Skiles, Chris  

Communication Studies


112 evaluations


Graduate Student
Required (Support)
Apr 2009
You are all ridiculous and undoubtedly horrible students. He may have rigid guidelines for the speech outlines, but he CLEARLY states all of them prior to you having to ever turn one in that gets graded. Wouldn't you rather have a teacher that has CLEAR but RIGID guidelines rather than what most teachers have; unclear rigid guidelines? Everything he presents during lecture is there to make speech-giving a little easier for those of us that aren't that great at it. If you actually read the books that go with the course you would find that he is largely simplifying the material and giving the students an easier way to approach something that many of us find very frightening. Like many of you have noted, the tests are basically BS; that seems to be because he wants your grade to actually depend on how well you can improve your speech-giving ability. The first couple speeches are worth next to nothing for your overall grade, but he gives you enough feedback for you to improve. Most of the whiners in my class that didn't do very well simply weren't taking his advice. They only became more comfortable in front of the class, which isn't the point. All in all you really can't bash him for any of what most of you have. He is one of the best teachers I have ever had at my time at poly and I don't think that's going to change any time soon.

SPC 100

General Ed
Jul 2005
This is a lame site. The comments are statistically insignificant. Most comments lack basic grammar and spelling skills.

Graduate Student
Required (Support)
Feb 2009

CM 101

Required (Major)
Jan 2008
Professor Skiles was completely legit. I ended up not going to the last four weeks, because of some... well, weird turns of events, but the weeks that I did go to his class, I enjoyed him. He's an overall good professor, and knows his stuff. Not hard on the grading, and a very reasonable person.

COMS 101

General Ed
Feb 2017
Skiles is pretty chill. There's no midterm, he's really willing to work with you on your speech topics/presentations, and the final was a super super easy multiple choice based on the 3ish days of actual "lecture" we had in the beginning of the quarter. We had four different speeches- one on a process or object, one on a career option, and then one for and one against a piece of legislation related to our choice of major. The one thing to note is that he does make you center all your speeches around your major, which some people found annoying, but it wasn't that bad. Overall he's a really cool guy and easy to talk to, and doesn't waste a bunch of time lecturing or making you read the textbook or do busy work. I'd absolutely recommend him for public speaking

General Ed
Nov 2017
This was one of my first classes that I ever took at Cal Poly and Skiles made it fantastic. He really knows a lot about everything( I'm guessing it's because he listens to speeches all the time) which really makes the class interesting. In addition to this, he only lectured for 3 classes or so which was really nice because coms lectures can be wild to get through. If you end up taking his class be sure you take notes or have a friend who takes great notes because everything that he lectures on those first couple days is what he will test on. The thing to remember though is that all of your speeches will be concerned with your major, you'll have four of them and that's pretty much your grade. To be honest, I found a lot of the grading on the speeches to be kind of subjective and not concrete. I gave it my all and worked as hard as I could and I ended up with an A-. I think I may have deserved an A on some of my speeches and some people who I didn't think should have gotten an A got As. Besides that though, if you work hard and show improvement this class will be fantastic for you.

General Ed
Dec 2018
As a person, Skiles was great. I came into his class a few days into Quarter Plus after a traumatic experience with Twisselman-Davis. He was insightful and I appreciated that all of our speech topics were career-related (although that may have only been for Q+). It made those cringe-worthy speeches about sketchy topics pretty nonexistent. He was going through a major rough patch in his personal life when I had him, however, which made his arrival to class an hour late usually and threw off our entire course schedule. We had a lot of speeches due overnight which made it an exhausting experience, but he is a fair grader. The final was easy and common-sense driven. He even ended up recommending me for debate team.

HNRS 101

General Ed
Feb 2011
I have never worked so hard for an A-. And to be completely honest, my speeches did not merit an A-. The research and practice that I put into my speeches was A LOT, and I'm sure that Skiles saw that because he was generous in his grading. If you're like me and can't present well, then just make up for it by researching and knowing your subject really, really well. As long as the content is good, he will typically look over the bad presentation of the material. His grading is fair, if not easy, but he does expect you to work for it. There were only 4 speeches and you knew what they were before weeks in advance. He doesn't require any research papers or excessive paper work like other professors I've heard of. If you have to, I'd take Skiles

General Ed
Aug 2011
You're going to learn a lot from Skiles. He teaches you how to research properly, which is good since your 4 speeches are research intensive. I really enjoyed the class because Skiles knows his stuff, so you get a lot out of it. Instead of giving pointless speeches, he assigned things that pertained to your major or interests, aka he made this class USEFUL. Somewhat hard to get an A, relatively easy to get a B. Don't take the midterm lightly, as this can help you out in the end. Just read the book like he says and study your notes and you're good. My best advice is to take this class if you want to learn and aren't afraid of working.

SCM 101

General Ed
Aug 2004
I was one of the last people out of my group of friends to take speech and they all had horror stories to tell about their classes, things like 150 question finals and huge write ups for every speech. I was very happy to get into Professor Skiles class he focused on your speaking ability and not on how well you could read a book about how to give a speech. I would definitely recommend Skiles if you have any speaking skills coming into this class, it will be an easy course. If you dont have any skills and tend to give speeches by reading them from a paper then maybe a different teacher would suit you better.

Required (Support)
Mar 2005
This class was awesome. It didn't take up that much time if you knew what you were doing. I only had to write three speeches and they were pretty simple and interesting. Make sure you use A LOT of sources because that matters a lot to him. I am an electrical engineer so I am not exactly the best speaker, but this class made me feel a lot more comfortable.

General Ed
Jul 2005
Skiles is a great speech communications professor. Even though I had to get up early twice a week for his class, it was very interesting. We only had 3 major speeches: one on your major, one in which you take a stand for an issue, and then taking the opposite position. Just make sure you have sources to back up your claims. Otherwise, you will be making speeches off the fly (impromptu). The topics he gives us are interesting to listen to. The final was mad easy, too (if you read the book). I definitely would recommend taking Skiles, especially if his class is the only one left. Any stage fright that you had before will disappear.

General Ed
Jul 2006

General Ed
Dec 2008
The first few days of class, I was not sure that I liked Skiles, but as the quarter went on, I liked him more and more. He is very willing to listen to you and help you out. He is an extremely nice guy once you get to know him, and I improved my public speaking abilities immensely in his class. I hated even the idea of giving speeches before I took this class, but now I almost enjoy it!

SPC 101

General Ed
Jun 2003
Ok, there are a couple of bad evaluations of him. Not cool! He was seriously one of the best teachers I have had. He pushes your knowledge and gets you to do well in his class, but he also is a real and understanding person. The class itself is not that difficult, but you are expected to do research and some work! If you don't put any work in, you are going to do poorly. However, if you aren't the best speaker, you can talk to him and he WILL help you! If you don't do well, you didn't earn it and that is your fault, not his! Chris was overall a good teacher and had very reasonable expectations for the class.

General Ed
Aug 2003
He is a very nice person and easy to talk to if you want help on your speeches.Everyone in my class got a lot better at public speaking because he is totally clear about what he wants in the speeches and tells you how to do them. Great prof, fun class!

General Ed
Aug 2003
Skiles is no wose then other teachers on campus and is better actually then many. Assignments are clear and grading is tough but fair. We shoudlnt have to take speech at a school like cal poly, were not hear to do anything but learn to a job. But youhave to take it and taking it with him isn't that bad.

General Ed
Jun 2004
Skiles is a nice guy. He's pretty chill about stuff, doesn't insist on keeping you in class unless he really has something of significance to spend time on (we got out an hour early, give or take a little every class) and really does teach you speech so that you actually learn something. He's head of Poly's debate team, so beware, but he also knows what he's talking about. There's a lot of research involved in this class considering it's a speech class, and that is really time consuming, so only take him if you've got some time. However, I did learn a lot and I am more comfortable with public speaking because of him. I hate speaking in front of people, and I thought I was gonna get a bad grade in this class, but if you follow his tips and suggestions, it's not too bad giving the speeches. Just be willing to give it a good try, and it's fine. 4 speeches and a 10 pt. final that's a joke, which he only gives you cause his dept. forces him to. Awesome guy, I learned a ton. Take him if you really want to learn. Actually...just take him.

General Ed
Mar 2005
Prof. Skiles is one of the best teachers at Cal Poly. They are lucky to have someone who actually cares about his students instead of just getting tenure. He is hard, but he will totally help you if you go to his office hours, and come on now, the world isn't exactly the easiest place either. You can tell he devotes a lot of time to his classes because his lectures are organized and he writes a lot about your speech. I feel like this class has helped me in all of my other classes, and I feel like I learned a lot from Prof. Skiles. He's a cool guy and a great teacher. I wish all of the teachers at this (supposedly) wonderful institution were like him. And he's a good dresser, so I guess that is another plus! Oh, and the people who complained about him are probably spoiled brats who were upset that they couldn't smile and get their way out of an average grade. Get over it and start to do some work. College is not all about drinking, partying and

5th Year Senior
General Ed
Apr 2005
He's kind of a babe for a teacher. I dig shaved heads. Well, Professor Skiles is a really nice guy. He's cooler than most people think, just talk to him outside of class. I know he is better than most scom teachers, so for those of you who are bitching about him, it could have been so much worse.

General Ed
Mar 2006
Totally helpful and fair. Not easy but not 2 difficult either. He is upfront about expectations--very few get A's but its easy to tell those who give speeches that deserve them and the rest of us. Unless you really want to spend a lot of time for a GE, then don't expect an A. B is easy to earn and he's very helpful about helping you get new ideas and research for your speech. His speech assignments are different then a lot of other speech teachers, but thats good--at least we don't waste our time doing speeches about how to make cocktails, how to change a tire and stuff like that. Instead you have to talk about your career, do a speech about a policy in front of congress, and a debate about the standard topics like abortion, death penalty, gun control. The only bad thing I can say is that he is not real excited to teach the class and it shows. 2 bad he only teaches intro classes becuz hes smart and entertaining when he wants to be.

General Ed
May 2006
One word: burnt out. Been sick a lot this quarter and has no personality. Seems like he could care less about teaching and listening to speeches. Speech class is a joke major anyway might as well take a teacher who is not burnt out. Hes not that old but acts like a cranky old man. Avoid.

General Ed
Jul 2006
Cool guy, shitty class. Take him early in the morning and the class is out of the way so you can go back to sleep. Me and my friends did and it made the class easy to do.

Graduate Student
Nov 2006
Home Professor Search Professor List Evaluate a Professor About Us Contact Us Chauderlot, Fabienne-Sophie Cumulative GPA: 3.19/4.00 with 42 evaluations Presents Material Clearly: 3.29 Recognizes Student Difficulties: 3.26 Philosophy Department, Cal Poly, SLO Full Statistical Analysis Evaluate This Professor PHIL 316 Senior Grade Earned: N/A Elective 12:47 pm, Nov 11, 2005 We SHOULD encourage the administration to stop recruiting in psychiatric hospitals. PHIL 316 Freshman Grade Earned: A Elective 3:53 pm, Oct 6, 2005 excellent teacher FR 301 Junior Grade Earned: B Required (Support) 11:01 pm, Oct 5, 2005 A crazy ass mother fucking bitch PHIL 316 Freshman Grade Earned: C Elective 2:26 am, Aug 11, 2005 y failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a professor because they failed you! Talk about the teacher's grading policies, homework load, tests... you know, stuff you'd wish you'd known before signing up for the class.Please be as informative and objective as possible. This is your opportunity to help other students, not to rip on a prof PHIL 316 Freshman Grade Earned: A Elective 3:38 pm, May 27, 2005 Home Professor Search Professor List Evaluate a Professor About Us Contact Us Chauderlot, Fabienne-Sophie

General Ed
Dec 2006
the person who wrote that he dosnt like to teech class is write. he isnt a bad techer but acts burnt out. take someone else and may-b it will be more excitng. we made for speeches. 1 about a object 2 about a ur work 3 about a persuasive bill and 4 about a persuasive bill (the other side). the reading is easy and commun sense.

General Ed
Dec 2006
Nice guy stupid dumb class. Waste of time. 2bad we have to take clases like this and waste our time and money. 4 sppeches. all irrelevant and outdated. Get wityh the times, noone gives speches anymore, its all digitile and acted

General Ed
Dec 2006
4 speeches and a easy test. He lectures early in the quarter but then has students speak the rest of the time. Too easy, only dumb asses get bad grades, most of the class, who dont know their head from their ass. If you read directions and prepare for more than a day you'll get good grades. If not, you'll get what you deserve but complain the whole time. Sets the class up well but most didnt take advantage of it. But thats okay, no real competition for me!

General Ed
Dec 2006

General Ed
Jan 2007
Much different then HS. Lets you pick your own topics which is sorta hard, test is easy, just read the book. Hes helpful in office hours, i only had to go once and it was easy to talk to him and he helped me a lot. Pretty easy. All i heard on my floor was how bad speech class was but he was fine.

General Ed
Jan 2007
Easy class, just follow directions and stay on top of assignments. Nice guy, doesnt do much besides listen to speeches. Give good suggestions

General Ed
Jan 2007
ASSHOLE! Avoid him hes 2 hrd 4 ths shit

General Ed
Jun 2007
This class suckt its a waist of time we shouldnt have to take classes like this. Skiles was not energetic or exciting or supporting of students it seemed like he likt to grade people down if they didnt do everything like he thought they should but hes not totally sure of what he would have them do it not fair. And i no, lifes not fair thanks dad but still it should be easier than this. Why else would we pay so much money to cum hear but to get good grades. Liten up dude not evertything is as seriou as you think it shood be

General Ed
Jun 2007
This class was unreasonably hard.No reason for it to require so much research, its hard. His class is not easy, from what I herd from other students, take Beaman, Nolan, or anyone else who works part-time. there classes are easier and you dont have to do any research.

General Ed
Jun 2007
Got a B+. But honestly I didnt try very hard. Seriously, the class is simple unless you complain and dont try: skiles is honest, you have to try not to earn a C.

General Ed
Jun 2007
The first few weeks we didn't do much. He pretty much lectured, or better yet, tried to tell us what a speech should be. He pretty much just kept saying it's in the book. Then you take a midterm which everyone bombed. He said he would curve it. The following weeks you give 4 speeches. 1 informative, 1 on your major/profession, 2 on a congressional bill arguing both sides. He was absent two times so all the speeches got pushed into the last 5 weeks. That was kind of intense. He's not big on the visiual aids, and if you use powerpoint, you better know how to tie it in. He also allows you to bring up pieces of paper, everyone pretty much brought up their whole speech and read it. He also expects you to give concrete citations, so make sure you have 3 or 4 of them in each speech. His grading isn't bad, everyone pretty much got B's, the really bad speeches got C+'s. The really good speeches got A-'s. I ended up with an A, so I think he re-adjusts grades at the end. There wasn't too much to this class, just write your speech and have research to back it up, practice it a few times, and you'll be fine. Skiles made SCOM easy to get through, and NO FINAL. Utilize the workshops the lecture before your speech. Try to have as much done as possible to get the most out of it.

General Ed
Jul 2007
The easiest class I had all year. Do a little bit of work and its very easy to earn an A. Four speeches, one test. If you at least try to talk and not read (as he writes on people's speech outlines) you will get a B or an A depending how much qualified evidence you include. If you read your speech, "public reading" as he calls it, then you will get a C or worse. If you really try to talk to the class and not read to them then you will get a better grade. Totally reasonable and nice. i'd recommend him to anyone who can read and write english well. The people in my section who did bad were barely able to speak english and were on academic probation because they suck as students. Work hard and you will do fine. Come from LA or SF with an inner city education and speaking style and you will not do good. Take the class as an opportunity to improve yourself and speak better and you will be fine.

General Ed
Aug 2007
This class consists of 4 speeches (1 informal, 1 career, and 2 persuasive). This is a simple class if you take the time to actaully practice your speeches. The only reason i got a B is because i tend to "read" my speech rather than deliver it extemporaneouly which if you take this class you will hear this word a lot. Overall it is an easy class that you can miss if your not giving a speech or doing a workshop.

General Ed
Dec 2007
Really great class, just dont read your speech and you will be okay. Look out for the midterm, alot of people did really bad, just read the chapter summaries in the book and go over your notes from the first few weeks in class.

General Ed
Aug 2008
Had this dude three years ago and wrote that he wasnt a great teacher but i was wrong. After 3 years at poly i realized he really did try to help the class understand the reasons to be a good communicator in college. I feel bad that i wrote a bad review a few years ago, turns out he was right. Do the reading and the research he is right about being strict about paperwork and detail. 4 speeches and 2 tests seem like a lot but if you plan ok ull be fine.

General Ed
Mar 2009
Chris is the man!

General Ed
Aug 2009
Be professional, thats all. Skiles is serious about grading in a class we could all (him included) give less than a shit about, but that's the reality of it all. Do go work and he will reward you. Do like most of my class did and don't be surprised when you earn Cs and Ds. Good luck!

General Ed
Jan 2011
He was very clear and helped me get over my stage fright. He went over the reasons for public speaking and why it was important and how to succeed. I wasn't the best public speaker but I improved a lot from his class and advice. He is very clear about how to format your speeches and gives good feedback. Your grade is mostly from 4 speeches and then some points from the written midterm and final. However he was fair and very kind, and was willing to let people go a different day if it really didn't work out, and we waited our final for 3 people who forgot who were running there. However he did not like stupid questions, so don't ask them. overall a great teacher!

General Ed
Mar 2011
Pretty much everyone gets a B in this class. Its a lot more work than most comms class because youre required to do a ton of peer reviewed research for 3 of the 4 speeches. If you don't like doing research, avoid this class. With that being said, Skiles is pretty chill and is always willing to help students out. I sucked at the actual presenting part but if you have decent content your pretty much guaranteed a B. Take the midterm and final seriously because that will help boost your grade enough to get an A in this class.

SCM 102

General Ed
Jan 2003
Skiles expects a lot of the students in this class, but these expectations are fair and reasonable. In this class, you truly will get graded according to the amount of work you did on each project. The projects are extremely open ended, which makes them a lot of fun. Skiles is easy going and understanding, and accessible if you are having problems and would like help. I truly learned important strategies for public speaking in this class, and I highly reccommend that anyone who has to take this class take it with him.

General Ed
Feb 2003
He is a horrible teacher. He never answered any of our questions and we never had class. He changed his lesson plans every class. He never wanted to listen to our speeches and complained when we had more to do. Never take his class.

General Ed
Feb 2003
Skiles is AWESOME!!! I'm serious...this was the easiest class I have ever taken! He cancels class at least 5 times through out the quarter and canceled the final because he "didn't want to grade anything". This guy is awesome. He will straight out say that he hates teaching lower division speech classes making our job as students so easy! PLUS: all you have to do to pass with a B is write out your speech and read it word for word. There is no pressure in that class, he establishes a friendly environment. Take this teacher! he is great

General Ed
Mar 2004
No offense, but Skiles doesn't really care about his class. Not that he's horrible or anything...but he just simply does not care. For one thing, he doesn't use a textbook because he believes speech is common sense, and besides the speeches, the final is like a 15 question multiple choice you don't even really have to study for!!! (The questions are from important points he makes in his lecture) Now, for the speeches, for the first few, Skiles didn't even pay attention to us! He may have heard your opening paragraph and checked that you weren't reading your speech, but then he'd be scribbling down comments on your evaluation sheet and not look up again until your conclusion. My advice: start your speeches strong and end strong. And DO NOT READ your speeches (he docks heavily for that) Notecards are okay though (he prefers those anyway...)

SPC 102

No Credit
General Ed
Feb 2003
Avoid Skiles at all costs. He makes it very clear to his students that he hates his job, and hates teaching even more. He's one of those professors who is extremely smart in his field, but just has no teaching style. He rarely showed up to class after the first month, making up weak excuses as to why he needed to suddenly leave town. His grading was even more unreasonable and just as dissapointing as the class itself. If you need to get speech out of the way take it from someone else ... just trust me on this one.

General Ed
Mar 2003
A good teacher can make a boring course worth attending. Chris was a good teacher. He actually seemed more like a student the way he lectures and interacts with his class. His work load is easy, he does change assignments, but it is for the benefit of the class. Go to him during his hours and he will help you out and tell you what he wants in your speeches. Make sure to be smooth in your delivery, doesn't matter how you do it. It was an enjoyable class and I recomend taking him. Talk about South Park, he loves that show.

General Ed
Jun 2003
Skiles presented material well. He claimed not to grade on presentation, but on writing, yet he always took off plety of points when someone was fidgeting or messed something up a bit.

General Ed
Aug 2003
I had Skiles for both 102 and 126, and there was a reason I took him twice- he is one of the best teachers I have ever had at Poly. In my 102 class, he made sure to go over not only what should be in the speech as far as material goes, but also how to give the speech, things to do to calm your nerves, stuff like that. He really understood how to make the classroom have a very open feel- in both of the classes that I took, the lectures were awesome because people would constantly be asking questions or making comments. His office hours are the best help ever, and he is always willing to help with anything, from delivery to research. Just get through the first one or two days of class and you get through the worst part- he calms down a lot after that. Great class, I would recommend it to anyone.

General Ed
Dec 2003
This class sucks! He achualy wants you to reserch for EACH speech you give. And then he grades you down if you dont remember your all the information about your sources. He seams to think that students here should do speeches the way you should in medical or law school. Also, he gets annoyed at peoploe who dont think the class is important. Avoid this guy, no one wants to listen to someone whose bald and ugly talk about something as lame as speech. GET A LIFE!

General Ed
Feb 2004
A very good class. I learned a lot from him. I had to do a lot of work, but my speaking ability has improved, as well as my writing. I would recommend him for people who seriously want to be able to speak better in front of audiences.

CM 126

General Ed
Apr 2008
Class starts out weird, I didnt no what to expect, but he tells you this. By the end most of it starts to make sense. Overall a good general class that helps you lern to research and learn to be a good student.

General Ed
Jun 2008
I had no idea that a ge coarse would be so hard to get thru. This was unbeleevable. To much writing and to much reading to make it fun. he talks about how hard college should be so that you can learn but really if we wanted to learn this much we would be at a differnt school like stanferd or berkly not cal poly. Avoid his class its to hard and not worth it if you just want to learn a job like most of us at cal poly. he should not teach here, in my opinion. to tests and papers and a speech, this was communication not philosophy or writing class.

COMS 126

General Ed
Mar 2012
Skiles is an excellent lecturer and teaches Coms better than most of the professors here, which is why its hard to believe he's only a lecturer. His class is designed to expand on information learned from Coms 101 or 102 and he does a great job doing exactly that. You write about 6 short essays (2-3 pages) on videos you watch in class and if you follow his instructions you can get A's on all of them. Then you have one controversy speech on any topic you choose and one Lincoln-Douglas style debate with a partner on any topic you choose. There's no midterm, but there's a final on in-class notes and readings. This class isn't offered during Spring Quarter but it's worth waiting for if you can get Skiles as a teacher.

SCM 126

General Ed
Mar 2003
Wow! His 126 class isn't easy, but it IS eye-opening. The material you use in order to advocate or argue this or that position is incredible. There is a fairly serious workload for the three speeches you're expected to do, but if you're lucky, they will be spaced far enough apart that it's not a big deal. He really is one of about two professors in my short time at calpoly that have made me love college. He's straightforward about what he wants, both in class and his office hours, and very helpful. If you're in this class just to take a GE and have it over with, you might learn something by accident. If you take this class to learn something, you'll learn more than you thought you would. Skiles will challenge the hell out of the way you think, then challenge you some more, just for good measure. If you're at calpoly to expand as a person, take this class.

General Ed
Jul 2003
If you want to actually learn anything about speech in anyway at all, don't take this teacher. If you want an easy B, take him. He seems like he hates teaching so he lets the class have it easy in a way. Quarter by quarter, he lowers his requirments to "improve quality"... BULL! He lowers his requirements because it's less work for him. He grades you on how he likes you. If he likes you, you most likely will receive the same grade on everything, even though each assignment (of the 4!) has completely different effort put forth for it. I did good on an essay - B...I did HORRIBLE on the next paper- B. and he knew how much it sucked anyway. Aw well, all I can say is stay on his good side and its an easy grade. And watch out he's always stressed. He's going to have a heart attack any day...( but he is a good dresser )

General Ed
Jul 2004
Awsome teacher. He's very demandind though. Our class had to write 4 papers back to back for the first half of the quarter. Then you have to do a 8 minute speech on whatever and a "Crossfire" style debate. You have to research your ass off and do "argument briefs" which suck. He's a great teacher and really commands the classes' attention. It seems like he knows everything. If you enjoy being challenged, then take him for SCOM 126. (p.s. he's funny and has a Bob Marley poster in his office so he's got to be cool)

General Ed
Jun 2005
skiles is a very nice guy. his grading is pretty simple. His policy is no more than 4 absences. but if you talk to him about missing classes ahead of time he tries his best to work something out. he shows a lot of videos which are fun, but he also requires you to write a paper on each video; which means if you miss class you miss the video + the hw assignment. homework load is mediocre and not difficult, at most you spend 30 minutes on those video paper assignemtns. There is one big paper/speech that requires intense research. his tests are straight foward and easy.

General Ed
Aug 2008
this class is pretty easy and straight forward. you only have to do one speech at the end of the quarter and as long as you know what your talking about and follow the format he gives you, you will get a good grade. you have to write like 6 papers but as long as you follow the format he gives you they are really easy. you watch a bunch of videos, take notes on them and write papers. kinda boring but he tells u exactly what to do.

SPC 126

General Ed
Mar 2003
Skiles is the man. (No...not just because I got an A, I worked my ass off)The other bad evaluations on here is crap (as Skiles would say.."bullshit")because he is the most intelligent professor, and should be given more respect than the other evals. Anyways, he is really rad. The way his class is set up is to make you work hard, but if you do more than the required amount asked of you, you will get a good grade. You do have to spend a lot of time researching and stuff, but it definitely pays off. I learned a lot, and his class made me look at worldly issues differently then when I entered the class. Skiles offers lots of additional help if you don't understand an assignment, and will point you in the right direction if you go see him in his office hours. You will soon find out he is sooo smart with everything, so don't try to be tricky and do the minimum in his class. He picks up on everything, even when you don't attend class!! Take him, you will learn a lot of valuable things that will carry you through life.

General Ed
Apr 2003
Take Skiles. Not only is the man sooooo smart, but he is a rad guy. He is down to earth, cusses in class and makes your projects meaningful to today's society. This was a great class to get around ENG 145. I hate writing, so if you are a person like me...take Skiles. HE IS THE SHIT!

General Ed
Apr 2003
Skiles is a pretty good professor. His bark is worse than his bite, but he does require a lot of hardcore research. He also sometimes grills students in front of class and has a quick kind of edgy personality. He is slow at getting work back to you, I made three speeches and only found out the grade on one. He's pretty young too and went to Cal Poly himself. So overall he is a pretty good guy, but the class is kinda tough.

General Ed
Jul 2003
Grow up! Skiles can help you learn a lot about speech if YOU actually DO the work. As a returning student it sucked to see how may people don't take his class seriously. College is not about teachers "liking" you or making things easy for you. You get the grade you earn in Skiles's class. If you fuck up and don't listen or don't do the required work or underestimate him (which is easy to do cuz he's young) then you'll get a passing grade but not a good one. He really is a professor who you have to earn your A's from. Make a choice if you take him, either do the work and learn a lot or buy your passing grade and shut up. Too bad this guy doesn't like his job more, would you if you had to deal with the students attitudes?

General Ed
Dec 2003
I HATE SPEECH!! I'm scared to death of making speeches. Skiles helped me improve to the point that I wasn't crying before I made a speech. #1-Anytime you need help he is willing to meet with you, so take advantage of it. #2-FOLLOW THE GUIDELINES-he gives for every speech-if he's asking for 4 peer-reviewed sources GIVE IT TO HIM if you don't-don't expect a good grade. You have to TRY to get a C in this class. He couldn't be more clear on what he wants from his students. #3-Show him the same respect he shows you. It's gotta be hard enough being a teacher at this school without disrespectful jerks like us.

General Ed
Jan 2004
Chris is one of the best teachers I have had at Cal Poly. He truly cares about his students. If you are having any problems finding information on a speech, or just need help he is ALWAYS there. He speaks clearly and gets straight to the point. If you follow his instructions, which are not difficult you can easily get a 'B'. With some more effort you can get an 'A'. He teaches you so much about researching and presenting material in a formal manner, and how to go about arguing something that you truly believe in. I would take his class over again if I could.

General Ed
Jul 2004
Okay, whoever wrote that he's fat and bald and ugly you're completely wrong and should go back to high school or maybe a junior college. Really, he's pretty hot and DEFINETLY dresses better than any other teacher Ive had at Cal Poly. But anyway teaching and learning are not really about how one looks. Looking back this guy was great! He's energetic about teaching, makes assignments that are meaningful and worth doing and makes what you learn relevant to your life. For me he helped me a lot as long as I did some work and showed a little interest in learning instead of just bitching about shit like I heard a lot of other people in my class do. He makes it clear that A's are hard to get and did not back down from that. I say take Skiles he's funny and entertaining and has charm and wit that makes going to class worthwile and are hard to come by here. His final is totally hard but unless your a dumbass and dont pay attention to his warnings you will do fine. Take him, its worth it to get the GE out of the way and you might actually feel educationally challeneged like you should at a university.

General Ed
Jul 2004
Quick note: I just finished my first year in law school and, honestly, Skiles was the most influential professor I had at Cal Poly. He demands argument briefs which I thought were a waste of time until I got to law school. Believe me, he knowd what he's talking about. More than any other GE course at Poly, and more than most of my political science courses really, his class prepared me to succeed in law school. He demands a lot of work, but gives back equally as much if you know what really makes for good teaching. If you want to do something meaningful with your life after Cal Poly, then you should definetly take him. If you want to complain about learning, then avoid him. Looking back, he was a top-notch professor who I'm glad I had the opportunity to work with.

General Ed
Nov 2004
He missed class once and it completely messed up the schedule. Grading standards are WAY TOO HIGH for a GE class here. He's very demanding and if you miss something he wont explain it again. Not a good teacher but he would be a good boss to work for because he can work with you if you know what to do. Otherwise forget it, the class asks too much for a GE. Take someone else, avoid this guy.

General Ed
Nov 2004
He's mean and unflexible about his ridiculous assignments.

General Ed
Nov 2004
In my time at Cal Poly so far I can honestly say that Skiles is the best professor around. He can capture a class' attention for the entire 2 hour period and you won't even know he's lecturing. He's smart and funny and passionate about teaching, and yeah there's homework and assignments that have to be done... but it's college... you're supposed to be learning, and I promise if you take SCOM from Skiles, you'll definitely learn!

General Ed
Dec 2004
Dont take skiles!!!!!!!!!! He thinks college should be to education not party and hang out. If your idea of learning is reading a lot and haveing to prepare arguements only for the class to tell you how conservative you are than you might like this. But if your like me and your not here to learn to right better and speak good in speeches than your better avoid him. His assignments are hard to understand and takea long time to do. My other friends had other teachers and did not do close to as much work as i did. Tests are impossible. It seemed like the hole class likeded it but trust me it was bad.

General Ed
Mar 2005
Skiles is an amazing teacher. He definitely gets the class involved and can really hold the attention of college students for two hours. He runs this class a little different every quarter depending on current events and what does and does not work. You WILL have to work your butt off...because you really need to know the topic that you are presenting or debating. RESEARCH is the key to this class. However, Chris will help you if you need it. And if you do not know what direction to take in your speech, he will give good advice and he will even help organize your ideas. Chris is a great, easy-going guy, who does, indeed, help those who need it. If you want to take a class that is challenging, interesting, fun, and discusses issues that should matter to college students in a public university, then take this class from this teacher.

5th Year Senior
General Ed
Jun 2005
My perspective is a little different than people below, only because I was older than everyone else in my class (26 vs. 18 or 19). He makes class about what could be a boring topic, argument, pretty exciting and interesting. Definitely an intellectual, so if you can't appreciate or understand witty humor, then you may not get as much out of his lectures. Which, by the way are awesome! Two hours went by very quickly and the way he covers material is amazing because concepts that you would think are only relevant to speech and communication students become very relevant and obvious outside of his class. The only problem is that he should lecture more and have less student presentations. His assignments are hard and only a handful of people in my section took them seriously, so you end up haveing to listen to some pretty stupid shit that doesn't meet the assignment. If you take his class, follow directions so that the other people in the class don't have to listen to shitty speeches. His energy, personality and looks (not bad, at all, for a teacher) definitely add up. HE'S HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

5th Year Senior
General Ed
Jul 2005
Moderated Comment
What an awesome prof. He lectures well.

General Ed
Aug 2005
Nice previous review....glad to see that students at Cal Poly are so professional. Despite teaching at what he commonly refers to as a "Vo-tech dressed up as a university" Chris is a very good teacher. He's (sort of) young and as a result needs more time teaching to iron out some of his shortcomings. But, he is a very enthusiastic teacher who knows a lot about a lot of information and issues. As a teacher he is clear about what he teaches, about what he expects and about what role education he thinks education should play in peoples life. Take him seriously, he grades very tough on written work and on his exams which are not easy. Finally take his advice about begininning work early 'cuz if you wait till the last minute the work is overwhelming and almost impossible to do right. Good luck, you'll learn a lot and have fun doing it in his course.

General Ed
Nov 2005
WARNING: do not take this class. IF your like me and its you 1st year here dont take it. Two reeerch papers with ruff drafts each and two speeches when the ENTIRE class asks you questions. The midterm was impossible everyone I talked to in my class got Cs. Someone in my hall has Mehl for SCOM 126 and she doesnt do half the amount of work. To much work for a ge focus on your major instead.

General Ed
Dec 2005
I think Skiles is a good person but he is TERRIBLE as a teacher. He is disorganized and has no sense of humor. He is always late. He returns papers late and speechs late to. He may be friendly but that is all. He definetly NOT hot, unless you like bald old fat guys.

General Ed
Dec 2005
The class isn't the best thing ever, but its not the worst thing either. It's a GE class, so its just sort of is. Skiles is a very understanding and chill prof. he was reasonable when I had problem turning things in on time but not rude or mean in anyway. THere was a lot of reading at first but it aid off and balanced out toward the middle ane end of the quarter. His tests were challenging but not impossible. All in all, one of the more enjoyable profs. I've had--made learning about argument pretty cool and gave us a lot of freedom to do what we wanted to on out topics. Not the best but a very good class. ALso, because he said he reads these: don't give up, Chris--you're a good, more energetic and supportive than most prof. we need more like you!!!)

General Ed
Jul 2008
Expects a lot of work and can be pretty intense at times. But, this is college so it makes sense. Very cool case studies about the environment, global warming, political ethics, energy policy, and Holocaust denial. I learned a lot about how to think about issues that effect us and how to do research. Definitely reccomed his class!!

General Ed
Sep 2010
Skiles is one of my favorite teachers at Cal Poly. He is clear and straightforward about how to succeed in his class. His assignments take a lot of work but are worth it. I\'m not a great speaker but his suggestions for how to speak better really helped. Be prepared to work hard!

SCM 146

General Ed
Sep 2004
I just wanted to give an opposing view than the below ratings. Although i though skiles was a pretty cool guy, i didnt like the class one bit. I found it to be an overwhelming amount of work for a GE. You will spend hours upon hours researching through hundred page articles. He has toughed his grading policy so if you are looking for an easy A, he is not the guy. I worked my butt off and couldnt get an A. All in all he is a young and extremly smart guy but the class is overratted.

COMS 201

Required (Major)
Nov 2017
He gave clear guidelines, and the class is pretty easy. It was also pretty boring and Skiles always seems like he didn't want to be there/he was bored.

SPC 201

General Ed
Jun 2003
Here's the deal... Professor Skiles was a fun, energetic, and wonderful teacher! He put forth every effort to help students do well! All you have to do is show up at his office hours for help when you are having trouble, and you are golden. You ARE expected to put in some work, but from what I saw it was minimal compared to other classes. Research takes the most time, but it is an integral part of the class. I looked forward to going to this class every day... my class was close and everyone was good pals by the end. Great professor, fair grading, fun class. Couldn't ask for more!

COMS 226

Nov 2013
This is the first review I have ever written because I truly believe Skiles deserves it. He is a fantastic professor and really knows his stuff. The class has a lot of work but if you put effort into it and get involved, it will not seem like work at all. The final debate is a lot of preparation work but he grades fairly, even though my team didn't even win the argument. Skiles values the respect of his students and is an amazing addition to Cal Poly's staff. If you ever have the opportunity to take this class, or any other class of his for that matter, I would reccomend it in a heartbeat. A CLASS YOU WILL ACTUALLY USE IN YOUR FUTURE. Thank you Skiles!

SPC 226

Required (Major)
Oct 2008
Wow! Never thought I'd be infatuated with a teacher, but he is so amazingly smart and nice! Really helps you think about the world in new ways. Definelty recommend him for class!

Required (Major)
Dec 2008
Alright, so the first couple of weeks of lecture, I reaaaally wasn't sure about this class. He is a very, very smart man and a very, very good speaker. Not understanding what the hell he was talking about, half of the time just made me feel beyond stupid. However, he makes you think and reexamine the way you spend your time: staying ignorant versus learning about important actualities--not Oprah admits to getting fat actualities--but, for example, how politicians use their political rhetoric, opening your mind to both sides of an issue and not just thinking in a biased manner...the importance of staying informed... First couple of weeks he gave lectures/showed videos and half way through the quarter we were assigned two papers/speeches. Then we had the final and that was it. He wants you to do well and is a very chill instructor. I really recommend taking his class.

Required (Major)
Dec 2008
Chrisk Skiles does not care about teaching at poly anymore. He was ALWAYS late to class and missed a bunch with no warning. Frankly, he may be smart but his inability to connect with the morons I had in my class was staggering. No one did the reading, there was only 2 speeches, which he didnt even grade past page 2, and the final was a letter to the editor. He gave A's to the young bimbo blonds who couldn't even tell you what advanced argumentation meant. He wants to go back to law school he says, well get over it. I am not paying 550 dollars for a bullshit class which had no structure, grading rubric, and really any fore thought at all. Worse class I have ever had because it was a total waste of time...all those posts from girls infatuated...please. Skiles may want to come off like the creme de la creme of academia but hes just a drunk who needs to work on his priorities. I will be making a complaint over this class when school starts up again.

Required (Major)
Dec 2008
Unlike the other person who wrote about this class, I thought it was great. And, no, I'm not blonde, female, or infatuated. Skiles treated the class as adults--you are responsible for being productive not him. I thought the reading load was a bit heavy at times, but he was understanding about people not being able to read it all in one shot. Like he said, we have the rest of our time here to read or re-read articles if we didn't get to them. Its odd but a fact of life that what one person hates another enjoys. If you have to take this elective, its a good class to take. He doesn't tell you everything he wants you to tell him back and call it learning, save that for other professors in our department. Good class, good instructor, IMO.

Required (Major)
Mar 2009
Very unorganized. Boring and inconsiderate.

Required (Support)
Jun 2011
Tons of work. First half of the quarter you are required to turn in an essay every class. Very informative. You'll leave learning something. Fairly easy grader. The final is comprehensive but the easiest thing I have ever taken.

Required (Major)
Jun 2011
A VERY labor-intensive class... Like the person below said, we had to turn in a paper (most which required outside research) every class period for the first few weeks. We then had a controversial speech and a debate, both which required a TON of research, and be prepared to be grilled by questions. The debate is actually really fun, I thought. Basically, what you get out of the class is what you put into it. Skiles is SUPER helpful- I would definitely take advantage of his office hours, especially before a speech. He's extremely knowledgeable and will help you with your research. I have to disagree with what the person below said about the final- that was the worst grade I got in the class- my friends and I all got C's on it, but that could have just been us... After all the work you put into this class, I'd say the outcome is very rewarding. Just know that it is NOT going to be easy!

SPC 250

Required (Major)
Feb 2004
Lame class. Skiles is okay but the work is dumb and a lot to do for only 2 units. Except for debators and professors no one cares about this stuff.

Mar 2004
Chris Skiles... This guy is something else. Listen he may look like he wants to kill someone when he walks into class, but he doesn't really. He's a nice intelligent guy. I say he's a staunch liberal but he would dissagree. Not that it matters in a speech class. He is a great lecturer, and understands the material better than most Prof's I've had. This man has alot of knowledge. Just ask him questions and you'll see what I mean. Of course his vocab is such that you won't understand what the heck he is saying most of the time.Bottom line. Take Chris. If your cool with him he's cool with you. Totally flexible. He likes musical theater, so bring up "Rent" and your in.

Required (Major)
Feb 2007
Heard bad stories about this class. Take him for it. Its a lot of work in a short amount of time but not hard or ridiculous. I dont undertand why its scene as such a bad class. Hes cool, its not bad really. Made to be worse by people talking about it then it reeally is.

Required (Major)
May 2008
Skiles is chill about teeching the dumbest class we have to take. He lecutres and focuses on the important ideas but is resasonable about this class. No one cares about debate but he makes it seem ok and is understanding about how unncessary the class is. You still have to do work but its not bad and hes cool about deadlines.

Required (Major)
Mar 2011
If you are a comms major, you have to take the class. Skiles is a pretty cool dude and loves debate. The first week of class is kinda intimidating. he talks really fast about terms you have never heard of. the time slot is awkward, but bearable. When he can, skiles will let you out early. you are not judges on how well you debate or whether you win or lose just that you showed up. BUT you cannot miss a debate. I did and got screwed. In a class where everyone gets an A, I got a B . So go to class. Besides the initial shock the class is bearable. you will do a lot of research and a lot of searching. This class does take some initial effort to pull together sources of information. When you are in a debate and are being judged, the atmosphere is really relaxed. the judges are from the 350 class and they hate to be there as much as you do. So its good, you both just get it over with. Sometimes you might get caught up in the debate and the argument to where it is fun. Take the class, as long as you are there --you should get an A.

COMS 350

Required (Major)
Jun 2016
Skiles is one of my favorite professors at Cal Poly because he is a very intelligent individual and he is able to take his abundant knowledge and present it to students in a very clear, relatable manner. Although it takes him a while to grade the annotated bibs/feedback, once he returns it, your work is well-marked up with thoughtful commentary that I have found very helpful when writing up my next assignment. Skiles is also a very laidback, kind person who does his best to help his students succeed.

Required (Major)
Feb 2017
Skiles is a good guy and a good professor. But, this class is kinda a bummer. This class is set up in a way where no one takes it seriously and there is no accountability. COMS 350 was clearly Skiles "back-burner" class and it was disappointing. This class is easy and can be tacked on with a usual class load. I like Skiles, but I didn't like the way he taught this class.

Required (Major)
Feb 2018
Skiles is literally the human embodiment of Google. This man knows everything. He's insanely intelligent and informed, and having him as a professor was a real treat. He's also super punk rock and easy to talk to about anything and everything.

COMS 385

Jan 2013
I believe Professor Skiles to be one of the most inspiring instructors on campus. I am not a COMS major, I happened to take his class as an elective and am very grateful that I did. He pushes you to dig deeper, to critically analyze and question the influx of images and texts that we receive everyday from advertisements, television and music. You leave the class with a greater awareness, a more receptive perspective. COMS 385 is a rewarding course if you genuinely decide to undertake the prescribed workload of readings/question sets and papers. All and all I would recommend this course and this professor.

SPC 385

Feb 2004
this is without a doubt one of he most mind opening classes i have had.

Required (Major)
Oct 2004
THis class was great because it opened my mind to ways of looking at the media that you don't hear in other communication classes. His teaching style is not like other profs in the department so that could through you off if your used to having professors tell you everything exactly the way they want it to be on the test like most of our classes. Lectures were intense but very good and funny and I had to study really hard for the exams but I learned a lot. Be warned though he does assign a lot of reading and it is hard to do but worthwhile anyway. I'm doing my senior project on the paper I wrote for this class so obvioulsy it was a good class.

Required (Major)
Sep 2006
Very smart and hot! Knows a lot and is very cool. Hard final but is good and changes his curve. Papers are hard and lectures are tough but worhtwhile. Youll definatley learn a lot. Great class, great prof but don't expect an easy grade

Dec 2006
If cal polys motto is "learn by doing," then his is "learn by reading." Since when do classes here have you read 30 or more pages every nite. Dont get me wrong, he really knows his shit and is good at explaining hard concepts, but the work is to much. This isnt a school like UCLA or USC its meant to be practical not philosophical. Two papers and two apllication logs and a final (if you dont study youre screwed). Overall good material, good teacher, bad grading.

Required (Major)
Dec 2006
This is the ONLY professor in Comm Studies who challenges students. Yes, he demands a lot but it is clear and what we college students should be doing. He doesnt make class simple and just "fun". His class is hard and needs a lot of work and research and you have to read a lot. His lectures build on what your supposed to have read, he doesnt provide cliff notes for you but wants you to read and then explains it in easy to understand ways. He grades hard on papers, theres no BS about that. He will teach you to work hard, if you dont want to do that than take Duffys class or mcdemits class instead. If you want to be challenged and work hard and learn a lot than take his class!

Required (Major)
Dec 2006
Good teacher hard class. 2 papers and a hardass final. 2 logs that are meaningless. Doesnt fit at cal poly, he needs to be at a different school becuz hes way more insense than we need.

Required (Major)
Feb 2007
I was unsure at first because he seems a bit to hard but by the end I realized it was the only real class that made me want to learn about communication in our department. Not an easy class but is very worth it. If you think duffy makes you think and learn, try skiles, hes jsut as good but the material is better. His class deals with tv movies and music. much more relavent than policiticans speches. A great class!

Required (Major)
Apr 2007
Hard class but hes cool. The work is a lot but good. Hard tests but not bad just hard.

Required (Major)
May 2007
Y is he here @ calpoly? Teaches more like a hardcore school. 30 to 50 pages a night is way too much here. Dude, be more like Duffy and jsut chill at least that way people will stay in your class.

Required (Major)
May 2007
I'm conflicted because Skiles is truly a nice guy, but during the entirety of the quarter I felt like I didn't learn as much as I could have from him. I was bummed that he ignored some of the better students in the class to play down to the idiots who lacked serious scholarly judgment. However, he's a great resource and he'll help students whenever he can (if only he would utilize his extra time to educate his students collectively so he wouldn't have to answer so many damn questions during office hours). He truly cares about his students, and he's all about giving them opportunity but given how lazy and stupid our majors are its amazing hes willing to teach uper-division courses. He REALLY should be at a campus where people want to learn more from him.

Required (Major)
Jun 2007
This is quite an eye-opening class. It is hard and, as a Journalism Major, I was a bit worried at first. In the end, though, I found this to be an AWESOME class. The communication students are pretty whiny and ridiculous, but Skiles is great. I learned a lot about what he calls "humanisitic inquiry vs. social science inquiry" but thats because i did the reading not like most people in the class. Very good class, could have been a bit more interactive but really he strikes a nice balance between talking about readings, showing video clips that relate to the readings, and being relaxed. Even though he knows people do not read everything he is pretty good about getting people to read without being to over the top about readoing everything. Lots of writning but tests were easy. I would recomend that many people should take it!