Slayter, Erik  



71 evaluations

AGB 214

Required (Major)
Dec 2008
Coarse was much harder than it needed to be. The class average was around a D. He likes adding extra information to trick the students. Great guy but the class was brutal. I am surprised after taking him how high his ratings were.

Required (Support)
Jan 2009
Professor Slayter is extremely helpful and uses in-class sample questions to make sure you understand the lesson. His mid-terms were very fair, they included MC and hand written problems. The Final was very similar to the comprehensive project you do in lab. Overall he is a really nice guy and is very willing to help during office hours. And he is very quick when answering e-mails.

Required (Major)
Jan 2009
Awesome teacher, one of the best I have had at Poly. Organized teaching, and overall a cool guy. I definitely will take him again if I have the opportunity

Required (Major)
Mar 2009
Yeah, Slayter really is the Dude. No doubt about it. His tests are super straight forward. I found that accounting just came sort of naturally to me, so I really spent minimal time studying and didn't really do any homework for the second half of the quarter when i realized i was easily going to get an A. Other people definitely have more trouble with the class, but I think if you ask him for help and do the homework as well as the reading AND go to class (shocking I know) you will get the help you need, he's very approachable, plus uses AIM and Google Talk, has a phone number for you to call, and answers emails promptly. He uses the clickers to take attendance and get feedback on what the class understands which is cool, just don't forget your clicker (or forget to go to class, haha). Also, don't forget to do the blackboard quizes (oops!). Lab is cool because you get to practice all the stuff you learn a lot and he goes over everything before you turn it in, which cleared up any confusion I may have had. There is a big project and it's really not that bad, but don't put it off to the last minute. It takes a lot of time and if you do it piece by piece it is much more manageable that doing it in just a couple of sittings. Plus, you can take it to him and ask him to look it over if you are having trouble. Oh, and often there are exams on the due dates so you don't want to be up until 4 finishing your project when you should be studying up on the chapter. Slayter gets an A+ for teaching, A+ for personality, and A+ for...well...he deserves a third one: he's that awesome.

Required (Major)
Apr 2009
this guy sucks, do not believe what you read. He mocks students, makes the simplest of math accounting seem impossible, and he thinks he is the shit because he is an accountant. He makes you sign up for aplia which costs 70, and if you want the real book it costs another 80-120. He is lazy and if you miss a deadline then good luck unless your a good looking female. I can see where these others are coming from, but I'm telling you this is the worst i have had at poly besides the Russian lady.

Required (Major)
May 2009
This guy makes youd do so much busy work with accounting. Why people like it I have no idea. He uses an online program with assigments every week that take 5 hours sometimes more. Very easy material if you want to spend hours and hours subtracting and adding. He makes something easy into so much work you wouldn't believe. Expects you to know Xcel and your grade will suffer if you don't. If you like pointless mind numbing busy work than you will love this guy, and you will love accounting. nazi stickler on due date

Required (Major)
Feb 2011
Professor Slayter was great at teaching the material and making sure we actually understand whats going on. If accounting is hard for you don't take him but i loved him! He expects a lot from his students though so if you want an A you REALLY need to work for it

Required (Major)
Nov 2011
All the people who said AGB 214 was difficult below me must be retarded. Sure there is a lot of homework, but your guaranteed 100% if you do the practice problem because it TELLS YOU EXACTLY HOW TO DO IT. If you do the homework, the tests are way easier and you will be basically guaranteed an A or B. He's the tightest teacher I have had at Cal Poly and if you cant handle a reasonable amount of homework in the first place I'm astonished you're still here. Take Slayter. He knows what he's doing.

Required (Major)
Jun 2012
slaytdawg was aight. Had to put in the effort to get the high results. This class will consume some time, but manageable if your a good student.

Required (Major)
May 2013
Slayter is a good guy. This class isn't a joke, you have to work to get a good grade. He uses a flipped course (lectures online, homework and questions in class) and for me it didn't work well. I sometimes question the effort he puts into the class because the way it's run allows for him to do the least amount of work possible. If you're ok with teaching yourself the material I would take him because he is fair and cares about his students (helpfu during office hours), but if you need a teacher that actually teaches the material in class I would stay clear of slayter

Required (Major)
Apr 2014
Bothe Slayter and Roy did a terrible job with there new class format. They made online videos that you have to pay for instead of normal lecture. I went to office hours very frequently and attended class all the time but the teachers would only help the first person or two during the whole period and you would waste an entire period by just waiting to get help. Everything that was taught on the videos and in the work books were very vague when it came to the online tests. Anothere stupid thing about this class is that you take the tests online in a specific class room during certain times of the week and I was only aloud to attend the tuesday test taking lab since i had other classes during the other testing days. So if i failed a test i would have to wait an entire week to retake it and it automatically put me behind. When i asked the teachers if there was another time i could take the tests the said"no" . All in all the teachers took a very lazy route to teach a class because they barely do anything and it shows because multiple kids failed this course not because of lack of effort but because of how poorly the class is taught and structured .

Required (Major)
Feb 2015
Slayter really wants everyone to do well and knows what he is doing. His class is kind of a "backwards" way of teaching, but I actually prefer it. There is no midterm and no final. You work at your own pace by watching the video lecture notes online and doing your workbook in class (workbook is not collected nor graded, but is very beneficial). Tests are to be taken during multiple lab times that are offered whenever you are prepared to take them. I highly suggest trying to get ahead of the suggested schedule that he has prepared because 1) you can finish the course early and not have to worry about it for the end of the quarter, and 2) at the end of the quarter, everyone who slacked earlier in the quarter is trying to catch up and it becomes more difficult to have test times. Overall, my favorite professor by far.

Required (Major)
Apr 2015
If you are choosing between Rusty or Erik, take Erik. I've had them both. I'm not going to rip on Rusty, but I'm just going to say this. 1) this class is a flipped class 2) flipped means, lectures online, work in class 3) lectures are online videos -> ERIK is the ones instructing/narrating/teaching you in the videos Do you understand what I am getting at? You want things to line up! Think of it like taking a science class; usually you're gonna want the professor in lecture as your lab instructor so shit makes sense. RUSTY Real sweet guy, but he is an accountant year-round so he will explain things to you HIS "accounty" way; it works...but it's like learning how to do one thing... two ways. And hey: maybe his way will work for you, maybe it will not, and maybe it's just more information you don't need. ERIK Great great guy. He really likes a study that puts in some effort, so go to his office hours if that is more helpful than going to actual class. He can really pinpoint exactly what mistakes students are making and can explain things a thousand ways until you understand it by at least one of those ways. Just like you want to be successful, he wants you to be successful. THE CLASS It's flipped. You got lectures and an activity. Don't freak out that lecture is at 7:40am because attendance is optional! You take ten tests. That's it. No final, no midterm, no busy work, no nuttin'! But you gotta stay on top of your shit. There is a suggested schedule given out on the first day of class, follow it or get ahead of it-- but don't fall behind it! This class is ten chapters, ten tests, ten "sets" of videos (each video is between 5 minutes to 25 minutes). You can RETAKE a single test as many times as you want to get a desired score but a 75% is the minimum to pass onto the next chapter test! Activity times, you can pop in whenever, but towards the end of the quarter when everyone is cramming to finish, the activity computer lab will get full and you will be limited to only your assigned activity time. AVOID FAILURE/GET AHEAD: You have the capacity to finish this class in four to six weeks. Yes, that means you will be down to four less units in the middle of the damn quarter. if that does not sound like sweet sweet magic to you I don't know what is. How do you get ahead? Biggest tip: doing more than one chapter in a day. Chapters 1 - 4 are all about the accounting cycle, if you really really really understand that first one then go on the second and knock out those first two chapters in the first day! Then do 3 and 4 the next day! Chapter 7, 8, and 9 are tricky so pay close attention and really ask questions in his office hours or class! Chapter 10 is a doozie. At first you're going to think all you know and love about accounting is gone or everything you hate about accounting is only reinforced. But just sit down and relax because it should click after the third time of retaking the test. MAKE SURE YOU PASS (75% at least) ALL 10 TESTS OR YOU WILL FAIL. I had friends who only finished tests 9 or 8 of the 10 chapter tests and though they had 97% on every tests, because they did not take all of them and pass with at least a 75% they ended up with a D which is really disappointing. SO: don't fall behind AND make sure you pass all 10! GOOD LUCK

Required (Major)
Mar 2017
All lectures are online. You watch the lectures then take notes on the lectures and attempt an online test in his lab times. He invites everyone to go to his labs 4 times a week and his 4 classes a week. You do not have to attend class. Only reason I got an A- is because I took a test every single day, if you do not take a test everyday you most likely won't get an A. Great guy, super nice and is open to helping you. You can also retake his tests as many times as you want, so getting a good grade is 100% on you, super do able. Take it with Slayter.

Required (Major)
Apr 2017
Professor Slayter was one of the best I've had at Cal Poly. He made accounting a very enjoyable and doable class. His class is set up in the best way possible. All you have to do is watch his videos, complete the workbook that he created that is very well organized, and pass the ten test that correlates with the ten chapters that you studied. NO midterm, NO final. He allows you to retake the test as many times as possible to get the best score you can. He is also super helpful if you have any questions. As long as you stay on top of it and do your best to understand the material, you can earn an A in this class. Highly recommend.

Required (Major)
Oct 2017
This class is pretty hard to keep on top of but it's definitely manageable. I would for sure recommend buying the course pack, that was super helpful. If I failed a chapter test, I would go into the lecture period and Dr. Slayter would go through every question that I got wrong and explain why it was wrong and what was right. It's a flipped classroom but you can get as much help as you want. My biggest recommendations are to get started early and be prepared to take a test every available lab period so that you have time to go to the lectures if you fail.

Required (Major)
Feb 2019
The best professor at Cal Poly! He knows his stuff. He makes you learn the material, but is really fair. Office hours are very helpful!

Required (Major)
Mar 2020
What you need to know about the class: 1) Hybrid Class - Lectures online; tests are during the activity time. 2) You can take a test anytime during the times of the activity, and as many tests, as you want, but you are not allowed to take the same test on the same day. 3) The grading scale is off by 2%, so an A is a 100 - 95%, A- is 94.9 - 92%, etc. Gives incentive bonuses, so does not curve. 4) There is no set calendar that you HAVE to follow, it is on you to do the work. 5) Lecture IS NOT mandatory:) What you need to know about Slayter: Honestly, really liked Slayter. Very knowledgeable about Accounting and just a very easy person to talk to. He is very helpful in office hours and in lectures when you asked him to explain topics. Now, personally, I didn't think accounting was very hard, but I know many people in the class who really struggled, so it is just one of those subjects that comes easy for some and not so much for others. He gives you the coursepack for free so you don't have to buy it, but I personally found it helpful but it's up to you. My roommate didn't buy it and she got an A too, so it depends on what kind of learner you are. Anyway take Slayter, he's a g.

BUS 214

Required (Support)
Jun 2004
Slayter is a great teacher. He is always available and cares a lot about the success of his students. The comprehensive problem is very tough, start it right away! If you have trouble, Slayter is helpful, but doesn't give any easy answers. Otherwise, the class was great! I didn't mind getting up at 7am at all. Class was sometimes "optional" on Fridays, which was really nice. Go to class, take good notes, but most importantly, read and do the homework. Great class, but a lot of work!

Required (Major)
Jan 2005
Prof Slayter presents the material in a very clear manner. Even though its a 7AM class, its definately worth giving up a little sleep. He makes sure we learn the material that we need to know and is always willing to help and explain more.

Required (Major)
Dec 2005
Slayter is the man! He is an awesome guy and he teaches one class a quarter and works as an accountant outside of poly so he knows his stuff. He makes the material really easy to follow as he goes over all the reading in class as well as the assigned homework problems. There are some easy 5 point quizzes online for every chapter to rack up some points and there is a cumulative project which you do with a partner and is pretty simple (plus every class has to do the project). There are 2 midterms and a final. The midterms are mostly multiple choice and fairly simple if you follow along in class. The final he made all written similar to the project which I thought sucked but it wasnt too bad. He is always willing to help outside of class and even gives you his AIM and Cell to ask him questions. I highly recommend Slayter even at 7am in the morning!

Required (Major)
Dec 2005
Professor Slayter is a great professor. He highlights the important points of financial accounting and focuses on the aspects you will actually use down the road. His tests and quizzes are fair, and he is more than willing to help if you have any questions. He is one of the most approachable and friendly professors I have had at Cal Poly. I took BUS 214 from him at 7am and did not regret how early it was at all. It was well worth it. Read and go to class and you should be good to go. Great Professor.

Required (Major)
Dec 2005
Slayter is one of the best professors I have had here at poly. He teaches you accounting on a real world level and doesn't go on and on about random stuff. He is young and down to earth and willing to go out of his way to help students with anything. The tests and quizes are fair and he prepairs you for them quite well. The project isn't too bad with a partner and Slayter is more than willing to answer any questions. Getting up at 7am should not be an excuse to not take Slayter. This was a great class.

Required (Major)
Jan 2006
Prof Slayter was a great teacher. He presented everything very clearly. I think the best thing about him was how available he was. You could contact him with questions anytime of the day or night. He even went through the project with my partner and I, and while he couldn't tell us the answers, he will definitely let you know if you are on the right track or not. Just participate in class, or at least do you best considering he only teachers at 7am. But despite the early class, I'd take him again.

Required (Major)
Mar 2006
Slayter is a pretty good professor. He is always willing to help people out. His teaching style is more like high school teachers, since he doesn't use powerpoints but writes stuff on the board. This can make the class time consuming at times. Slayter only covers material he thinks is revelant and will skip the stuff he doesn't like. The 2 midterms and cumulative final are worth 79% of your grade. There is an accounting problem every BUS 214 class needs to do that is worth 10%. Quizes and participation make up the rest of your grade. Note that getting an A is difficult only because you need a 94%, which is higher than most classes. Ohterwise getting an A- or B+ (down to 90% and 87%) is much easier.

Required (Major)
Jun 2006
Even you are considering taking Slayter, I would highly suggest it. Yes, 7am is early. He doesn't keep track of who is there, but it really isnt bad. I think my class stayed past 8:30 once. He doesn't have any busy work nor does he make you learn anything that isnt relevant for exams, projects, or homework. The class requires minimal work. The final is intense, the mid-terms are easy if you study an hour or two. I would def take again even though it is 7am. He is a great guy.

Required (Major)
Jun 2006
Good teacher. 7am sucks...but he makes accounting easy and understandable.

Required (Major)
Jun 2006
What a treat this professor is. He is an account so he is incredibly knowledgeable. He is really easy going and fun, really understanding, and actually wants you to learn the material. No homework, just quizzes online (open book taken at home, really easy). The tests are hard if you don't know what you are doing, which is REALLY hard to do if you don't go to class and pay attention. He has a lot of information and he conveys it really well. I HIGHLY recommend taking this professor!

Required (Major)
Jun 2006
Nice guy, super available and helpful...tests are somewhat difficult

Aug 2006
Mr. Slayter was an AWESOME instructor and a genuinely good person. He made himself readily available for questions or concerns. The homework is relevant to what we need to know for the exams, so he would carefully select them. He is definitely more than fair when it comes to his grading. The Final is pretty extensive, very similar to the project, so study from prior exams as well as the project and you will do fine. Although his class is offered early, his sense of humor and thoroughness in his teaching made it worth it. One of the Best Instructors!!!

Required (Major)
Feb 2008
Great, great prof. Take him for sure! He teaches you all that you need to know in class and the class does so many examples in class that when the midterms come around there is little need to study. These are done with clickers, which makes class very interactive. We have weekly quizzes that are open book. They are just enough to force you to study along the way, but they aren't much of a burden on your time. No homework is collected, but he gives you a few suggested problems. Not only does he have a great teaching style, but he's fair. If you go to class and do what he tells you to, which isn't very much, you should be very successful.

Required (Major)
Apr 2008
Slayter is the man! He does such a great job at conveying his knowledge of accounting to his students. I admit I was not looking forward to taking BUS 214 but after his class I am now concentrating in accounting. He makes himself available to his students via cell phone, email, aim, and will go out his way to help students understand various topics. His lectures are important as his tests are pulled directly from lecture material. Two midterms and the final comprise over 75% of ur grade and the rest is a project and participation. The project is pretty hard and extensive so DONT WAIT TILL THE LAST MINUTE. Overall, best teacher i've had at Poly and strongly encourage taking Slayter, even if it is at 7 am.

Required (Major)
Apr 2008
The. Man.

Required (Major)
May 2008
Eric Slayter is an amazing teacher. He is very understanding, and wants his students to do well. There are two midterms and a final. He is great at office hours and the material on the midterms is very relative to what we went over in class.

Required (Major)
Jun 2008
Slayter is one of the best teachers I've had at Cal Poly thus far. All the material on the tests come straight from lecture. So, if you go to class and pay attention...with a little studying before the'll do fine. His homework is optional but I would advise doing it as practice for the test. He has online quizzes on blackboard that are fairly easy. Some of the questions come from the book publisher's website. There is a comprehensive partner project that he grades pretty easily on. He is really dedicated to his students. His office hours were early in the morning and he realized not a lot of people wanted to wake up for 7am office hours so he has an AIM sn that he goes on frequently where you can ask him questions and he will help you. It helps to do this for the project but also when you are studying for tests. The first midterm i got a B but by the end of the quarter i got an A on the midterm and a 97% on the final...He likes to get feedback from his students so he is constantly changing things up from quarter to quarter but his level of teaching is always the same...EXCELLENT! Take him!

Required (Major)
Aug 2008
He was always helpful and easy to talk to. Good teacher.

BUS 215

Required (Major)
Dec 2002
Professor Slayter is truly an asset to the Business department, and that is why I was disappointed to see that I was the first one to rate him. Professor Slayter is always willing to help out his students. He gives out his cell phone so you can get a hold of him anywhere. I called him one time at 11 oclock at night and he had no problem helping me out. He cares about his students and wants them to succeed. His tests are fair as long as you study and go to class. The excel assignments were not to bad, the only big excel assignment we had was a huge budget problem, but he always gave us check numbers so we knew we were on the right track. I would encourage all students who take his class to get into a good group in the beginning of the quarter because there are a lot of group projects plus a portion of each test is devoted to the group points. But back to Slayter, he is pretty layed back which makes the learning experience much more enjoyable. Overall Professor Slayter is a great professor and I would recommend him to all those interested in accounting and to those who want a great Professor.

Required (Major)
Jan 2003
Slayter is a good accounting teacher. If you struggle in accounting, he would be a good professor to take. Your class will get to choose the exact percentages, but our 2 midterms and 1 final broke down to be worth only about 35% of our grade, combined. This leaves a lot of room to make up for bad grades on tests. Excel assignments, small quizzes, TONS of group projects/tests make up the other 65%. It actually hurt me, since I do better on tests and tend to ignore the small stuff, but I still pulled an A. Slayter presents the material very clearly, and does not play any games when it comes to tests. He will give a very useful practice test to study from. Overall, great teacher. Highly recommended.

Required (Support)
Jun 2003
Dr. Slayter is one of the better teachers that I have had in the OCOB. He doesn't bs the class and when almost always lets us go early. His tests were very straight foward, and as long as you went to class there is no reason why you shouldn't get a good grade. The class gets to decide how everything gets weighted. And there is alot of group work so it takes alot of the boring out of accounting! He very breifly will go over the main topics in a chapter and then just do group work for the rest of class, so you actually learn how to do the problems, not just "told" how to do them. I liked him as a teacher, laid back and easy going!

Required (Support)
Jun 2003
Professor Slayter is a great at what he does. Since you are probably looking at Polyratings to see if your teacher is the most hated at Cal Poly, you'll find no trace of that here. Prof Slayter is very laid back, makes it quite clear what is expected of you, and even lets the class choose (within reason) how much exams will be weighted. He even offered to cancel quizzes completely, but the class decided wisely not to, as he takes questions from the quizzes directly onto the midterms. Go over the practice exams he puts on blackboard, go to class, and you should do very well in this class.

Required (Support)
Dec 2003
Erik Slaytor was a great teacher. He cares for his students, and has practical knowledge of the stuff he teaches. He also remembers what it was like to be a college student. I would take him if you had a choice.

Required (Support)
Jan 2004
Erik is by far the best teacher Ive taken at Poly and easily one of the top three in my college career. He makes the course easy to follow and easy to understand. The group activities help to make the class a friendlier environment, (not that Erik isn't enough) and more fun to participate in. Some thought his test were difficult but never unfair because he explained e x a c t l y what we could expect and there was none of that random surprise crap other teachers do. If you want the best beggining accounting teacher out there (he doesnt teach 300 level) take Slayter. Hes likely the 7am Staff class. Its worth the wake up. Oh ya, he brings doughnuts the first day to class:)

Required (Support)
Feb 2004
Erik was a great teacher! He allows the students to choose the format of the class, such as how many quizes will be taken as well as how much value each assignment, quiz, test, etc. will be worth. Hint, take the quizes, they are internet quizes, you can do them at home. Attend class every day and you will learn what is on the tests. Review your notes and quizes and you will do fine on the tests. Erik will gladly meet with you whenever he can to help you do your best. It is a shame he doesn't teach higher level accounting classes. Teachers like him come around once in a great while, he is clearly an awsome teacher.

Required (Major)
Dec 2004
Professor Slayter is by far the best teacher I've had here at Cal Poly. He makes himself extremely accessible to students for any problems with subject material. His grading scheme is also extremely fair. Tests are not impossible and if studied for you can perform well, If you have any chance to have him, for any business class, then do it ! Slayter is the man. A+++++++

Required (Major)
Mar 2005
AWESOME! Slayter is plain awesome!!! Cool guy. Extremely approachable. He's available for appointed office hours, he's available on instant messenger, and by phone. In the beginning he lets you decide the point break down of the course. Although, there are some restrictions. You also get placed in a group in the beginning. Here's how the course worked. Slayter lectures and runs through examples and then you are to get with your group and complete an assignment on what he just lectured on. You can always ask him for help so it's almost guaranteed that you'll get perfects on all the assignments. You get out early basically all the time too. There is one group presentation and your peers give you an evaluation as well as Slayter. Slayter's eval is worth more though. It isn't a thing to sweat about. Put in the amount of work that you think will get you the points you want and enjoy the group interaction and stuff ::thumbs up::. The midterms were extremely fair. Just pay attention in class and ask all questions that you have (ask them either over aim or email or schedule office hours). I thought the final was extremely fair too. Slayter is organized and definitely knows the material. There are also excel assignments to be completed. And you can just email him your excel assignments before the due date and he'll tell you anything that's wrong or missing. Take SLAYTER! AWESOME GUY! 7 am? STILL WORTH IT! GO SLAYTER!

Required (Major)
Mar 2005
I'm sorry, Slayter is a great guy and everything, but his current rating is way too high! He doesn't teach the material very well, his midterm questions were unfairly weighted and I think the main reason I found the class so easy was beause I'm an accounting major. I guess the course is set up so that it's fairly easy to get a good grade, I just don't think it's worth waking up at 7am for! I do have to admit though that he makes himself nothing but available to answer any questions you have. I just thought his teaching style was sort of high schoolish. So if you liked high school, got for it, if you hated high school, try to find someone else. If you're an accounting major....YOU ROCK!

Required (Major)
Mar 2005
professor slayter is the man! although the class was at 7am, he made it entertaining and fun and always let us out early. the material and his grading expectations are straightforward, it's pretty easy to get an A, and virtually everyone gets at least a B. he lets the class determine how to assign points, quizzes are online so you can work them into your own schedule, and he's always available (either by phone or AIM). slayter is the nicest man, and if you read the book and do the homework examples, you should be fine. group work is about 40-45% of your grade, but overall, it's really not too difficult to do well. slayter is funny and i'm really glad i took this class. he doesn't teach very often, and although it is at 7am, he is DEFINITELY worth taking. SLAYTER ROCKS!

Required (Support)
Apr 2005
Prof Slayer is an awesome professor. His lectures are very foward and he only teaches you what you need to know for accoutning. He is always able to ask questions, he will even help you to the late hours of the night. Prof. Slayer is not only a good professor but he is really nice guy and very understanding. His tests are hard, but if you use the online study program you will do just fine.

Required (Major)
Dec 2006
Slayter is honestly the best professor I have had or will ever have at Poly. He is a funny guy and that helps make class go a little faster. Usually he lets the class out early every day. A lot of the class is group based, so just show up for class and do the group assignments and you will do fine. Also, keep up with the homework and studying before the midterms and final will be a breeze. Slayter does an awesome job with teaching the material, he is extremely approachable, his review sessions before each test are kinda fun, and it is almost impossible to fail this class if you keep up with the work. The workload isn't bad at all and the project is super easy. Also, brush up on your excel knowledge because it will help with the three excel assignments, which aren't very hard at all. I highly recommend Slayter for managerial accounting and just a tip, if you don't like your group at the beginning switch into a new group, it makes life a lot easier!

Required (Major)
Dec 2006
Slayter is an amazing teacher and worth taking for a 7am class. Now I am NOT a morning person, but this guy made me go to class everyday. This class is basically impossible to fail and relatively easy to get an A. Just show up to class because there are a lot easy, but important group assignments that are worth a lot of your grade. Excel assignments were easy, and even if you didn't score to high on your test, he made up for it in your group work and group project. He is always available for help also. Basically he is one of my favorite teachers EVER. Take him!

Required (Major)
Mar 2007
Erik Slayter has definately been my favorite teacher at Cal Poly so far. He's super easy to talk to and always willing to help you all the time. The class is kind of set up like a high-school class would be, but it's very refreshing and it actually makes you go to class every single day. There are lots of assignments to get points, but its not overwhelming. There are 2 or 3 excel assignments which are moderate to difficult and take time, but you do it in groups. And then there's one big project but it's actually fun. Hopefully you get along with your group mates because you will be with them all the time. He's very understanding and let's the students have a lot of say in everything. Basically i would recommend Slayter to everyone I could.

Required (Major)
Mar 2007
Probably one of the best teachers at Poly. Even though he only teaches 7am classes, it was totally worth it, like stated in earlier evaluations. JUST TAKE HIM, he truly wants to help students and not one of those teachers that make you sound stupid during office hours.

Apr 2007
One of the coolest teachers I've ever had. He allows the class to help choose the percentage of the various parts of the course which is pretty cool. You do some excel assignments in your assigned group that you have the whole quarter as well as a bunch of in class group assignments. There's individual and group portions on the test as well as a cookie project which isn't too shabby. Just create a business plan and make cookies. There's no collected homework, just three excel assignments. Great teacher and highly recommended!

Required (Major)
Apr 2007
Slayter is a solid teacher throughout. His BUS 215 class involves a fair amount of group work (for our class, 10% of the final grade was based on peer evaluation) and he makes the material interesting. He was available when I needed help, especially after getting a shockingly bad score on the first midterm.

Required (Major)
Jun 2007
This guy was an AWESOME teacher!! I failed 214 and had to retake it, so i was scared to death for this class, but he made it so easy to understand. The first test was really hard so he let us all make up the points in varying ways, and everyone walked away from the class with A's and B's. Really cool guy, fun class, TAKE HIM IF YOU CAN!!

BUS 221

Required (Major)
Feb 2006
Slayter is great, he has such a colloquial, kick-back style to teaching. throughout the course he'll interject his lectures with moments like, "oh, that's just stupid, we're not going to cover this part of the book." He's sarcastic and funny, and really highlights the banal nature of accounting. basically, his philosophy of the material delivers like this, "yeah, so this accounting, it's okay, i guess. whatever." Also, he makes a point to being constantly available for student inquiry, via Instant Messenger and Cell Phone. If you can take the 7AM timeslot, Slayter is definitely the professor for you.

AGB 260

Required (Major)
Mar 2012
Ok, sooo i liked this class because it's an excel class & you come out as a genius but i failed it. Even though I failed it, I learned A LOTTTT ! & i feel like an excel wizzz. The only reason i failed was because there are 9 quizes throughout the quarter, once a week, and the cumulative grade for your quizes must be a 70% or higher to actually pass the class. DO NOT take this class with any other professor besides slayter..or if you like sexy professors, take it with mccoulough. There are RATs (ready assessment tests) every week as well and homeworks that take you at LEAST 10 hours a freakin week ! so be prepared to work hard for this class. Do good on your quizzes in the beginning because the end gets like 9847590348 times harder..

Required (Major)
Mar 2012
This class if difficult but one of the most practical and applicable classes I’ve ever taken. My advice is to learn it and learn to enjoy it. If you cheat by having the TAs do it for you, your test grades will show it and you will suffer. The class is very systematical. Monday you’re presented new material. Tuesday a RAT (quiz). Wednesday you do the new material. Thursday you’re tested on last week’s material. Slayter’s a fantastic teacher who wants you to succeed. Just put in the effort.

General Ed
Jul 2014
Slayter is the man! He is the only teacher i have every submitted a polyratings for, and probably the only teacher i ever will for. This was my second time taking the class, after previously failing it the previous year. I put in the time to fully understand the material, and listened intently through his lectures.Dont miss a single day if you intend to succeed. Anyways, Slayter is a great guy, amazing teacher. If you are mature enough to focus on a tough class, take this one! hes the man. Thank god i passed this class again. wow!

Required (Major)
Dec 2015
Most useful class of the entire AGB department. Take 260 ONLY with Slayter.

Required (Major)
Dec 2015
This class has been the most valuable and relevant couse I've taken at cal poly. Slayter gives you all of the tools you need to succeed in this course. Yes, this course is time consuming but if you go to the TA office hours it becomes a lot more bearable. That being said, make sure to take the course with Slayter. He knows his stuff, responds to emails (literally within minutes) and is super understanding. Easily the best AGB professor I've had thus far.

AGB 323

Required (Major)
Dec 2008
Professor Slayter is a great guy he is always around and loves to help his students sometimes the material can be confusing but that will change with time he is always changing the course up and always go to lab its easy points that really help your grade.

Required (Major)
Apr 2009
Erik Slayter is the best teacher I have had at Cal Poly. This is the second time I've had him as a teacher and I knew in both classes, if I got a bad grade, I was the only one to blame. He made accounting easy to understand and was always available to help. He is one of those teachers that care about his students doing well. Also, the activity section with this class gives you such an opportunity to learn A LOT about Excel which is an awesome skill to have. I just wish he taught more classes I could take.

Required (Major)
Jun 2009
This man is amazing. He really wants you to do well. GO TO OFFICE HOURS! He wants to help you, and is always willing to give you partial points to add onto your test if you are not doing well. He does not go into great depth in his lecture, but he always makes sure that you understand. Take his class!!!!! I thought I was failing and he helped me get a B. great person, and good teacher

Required (Major)
Dec 2009
One of my favorite instructors. Did not have him for 214, but couldn\'t imagine him being a bad 214 instructor. You actually learn stuff in this class, not just know it for a test, and thatis why people are complaining about doing a lot of work. He also helped me out with my 450 project, stand-up guy. If you do the work then there is no reason you can\'t get a B.

Required (Major)
Mar 2010
Besides Prof. Slayter being an all around good guy. The course is very manageable, at all times you will know your grade and you will be kept on track. Prof Slayter holds office hours every day and he is available by phone, email, and Instant Message. He makes himself available to all students at all times and it makes it very easy if you have questions. This course will have 5 midterms which can be very stressful, but if you come to class and stay on track with the online assignments you will do fine. The math is not hard in this class, it is more based upon concepts, so really try to understand lecture and you will do awesome. Lastly, take advantage of all extra credit opportunities this can be helpful toward the end of the quarter.

Required (Major)
Mar 2011
This teacher is awesome. His class is difficult, but manageable. He is available pretty much 24/7 (via instant messaging and phone) and is more than willing to help out if you're having trouble. I completely recommend him.

Required (Major)
May 2011
Professor Slayter is awesome. I have respect for him in so many ways. While he is one of the fairest graders I know, he is also a very sweet man. He sets a great example for professionalism and fairness, he also lectures well, of course, and he is so organized that it would be very rare to ever catch him making a mistake or not getting his facts straight. Going to office hours was something I always did because he was so helpful and approachable, he also genuinely cared about his students and asked THEM if they needed help if they weren't asking HIM first. Professor Slayter is awesome and if you are lucky to take one or two of his classes, DO IT!

Required (Major)
Jun 2011
He is my favorite teacher. He presents the material well...and really wants you to learn. I would take any class with Slayter over another teacher. Be prepared to work though, because both AGB 214 and AGB 323 take time and a good amount of studying.

Required (Major)
Dec 2011
Absolutely love this guy. He really cares about his students and will help you get the grade you want. His grading and lectures are very logical and organized. 3 midterms and a final and he’ll drop your lowest score. He offers opportunities for extra-credit as well. Labs and Aplia are super easy. TAKE HIM.

BUS 323

Required (Major)
Nov 2018
This is a really hard class. Be ready to be confused and bored. Although Slayter makes it easy to contact him he makes you feel like you're dumb for not knowing the material sometimes. In class he'll leave room to "ask questions" but skips through that part real quick. He expects students to understand accounting as well as he does even if its something challenging for them. Be ready to be CHALLENGED. study study study. Least favorite class at Poly... or at least up there.