Kennedy, Euel  



8 evaluations

MATH 141

Required (Support)
Jan 2003
This teacher failed miserably. He couldn't speak coherently if his life depended on it. No, its not becuase of a foreign accent, its more of a slurring, mumbling kind of thing. He speaks kindof the way elderly alcoholics do. Oh! Wait! Maybe he is an elderly alcoholic?!? Maybe that explains the TWELVE year "break" he took from teaching? Anyway, I took Calculus in high school, and passed the AP test, so I got by alright, however I left this class much more confused about math than when I entered it. DON'T TAKE THIS CLASS!!!

Required (Major)
Feb 2003
Kennedy knew his Calculous Well!! But if you take him be prepared to learn a new language. maybe it is a couple of generation gaps or something but the vocabulary he uses to try to clarify/explain steps or questions just confuse you further. I already took calc in high school, i knew what he was trying to clarify to other students but the words he used just didn't speak to anyone, left them more confused. He doesn't collect homework, so make sure you are motivated to do it yourself. the quizes are all homework problems. he is quite the character though, you'd just have to see. the class is survivable.

Required (Support)
Mar 2003
Well, I'll be straight with you kids. Kennedy is a nice and genuine man, but that don't cut nuthin if the man can't teach the friggin class!!! He gets nervous in the lecture, like he will wipe his mouth with the chalk on accident (friggin hilarious). He does assign homework, but he does not collect it; which is exactly why I did not get the grade I felt I should have had. I truly believe you need a teacher who assigns and collects homework and make it part of your grade, it's kinda like a support net if you know what I mean. He gives a quiz every week, and three hard midterms. I basically failed the midterms and got C's on the quizzes. I studied my ass off 4 straight weeks for the final, ended up acing it, and ended up passing the class You have a choice: be lazy to do the homework b/c it's not collected and end up working harder than you need to just to pass the class, or you can take a professor who collects homework where you are obligated to study. You ask me, take a teacher who makes your homework part of your grade.

MATH 142

Required (Support)
Dec 2002
This class started out OK, primarily cause i had been taught all the material up to the first midterm. So I did well on the first mid term. From then on out I was lost. I did all the homework. I thought I understood most of the material, I was wrong. His second midterm questions were much harder then the homework problems that he had given. His final was worse. Much much harder. And to my knowledge, he doesn't curve. He might have at the final grade, but I doubt it. But he does do some stuff that is to your advantage. If you are taking kennedy and math comes easy to you but you are lazy, Kennedy is your man. He doesn

Required (Support)
Jan 2003
Kennedy was a very nice guy and overall, a decent professor. Despite his twelve year break, he seemed to know calculus very well. (He did teach, just not math.) He taught the material well, and though I had taken calc BC in high school, I learned new techniques. He doesn't collect homework, and the quizzes are weekly on Fridays straight from the homework. However, his midterms increase in difficulty, and lead up to the climax, the final. Though he taught the material well, every test was horrendously hard, especially the final, which I thought everyone failed, including myself. If you have discipline, and also like a laid-back atmosphere that is very lenient, I recommnend him. However, if you cannot learn without practice and must be pushed, take someone else.

Required (Support)
Jan 2003
I strongly recommend this professor. well.. First of all, his quizes and tests are pretty easy. They were all based on homework problems. He doesn't collect homework but if you do them, you can be sure that you'll be fine. He also goes over homework problems and doesnt skip any steps.

Required (Major)
Jul 2003
This guy sucks! Do not take him, he shouldn't even be teaching anymore. He doesn't understand students and explains things for shit! When going over problems he doesn't even fully do them, you have to figure out half the stuff on your own. I really reccomend not taking him

HUM 318

General Ed
Nov 2016
What the guy/gal below said. Amen. I too took this class and have long since graduated from Poly, but I was cruising Poly Ratings for a kick and thought that I should pipe in and let you know how much of a joke this prof is.