Wall, Leonard  



19 evaluations

PHYS 101

Required (Support)
Apr 2003
Professor Wall is a nice guy. But, teaching wise.. his explanations were sometimes confusing. He tends to babble on. I went to his office hours once and he only gave me a mere 5 minutes to talk to him because he had to "grade the labs before lecture" that day. I don't know why he didn't have them done earlier but office hours are meant soley for the students' questions. Even though we usually got out of lab an hour early each time.. he'd always give us 15-20 experiments at little stations. It was kind of annoying to have so many to do. The cool part about them though was that they were similar to ones that you'd find similar to the ones at the Exploratorium up in San Francisco.

PSC 101

Required (Support)
May 2002
Dr. Wall is a highly motivated professor, who knows his material well within this introductory course in matter and energy. His lectures were well presented with many diagrams and demonstrations, as were his labs. He gave homework, but didn't grade on it. He posted the answers online, as well as, sample quizzes. If you studied them, then it gave you a heads-up on what was going to be on the quizzes, just reverse the problem or question. He was upfront about what was expected of you, however he didn't curve much. A 79.5 on the final was a low B. A very nice man and very approachable if you need help. He has office hours and was very willing to go over material with you. He also answers his email....a big plus for those times when you can't make office hours!

PHYS 121

Required (Support)
Dec 2001
dr. wall is a wonderful teacher!!!!!!!!!!!!!! take him

Required (Support)
Dec 2002
Dr. Wall is the best teacher I have ever had. His lectures were great and entertaining. He has demonstrations for all the topics that he covers in class which are really helpful in understanding the main concepts. He is also a cool guy and will help you until you understand the material. Definitely take any class that he teaches, it's worth it!!

General Ed
Jun 2003
Dr. Wall is a straightforward lecturer. He tried to make it as easy as possible for us to understand the concepts. He even does demos to illustrate the concepts. He doesn't collect homework, but it's a good idea to still do the homework because the quiz questions are usually almost exactly the same as 1 or 2 of the homework questions. He gave us weekly quizzes with 1 or 2 questions on it. There are 2 midterms and a final. The final is cumulative. The midterms are made of 3 sections: the first section is usually multiple choice questions about certain concepts, the second section is made of a few short answer questions about the concepts, and the third section involve calculations that come from the homework and the labs. He likes to have a couple of questions about the labs so review your labs. Not only the concepts, but also how you did the calculations. He returns the quizzes and the tests promptly. He'll also drop the worse quiz grade. I thought his tests and quizzes were fair. They were pretty straightforward; they didn't cover anything that wasn't covered either in lecture, in the book, or in lab. I would highly recommend taking Wall for 121.

PHYS 131

Required (Major)
Jun 1999
Wall is a competent teacher, much better than the other physics teachers such as Morris, Meolter, and most of the others. He doesn't pull things out of his ass and expect you to know them. He's very direct in his letures, goes from the book so you actually learn if you want to. He's also very helpful and tries to make the lecture fun with dry humor. He's a fair grader, gives partial credits. compare to the others for physics, Wall is a very decent professor.

General Ed
Feb 2000
Wall is a descent teacher, if you are doind well in his class. otherwise, he doesnt seem to have any sympathy for those who have a hard time understanding the subject matter. rather than offering help, he makes it publicly known that he recommends people drop his class if they dont do well on the first midterm. this makes it even more difficult to catch up because he doesnt even really give you a second chance. phys is a sink or swim class and wall has a tendency to put cement shoes on those who cant tred water.

Required (Support)
Mar 2000
Prof. Wall is useless when it comes to lecture. He cant write down his thoughts and cant answer questions very well. He is a nice guy and straight forward, but his ability to teach is not very good. To understand the material one must teach themselves

Required (Support)
Mar 2000
Dr. Wall is a very competent teacher, but studio sucks! DO not take studio physics, it's very different that studio chem. There is so much work to like workbooks, chapter homework due every week, and labs everyday. All this stuff takes too much time. Can I not stress enough.......do not take studio.

Required (Support)
Dec 2000
Avoid Studio Physics 131 at all costs! I know it doesn't fit well into scheduals, but take the lec/lab combo instead! You have labs almost everyday, the textbook written by Dr. Knight (which isn't very good), and there's this workbook that you learn absolutely NOTHING from. There are 2 midterms and a final, and your professor doesn't write your them... only a few of the questions on them, so there might be questions you've never seen before. The homework problems are the only things that teach you the material because of the lack of a strong lecture environment in the classroom. If you MUST take a studio class though, you should take it with Dr. Wall. He's a funny guy with an accent I can't really describe, and he lightens up what can be a very stressful class. But he doesn't have much sympathy for those who are left behind. He'd rather sign a drop slip than help you catch back up. However, even though Wall is a great teacher, because the coarse is basically written by Randy Knight (see HIS reviews... they aren't pretty), the class is covered in this ominous Knight aura. DON'T TAKE STUDIO -- it's as simple as that.

Required (Support)
Dec 2000
Mr. Wall is a funny little man, with very good intentions, and good knowledge. It takes a few weeks to get used to him, but I think it is worth it, especially from what I hear about the quality of other physics teachers. I had him form STUDIO PHYSICS though, do not take that class and I AM SERIOUS. If you do not wish to make physics part if your dreams, and part of your life, do not take studio.

Required (Support)
Dec 2000
Proffessor Wall is a good teacher. He is willing to go over problems in class which most teachers are not. His lectures can be boring, but they are very clear. I took him for studio physics which makes the curve easier since all of the studio classes participate in the curve. His average grades for tests is often better than that of the other studio teachers. Wall is a good choice if you have to take studio physics.

Required (Support)
Feb 2001
Dr. Wall is a good teacher, but don't take Studio Physics... even if you don't have any other choices!!! He gives weekly quizzes which are very similar to midterms and the final, so they really can help you out. He is very supportive in making sure you're learning the material... if you take the time to show him you care about what he's teaching.

Required (Support)
Mar 2010
Leonard is a funny guy he is a little hard to follow sometimes though especially when he is trying to be funny. After the first week or so you will get used to his style. He does let you know what is going to be on the tests and gives you good examples for that. Labs took forever because he talked a lot about practice problems and did examples. I would say if you have some background in physics then go ahead and take him because its pretty easy but if not look for someone who is easier to follow.

PHYS 211

Required (Support)
Aug 1999
Dr. Wall is a crack-up. His lectures are interesting and he doesn't get sidetracked. He'll give you hints/guidence for the homework problems. If you're lucky enough to catch him inhis office, he'll be even more help. I would highly recommend Dr. Wall to anyone who has to take physics. He'll bust out with jokes and relates the topic to your major(he'lll know your name/face/major by the second day).

Required (Support)
Jan 2001
Phys 211 is one of those classes where there is little or no conceptual things to relate to. With this in mind, I'd say Dr. Wall does an excelent job in teaching it. Your best bet in 211 is to just accept everything you hear as true then do the homework and the test. His tests are pretty tough and long. Getting a copy of an old exam will help because his test are somewhat different than the homework problems. He gives hints for every problem in the homework

Required (Support)
Jan 2003
Wall was a good teacher for 211. He taught the material well and tries to keep things as simple as he can for you even though there are some tough topics. He has 7 weekly quizes and allows you to drop your 2 worst, which I liked. The midterms are difinitely harder than the quizes and the final was the hardest of them all (it's cumulative, weighted towards the material at the end). I actually got the final time mixed up and missed the final but he was very understanding and allowed me to make it up. A 'B' is very managable; an 'A' is not out of reach but requires that you keep up with the work all quarter.

Required (Support)
Mar 2006
awesome teacher. quizzes every friday but he drops the lowest one or two. two midterms and then final. the quizzes are just like the hw problems but the midterms are a little harder. if you study and put in the effort then you'll be fine.

Required (Major)
Apr 2008
You can tell that he really knows his stuff. There are quizzes every week and for the most part are straight out of the homework. The tests are a different story but they are fair. The first quarter was on relativity which was interesting but the second half was quantum mechanics which was WAY TOO abstract. Towards the end of the quarter I was just plugging and chugging with equations and not caring about digesting the material. This turned out to be okay because Wall cares about the mathematics side. It a good thing he gives you and equation sheet for the tests because there are a lot of them! Even though Wall is a great lecturer there is a lot of material and I would get lost if I did not skim the chapter before the lecture. Hard class but great teacher so it kinda evens out.