Strahl, Richard  

Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering


22 evaluations

IME 130

Required (Support)
Dec 2002
Strahl is just a very boring and very, very odd prof. 130 is a easy class in itself, but sometimes his lectures can be confusing. Just do the homework, in class work, quizzes, and final and you will most likely pass. Just hope that while doing work in class he doesn't inspect yours, since everything you do will be wrong to him you will never get to leave. Otherwise though, the labs only take 1.5 to 2 hours which is good cause this class is boring

Jan 2003
He knows his stuff, he tries to help, but he is old. His aides were definitely the ones running the class. I am not saying that he is bad, I am just saying that he is boring and you learn better from the book and from your peers. He really is a sweet old man, but he is not really a good teacher. He was alright for this class, but I think that if it had been a higher level class he may have not been able to handle it.

Required (Support)
Feb 2003
keep up on the homework because each assignment is checked. make sure you know your stuff for the quizes. overall the material is easy to understand so there wasn't a lot of room for strahl to go wrong. if you have an exceptionally hard time understanting a concept he's available and able to help you out. he's a little bit creepy but he gets the job done.

No Credit
Required (Support)
Mar 2003
I had Strahl for both lab and lecture. His lectures were really boring and he talks in a monotone. I guess he finds IME 130 about as exciting as the rest of us. The lab never lasted the full 3 hours which was nice. Just make sure one of the aides grades your in class work or you'll be there all night.

Required (Support)
Mar 2003
I learned SO MUCH from this guy!!!! Things like: DON'T RELY ON TEACHERS DO DO SQUAT FOR YOU, and USE TIME DURING HIS CLASS WISELY BY DOING OTHER HW. If he didn't pause between EVERY word we probably could have gotten out an hour early from his boring @$$ class. Easy to make the grade, hard to stay focused/awake. If you take this guy, don't expect to have a fun and memorable or boring and painful quarter. He's just so friggin dull and bland.

Required (Support)
Mar 2004
One time, in the middle of class, someone's cell phone alarm went off. His response? "It would be nice if that could happen in all of my classes to keep my students awake." He's that boring.

Apr 2004
Strahl is boring - i admit, but there isn't really a way to make IME 130 exciting. His class makes you work your ass off for a credit/no credit class, but in the end, i learned a lot. I am glad i took it, because it is going to help me in other IME classes. Be prepared to have a long ass final, and do a lot of work for that credit, and in the end you'll learn a lot. I liked the class - only that the lab was 6-9pm at night, and i slept during the lectures (man he is odd) He's a good teacher though

IME 142

Required (Major)
Aug 2001

Required (Support)
Mar 2000
Well... It's not like you really have a choice of professors for welding lecture. He is easy-going in lecture and lab... but watch out for his HK and exams... he gets very picky about the HK... and the exams despite being multiple choice are difficult (this is WELDING you know?) Just go to your labs, and write up your labs well... that should take care of a few (many) mistakes on the final.

Required (Support)
Apr 2000
Strahl is a very good teacher, and a really nice guy. He is always willing to help, and will never get mad even if you suck at welding and do something stupid. He also has the real world knowledge of having worked in industry for some time. Be forewarned however, he is a hard teacher. He is very picky on lab write-ups, so do them carefully. Also, his midterm and final are murder. The final is about 90 questions that you have to do in 45 minutes, and some involve calculations. This class isn't extremely tough, but don't think it's going to be a cake walk.

Feb 2001
If you want a quiet place to take a nap, go to his lectures. They are incredibly boring. Just read the text because his lectures are straight from it. Test aren't too bad if you studied, but can make or break you. You don't really have a choice in the matter on who to take this class with so bare with it.

Required (Support)
Apr 2002
Strahl's lectures are nothing more than re-hash of the chapter. I went to the lectures, but slept the last 49 minutes or so. His book he wrote for the class is more exciting than this guy, and does a pretty good job of going over the material, and most of his test questions come from it rather than his lectures. he is EXTREMELY picky on lab write ups it is ridiculous. on one lab i accidentaly wrote "electroded" instead of "electrode" in one of the questions and he took 0.2 points off, one-fifth of a point. But he is equally extremely helpful during. he understands everyone isn't a master welder and are unsure at first. he is totally nice and approachable and will help you every step of the way during lab. tests are a bitch, not enough time to finish the midterm or the final (both Mult. choice) in 50 minutes. but nevertheless, if you put in the effort you should get an A, at least a B, in this class. i made the mistake of taking a nap before the final and overslept by 20 min. and bombed the thing, but i still squeaked out and A.

Required (Support)
Jun 2002
Old Balls Strahl certainly was a character. In lab he would make real bad jokes that no one would laugh at, but there were so few people in there I actually felt bad for the guy. Despite being very boring, he really knows his welding, he just isn't phenominally great at expressing it. Beware of the tests. I really overlooked them, and they came back and bite me in the ass. Overall, although quite salty, Old Balls Strahl is a nice guy and a decent teacher.

Required (Support)
Jan 2003
oh god, if you have to take ime 142, then youre doomed to have strahl for lecture, but avoid him like the plague for lab. he is the all time most boring person i have ever listened to. he says mmkay and pauses after every sentance, just like mr mackie in south park. its the most annoying thing in the world. and welding is an already boring thing to hear a lecture on. he talks wayyyyy too long, and repeats everything like 16 times. he does grade pretty fairly, and the tests arent too bad, although the final is a 40 question lab final, and then a 70 question lecture final, which is a bit excessive for a 2 unit class.

Required (Support)
Mar 2003
I have one word to describe prof Strahl....BORING. You have to be talented to get 50 of your 100 students to fall asleep at 11am.

Jul 2003
IME 142 is the most assymetrical class I've ever had. The lecture was boring and slow, but the lab was very fun. Strahl knows his stuff, but its hard to concentrate on a lecture thats straight out of the grossly overpriced book. Strahl wasn't very approchable, and reffered me to the book the one time i asked a question. I'd still take the class for the lab, but the lecture is a waste.

Required (Support)
Jan 2004
Let's just say that if you have this class in the morning or in the evening, you need to bring a pillow. Strahl wrote the text, so the lectures are straight from it, and it's really not even necessary to go to class unless he's giving a homework assignment or is collecting it. There are only two homework assignments and two exams. The exams didn't seem that hard to me, but my grade doesn't reflect that. I was surprised at my grade...come on! This is welding!! Just study up for the exams and you'll be okay.

Required (Support)
Apr 2004
I can't believe how lazy this guy is as an instructor. Not only does he put barely any effort into organizing his lectures but also grades everything(hw and exams) with a scantron. His lectures are a spitting image of the crappy text that he wrote. They also involve videos which are of no relevance to the tests. He does speak in monotone and is very boring. The book is often repetitive and doesn't have an index which makes you sift through the pages trying to find answers to his homework problems. The midterm and final have tricky multiple choice questions which focus on the most nit picky details of his crappy text. There were only a few A's on the midterm but probably very few A's on the final if any. The labs in the course are a major grade booster. You get 100% if you show up and do the work and it is worth half your grade. DO NOT take Strahl for lab as he will be a much harder grader and more boring than the kick ass Dan Howard. Strahl should not be teaching and he needs to go back to an industry job where he is much more suited. The man is lazy, tired, and does not put in effort when it comes to his part as an instructor. He didn't answer my e-mails either.

Required (Support)
Jun 2004
I am not sure where this monotone and boring description of him comes from. I have him at 8am and he is pretty loud and clear. His text book is good too, although it has some spelling errors. Very simple and enjoyable class, minimal effort, but I have learned a lot about welding. Maybe he has changed a lot this quarter, or maybe you all should try sitting in the front of the room.

Required (Support)
Nov 2004
I would really like to give this guy a rating...unfortunately, I was asleep through most of his lectures so I dont really know what they were like. :-) He was an okay professor I guess, like everyone else said, he was REALLY boring. The tests were pretty hard but if you could stay awake through class and read his book, you'll do fine. And unless something's changed, you have to take him for IME 142 lab anyway. Overall, he was decent.

ME 142

Required (Support)
Apr 2004
I heard the welding class i took is a lot better than it has been in the previous quarters. Strahl teaches well but unfortunately is so god damn boring.

IME 143

Required (Support)
Dec 2002
He really knew his stuff and could explain it...but he was so boring that halfway through the quarter I stopped going to the lecture and I still got an A by skimming over his book the night before a test. One of the most boring and pointless classes ever...(Although the lab was one of the funnest classes ive ever had)