Suchand, George  

Social Sciences


25 evaluations

GEOG 150

Required (Major)
Aug 2001
If you can get past the New Orleans - Master P huggghhhhh drawl of his, youll be in for a treat. What a character. Its like a high school class. Good Guy

Required (Major)
Aug 2001
Suchand does not seem to care about the students. He always insulted the class' intelligence and treated us all like morons. It is hard to ask questions because he can't hear you and then when he did he would get angry that we did not understand the topic. His accent was cool, though. He sounds like an Italian gangster from the movies. The tests were very picky but grading was on a big curve.

Aug 2001
Dr. Suchand has a dry sense of humor that a lot of students don't understand and find insulting, but I thought he was pretty funny. Although I found Dr. Preston, who I had for GEOG 308, to be more interesting in his lectures, Dr. Suchand did a decent job. He was very clear in presenting information and his tests were fair. He let students know what was expected of them, most importantly good notes and attendance. He is a classic old style teacher who expects students to be respectful, pay attention, and attend class. Some students find his jokes about his style and his expectations offensive, but they need to get a clue and act responsibly. Some of the lectures were rather boring, but most were informative. I recommend Preston, but Suchand is adequate.

General Ed
Dec 1999
The professor was hard to understand, office hours were very hard to cope with. He did not explain the questions asked to him. Hey don't take this class with him because you will sleep and hear a man talk about his glory days in war. This guy talked about his family instead of the course. He talked about his grand daughter when he lectured about the(Religion chapter) Buddas and Hindus, NOW what the heck is that have to do with geography. He gives map quizzes that are fairly easy and boost up your grade, so take it seriuosly. There are three exams that are short answer essays. No multiple choice tests, so those who like to guess, you people don't qualify. You have a great time listening to his stories, but the storys take you off the subject.

General Ed
Oct 2000
Do not take this guy. He sucks and he knows it. When I took geog 150, half the people were asleep 15 min into class, which screws you because the exams consist of nit-picky short answer questions straight out of lecture. if you have a question, don't even bother asking. even if he could hear you, he wouldn't be able to clarify anything. avoid suchand. take preston.

Dec 2000
I would hahe to say that he is a good instractor but he has a thing with maps, he gets "hot" whene he opense one.

General Ed
Dec 2001
He never writes anything down on the board and he is constantly off topic so you never know what is important, but then he expects you to remember some exact sentence he may have said only once. His tests are ridiculously hard for a 100 level course. His map quizzes are a joke, though. He also does not curve or give many chances for extra credit. I was more than 20 points above the class average on both tests prior to the final and I still didn't get an A and it is not because I didn't do well on the final.

General Ed
Dec 2001
This guy is way too old to be teaching. He had a hard time hearing students with questions and sometimes ignored others. His tests were way too hard and consisted mainly of really specific short answer questions. There were map quizzes about every week that were really easy and helped boost your grade. He gives you some chances for extra credit, like an extra point on a map quiz or some shit like that. I can't see how that helps when the total points possible is like around 300. If the class is doing bad (which I'm sure will be) he will take your worst midterm score and cut it's weight in half. Avoid this guy if you can, especially if it's a 2 hour Tuesday-Thursday class, cause he'll go straight through the lecture without giving you the 10 minute break every other 2 hour class has.

General Ed
Jan 2002
this guy is a bad teacher, i got out of his class pretty early after the first test. his map quizzes are easy and i never missed any points on those. but his other tests were tough and his questions were way too specific for a class w/o a study quide or anything like that. avoid him.

Required (Major)
Dec 2002
This guy is a piece. Pay attention in class because that is what the tests are one. Sometimes he throws in a question from the book, so you might want to skim that before the test. Map quizes are saving graces for your grade. Take Keese if you can.

Required (Major)
Jan 2003
I studied my ass off for this class, and i'll i got was a C+. be prepared, his tests are killers. by far the hardest tests i've ever taken! avoid this class, all the other ratings are true. extremely hard to stay awake through one of his two hour lectures.

Required (Major)
Feb 2003
This teacher sucks! His tests are the hardest I have ever taken. The map quizzes are very easy though. I failed both the midterm and final and got a C, so he does curve - still, I would never take him again!

General Ed
Mar 2003
This class was the roughest this quarter. He lectures lectures lectures with no breaks. But if you can make it past his dry sense of humor he is actually very amusing and funny. His tests are extremely difficult as they are very specific and all essay oriented. just make sure you study a lot before each midterm and ace all the map quizzes. if you do that you will be fine because he curves it all in the end and you will end up better off than you had thought.

General Ed
Aug 2003
Fair warning. Lectures are long and drab, but do NOT miss class. Write down everything because he is very specific on exams. After the first midterm, he recommended that half the class WITHDRAW. (Everyone thought the class was a joke, but there were a lot of specific details asked, and he DOES test you on the reading. SO READ!!!!!) Overall, a decent guy, map tests are a piece of cake, but DO NOT TAKE THINGS FOR GRANTED. I almost did.

General Ed
Nov 2003
Hrmm, what to say about Professor Suchand. On the one hand, you want to like him cause he's just a crazy old man who wears hearing aids but still can't hear anything, mumbles often and goes off on stories about his family. But on the other hand, those same things get in the way of him teaching effectively. He's one of those professors that basically expects everyone to do horrible on the tests, which wouldn't be so bad if you knew he was going to curve it all at the end, but I still have yet to figure out what he's going to do with our grades. He takes into account attendance, though it isn't specifically worth points, just something he'll look at to see if you're putting in effort. He also gives map quizzes every other week, which take about 1-2 hours of time the day before the quiz and are worth 10 points a piece. Overall he isn't bad, but definitely not the greatest. Worth about a 'B' or 'B-' overall.

General Ed
Jan 2004
His lectures were boring but so is the material. He did however try to help out by throwing in a few stories of his family or something. Map quizzes are easy and the exams/final arent bad either. If you want an A you will have to put a good amount of time the night before otherwise you're fine cuz he does curve in the end. Overall, I would recommend him for a GE.

GEOG 308

Required (Major)
Aug 2001
One of the worst professors I've had. He lectured without notes, so either he knows the material very well, or he hasn't changed his lecture in a long time. Classes usually consisted of him lecturing with a map. no other visual aids. It was hard to find the dividing line between sarcasm and insult when he was talking about students and their performance in class. His tests really dug into the material and asked questions I felt would be asked of someone who really knew this material more deeply than just from his class. Plus, he was almost 45 minutes late for the final.

Required (Major)
Aug 2001
I had a very hard time staying awake in this class. He is extremely condescending and tries to make you feel stupid. His tests are rediculous and nitpick at the most obscure information out of the book. However his curve is huge so you end up passing very easily even if you think you are failing. The fact that he has "tenure" makes him feel he has free reign and he does.

Aug 2001
Whenever I think back to this class, my jaw starts to tighten up. There were so many little things that this guy did that just absolutely drives students up the wall. None of them are very big, but you add them together, and you have an incredibly frustrating experience. He is extremely condescending, almost to the point of being rude, about students and their mental capabilities. Don't even bother asking questions. If he can hear them (which is somewhat unlikely, the man must be nearly deaf), he will just mock you for it. His tests really get deep into the lectures and book. I felt it was strange that in a "World Geography" class, we covered two countries. He holds his tenure over the class, and uses it an excuse to not work to make the class any good. Avoid Suchand.

Required (Major)
Aug 2001
First I'd like to say that I deserved the grade I received. It got to the point in class where I just didn't pay attention anymore, and that didn't help at all for the tests. So duh. I had 21 units this quarter (big mistake), and I got A's or B's in everything else. I kinda let geography slide--it was becoming a problem class for me, and I decided to let it go and concentrate on keeping my other gratdes up. But Dr. Suchand didn't help any... He was rude to me a couple of times that I asked for help--I had several family emergencies this quarter that necessitated me missing class, and he acted like I could have prevented my absences (I couldn't.) He lectures from memory, which can be good, but not when he covers so many things that you can't write them all down, and you can't ask him a question after class b/c he'll tell you you weren't listening to him, and not answer your question. We covered 2 contries, and part of a 3rd, in this global geography class. In his tests, he'd take obscure facts that he had mentioned in the lectures, and turn them into 10 point questions. He also told sick stories about his adventures around the world that had nothing to do with what we were covering. Enough about getting drunk on weekends, Dr. S--you're tool old. I regret taking him--I want to retake this class, and I am going to take Preston--I had a friend who had her, and he said she was a great teacher. Forget Suchand, he's not worth it.

Required (Major)
Jul 1999
This professor gives tenure a bad name. He openly admits that you could evaluate him to death and he doesn't care. His lecture on Global Geography shows that he thinks the world only has two countries, Mexico and Russia. However if you want to save money, take his class because you do not have to read the book for his class.

Required (Major)
Mar 2002
I liked this class. it was a lot of information, and to pass the tests with a decent grade you basically have to write down every word that he says, but for the most part the lectures are interesting. Prof. Suchand is a nice guy, funny, and willing to talk to you, if you speak loudly and clearly (he does have a hard time hearing you). i would not recomend him if youre not ready to go to class and pay attention, but if you want to learn a lot of interesting facts, he would be a good teacher to take.

General Ed
Mar 2002
Suchand tried to make the lectures interesting, but honestly, they were pretty boring. However, he is a really nice guy and he tries to clarify students questions. He'll also tell stories and crack jokes every once in a while. The tests that he gave were all short answer/essay format, so forget about scantrons or multiple choice tests. Prepare to take a lot of notes if you want to do well in the class - I take lots of notes and even I didn't do all that great on his tests. His tests questions are very specific, make sure you read AND attend lecture. Although I didn't get an A on either of the 2 midterms (and i don't think I got an A on the final either), I think his curve must have been pretty generous because I got an A in the class.

5th Year Senior
General Ed
May 2004
Loved this guy. Total crack-up and really knows the material. Never read the book at all, but took more notes than in any other class ever. Seemed to work for me. Quizzes and exams were pretty easy if you showed up and TOOK NOTES. you must right it all down including all the little side comments he makes. also, he was very helpful during office hours. never once saw him talk down to a student.

SOCS 666

Graduate Student
General Ed
May 2004
I knew Dr. Suchand when he was a scrub of a graduate student at OU.