Newcomer, Aaron  



20 evaluations

MATH 142

Required (Support)
Jun 2003
Newcomer was a great teacher. I like the fact that the grades are based on more than just tests. His tests aren't too hard if you study, and he is extremely helpful in office hours. The only reason I got a C was because I had a really busy schedule, so I didn't hardly study for this class at all. He does explain the material very clearly. I would take him again.

Required (Support)
Aug 2003
Good teacher. I didn't do my homework, but made sure I knew my essentials and came out with a C. Do all your homework then you ace the weekly quizzes. Ace your quizzes then you ace your tests. Easy as that.

Required (Support)
Aug 2003
Aaron Newcomer is a great teacher. While he is only a grad student, he knows his stuff. Period. Much smarter than any other math teacher I have had here at Poly. The homework is hard, but do it because it is very important. His weekly quizzes are *very* easy if you have done the homework. Often, a medium-difficulty homework problem was the quiz problem. His tests are hard, though. Completely flubbing just one problem can lower your grade by %15, so make sure you know your stuff. Lectures kept me awake and my mind thinking, which is sometimes hard to do.

Required (Support)
Nov 2003
Aaron is a GREAT teacher. He is interesting, well organised, and fair. His tests are easy. He only wants to see if you can do the easy-meduium problems to test your concept. He will never bog down a test or quiz with lengtny algebra bullshit. He has three midterms each is 20% random quizes but he always lets you know a week in advance 10%, and homework is 10%. Homeworkd isnt that important if you dont need to practice but thats why he gives it to you... So its like free points on knowing things you should know... I thought his class was extremely good.

Required (Support)
Mar 2004
Aaron Newcomer was one of the BEST math teachers I've ever had. He lets you use notecards for the tests (which totally saved me!) and there are weekly quizes that aren't hard at all if you paid attention in class (they actually end up *helping* your grade!) His tests were challenging but not impossible. A word to the wise, as with any other math course, do NOT fall behind! Newcomer is such a cool guy in and out of class, don't ever be afraid to ask him anything! I also liked the personality he brings to the classroom and he is very clear and direct in his lecture. This is a great professor and I highly recommend taking him!!!

Required (Support)
Mar 2004
Aaron was an awesome teacher. He knows his stuff. He is really funny, and makes everything clear. If you go to class, and do your homework, youll get an A.

Required (Support)
May 2004
the people on this page are on some type of drug. NewCUMMER as some else called him SUCKS ASS. his tests are harder than hard. the avg on them is 55 with one or two people getting A's. DO NOT TAKE THIS PROFESSOR he will not help you at office hours and is not willing to help you at all he just blows

Required (Support)
Aug 2004
Well, this teacher graduated, and thus no longer teaches here. He was a great teacher and presented all the material clearly. I have no idea how anyone could rate this guy badly. It looks like there are a lot of repeat posters just to lower his GPA.

Dec 2004
I agree with the last person...people have to be duplicating their remarks. Newcomer was an AMAZING professor. I took Mueller the next quarter for 143 and a lot of people in my class were also in Mueller's class. We all thought that Newcomer was a lot better than Mueller, so why does Mueller have almost a 4.0 and Newcomer is a low 3? Aaron was very concerned about his students, had incredibly fair tests that actually tested you on what he taught you, and gave extra credit. I was really bummed when he graduated because I for sure would have taken him again.

Required (Support)
Jan 2005
Whoa... he graduated? Aaron was the shit. He had great humor. His tests were really fair. The guy below who calls him names is retarded. He has no clue what he's talking about. Too bad Aaron's graduated. I hope he has good luck with his future and wish him the best.

Required (Support)
Feb 2005
A+ Explained so well. Tests were soo much easier than homework. Curves if he needs to. Guy is way funny and not boring in the least. Was a grad student so is young and likes to teach. If you can get him, do it! If not get Mueller or Kato. They are awesome also. Would take again in a second!

MATH 143

Required (Support)
Mar 2003
Aaron Newcomer is the best math teacher I have ever had. He frequently pauses momentarily to remind us what we have done, and what were getting into. He makes sure we understand where everything comes from, weither it be theorems we have discussed, or facts we used to know but have forgotten, and presents the material in a clear consice manner, carefully explaining the overall idea of it, and the gritty details as necessary. Homework policy is that an assignment is assigned, discussed the next day, and collected day after that. This allows students to attempt problems, then have an extra day to revise their mistakes before it is collected. Tests are extremely fair, and work out nicely. Take this professor if you get the opportunity.

Mar 2003
When he walked into class the first day, I sighed at the idea of taking a class this tough with a grad student; when I left class the last day, I'd say all classes should be taught by grad students if they are as organized, knowledgeable, and entertaining as Aaron. Class was fun, though tests were not. He is a tough tester, always adding that one problem that kicks your butt, but it was never something we could not do. Homework load is pretty constant, but never even close to overwhelming. Just do it when it is assigned, and life will be good. Want an easy A? Yeah right; try community college. Want a good teacher who knows his stuff and can teach it to you? Can't go wrong with A. Newcomer.

Mar 2003
I didn't recognize Aaron as the teacher on the first day, and I thought it was going to be a dreadful experience to learn from a grad student; however, I was surprised as Aaron turned out to be one of the best math teachers I've ever had. His lectures were clear, organized, and always on track, and his tests were always fair. The workload was just right to allow studying. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend Aaron Newcomer.

Required (Support)
Apr 2003
Aaron is a great teacher and a good guy. His tests can be hard, and the averages just a bit low, and an A in the class can be pretty tough, but still do-able. If would have tried harder I easily could've gotten a C. If I retake the course, I'll see if I can take Aaron.

Required (Support)
Apr 2003
newcomer BLOWS

Required (Support)
May 2003

Required (Support)
May 2003
His teaching style is pretty standard,.. he puts notes on the board and you do whatever you want with them. He has really easy quizzes every friday, and homework is worth a considerable chunk. His test are really straight forward, and he doesn't ask you to write explanations for every little thing you do. I'd say he's the easiest math teacher i've had since middle school.

Required (Major)
Jun 2003

IME 469

Nov 2016
What the guy/gal below said. Amen. I too took this class and have long since graduated from Poly, but I was cruising Poly Ratings for a kick and thought that I should pipe in and let you know how much of a joke this prof is.