more than willing to give help during his office hours. My number one suggestion, DO THE HOMEWORK. My grade could have been better if I had put more effort into the latter weeks of the course. Warning, if you have taken calc before, the first half of the quarter may seem slow to you, but I highly recommend staying on top of the assignments and avoid slacking off the last few weeks of the quarter. The tests seemed to increase in difficulty but if you put in the time and go to office hours, he will essentially do the problems that you will see on the exams. (of course not exact examples but similar ones) Overall I would recommend this dude to any one of my peers. He's hilarious, dynamic, and has the ability to eloquently and intelligently teach Calculus. Take him!

Required (Support)
Oct 2016
Jenkin is my favorite teacher EVER---high school, college, or otherwise. I HATE math. Always have. I literally DREADED this course. This ended up being my favorite class, which is unheard of. I swear he's not bribing me to say nice things either, calc was actually my favorite class. It's not because he's an EASY professor, but because he's FAIR. He recognizes if a question or an exam was harsh, and makes up for it. If the class doesn't do well on something, rather than not caring and moving on, he addresses the issue and often gives opportunity to remedy the grade: giving partial credit back on test corrections, allowing a re-do for a question to earn back points, etc... As a disclaimer you shouldn't EXPECT him to do this, no one is entitled to it, but my point is he's a fair guy who genuinely cares about your success. The homework is optional but highly recommended, some exam questions come directly from homework problems. We had weekly quizzes and 3 exams. Expect to work your ass off, because the class isn't easy, but if you do your part jenkin will AT LEAST meet you halfway. He's one of the most genuine, entertaining, hilarious, and effective professors I've ever had. I wish he taught something other than math because I would ABSOLUTELY take his class again. He can explain material and concepts clearly and thoroughly without going on and on forever. Likewise, he always makes his expectations very clear--he never tries to trick you or surprise you. Just do yourself a favor and take this guys class.

Required (Support)
Mar 2017
He is the best professor I've ever had! He is very willing to help his students in any way he can. He had 7 office hours a week and genuinely tried to help students. Additionally, he is hilarious. I'm terrible at math and nearly failed this course, but his class was still the best part of my day. Take him!

Required (Support)
Mar 2017
Jenkins is the coolest teacher you could possibly have. I loved this guy so much I made my schedule around when he could teach the class I needed. He's super cool and a really good teacher. His tests are directly off of the notes and the homework, he literally tells you the questions that are going to be on the test. 10/10 he's an amazing teacher, if you can take his class definitely take it.

Required (Support)
Apr 2017
He was awesome. Presented the material in a way that was easy to understand and was extremely helpful in office hours if you didn't understand a concept. He also tells you almost every kind of problem that will be on the test, and all the quizzes are pulled directly from the (optional) homework.

MATH 162

Required (Major)
Feb 2010
Okay, he isn\'t the worse at teaching. But not great either. But what the hell kind of professor thinks it is okay to make fun of and put down their students? He does, apparently. Not only does this make for a negative learning environment, but it made me afraid to ask him any questions for fear of being mocked or insulted. He is also late a lot, which is frustrating when you make a point to be on time to class. I wouldn\'t recommend him to anyone, and I would never take him again. To sum it up, he is an arrogant ass.

Required (Support)
Nov 2010
BEST TEACHER EVER! By far the best class I have taken so far at Cal Poly. He is a great teacher and gives every student the opportunity to get an A in his class if they want it. He knows his stuff and is very helpful with understanding the material. Aside from being a great teacher, his class was awesome. I looked forward to class every day and wish I was able to take another one of his classes. He is very nice and is hilarious. TAKE HIS CLASS IF YOU CAN!

Required (Major)
Dec 2010
Jenkin is seriously hilarious. I laughed every single day in this class--he is such a jerk but its just so funny. Anyone who takes this class won\'t regret it. I am not amazing at Calculus, but Jenkin taught and explained the material in a way that is easy to understand. Definitely the best math teacher I have ever had. TAKE HIM! People who write that he is a bad teacher just do not understand his sense of humor.

Required (Support)
Mar 2016
Jenkin is the man! I recommend him if you can, especially if you don't like math. He makes calculus less painful for everyone. If you do your homework and ask questions, you will without a doubt pass this 161 with Jenkin.

Required (Support)
May 2016
If you cant handle the heat then get the fuck out of the sauna jack. Get ready to rumble because Jenkins about to throw down when the clock hits one and it is time for some math jokes. If you dont want a volley of tasteless quips and underhand jabs at your intelligence or mom then you best find another math teacher. But, if you are ready to step the fuck up and actually do some calculus, then buckle down, cause its going to be one wild ride of slope finding, area under the curve computing, salt brine mixing math "fun" in a section taught by the man, the myth, the beard toting chalk throwing psychopath Bryce Jenkin.

Required (Support)
May 2016
This guy is so lame, my name is not even Jack.

Required (Support)
Jun 2018
Professor Jenkin is good at explaining things and clearly wants his students to succeed. His personality is a little abrasive and takes some getting used to, but he made me laugh in math class which has to count for something. My one critique is that he belittled biology and bio majors on the regular, which really isn't appropriate behavior for a professor teaching Calculus FOR THE LIFE SCIENCES. Overall though he is good at his job and I would take him again.

MATH 182

Required (Major)
Mar 2012
This guy is funny as hell!! I really enjoyed going to his class. Not only is his class really entertaining, but he also explains the material really well. Though he may seem intimidating in class because he yells sometimes, it's just all an act. He's super nice and extremely helpful in office hours. He always asks if students need clarification on any material. Bryce actually cares about his students unlike other professors. TAKE HIM IF YOU CAN!

Required (Major)
May 2012
Great teacher. Funny as FUCK. Keeps you interested and will help you not despise math. I only got a C in the class because I am awful at math and never study it. His lectures are super clear/east to understand and we never had to turn homework in, even though it was 20% of our grade (he just gave everyone 100% for it). He can seem intimidating like some people have said because he's so loud, but if you go to office hours he's mega chill. He smokes stoges before class. TAKE HIM IF YOU CAN.

Required (Support)
Mar 2019
I would literally rather eat Bryce Justin Jenkin's beard than take that class again.

Required (Support)
Mar 2019
He would literally make you eat his beard before teaching you this class again. This class was streamlined and stripped down to its basics for the SLO kids and he is one of the best teachers at this school. I imagine it must be difficult to teach remedial math to a bunch of students pretending to go to school. All i see around me in class is people giggling and googling. Did you even try? i doubt it. The second exam was so straight forward that multiple people got 100%. Even with everyone cheating and sharing answers, people are failing. I would say take him if you can, but i doubt he wants to teach this class ever again after this trainwreck. Get off your phone and do something about it. Getting 100% on your homework but failing the exam? Try doing it instead of copying it. Try asking real questions besides "Do i have to do this?" Two exams weekly quizzes right out the book assignments Collected homework

MATH 221

Required (Major)
Jun 2004
Seriously, Awesome guy. Enjoyed every minute of his class. I hate math but his class was kick ass. Hes always at his office hours and they help a lot. Take him for sure.

Required (Support)
Jun 2004
Bryce rocks. I am an Ag business major and usually really hate math, but this guy really gave me a pretty painless quarter. He is great in his office hours, and realizes 221 students are just business kids who need this class to graduate. I would reccoment this class, especially if you want a funny teacher, who will let you out early everyday. His midterms were challenging, but his final was more straightfoward. He also curves at the end, which will really make a difference on your final grade. I totally reccoment this guy.

Required (Support)
Aug 2004
OK, so I went into this class hoping to pass. I hate math and I had never done well in any classes at Poly before this one. But, low and behold, I got an A. Honestly this class was cake as long as you do your homework every night, and make sure to get into his office once a week (mostly so he knows who you are and remembers your name and face when he is grading the midterms and final). I would recommend Jenkin to any business major who needs this class as a support course. Not only did I do well in his class, I understand the shit too. Go figure.

General Ed
Sep 2004
Always made sure you understood everything. This guy rocked. Tests and homework weren't too hard to do.

Required (Support)
Nov 2004
Great guy, easy going, everything is good except the midterms and final. He makes up his own tests, so it's not something you can follow in the book. You really need to think about it and see how it applies. If you are not a math major, or don't like math... this is going to be problematic for you. I know it was for me. I did all my hw and got all 10/10 on quizzes, but did poorly on the midterm and finals. Good thing that he will not likely to flunk you either. =)

Required (Major)
Apr 2005
I don't know but I aced every econ, stats, and math class I've taken before and ended up with a C in this class. His tests are bullshit cause none of it is out of the book he assigns. He is a cool guy but has a fat chip on his shoulder for some reason. If you take him, make sure you ask tons of questions during lecture. He'll take a difficult problem from the homeowrk and make it 5 times more difficult for the test and ten times more difficult for the final. I don't recommend him... get someone more straight forward.

General Ed
Aug 2005
Jenkin is the shit! In our class there were 3 midterms and only 2 counted. They got progressively harder so I would recommend trying to do well on the first 2. The final was hard but I'm sure he curved it so if you do the homework and go to office hours if you have any questions you should be fine. Class is interesting and his office hours are even more fun. This guy is hilarious. I would definitely recommend taking him for any class.

General Ed
May 2006
dude jenkin rocks, he goes over the examples in the book and puts them in common terms, he explains thing very easily, knows hit shit, hilarious guy, i got a A in his class and got a F the previous qtr in DeKelins class, definately take Jenkin over anyone expecially the shittiest teacher alive DeKelin

Required (Major)
Jun 2006
Jenkin is a really easy-going, funny guy who definately knows his math, and is VERY helpful in office hours. He doesn't collect homework, but the tests (3 midterms + final) were often similar to the HW assignments. I took this class at 8am Mon-Thurs and surprisingly never missed it once; He really made the class entertaining and easy to understand. He is a GREAT instructor, definately take him if you get the chance.

Required (Support)
Mar 2010
I have Jenkins right now. Anyone who is bitching about Jenkins should go take another math professor and see how they like it. Jenkins is chill as fuck. He talks alot of shit and is hilarious but when it comes down to it he knows most of us just have to take this class to get through this shit. He\'s the most fair teacher I\'ve had so far at Cal Poly and is young enough to understand the shit we deal with at this school.

Required (Support)
Mar 2010
dont you try and tell bryce jenkins things about stuff

Required (Support)
Mar 2010
Jenkin is hilarious! He\'s a good math teacher who is very straightforward. Honestly just do some of the problems in the hw that he assigns (but you don\'t have to turn in) and you\'ll be fine. He helps his students out as much as he can, but overall he\'s cool. Take him, he\'s the most entertaining math teacher you\'ll ever get.

Required (Support)
Mar 2010
Best class easy. He super chill, he\'s funny, and he knows what he\'s talking about and is good at making sure you understand it too. There\'s a quiz every week that\'s pretty easy and it keeps you up to speed, he assigns homework but never collects it, and there\'s two midterms and a final. If you have to take 221, definitely take it with this guy.

Required (Support)
Mar 2011
idk how he has a 3.1 rating.. pretty much the best professor. he's in a band or something, cracks jokes in class, and teaches the material really really well. try your very best to get this teacher as a professor. i went to every class bc i actually learned something. you get 2 midterms, final, and quizzes every friday. pretty easy, if you go to class and do the homework. easy easy easy easy A or B. C if you really try not to understand the material and dont go to class. yeah.. you get the point. just take him.

Required (Support)
Mar 2011
Jenkin is the only way I could have made it through Business Calc. He is hilarious and explains the material well. Granted, he canceled class atleast 5 times (2 in the first week of school!) b/c he broke his toe, was sick, etc... and b/c of that we were behind and had to teach ourselves a section or two, but he compensated by not trying to rush through the entire book. The class consists of a weekly quiz (2 questions usually), 2 Midterms (7-8 questions) and a Final (12 questions). He gave us opportunities for extra-credit and if you get stuck on a quiz/test, he will basically tell you what you did wrong or what to do. Overall, Jenkin is a fantastic experience. So take him. And take the workshop class associated w/ it!!!

Required (Support)
Feb 2014
Okay, the only reason I'm leaving this comment is because I have never been so deceived by the Polyrating comments before. I selected him thinking this class would be a breeze, especially since I've taken AP calculus BC in high school, but it is definitely not. He now requires you turn the homework in btw! and the tests aren't easy. The midterm average was a 60 something... that's saying something; it contained trick questions and stuff he wouldn't go over until the following class. Also, Idk why everyone's saying he's such a great teacher, he's so condescending; it's a terrible learning environment; he makes everyone feel stupid and then gets mad when no one has questions, but when people do have questions, a lot of the time he'll answer with "you should already know that; i don't have time to teach this to you; google it or come to my office hours if you really need help" and for his office hours he'll say things like i'm really tired/busy/in a bad mood so you probably shouldn't come in today unless it's really important. He also makes inappropriate comments on marijuana, joking that we should "grow up and do coke like an adult." I would not recommend.

No Credit
Required (Major)
Jun 2014
Jenkins is the fucking shit. He's probably the best professor I've had at poly. Never taken calc but he really helped me out and got me to understand the material. Don't regret it and take this class its hilarious and not a boring hour.

Required (Support)
Feb 2015
Jenkin is off the charts smart, so sometimes he would get frustrated with our class for not understanding basic calculus. But overall, he went through material thoroughly. There's homework every night, but he collects it at the end of the week. There's quizzes every week, but they're only two or three questions (most of the time they're questions from the book- some of the problems he didn't assign for homework). I would HIGHLY suggest taking the supplemental workshop attached to the class- my workshop instructor would meet with Jenkin twice a week and we took practice midterm/finals that were nearly identical to to the ones in class. Very manageable class if you stay on top of work and attend class!

Required (Support)
May 2015
One of the best teachers I've ever had. Funniest guy, has me cracking up every class. Teaches calc super well.

MATH 241

Required (Major)
Jan 2010

Required (Support)
Jun 2010
Hilarious teacher. Teaches quite well too if you actually pay attention. He gives you easy quizes that boost your grade. I would definitely recommend him.

Required (Major)
May 2012
Bryce Jenkin is simply the best teacher I have had at Cal Poly. If you need to take a calculus class, whether you love calculus or you hate it, take him. He doesn't take roll. Homework wasn't due, and when you asked a homework question in class, more than half the time he knew exactly what question it just off the number. Oh, and he's great at answering questions and making things clear. He's the lead singer in his band, so you know he's just a badass. I took him for 143 - his tests were challenging, but that's just because the course was challenging. The tests for 241 were a different story. Probably the best part about him was his sense of humor, he will keep the whole class laughing.

Required (Major)
Dec 2013
Way too many students treat Jenkin as a god, and while he is an awesome person, an entertaining lecturer, and an overall good professor, he gives the illusion to the students that he doesn't give two sh*ts about his job or how well he teaches. This may or may not be actually true, but for me, his way of teaching rubbed off on me and made me not actually take his class seriously enough. If a professor doesn't take his class seriously, then it's very likely that I won't either. He's downright awesome in office hours though, but once again, he gives the impression that he simply doesn't give a sh*t.

Required (Support)
Mar 2014
Jenkins is by far one of the most entertaining professors I have ever had. Going into the quarter I was worrying about how 'd be able to stay awake for a 6 - 8pm math lecture, but this dude made every second worth it. He gives off the vibe that he doesn't care about teaching, but in reality he puts in a lot of effort to have everyone understand the material. He cancelled a quiz once because he could tell no one had a any idea what they were doing; so instead of everyone failing the quiz, he went over the whole thing so we would understand the material better. Make sure to take the class seriously though, because you can tell that he starts to get pretty pissed when he sees that no one in the class is giving a damn. He assigns a lot of homework, but it was worth it. I got A's on the first 2 midterms without having to study at all. All in all, a pretty righteous experience

Required (Major)
Dec 2015
I took Jenkin because of all the raving polyratings here, but have to admit I have been disappointed. Although he is funny, his jokes are often inappropriate and he has an unapproachable vibe to him. When we don't know the answers in class he always tended to make us feel stupid, rather than help us out. Not someone I would take a class from again.

Required (Support)
Dec 2015
Jenkin is an excellent calculus professor. He is extremely helpful in office hours, and will take the extra time to make sure you understand the problem. The class breakdown is simple, quizzes once a week, three midterms, and a final. He assigns homework but does not collect it. The quizzes and midterms are reflective of the homework so if you want to do well in the class, make sure to do the homework. He has this sense of humor that he brings into every lecture that makes the class enjoyable. He truly cares about his students and teaching the material.

Required (Support)
Dec 2015
Take Jenkin if you can! This guy is amazing. Calc 4 is not an easy class, and he doesn't make it any easier, but he's extremely helpful during office hours and will make sure you get it before you leave. He might seem really condescending in class, but don't let that stop you from going to office hours, he's a whole new person. Homework is assigned but never collected. There's a quiz every week (usually), and 3 exams. He assigns quite a bit of homework, but at least do some of it so you don't forget everything. And go to office hours and his Ciao sessions before exams to get anything cleared up. It'll really help your grade. The only thing I wish he did was make some review problems before the final. He made them for 2 of the exams, but nothing for the final.

Required (Support)
Dec 2015
Jenkin is a very funny guy. His personality makes it easy to pay attention in class. Although he is funny I struggled very much in this class, he is very fast pace and his tests are hard. I found asking questions or participating in class very intimidating. If you want to do well in this class do all the hw and go to office hours, something I learned a little too late.

Required (Support)
Jan 2016
Jenkin is the man. I had him for Calc 2 and 4. He presents the material very clearly and recognizes if the class is struggling. He genuinely cares about his students success and encourages everyone to study and do homework. He has three midterms and normally replaces your lowest midterm with your final. He does not have extra credit but if you are struggling he will work something out with you. GO TO OFFICE HOURS! He has extra office hours before midterms and finals in Cia. Its a good time to hear the information again and work with other people on homework. Overall, the class is very fair and he is funny as hell. Never a dull moment. He is passionate about the material and always finds ways to show the importance of everything. BEST PROF I HAVE HAD AT POLY.

Required (Support)
Jan 2016
Jenkin is the man, duck dynasty mixed with sons of anarchy mixed with Einstein. The man is brilliant. Im decent at math and have always pushed it off to be the class i put the least effort into, not with Jenkin. It was a really interesting class, and was in my opinion presented really well. I was a constant participant in office hours where he really helped me understand things. If you dont get it one way Jenkin will always have another way of explaining it in his back pocket. He is awesome, i highly recommend him. He cares as much as you do, and he will tell you this personally.

Required (Support)
Oct 2018
Honestly, Bryce Jenkins is the perfect professor for calc 4. 1) His Class Is Engaging: he will crack jokes, tell personal stories, be dramatic about drawing circles and actually make calculus fun and engaging. This is one of those classes you look forward to going to because its actually fun. yes math fun. 2) He VERY Good At Visuals: you need visuals in calc 4, you're working in 3D and sometimes its just hard to imagine what x+ln2zy-x looks like. He uses multicolored chalk and very precise graphs. Puts MIT professors to shame. Was probably an artist in another lifetime. 3) He Makes Calc4 Simple: he breaks things into steps, is very good at explaining things simply, and is able to make metaphors for complex topics like hyper space 4) He Is Willing To Help: Office hours were very helpful. he takes questions in class AND over email. email him 2 days before and you still get a response. 5) REVIEWS: he takes time out of his day to make reviews. they are good reviews. sometimes he even makes solution mannuals with step by step and pictures. dudes class is like a good wikihow had a kid with khan academy 6) SOMETIMES he lets you do quizzes in pairs Things To Watch Out For -sometimes his handwritten solutions are wrong or he changes the problem. every teacher in higher math does this so i cant complain. plus he will send emails out whenever there are changes -you'll probably see people here complaining "AWW JENKINS MAKES US USE TRIG SUB." yeah trig sub sucks. i hate it. but its useful, and technically youve been practicing it since precalc. that means for 4 classes youve been doing this. Thats like complaining you had to know how use an exponent in algebra. -dont show up late to office hours cuz then you have to fight the lower level plebs for time -do the optional homework. you dont have to do every question. If questions 1-10 cover triple integrals, and you have an easy time with 1, skip to 3, easy time with that skip to 7. If you struggle with a section do all the questions until you feel confident. Also Jenkin apparently reads these so if youre reading this Hi! TD;LR: This is the best calc prof you can get.

Required (Support)
Dec 2018
Professor Jenkin explains concepts phenomenally. The homework practice problems he assigns are helpful and plentiful. Keep practicing until you are skillful because you will save time on the assessments. His office hours are critical if you don’t understand a concept or if you are behind; he is 100% approachable. Also, you have to appreciate his humor because it will keep you focused in class. This particular course is actually interesting.

Required (Support)
Feb 2019
Jenkins is a genius and an amazing presenter. But if you show up to his class you must be prepared to be yelled at. He's loud and won't be afraid to call you out if you are not paying attention. He teaches really well though, he understands math and dumbs it down so that we can understand it. I would have got an A in his class, but he got sick for a week and despite all issues, we as a class survived. Do the homework and show up to class and you'll be good to go. Highly recommend the man.

MATH 244

Required (Support)
Nov 2011
If you want an easy A because you don't care, Jenkin isn't the best guy. If you want to actually learn something and have a fucking hilarious teacher to present it, take him. I am never bored in that class. Ever. The dude is a boss and pretty chill. When you take him, make sure to do the hw. It will help you so much because most of the quizzes are almost straight from the hw. He is super helpful and if he sees you are struggling on a quiz, he will drop you a hint on how to do the problem.

Required (Major)
Nov 2011
TAKE JENKIN!! I'm still taking 244 actually (it's dead week) and am really in Richert's 244 class. But RICHERT SUCKS because he doesn't explain anything in plain english and regurgitates the textbook theorems but makes them even more complicated by writing in math symbols only. I started crashing Jenkin's class after failing Richert's midterms and JENKIN IS LITERALLY AMAZING! He cusses all the time, breaks everything down to the basic level so 7th greaders could do it, and talks very loudly to keep you awake. He is totally fine with letting me sit in his class because he just wants me to learn the material. He is hilarious! Jenkin explains everything SO SIMPLY and doesn't move on until everyone gets it. He answers questions, even the dumb ones, and I am never afraid to speak up if I don't understand. In a typical class he answers questions on the previous night's homework first, then lectures and assigns new hw at the end. His quizzes are fine, and he'll even help you during quizzes if you ask or sometimes let the class take the quiz home and turn it in the next day.

Required (Support)
Dec 2011
This guy is the Chuck Norris of math.

Required (Support)
Dec 2011
Professor Jenkins is the most entertaining Math 244 guy you can possibly get. If you want to be entertained by swearing, references to 1970/80 movies, or see him coming in to Final's class smelling like cigar smoke, while still wearing his biker outfit, take him. Oh, and you won't get an easy A. He teaches well, but always expects you to do the homework, and his midterms/quizzes are based on the lectures/homework. Don't just slack off in his class because he appears to be slacking off. He will fail you just like he fails half of the Math 143 first-quarter freshman who have no idea what they are doing.

Required (Support)
Dec 2011
Awesome teacher. He actually tries to teach you the concept instead of just telling you to memorize stuff. You probably shouldn't take his class if you can't handle cuss words. If you actually pay attention in class and do the homework the midterms and final are easy.

Required (Support)
Mar 2012
What to say about Jenkins... When I looked him up on Facebook and saw his profile picture was him chugging a 40, I knew I was in the right class. Unfortunately, Linear Analysis was clearly not for me. I've never struggled in a math class so much as this, but I got a C so I can't really complain. He is pretty good at explaining things, and it doesn't matter if you ask a stupid question because he assumes everyone in the class has the cognitive ability of a 7 year old. Tests are fair, but wording can be tricky. Quizzes every week, but for 3 of them he was so mad at how dumb we were he had us turn them in the following Monday. He assigns problems but not to turn in. For most of the stuff, you either get it or you don't.

Required (Support)
Feb 2013
All of the people talking bad about Jenkin are freshman in lower division calc, or business calc. And they're whining about how Jenkin is mean and his tests are really hard. He's not a babysitter. He teaches what he needs to in class and, hey man, this is college. Read the book! In college, the professors give you easy quizzes to bring your score up because the tests are going to be hard as shit. Deal with it and study. Jenkin is real; he's mean sometimes, but that's just him. You're in Math 118 in your sophomore year in college? You probably ARE a dumbass. Jenkin just doesn't hide that fact from you. Embrace it, freshmen. People cuss in college; tests are hard. Jenkin is a good guy (and smart, too!); you are the reason you got a bad grade.

Required (Support)
Mar 2014
Imagine a less annoying Jack Black from School of Rock instructing calculus in higher dimensions while Zach Galifianakis gives you his best comedy routine. This is Math 244 with Jenkins. Top 3 funniest people I know and he ranks alongside Gasiorek with his teaching abilities. This class isn’t necessarily easy but he prepares you for his exams and they aren’t too bad. His grading is fair. Stop reading these repetitive poly ratings and enroll in his class.

Required (Support)
Nov 2014
My favorite professor I’ve ever had. I’d leave class almost sore from laughing so hard. He made calc 4 really interesting and presented the material clearly. Fair grader too. If you can’t get into his class, just go anyways for comedic relief.

Required (Major)
Jun 2015
This guy is the shit. If you want to go to class and have a great time, TAKE THIS MOTHER FUCKER. Hands down, he will make you laugh everyday. If you want the best teacher at cal poly, take his class. JACK!

Required (Major)
Jan 2017
Linear with jerkin was a blast! I had it him at 8am, and I didn't mind getting up for the class. The class has 2 quizzes per week, and 3 midterms. The quizzes consisted one problem, very similar to the homework. The midterms were harder than the quizzes, but doable if you go to class, and do the (optional) homework.The first third of the material covered is very easy! The second midterm was very hard! Study hard for the second midterm. I think the class average was a 62 and he did not curve it! and the third midterm was easy. The final, however, was way harder than expected. It brought me down from an A to a B and I studied very hard for the final. Overall, I would recommend Jenkin. Don't take it him if profanity offends you.

Required (Support)
Feb 2017
Great professor who makes the class interesting. Linear analysis is a new way of thinking about math and Jenkin gets students thinking in the right way. Jenkin will take the time to help you with what you are doing. If you can't handle sarcasm and someone screwing with you a little bit then Jenkin probably isn't your guy but otherwise 10/10 would recommend.

Required (Support)
Aug 2017
JENKINS IS THE MAN I'll be honest, when he walked into my class for the first time, "WTF" was the only thing on my mind, but he's a prime example of "appearances can be deceiving." He is a super knowledgeable teacher and is able to explain any concept to anyone, no matter how much they're initially struggling. His greatest strength is that he is able to break down even the most complex, abstract topics, into understandable chunks - he allows students to comprehend new material very easily and seamlessly integrates it what we already know when lecturing. And not only does he explain the theorems or definitions, he also proves them all and shows us how they are derived, even though we don't need to know that as per the curriculum (he does it to help our understanding and actually see what we're working it). Speaking of lectures, for every new topic we learn in a class, we laugh to his witty jokes twice as many times. He makes lectures both informative and entertaining and I never wanted to miss his class. Jenkins is also extremely friendly, one of the most chill teachers I've had at CP, he is very approachable. Also, Jenkin more often than not goes out of his way to include extra office hours for students. He even opened impromptu study sessions in the Avenue or random classrooms prior to exams, to sit down with and go over students' doubts and concerns. I can't emphasize how MUCH he tries to give time to each person who comes in asking for help on the subject. After being block scheduled into his Calc 3 first quarter, I signed up for his Linear 1 next quarter due to how chill and helpful he was. Jenkins is a great teacher and he truly cares about his students' learning and understanding, he will go out of his way to make sure you get the material and succeed in the class, as long as students talk to him and work with him. I never wrote such a long review for any teacher, but this guy really deserves it.

Required (Support)
Jun 2019
Absolutely stunning professor, definitely the best math professor I've had at cal poly. For the motivated student, I'd suggest to enroll in his class. He covers everything that the course requires, and sometimes a little more. Super organized during lecture and throughout the quarter. He'll lay out exactly what you need to do to approach/solve a problem. Take his advice seriously when he says to, even though you'll be tempted to blow him off (trust me). Presents as a hard ass until the add/drop period ends, then he's a chiller (and has a good sense of humor). There's required weekly HW, but if you want to succeed on the weekly quizzes, do the non-required HW problem sets he posts online. Midterms are difficult and he designs them to PRESS you for time to see who knows their stuff. If you take his advice and do the non-required HW as well, you're in good shape to get a good grade. Each chapter in Linear Analysis builds off of the previous one, so if you keep up on the concepts, it's an easy A.

Required (Support)
Jul 2019
Jenkin was amazing! His class was super hard but he was an incredible teacher. In class, he goes in depth into the concepts of the course but does not do many practice problems. Because of this, you kind of have to do a lot of problems outside of class that are not collected. He does have 3-5 hw problems a week that are collected. But he will help a lot if you go to his office hours or ask him at the beginning of class. The first midterm was much harder than the second, but both are difficult. Also, go to class for the entire first week or else he'll drop you from the class.

Required (Support)
Aug 2019
Jenkin is quite possibly the best professor that I have had at Cal Poly. His teaching ability and style is such that every student is engaged and can clearly understand the material, and if any student is having issues, he is willing to help as much as necessary outside of class. If you have the option, absolutely take Jenkin's class.

Required (Support)
Jan 2020
Bryce presents the material in a coherent enough way where you can understand it. He’s just kind of a condescending dick. Tests and quizzes are hard as fuck. But if you work really hard you can do well. I honestly don’t know why his polyrating is so high. If you can, I’d recommend a different professor

Required (Support)
Feb 2020
He managed to be a pretty darn good teacher while also being the most fun class I go to each week.

Required (Support)
Mar 2020
Super funny professor

Required (Support)
Mar 2020
Jenkin was the best professor I've had at Cal Poly so far. He presents the material extremely well and is always super helpful during his office hours. Jenkin will also brighten your mood each and every day you attend his class. He has the best sense of humor and is always cracking jokes / telling incredible stories during short 1-2 min breaks in his lectures. I would highly recommend you do everything possible to get Jenkin as your professor, you will not regret it and will see exactly why his polyratings are so high.

Required (Support)
Mar 2020
Jenkin is able to be super chill and have entertaining classes because hes actually good at teaching and he provides all the support his students need to be successful. Lectures are clear, most people just copy down the notes and do just fine. His tests are pretty hard, but as long as you do all your HW and study for the quizzes you can still get an A in the class if you get around a B on the midterms (and final, but coronavirus eliminated this). Final note - linear analysis is a hard class with ideas that branch out from math that youre used to. Dont expect it to be an easy A just because you have an "easy" or "good" prof.

Required (Support)
Mar 2020
JENKIN(s) He is the absolute man. He is great in lecture and great during office hours (which I tell you, are PACKED), but the most significant mark that being in Jenkin's class was how invested he is in the students. I have never met a math instructor at Cal Poly so passionate about his students' success, each and every one of them. If you are a struggling student in his class he may create extra office hours to aid you and other students in learning the material. In light of spring quarter 2020 being canceled, he sent a thorough and heartfelt email to students providing his contact as support for the course aftermath and other matters. It was very supporting and kind. As for course workload, his homework and exams are a bit challenging but they are great if you really want to learn the material. Take Jenkin if you really want to have an experience.

Required (Support)
Mar 2020
Professor Jenkin is an awesome teacher. Here's why: First: He cares a lot about his students. If you care about his class he will take time to get to know you, and works hard to make sure you are successful. Second: He's hilarious. He makes a lot of jokes throughout class and has some pretty great stories, so class isn't boring. He made my whole class laugh almost every single day of lecture Third: He is a very effective teacher. He presents material very clearly and is great at answering student's questions effectively. Take Jenkin's if you can. His class was not easy by any means, and he's not going to hold your hand through the course. If you are willing to study and put in some work, however, you will be successful in his class.

MATH 344

Required (Support)
Oct 2018
Take this dude. If you dont find him funny, you probably take yourself too seriously. Hes very sarcastic and kind of a dick in class, but in office hours (which are pretty necessary during some of the more difficult chapters) hes one of the nicest and most understanding professors i've ever had. He grades fairly and is very good at lecturing, 10/10 would recommend.

ENGR 968

Nov 2016
What else is there to say? Fine person, nothing interesting. Class was meh... Blah, blah, blah... Fine person.