Slem, Chuck  

Psychology and Human Development


181 evaluations

PSY 101

General Ed
Dec 2005
Slem is like a cute grandpa. His lectures are really interesting and he applies a lot of them to college life. I would advise to go to all of the lectures because he has easy test questions on them, plus the lectures are kind of cool. The only thing i would really really stress is to study alot and do all of the learning objectives out of the book. Don't put studying off until a day before the test because you wont memorize it all, and its a lot of information. You should definitley know the terms from the book, that is helpful on tests. You are allowed to drop one test grade (including the final) so you should try and get good grades on the first three tests so you can skip the final. Bottom line, Slem's test are pretty difficult but he's a great teacher and the lectures are super interesting.

General Ed
Aug 2008
TAKE SLEM!!! his lectures were really interesting and the class was never boring. its easy to get a good grade and slem is one of the nicest professors ive had so far. GREAT CLASS

PSY 102

General Ed
Jan 2005
He is a great teacher. Everything is very clearly explained and he has an enormous amount of online material ready to help you. His lectures include numerous videos, which usually are very entertaining. The online tests are very similar to the ones he gives, so if you do well on those you will be fine. I felt that reading the book was a very good supplement to his lectures, as his tests go over specific examples from the text. A great teacher who I would definetly take another class from if I get the chance.

PSY 121

General Ed
Mar 2005
I think Chuck is an awesome guy, he's a great teacher, entertaining lectures, but his tests were HARD! Given this class is a ton of info, you really need to study in this class, pay attention, and do the study objectives.

PSY 201

Aug 2001
Mr. Slem was a tremendously entertaining speaker, who always managed to throw in a fascinating video to wake everyone up if his lecture was ever boring. He held class in the silo, yet still managed to answer raised hands, but other times he seemed to perfer students go to his assistants office hours. He also had her teach the review sessions. Also, you'd never think filing in to take a test could be any more fun that Mr. Slem makes it.

Required (Major)
Aug 2001
Slem is a very easy-going guy who likes to inject subtle entertainment into his lecture. I had his class in the big hall in the business building and I was very impressed by his integration of multimedia and computer technology to liven up the material. He didn't drone on with monotony, but varied the lesson as necessary, which demonstrates a better mastery of material. His tests are easier than most, which is saying a lot for multiple choice Scantron. Grading was done fairly and I enjoyed his class.

Required (Major)
Aug 2001
keeps me awake in lecture

Required (Major)
Aug 2001
Slem's enthousiasm never relented and he always semeed happy and interested in the material he taught.He used a variety of videos, music, and computer images which never made it mondane and I actually enjoyed the lectures. His web pages made studing eaisy and missing a lecture was no problem because the outline was on the web.

Aug 2001
Dr. Slem was great! He made the subject entertaining, and I was fascinated every day. The first midterm was moderate, the second midterm was really easy, and the last midterm was VERY hard. One thing I really liked about him was that he dropped the lowest test score (including the final, since it's weighted the same as a midterm). His tests concentrate a lot on the textbook definitions, so make sure you study those.

Required (Major)
Aug 2001
funny, interesting, a very good teacher to listen to lecture. i really enjoyed this class.

General Ed
Oct 1999
Even in a large lecture class, Dr. Slem is able to convey material to students. His midterms are multiple choice, and you get to drop one of the midterms or the final. The class is interesting and you learn a lot.

General Ed
Jan 2000
Prof Slem is amazing. He is such a wonderful teacher! I went to him during his office hours and we ended up getting off-track from talking about psychology and he started asking me about my family. He has increased my love for psychology, and now I'm considering a minor in it. I definitely recommend this class to EVERYONE. My roommate is currently taking it, and she loves it. As long as you read the chapters, everything will go perfectly. I received almost perfect scores on two of the tests, believe me, it can be done. The multimedia aspect is amazing, and he's very good to his students. He's funny, sweet, and entertaining. TAKE THIS CLASS!!!!!!

General Ed
Feb 2000
Dr. Slem is one of the best professors I have had a Cal Poly. He teaches the material very well and it is easy to understand. If you have Slem you will want to go to class everyday because it is so interesting. I strongly recommend taking Slem!!!!!!!!!!

General Ed
Feb 2000
This class is probably the most interesting class I've had at Cal Poly so far. He makes lectures interesting, mixing in multimedia and jokes. I highly recommend him for psychology.

General Ed
Mar 2000
Slem is the shit! His class was always the best part of my day. The subject matter was presented in an interesting way. He used video clips and presentations to teach us. Also all the topics discussed in class were on a website along with sample exams. He had his teacher's assistant give us study sessions before exams. Not only did this help my grade on the tests but it helped me to learn. If you take psychology make sure to get Slem.

General Ed
Mar 2000
I'm not sure if it was 201 or 202; it was the big 500 person class. Anyway, recitation instructors had the option of making the recitation worth from 10% to 25% of the final grade. Slem decided on 25%. To get a C in recitation all you have to do is show up. To get a B you have to fill out 3 surveys. To get an A you have to write a 2 page paper on deceptive advertising. His lectures were very interecting, but they for the most part had nothing to do with the main lectures. I recommend going to Dr. Ryujin's study sessions; you will learn some pneumonics that Slem does not teach.

General Ed
Mar 2000
Professor Slem is an excellent professor and his tests were not hard at all. First, he lets you drop one, so if you do well you don't even have to take the final. He actually makes a huge lecture interesting by using video clips and puts everything on the web site so you can get your notes if you miss class. Don't skip all the time though, because Slem is actually a nice guy and fun to listen to. I would recommend him to anyone.

General Ed
Dec 2000
This is a great course with a great teacher. He uses slides and movie clips to keep the classes entertaining and he tells some funny stories. The tests are very fair. Study the lecture notes adn do the prep tests that are on the website for the class.(by the way the web site is a necessary part of the class it helps a great deal) he has the every class lecture outlined ont he website along with sample tests and notes fromteh book also most of the videos shown in the class can be reviewed on the web page. This is an awesome class and Dr. Slem is a great teacher!

Jan 2001
He is a very good professor who makes use of the internet, which is very helpful. All you have to do for this class is print out the lecture notes ahead of time off the internet and add a couple of things during class. The tests are all mulitple choice and you can drop one of the 4 tests, event the final if you want. If you get good grades on the first 3 tests, just skip the final and count that as your drop. It is a wonderful grading system, but there is no curve. He is a funny guy too and the aide was always wlling to help and she also gave good pre-test seminars. Take this class and this professor if you can.

General Ed
Feb 2001
Dr. Slem was my absolute favorite and best professor last quarter. This guy knows his stuff and loves it too. I attended his 3 lecture per week course and he fulfilled all my questions about general psychology. He uses every kind of teaching method: videos, overheads, slides, sound clips, interactive lessons, and lecturing, of course. And he has everything on the Internet to access. He teaches from the same material on the net! His tests are so easy if you study for them since they are all multiple choice. If you pass the first 3 you don't have to take the final. He offers bonus points for answering surveys and he's always available in his office hours. This is one professor who truly loves his job and loves his subject matter. I would suggest him for either Psy 201 or 202. HE IS AWESOME. WAY TO GO DR. SLEM!

General Ed
Feb 2001
I LOVED THIS CLASS!!! Going to class was never a hassle, I looked forward to what Slem was going to lecture on and in what goofy way. He adds humor to all lectures and presents the material in a way that is memorable and easy to understand. The tests are multiple choice and all material is covered in lecture and readings. He also had practice tests and lectures online; very helpful. I recommend this class to everyone.........

General Ed
Feb 2001
I'm guessing my grade's gonna be a B because I'm filling this out in the middle of the quarter... All I have to say is that he is a great professor. Don't be like me and read all 4 chapters for each midterm the night before... Even though I did this for the fist 2 mids, I still received a B on both. I guess you can conclude that the mids aren't difficult. You don't have to pay attention in lecture because you can't HELP but pay attention. Take Slem and have fun.

General Ed
Mar 2001
He gives you an outline of what to study for the test and basically the test follows the same format. His tests are pretty easy. He uses interesting examples to display the idea he's trying to convey.

General Ed
Mar 2001
Dr. Slem is rad. He is willing to help you with any difficulties you may have and does a great job of teaching in the classroom. I had him for recitation and his lectures were always interesting. I would recommend that anyone who wants to enjoy their PSYC classes look for Dr. Slem. He is a great part of the department.

General Ed
Mar 2001
Slem teaches a very structured class. All important concepts are illustrated by videos, so you get a good understanding of what he is talking about. For a psychology class it was pretty enjoyable. His tests are for the most part straight forward, if you go to class, study your notes, and either go to kims pretest lecture or print it off the internet you will get a good grade. To do well, the pretest lecture notes are really what you should study. Take psy 201, take slem, and youll be satisfied.

General Ed
Apr 2001
Slem is great! His lectures were really interesting and his tests are easy. All I ever did was show up for class and I got an A. He shows little videos and things in class to help you understand the topic. The only homework is reading, but I never did it. I would definetly recommend Slem to anyone!

General Ed
Aug 2001
Professor Slem was an awesome teacher. Meeting four days a week for two hours a day during the summer didn't sound like a load of fun, but he kept me interested. His lectures were always humerous and interesting. He gives 3 midterms and a final, but only counts the 3 best grades. So, basically if you do good on the first three exams you dont need to take the final. He puts a lot of time in his interactive syllabus so there is always plenty of material to study from. Overall, he is a professor who is very passionate about what he teaches and really cares about students learning as much as possible.

General Ed
Sep 2001
Professor Slem was excellent. He was my first college professor and I hope the rest are just like him. His lectures are fun and entertaining as he has numerous stories, video clips, and jokes to share with the class. Concentrate on studying and prompting for tests off his website because everything on there is on the tests. There are even numerous sample tests for each chapter to prep for the exam. I strongly recommend this class to everyone who's anyone!

Oct 2001
He is funny and he drops the lowest test grade, even if it is the final. He love deceptive advertising and uses a lot of puns in his lectures, take him if you can.

General Ed
Nov 2001
This was an awesome class! I was not necessarily interested in psych, but Prof Slem really made the class fun. If you are a visual person, pick this class. His lectures are about 40% movies and pictures and graphs...very helpful for us visual people:) He uses humor and personal stories to help you understand the material. There is no homework, just keep up with the reading and he gives out a course objective list at the begining of the class that really helps you to study for the tests. They are all multiple choice and not too bad at all if you keep up with your notes and the text. He keeps all his lecture notes and text section outlines on a website for the class, so you don't have to go to calss if you don't want to, but you end up going because it is so much fun. One of my favorite classes by far that quarter.

General Ed
Jan 2002
Not enough good can be said about this teacher. He is funny, his lectures are entertaining, and he was my favorite teacher my first quarter at Cal Poly. He inspired me to want to change my major to Psychology. As long as you read, you will sail through the class. (I skipped some of the reading, and got a C.)

General Ed
Jan 2002
Slem's class was awesome! If your a good test taker, 201 is the class to take because your grade is the cumulative score of 3/4 multiple choice tests, none of which are cumuliative. If your better at essays, you can take 202, which has a recitation, or talk to him privately and you can take essays tests to substitute for the multiple choice ones in 201. Slem presents the material clearly and creatively in lecture, and the reading is thurough and straight-forward. Great class!

Required (Major)
Feb 2002
Dr. Slem's class was kickass. He knows how to keep your attention by adding humor to the material. Your entire grade is based upon your based three out of four tests. He assigns no homework, but you do need to read if you want to get a good grade. He's a really nice guy and does a great job with his lectures. You'll learn a lot about general psychology. I highly recommend Dr. Slem.

General Ed
Mar 2002
Unbelievably good class. Take Slemm if you can. If you go to lecture and read the book frequently you can get an A easily.

General Ed
Mar 2002
Slem has so much damn experience in this field, its bound to be a great class. Slem explains all the concepts from lecture very clearly, and helps you out on anything you dont understand. Without his recitation class, I would of gotten much lower on the tests. SLem is a great guy and he is very kind and attentive to his students. Take his recitation class if you can because he has inside info on the test questions and look forward to his lectures in Psy 201

Mar 2002
SLEMM WAS AWESOME!! His class is so interesting.. i never fell asleep. Take him for your elective if you can... you will not regret it!

General Ed
Mar 2002
Dr. Slem's class was awsome. We had lectures twice a week, and your entire grade was deterimined by your scores on 3 out of 4 50 question multiple-choice tests (including the final, which was a 100 point test). And if you hate multiple-choice? Just talk to Slem and he'll be happy to let you do an essay test. Lectures were VERY entertaining, and were filled with jokes and video clips. And of course, there's his famous Deceptive Advertising lecture at the end of the quarter that everyone loves. His class is great. Makes me want to PSY minor. If they ever offer PSY 201 with Slem again, TAKE IT. Otherwise, try and get him for the RCT in 202. Regardless, he's a great teacher.

General Ed
Mar 2002
If you want to take psy. 201, take it with Prof. Slem. His lectures are interesting and he uses helpful video clips to help explain the concepts of the lecture. The tests are very fair. He gives you the option of taking multiple choice or essay tests. The lowest grade of the four exams is dropped so even if you mess up on one exam, you are still good to go. As long as you read the book and listen to lectures, you should get a decent grade in the class.

General Ed
Apr 2002
Slem Shady is fucking awesome! His grading policy is off the hinges, and so are his lectures. He uses a big ass screen projector and a lot of video clips to really demonstrate the ideas presented. He's just way awesome and a HALF!

Apr 2002
This class is way cool. Lecture arent boring and he has a lot of tools you can take advantage of to help your grade. In my class there was an extra bonus because he had some TA helper chick who was a tall hot blond. I guarantee he was pimpin on the side. HA

Required (Major)
May 2002
Awesome class - awesome professor. Course objectives, tests, etc are all very clear. Lectures are very interesting - Slem is entertaining and uses a lot of video clips and media to keep you interested. Course material is interesting and entertaining. Very fair class. Highly recommend class and Slem to everyone - it meets a GE too!

Required (Support)
May 2002
Dr. Slem is by far one of the best teachers I have had on campus. He loves his field of work and is very involved. His lectures are funny and filled with useful information. His tests are a fair representation of the covered material. YOu will do very well if you attend class, read the book, and take advantage of the online website. Take Slem at least once for sure!

General Ed
Jun 2002
This class was so easy, and it was fun too. There are 3 midterms and a final. As long as you read the book and go to lecture(or just read the lecture online), you will do fine. I would recommend Slem to anyone.

General Ed
Aug 2002
This guy is an AMAZING teacher.... There wasnt a day that I didnt want to go to his class... He's a smart and very funy guy... If you do all the studying, which is a good amount, you will be guarenteed a high C.... I would definately take him again.

General Ed
Sep 2002
Prof Slem was such a wonderful teacher!! It was a great start at Cal Poly having him for psy. His tests consist of 3 multiple choice, each worth 50 pts each. If you are not good at multiple choice, he offers an essay/short answer test. He is a "real" person and goes out of his way for students. I found that going to his office hours were extremely helpful. I would most definitally recommend Slem for psy 201.He is great at what he does, and has so much knowledge and passion for psy. His romance lectures are so funny!!! Take him and you will be satisfied!! Way to go Prof Slem, and thanks for your support.

General Ed
Sep 2002
Prof. Slem is such a fantastic teacher. He is a great asset to Cal Poly. His lectures are extremely interesting and the tests are very fair. In fact, he'll drop your lowest score. Do well on the first three exams and you wont even have to take the final. The book reading is not essential to pass, but I suggest doing it to clarify concepts explained in class. Utilize the web resources!!! There are sample tests and a detailed outline of the text book chapters. Take Slem, he's great!

General Ed
Nov 2002
Slem is a great teacher and is very highly recommended. His lectures are interesting and well paced so that they are easy to understand. He also uses a ton of multimedia in and out of the classroom. He uses many videos during class that really add to the lectures by showing examples, and they are also entertaining so the class is not too boring. He essentially lectures on the reading, but I would recomend you read as well because there are always a few things on tests that are strictly in the text. Surprisingly, Slem also has a good sense of humor and tells alot of jokes.

General Ed
Dec 2002
Dr. Slem is a great professor. I learned so much from this class. His lectures were also entertaining. There are 3 multiple choice midterms and a final. You can ask him if you can take the third midterm as an short answer essay test if you don't like multiple choice tests. If you do well on all 3 midterms you don't have to take the final! He also has websources available to act as study aids. I would recommend using the website especially the sample exams which I found very helpful. Overall, I highly recommend Dr. Slem for Psy 201.

General Ed
Dec 2002
Slem knows his material quite well and knows how to present it in an interesting manner. Considering his classes are two hours long, he does a great job at keeping everyone awake and paying attention. He shows alot of pictures and clips which I think is a great learning visual. He is funny and enjoys teaching pyschology. However the tests are kind of hard, but if you study well and take good notes (must go to all classes, very important) you should do fine in the class.

General Ed
Jan 2003
Oh my gosh take this class! Professor Slem, being a psychologist and knowing how the mind works, has devised his lectures in a way that keep them interesting for the full two hours and still totally informative. All of his lecture notes, as well as sample test questions and study guides are on the website he has created. He has the test grades posted on the website within hours. He is goodnatured and easygoing, and keeps the atmosphere laid back. I would recommend this class to anyone who needs the fulfil the psych GE, which i believe is everyone.

General Ed
Jan 2003
Professor Slem set up this class so that his students could succeed. His lectures are interesting and straight forward, and the notes are online. The website for the class is awesome; it has the notes, sample exams and tons of links to other stuff if you need it. He and/or his assistant are friendly and available and will do whatever they can to help you out. He also has an essay test option for students who hate scantrons which is really convenient.

General Ed
Jan 2003
This a great class, there's about 250 people in it but Slem is a great guy. He makes you learn and grades fairly.

General Ed
Feb 2003
The only reason I got a C in this class was because I didnt go and when I did I was high which provided for some interesting video streams within his lectures. I didnt study until the final which was my fault but I got an A when I did study. My biggest tip.. study the learning objectives on his syllabus... thats your test right there. Slem is an awesome teacher and he makes class enjoyable. Stay on top of the lectures and chapter objectives and you will get an easy A or B.

General Ed
Mar 2003
Great teacher! It is very easy to get lost or fall asleep in a room with 250 other students, but not with this instructor. He keeps things interesting by adding video clips, power point presentations, and interesting examples. He explains everything. NO NEED TO BUY THE BOOK! He has everything available online, including everything you will need from the book. If you use his online resources, you will have no problem with this class. Just print out the lecture outline from the web and take notes on that. It is a great way to keep thing organized.

General Ed
Mar 2003
Arguably the best teacher I've ever had. Lectures are full of interesting but boring info (I mean that in the best way possible). Lots of stories and case studies that he gives you that are very easy to remember. I had trouble staying awake during some of the lectures, but that was MOSTLY to blame on me. If you want a semi-easy quarter take this guy, he's definitely worth it. If I had the time, I'd go for a psychology minor cause of him.

General Ed
Apr 2003
Psy is boring, but Slem makes it much better, but still not great. 201 is not a hard class. Lots of reading but the interactive website he built makes it easier.

Required (Support)
Apr 2003
Plenty of supporting information... interesting and meaningful powerpoints... I can't think of anything negative to say. He responded to my e-mail questions promptly, right before a test! This is my first year here at Cal Poly but I could tell that there were going to be few like him. I would recomend taking his class even if you don't have to. Take it as an elective! Worth it.

General Ed
Apr 2003
Slem is awesome! I loved going to class. His online lectures and movie clips keep you awake, and you learn a lot too! My advice would be to take his written tests. They are much easier, and you have a better chance of getting a good grade. If you study the learning objectives, you will ace every written test. I got a B because I didn't take the written test until the final. I got 100% on the I learned I should have taken the written tests all throughout the quarter. Have fun...its a good class. Slem is a nice guy!

General Ed
May 2003
What can I say..... Slem's a STUD! He did an awesome job teaching a class w/ 270 students and you can tell he really cares. All the movie clips, media and internet resources made this class really entertaining, one of my favorites at poly! Don't buy the book cuz all the info you need is either online or presented in class. He also has practice tests on the web, if you do these and go to class, getting a good grade will be fairly easy. Definitely take his class if you can!

General Ed
May 2003
Chuck's lectures where boring at times and very entertaining at times. He realized this and tried to make even the blandest topics interesting. He has 4 multiple choice tests and the best three scores determine your grade. I never took notes and only read the chapters and I ended up with a B. If you take notes and read the chapters this class should be an easy A. Just put in more effort than me because I'm a genious and I don't need to try.

General Ed
Jul 2003
Slem is the COOLEST! Just take the online quizzes and you will do great - you don't even need the book. He presents information very clearly and also has pretty interesting lectures - I'd recommend taking some scooby snacks. SLEM FOR PRESIDENT!

General Ed
Aug 2003
This is by far one of the best classes I have ever taken here at Poly. Slem is great teacher who knows what he is talking about, and he presents the material in a way that is so interesting- aweseome powerpoint presentations and movie clips. The tests are easy if you understand just the basic concepts of Psych, and overall this is just a great class. Definitely take it.

General Ed
Aug 2003
the class is actually really cool, i like how they switched off lecturers and had everything you needed online, including practice tests. i felt that the tests were a little hard for only 50 question tests, and the grading on the term paper was unfair, but other than that the class was interesting, especially with little video clips that woke you up if you started to space out.

General Ed
Sep 2003
Slem's a great teacher. His lectures are pretty interesting and he keeps everyone awake with lots of video clips. His tests arent too bad, just memorize the bold words from the text. If you are going to take psy 201, definitly take Slem.

General Ed
Nov 2003
Slem is a good guy, but more importanly a good professor. In a class of over 200, he doesn't forget that the students are individuals. He is open to giving extra help and aiding you in figuring out how to do well. He has so many resources on the internet. The class is set-up really well. I suggest that every one take it!

General Ed
Dec 2003
He makes the material really easy to understand. His website on psychology makes it really easy to study for the test. 4 tests throughout the year, 3 mid's and a final. They are all weighted the same, and you get to drop the lowest score. How sick is that?

General Ed
Dec 2003
This was really an awesome class!! I loved Professor Slem. He is a great teacher and throws in a lot of funny jokes during his lectures. Even though there were over 200 people in the class you feel like you know him. He gave three midterms a final that was optional because he throws out your lowest test score, so I did not even take the final. TAKE SLEM!!!! HE'S AWESOME!!

General Ed
Dec 2003
This guy is great!!! The only reason why a person might receive a bad grade in this class is because he or she isn't paying attention. If you just sit in through his lectures and skim through the reading material you're set! You don't even have to buy a book since he puts everything you need online. He gives 4 exams and drops the lowest one. The best part is if you do well on the first three you don't have to take a final... a breath of relief for an extremely hard schedule. I loved this class and might even consider a minor in psychology. He is one of the best teachers on campus and has an outstanding attitude. It seems like he likes what he teaches and it shows in how well his students do in this class. I RECOMMEND HIM!!! Everyone else sux compares to him.

General Ed
Dec 2003
Prof Slem has to be one of the bests profs at Cal Poly. He helps you analyze your problems on the multiple choice tests. Though if you aren't good at those, he'll let you take the short answer tests, which I found to be a lot easier. You take 3 midterms and a final, and will let you drop your lowest score, including the final. He is a great teacher, and I would recommend him to anyone.

General Ed
Dec 2003
Great class. You learn some very interesting things. Take this class for sure it not only fullfills the general ed requirements but you also learn lots. The only reason I got a C in this class is because I never did my daily work. I would definately suggest Dr. Slem for PSY201

General Ed
Dec 2003
All the lectures are online, which really makes this class easier. It's a pretty straight-forward class, but it's important not to fall behind. Slem makes the material interesting, and I recommend him to anyone who wants to fulfill their GE.

General Ed
Dec 2003
I was wary about taking Psychology because I didn't really like it in hs. Slem is an awesome lecturer. He has a great study guide online which helps you study better than the book but read the book at least once so you don't miss something. He also has practice tests online so take those and if you do well on the practice tests, you'll probably do well on the test. Study hard for the midterms so you don't have to take the final. He also gives you a break so you can duck out if you'd like. You dont' really have to attend lectures but he does test on material that he lectured on but it's also on the online web site.

General Ed
Jan 2004
This class was really entertaining. Slem is a master at keeping a class of 200 engaged. He makes the lectures interesting with occasional facts and jokes, usually about sex. The only problem with the course was that the tests were a bit on the difficult side. There are 4 tests including the final. Slem drops the lowest one, so if you are happy with your grade after quiz 3 you don't actually have to take the final. I ended up with a B+ and took the final to get the A-. You really need to keep up with the reading and attend every lecture to do well on the tests though. There is also a psychology website which Slem wrote that is really useful. Overall, I'd highly recommend Slem.

General Ed
Jan 2004
Slem's a pretty cool guy, just really boring. I was under the impression that psychology would be interesting...well it wasn't. Not for me anyway. The online resources are awesome, if you can figure it out before the final...I had a problem with that. We had 4 exams, with the opportunity to have your lowest score dropped, so only 3 tests made up your grade. If you READ THE BOOK AND DO ALL THE ONLINE STUFF, you should be fine. I realize halfway through the quarter that it was just these 3 tests for the grade, which is why I'm retaking this class spring quarter.

General Ed
Jan 2004
Great class! Great lecturer! I loved coming to class because it was so interesting. I loved learning about PSY, and Slem was a great teacher. His tests are really easy if you know the learning objectives and the glossary. (which is on blackboard) I didn't even have to take the final because you can drop one grade, including the final. I highly recommend taking Slem.

General Ed
Mar 2004
I was very excited to take this class when I signed up for it, but as the quarter went on I dreaded each class more than the last. The material was interresting and don't get me wrong, I am happy that I took this class because it reaffirmed my plan to minor in psychology, but it was the most boring class I have ever taken. Slem is very knowledgeable and obviously has put a great deal of time into his lectures, which are full of video clips and additional information. The major problem with the class are threefold: 1) Slem has an incredibly monotone voice that would put the most hyper person to sleep, 2) the 3 tests are really hard because they cover an ENORMOUS amount of material, and 3) he lectures for the entire two hours with what he calls a three minute break that's really more like 30 seconds. My advice, take the class, but with a different professor.

General Ed
Mar 2004
Slem is a bastion of Psychology knowledge. The consummate professional, he always had the material he was to present us coordinated and even though the class was a two hour-long lecture in the afternoon, he was still able to keep us engaged and interested most of the time. A lot of this class is take-home knowledge that may help you some day, as Dr. Slem says, we are all closet psychologists. The material is mostly interesting, the online web resources are helpful, and his tests are mostly pretty easy, if you memorize the key terms and follow his learning objectives sheet. Bottom line: if you want to learn some interesting stuff and have a lot of fun doing it, go with Slem. Just try not to get the two-hour lecture section right after lunch in the business silo: way too distracting.

General Ed
Mar 2004
This guy is such a good lecturer! His class was fun and incredibly entertaining, despite being a 2 hour lecture. The information was fascinating and he did a wonderful job of communicating it. If you read the text book and take good lecture notes, you will get an A.

General Ed
Mar 2004
Slem is a very good lecturer, he always kept things intertaining. He uses all kinds of aids like videos and music that help the information stick. I would have done a lot better in his class if I just studyied the vocab terms...thats what the class is definitions. I got C's on the midterms because I didnt study difinitions, and then Aced the final after just stufying vocab. He also dropes your lowest test score, including the final, so if you do well through the quarter you can choose not to take the final. Overall very cool guy and good lecturer, I recomend him.

General Ed
Mar 2004
I enjoyed this class very much because of Dr. Slem. It's not super easy or anything like that, but it's manageable, and doesn't have to be difficult. I did fine because I attended every lecture (make sure to take notes, as he takes questions from exams directly from them) and read all of the chapters, as well as studied gradually instead of crammed. I suppose that is important for every class, but the system worked extremely well here. Only 3 midterms and a final, 50 questions each, lowest score is dropped, and there are optional essays instead of MC. Even with the 240 people in the class, I learned a lot, and most of the time it was fairly entertaining.

General Ed
Apr 2004
Just take this class and you'll agree with me, one of the best professors at cal poly!

General Ed
Jul 2004
I heard a lot of great things about this proffesor from older students and they all highly recommended that I try to get into his class no matter what. He is a great lecturer, very clear on his topics, and provides his own stories into the topics to make it understandable. He uses images for the visual learners, speaks well for the auditory learners and includes the audience in on his lectures for a sort of "hands on" tecnique. The material is extensive and the reading is long, but it was all worth the while and time!

General Ed
Aug 2004
Great Professor! Great Class! Great Subject Matter! Take Slem-Psych 201 for your GE requirement. The class is not hard either. There are 4 tests all MC 50 questions and you can drop your lowest test score so if you do well on the three midterms that means no final!! Woohoo!! Studying for the tests was the worst part because theres so much info to go over in the textbook. But the class is very interesting. Great movie clips/documentaries/etc in class. Also Slem tells really funny stories from time to time. Definitely take Prof. Slem.

General Ed
Oct 2004
SLEM KICKS ASS!!! If you have the opportunity to take Psychology 201, take Slem. He is such a great lecturer and knows how to make even the boring topics really interesting. He uses alot of videos and class involvement to keep you interested. The homework load isn't difficult at all and the best advice I can give you is to do your reading when assigned and answer the learning objective questions that go with it. Then, at test time, review those and use the web resources to study. The tests are EASY!!! Take Slem and you will love psychology. I might minor in it because he made it so interesting!!!!!!!!!!!

General Ed
Nov 2004
Slem has great lectures and makes the topic interesting..this is my fav class!!

General Ed
Nov 2004
WOW. he is a great teacher. Midterms are cake if you go to class. If you didnt go to class like me, plan on studying. I studied a lot the day before the midterms (3 mids, one final). I got As. He lets you drop whatever test you do worst on (get As on the first 3, then no final). So its pretty cake. EXCEPT it reminds me of a pastor talking in church. about as BORING as it gets. but hey, its psych right? He will also let you take a makeup test if you do poorly on a midterm

General Ed
Nov 2004
Professor Slem is an awesome teacher! He makes psych fun and gives cool analogies and uses lots of video clips to make the class interesting. You only have 3 exams and a final. He drops your lowest test score, so the insentive is to do well on the first 3 exams so you don't have to take the final. Homework is up to you, and it helps to do read and do the learning objectives he gives you. His exams are straight forward and he adds his own sense of humor into some of the multiple choice options. He's very approachable and an overall nice guy. The class was laid back and he made psych really interesting. If you're gonna take Psych 201 take it with Slem!!!

General Ed
Dec 2004
TAKE SLEM!! I had him in a large lecture hall and it was so much fun. He has videos every class period and incorporates his funny stories into his lecture. I suck at MC tests (which there are 3 of them, plus the optional final, and you can drop the lowest score) so he gave me essay tests instead. His tests are fairly hard, and you have to study to get good grades, but he's a great teacher!

Required (Support)
Dec 2004
Dr Slem is so awesome. Take him definitely for Psych 201. He makes you feel like he is teaching to JUST you and if you go to every lecture, read, and study, you will do great. The class is hard but his tests are fair and he lets you drop your lowest test, even if it is the final. Study vocab a lot because most of the tests are just key terms. He makes his class interesting and hilarious and the website is awesome. Definitely take the sample tests when studying because some of the questions are exactly the same. My favorite lecture was the Romance one. Dr Slem is so funny and he even shows you a video of his son doing some crazy backyard wrestling in one of the lectures. This was my favorite class this quarter and I would recommend him to ANYONE AND EVERYONE!

General Ed
Dec 2004
Ok, Dr. Slem is a really great teacher...also this class is so easy. you can drop your lowest test score, so i didnt have to take the final..which is very nice. the class is fun, and he shows lots of videos and pictures to mix it up. all of the classwork and lectures are online and there are also learning objectives for text and lecture and sample questions. If you do these, you are going to get an A. The tests are exactly like them. It was really a fun class and made me want to minor in psych...oh, take 201 not 202 you have to write a paper and have lots of different teachers...not as cool.

General Ed
Dec 2004
Professor Slem is a great teacher. For a two-hour class, he made it very interesting, with film clips and his interactive website (now I'm contemplating a minor in it, if that says anything). Definitely take advantage of the website. While the book reading and lecture are the most informative, the website is helpful, with sample quizzes, relevant topics, and the lecture (which can be printed out to take notes on). There are three midterms and a final in the class and the lowest score is dropped (so if you do well on the midterms you won't have to take the cumulative final). Providing that you read the chapters, study the key words and learning objectives, and go to class, you should end up with a good grade.

Required (Major)
Jan 2005
the most awsome of all awsome teachers! he has the best web resources i have ever seen. no homework, just reading that you dont have to do if you use the web resources correctly. He drops your lowest exam score so if you already have the grade you want going into the final you dont have to take it. I learned a ton about psychology in this class but i didnt feel like it as being crammed into my head. I would like to take more classes with him just to hear him talk. he's funny, and smart and knows how to relate things to students. take this class with Slem!

Required (Support)
Jan 2005
Dr. Slem was a great teacher. His lectures were very interesting and he made an effort to relate the material to what his students would be interested in. When you take Psych I highly reccomend taking it with Dr. Slem because he is a great teacher and very personable. Tests were not extremely difficult, they were challenging but you could do well if you put forth the effort.

General Ed
Jan 2005
Slem is an awesome professor. Excellent web resources, so there is no need to buy the textbook. Great teacher, Great Class!

Required (Major)
Jan 2005
Slem is awesome. Even though it's a long 2 hours, he makes it a little easier to sit through with funny stories and video clips. He also gives learning objectives to help you study. And the best part is he drops your lowest test grade...even if it's the final. I definitely recommend taking Slem!!!!

General Ed
Jan 2005
Dr. Slem is a very good teacher to have in such an immensely large class. His lectures are slightly boring sometimes, but rather interesting all the same. He drops the lowest of the four tests the entire year which helped greatly in the end. This is a professor worth taking if you want a general ed class that is fun much of the time.

General Ed
Jan 2005
wow. this guy is great. and i didn't need to take a final either

General Ed
Jan 2005
Prof. Slem was extremely entertaining as well as clear during his lectures, and he provided a break midway through the 2 hour period for bathroom and stretch breaks, which other teachers still haven't figured out as being useful. He bridges the student-teacher gap very well, so much so that you feel personally comfortable with him. His tests only tested the reviewed material, and I only received a B because I didn't attend enough of the classes. I wish I would have, however, because he is one of the most interesting professors I've ever had.

General Ed
Jan 2005
Professor Slem is a really good prof that keeps his class engaging with videos throughout the entire class so it doesnt get too boring. A lot of what he says in class is on his website (which helps a ton for tests) and the reading isnt so bad. If you do your stuff, you get a b easy.

General Ed
Jan 2005
EXCELLENT TEACHER. He is smart, interesting and funny. I loved him. He has three midterms and a final. They are multiple choice and easy if you use the materials he provides for you to study with. He has practice tests online which are very helpful. Everything is online which is useful. If you like your grade after the 3 midterms you dont have to take the final. Or take the final and you can drop your worst grade. I would only go to class when i felt like it because the business building was a long walk and i still got an A because everything is pretty much in the chapter and his lectures are online.

General Ed
Mar 2005
Excellent teacher. Not much else to say that hasn't already been said. Take Slem if you have the chance--Psychology 201 is an interesting and informative way to fill the D4 general education requirement. Check out the course web site at .

General Ed
Mar 2005
Dr. Slem is awesome. His lectures are always interesting, no matter what the topic is. He has funny and relevant video clips to go with every lecture, the best was a wolf that was afraid of a lamb. Three midterms, one final, but he drops your lowest grade, so if you do well on all the midterms you don't have to take the final at all. They were pretty easy tests too, and the web resources were really helpful. To study, take one of the practice quizzes online to see what you don't remember, scan the chapter in the book, take the rest of the quizzes, and make sure you know the learning objectives that he hands out. Do that for every chapter, then take the lecture practice quizzes and read over your notes. You should have no problem getting an A if you study that way. Also, if you just don't do well on multiple choice tests, he'll let you take an essay test if you email him to let him know you want one. I would highly recommend this class; after taking it I've decided that I want a psychology minor.

General Ed
Mar 2005
If you get the chance to take pys 201 with Slem, DO IT!!!! He always has funny video clips and tells stories that make you want to pay attention. Sometimes 2 hr lectures can be boring, but not with Slem. I loved going to class just to hear what he would say. Dont miss your chance for a great class! I would defenitely say that this was my favorite class so far at Cal Poly.

General Ed
Mar 2005
AWESOME teacher! Take his class! He is really easy to listen to and the web resources help a ton. He is a great guy and I loved the class!

General Ed
Mar 2005
First of all, Im surprised you havent heard about Slem from your friends. He makes the 2 hour psych lectures interesting and funny. The funny thing about Slem is that he thinks he needs to retire soon because he thinks hes becoming an "ineffective teacher". So when he polls you on if you think he should retire soon, make sure you tell him hes got another 15 years!

General Ed
Mar 2005
Slem's is one of my favorite teachers. You don't even need the book, his website has everything you need to know. He is also really good at making the class interesting.

Required (Major)
Apr 2005
Slem is such an energetic and fun teacher. I loved going to his class everyday. He presents the information in such a unique and interesting way that it was easy to learn all the course concepts. He gave me an excellent foundation for psychology and I STRONGLY recommend him!

Required (Support)
May 2005

General Ed
May 2005
Slem is awesome..I was interested in psychology before taking the class, but after I chose it as my minor because of the way he taught it. All lectures are interesting and for tests, just study the material online and do some reading in the textbook. He's also a very nice person so take advantage of office hours. Very much Recommended.

Required (Support)
Jul 2005
AWESOME!! He teaches the material in an interesting way and has video clips and great web resources to help you. He really does want you to do well in the class. He's kinda of cheesy sometimes but can be funny too. He's just an all around nice guy. I'm taking it summer quarter in the five week lecture (intense) but sooo interesting. I definintly recommend him for anyone who has to take Psych

General Ed
Aug 2005
Slem was a great professor. He presented the material through various videos and powerpoint presentations. I really loved his kindness to the students. He helped me out so much when I encountered difficulties in his class. DEFINATELY TAKE HIM!

Aug 2005
Everybody HAS to take PSY 201, and everyone SHOULD take Slem. He is awesome. There's nothing else too it. Interesting, funny, and informative.

General Ed
Aug 2005
Slem was such a nice guy. I did decent on the first test and he gave me some good tips when I went to his office hours. The KEY to this class is doing the LECTURE OBJECTIVES (not on the syllabus, but his website) instead of coping his overhead notes word for word in class. Plus the LEARNING OBJECTIVES on the syllabus. USE HIS WEBSITE! The only reason I got a C is because I didn't utilize his website until after the first two tests. Great and fun professor.

General Ed
Sep 2005
There is never a dull moment with this guy. He makes class really worth it. This large class worth signing up for if it is with him. The energetic lectures are very informative and easily understandable. This class is not too hard. Take him.

Required (Major)
Nov 2005
WOW -- Professor Slem is definately the best professor you'll ever have! He is so nice and understanding, and he presents all of the material really well and in interesting ways. I wasn't ever bored, and I never missed one of his classes (unlike my other classes which I missed many of!) I got a 49/50 on all 3 midterms so didn't have to take the final which was really nice! Some advice -- do ALL of the learning objectives from the text and lectures, and do the practice tests online. I took all 3 tests in written form instead of multiple choice, and I felt very confident. TAKE PROFESSOR SLEM IF YOU CAN! HE'S WONDERFUL!!!

General Ed
Nov 2005
Professor Slem was just an awesome instructor and one of the best teachers I've EVER had. He made psychology so interesting and I looked forward to coming to class everyday. Sometimes the two hour block got a little tiring, but he made the learning fun and interactive with his website. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend Dr. Slem to anyone interested in psychology.

General Ed
Nov 2005
slem is so awesome. he makes sure what you're learning applies to real life experiences. just make sure to keep up on the bookwork and really take advantage of the web resources. if you have a chance to take psy with him, DO IT.

General Ed
Dec 2005
This was one of the most interesting lecture classes I have taken here at Cal Poly. Slem is a great guy and makes Psychology a very enjoyable class, I have even decided to take up a Psyhology minor because this class was so interesting. The online web resources are of great help, I used them more than the textbook. I would say you don't really need the textbook at all for this class. Your grade is based on 4 exams, but you can drop the lowest score, so if you do well on the first 3 exams then no final!

Required (Support)
Dec 2005
Slem's amazing, take his class! There are three midterms and a final during the course of the quarter. He drops your lowest test score, including the final. So if you do well on the first three midterms, you don't have to take the final! Slem's funny and has the most interesting lectures... great professor!

General Ed
Dec 2005
Your grade is 100% determined by 4 tests, of which you can drop the lowest score. This makes a bit harder than it could be, but considering my class had 240 people, it seemed like the best option. Other than that the class was great. NO HW!!! Slem is very interesting, has a great personality, and is willing to help you. Psy with slem is a great class! Take it!

General Ed
Dec 2005
Dr. Slem is an amazing professor! I never missed a class, because he always made them so interesting. It is one of those rare two-hour lectures that goes by somewhat fast. He offers so many different ways for you to learn the material so if you don't like reading, you can get most of the same information from the lectures. However, I would suggest doing both. If you learn well from flashcards, I would recommend making them as you go along. I ended up waiting until right before the final to make them, which took me about 4 days to do. They really help, but they take a lot of time if you wait until the last minute, like me. The subjects are all pretty easy to understand. The only reason that I got a B in the class is because I'm not that great of a test taker. If I was, I definitely would have had an A, because Dr. Slem is really good at explaining everything clearly and it's all pretty interesting stuff. If you get the chance, take his class!

General Ed
Dec 2005
Dr Slem was a great professor!! He is very enthusiastic and is incrededibly sweet! There are three midterms and an optional final that can replace one low midterm. His lectures were very easy to follow because you can print it off of Blackboard. There are also learning objectives you can bring to class that help you follow along. Overall, he's just a great guy and definitely makes learning about psych easy and fun.

Required (Support)
Jan 2006
Slem is excellent; I nominated him for teacher of the year. Half the time I sat in the front row and half the time I sat in the back when my other class got out late. In either row, I still felt connected and interested. He uses lots of videoclips and graphics to get his points across and really applies PSY to Cal Poly students -- no scary descriptions of wacky mental conditions. There's no homework, only four tests that weren't too hard if you studied. He drops the worst test, including the final. Great teacher!

Required (Support)
Jan 2006
If you can't already tell from other reviews, Dr. Slem is the man. 3 tests that are each 50 multiple choice. If you are happy with your grade after the 3 tests, you do not have to take the final. Definitely use the website, it really helps! Basically, if you get Slem, take him! He is a great professor who presents the material very clearly and makes class something worth going to. He makes class very interesting with powerpoints and plenty of video clips that he uses as examples. I even went to his office hours a few times and he is really nice and cares about how you are doing in his class. Dr. Slem is awesome!!

General Ed
Jan 2006
Awesome teacher. Makes two hour lectures entertaining. He grades by using 3 of 4 tests/midterms. You need to study, they arent cake. I got an A on my first midterm and B's on the next two. B+ in the class. Great teacher. TAKE HIM!!

General Ed
Mar 2006
This guy was a really good psych teacher. His lectures were hardly ever boring, and the tests weren't very hard, just study for them, if you don't you'll end up with a C like me! But I would recommend him for this course, if you like your grade before the final than you don't have to take the final.

Required (Support)
Mar 2006
Professor Slem is the sweetest man! He makes the class interesting and fun to go to! He is an awesome teacher and willing to help students! TAKE HIS CLASS!

General Ed
Apr 2006
Dr. Slem was a sick teacher. First of all he made his lectures very enjoyable, mostly because they were all done on powerpoint, and he showed us many movie clips that were relevant to the subjects we were learning Slems also gives out a set syllabus that lets you know exactly when his exams are, and what to expect. Also enlisted on his syllabus are sample questions to help you as you go along. Slems has 3 multiple choice test and a final, in which he drops the lowest test score including the final, so if you have a good enough grade going into the final, you can just skip the final and he'll give you whatever you got on the previous 3 tests. He also offered a written exam instead of a multiple choice exam if you wished it instead, it was much easier and had basically the exact same questions that the review packet contained.

General Ed
May 2006
He is a great teacher. His classes are interesting and he is very easy about examinations-->ask for a written mid term! Great teacher

General Ed
Jun 2006
Slem is a great teacher he totally understands our generation its actually a little scary how well he understands. He makes class very interesting with movies and clips. He makes it easy to print the notes and follow along. He is a great teacher. His tests are hard but take time to go to his office he will help you to figure out what your missing. I got close to the same grade on every test. Its just a lot of material to know all at once. I would recommend him though as a teacher.

General Ed
Oct 2006
hes a funny guy and the lectures are great. but psychology is still pyschology and the reading isnt so great. do the reading and youll be solid on the tests. that was my mistake or an a would have easily been reachable. also if you arent gonna go to lectures, have a friend fill you in. he puts most everything on blackboard which is so great, but he shows videos and therees questions from those on the test. so if you miss it no big deal but try to go. besides, the lectures are the interesting part of the class. youll learn about denim jockeys.

General Ed
Dec 2006
I loved Slem!!! He was my favorite teacher this quarter. I HIGHLY recommend taking this class. The lectures are all really interesting and he is the sweetest little man! The tests are not that hard if you study. Definitely do the text objectives and study the online stuff. Also make sure you go to the lectures because 20 of the questions are based on lectures. He also drops your lowest test grade so that helped a lot, including the final, which I didn't have to take since I was happy with my other test grades. Take this class!

General Ed
Dec 2006
Slem is awesome! He made this class really interesting and I'm planning on minoring in psychology now! Lecture was 2 hours but he made it go by super fast. To do well, just follow along with the lecture/text objectives he gives out, try to pay attention in lecture (he is really funny and uses lots of great video clips that tie in perfectly, it's pretty easy), and study for the midterms so you don't have to take the final. DEFINITELY TAKE THIS CLASS!!!!!! SLEM IS THE BEST!

General Ed
Dec 2006
I have no idea what I was doing this quarter, but I will always lament not taking Psych as seriously as I wanted to. I loved the class; Slem is a wonderful professor; everything is laid at your feet in order to let you succeed. Furthermore, the course itself is fascinating and the textbook is really well written. Do yourself a favor and take this class!

Feb 2007
In 13 years of schooling, Slem is the best teacher I have ever had. He is really funny so his lectures are easy to listen to. Also, he has a really awesome site that gives you lecture learning objectives and reading learning objectives. There are 4 tests including the final. Each one is 50 multiple choice questions and he drops your lowest score, even if it's the final. The questions are easy as long as you have studied using the lecture and reading learning objectives that he gives you. I studied by typing up detailed answers to the lecture and reading learning objectives and I finished second out of about 250 kids in the class. Take him.

Required (Support)
Feb 2007
SLEM IS THE BEST! He is by far the best professor I have had so far and he really tries to get students interested in the material. His lectures can be boring at times, but he usually has a lot of videos and his favorite section seems to be subliminal advertising so you get to see a lot of cool examples. I would recommend this class to everyone. It's 3 tests and a final and he drops your worst test grade so if you do well on the first three you don't have to go to the final. If you do the reading and follow the lecture outline he provides, it's an easy A.

General Ed
Feb 2007
Slem is so awesome. He's really funny, and most of the lectures are interesting. Don't buy the book. I used it for one test and did just as well as when I just used his web resources. The only bad part is you have to go every lecture to answer the questions he'll ask on the test about the lectures. You take 3 midterms and the final, but he drops your lowest score. I had a B before the final and took it just for shiggles and ended up with an A- in the class. The last few lectures were all about psychology of advertising and the psychology of terrorists and they're really interesting. So get through the boring lectures on psychotherapy and it'll be worth it.

General Ed
Dec 2007
PLEASE TAKE DR.SLEM!!! he is amazing and you will not regret it. i guarantee it! his lectures are full of hilarious video clips and i can honestly say that i loved every single one of his lectures. did not miss a single class. tests are all scantron and pretty easy. 3 in the whole quarter plus the final and you can drop your lowest test score. favorite class this quarter. TAKE HIM!!!!

General Ed
Jan 2008
Slem is an excellent teacher. The classes were all very interesting and he was especially thorough to make sure students understood everything. We watched a lot of video clips that reinforced what we were learning. Attending lectures is absolutely necessary. Half of each exam is questions on what he says and shows in the lectures, then the other half is from the textbook reading, which is also essential to do. Lengthly chapters, but its fascinating and really relatable. There is no homework besides reading, and he gives you learning objectives for the lectures and tests that directly correspond to exam questions, so use those to study. And he drops one exam so if you do well you don't have to take the final!

General Ed
Jan 2008
Honestly, this guy is awesome. If you can choose to take one teacher your whole time at Poly, choose him. His classes are on interesting material, which helps, but he makes every class interesting too. He makes note taking easy with slides, he always has real life examples and footage to break up the lecture and help you grasp the info. He puts tons of links and information on his blackboard for you to learn to. Best of all, he provides a lot of online help for his tests. If you really study and use his online tools you will for sure get an A. Also, if you do well enough on the midterms then you can walk away with your grade and not take the final. He's such a nice guy and an awesome teacher, I definitely recommend him.

General Ed
Feb 2008
I signed up to take this class because was I never given the opportunity to take psychology in high school. I am glad I took this class and I am even considering to minor in Psychology due to my good experience. The large class size may seem intimidating to incoming freshman. But, if you take time after class you will find that Dr. Slem is very approachable and fun to talk to. With respect to the class, there are 3 midterms and 1 final. All exams are worth 50 points and there are 150 points total in the class. If you do well enough on the midterms you can forego the final. Also, the online resources are fun and help you master the material. -Trevor

General Ed
May 2008
I took this guy my freshman year because I wanted to know what Psych was all about. This guy was great. Really friendly, and made the material really interesting.. he put a spin on it with psychology in advertising... and since I'm a business major, that was fun for me. He got me interested in Psychology so much that I made it my minor. Cool teacher. He also lets you drop your lowest test. Pretty good.

General Ed
Dec 2008
There is absolutely no homework in this class apart from studying and Professor Slem pretty much gives you everything you need to succeed. I highly recommend using the website. I wound up with a solid A. He is a very friendly and happy man who occasionally cracks a joke. The most interesting lectures are the advertising ones and the one on love. I recommend printing out the lecture objectives and just using that to take notes on. All in all, he is a great professor.

General Ed
Dec 2008
Professor Slem is awesome! He was by far my favorite this first quarter! He is a great little man who is really in touch with our generation. He makes his lectures very interesting-there was a lot of video clips and he's funny. The tests are not that hard especially since you know exactly what to study. In class you should print out the lecture objectives and just fill those out while he talks, theres really no need for other notes. And I don't have to take the final because he drops your lowest test, final included, and I had a solid a after the first 3.

General Ed
Dec 2008
Print the lecture notes and learning objectives from the website and take them to class. Take your notes on the lecture notes and answer the learning objectives as he covers them. When reading the book, have the text learning objectives and the text notes open in front of you. Take the quizzes online after you have completed the chapter. Basically, using his website is the key to getting an A in his class. A serendipitous benefit is that most of what you learn is interesting and useful.

General Ed
Dec 2008
Take Prof Slem! Especially if you are a Business major (which I am) because he talks about psychology used in advertising and it can be really interesting. The things you learn in this class can be applied to the real world very easily and almost all of his lectures are interesting and easy to follow. Doing the learning objectives from the book really help n studying for the test and if you go to class then the lecture questions on the exams aren't too bad. If you choose to take Psych 201 you must take Slem, you won't regret it.

General Ed
Jan 2009
Amazing professor. Slem made this class incredibly interesting. Do the online learning objectives from the text and the learning objectives from the lecture and you'll do great. If you're looking for a class that you don't have to attend everyday, this is definitely not the one. Slem pulls a lot of test questions from his lectures that are not found in the textbook. But you'll find that you want to go to class everyday because it's so interesting.

General Ed
Jan 2009
Professor Slem is AMAZING. He's a completely amazing professor, well-versed on his subject without being arrogant, and just a generally cool guy. If I had tried I'd have gotten an A, but I couldn't be bothered with 2 math classes to fully make use of the website. The website, btw, is also really cool. He makes the class really interesting. One of my favorite teachers thus far.

General Ed
Jan 2009
I absolutely love this teacher. He is a terrific professor and truly cares about his students success. At the beginning of the quarter I had an issue with his multiple test and didn't understand why I wasn't doing as well as I thought. So I went into his office hour and he was very helpful as to figuring out what my problem was and told me to take the essay question one instead. At first I thought I would do even MORE terrible on a blank test than one with the answer at least on it, however, I was very wrong. Doing the essay question test instead you get to pick 6 out of 12 questions (so you totally get to pick the ones you know) and then 4 of the 8 lecture questions. This way you're confident in your answers because you choose them. Also, you get to explain yourself as to what you know on the question. And usually a bunch of them are just definitions! I know that many people didn't know this who were taking the multiple choice because essay question sounds so scary, but not with this professor. He is amazing! Also, since he is so understanding even if you are a little off in your answer but explain yourself he'll still give you credit! at least 1/2 credit. Slem is GREAT! A little boring at times but he makes it bearable through the clips he shows throughout every class. Amazing teacher. HIGHLY recommend.

General Ed
Jan 2009
His lectures are cool. Midterms and Final are all about the lecture and not on the book concentrate on the lecture objectives and not on the book/text ill just mix you up amd get a bad grade. HE is laughs and cool go to his office hours to get extra points if you did bad on tests.

General Ed
Mar 2009
Dr. Slem is AWESOME!! He really cares about giving interesting and compelling lectures. Granted it is tough to concentrate at times, but sit near the front and you really become active in the class. He breaks up his lectures with videos that really help you grab onto concepts. Keep up on the readings, answer all of the objective questions, and you'll do very well.

General Ed
Mar 2009
Dr. Slem is a great professor. He tries to make his lectures interesting, but mostly is very straitfoward with what is going to be on the test. He gives many resources for studying including some online practice tests which are very helpful. He is always willing to help during office hours, and I would definitely recommend his class.

General Ed
Sep 2009
Dr. Slem is totally teaches the class understanding how students work. He's easy to follow in lectures and does a great job of keeping you interested. Do what he suggests on the syllabus and you'll do fine. I have to agree with the comment about sitting closer to the front, it helps. Fun class.

Dec 2009
Slem is a pretty awesome teacher. He explains everything very well by using great examples and his lectures are very entertaining. You have 3 exams, and one final. But he drops your lowest test score. So if you\'re satisfied with your grade after your first 3 exams, you don\'t have to take the final. I took the final because I was borderline A-/B+ but I got the short end of the stick. I ended up being less than a point off of an A. This was my only dislike about the course so don\'t make the same mistake and you\'ll love it!

General Ed
Dec 2009
Professor Slem is such a cool guy. I\'ve always found psychology interesting and Slem doesn\'t disappoint here. The lectures are usually always interesting (some more than the others), he always has some good jokes through them, lots of interesting videos, and it\'s just a fun class all-around. If you read every chapter (not just before the midterms like I did) and take good lecture notes you should have a good chance at an A. The online resources he has are fantastic for helping you learn and study.

General Ed
Mar 2010
One of the nicest, fairest, and most reasonable professors I have experienced. Take Dr. Slem if you can, he is truly great.

General Ed
Apr 2010
Dr. Slem was my favorite lecturer in PSY 201 because he presented the information clearly and with a direction in mind. By that, I mean that his lectures were purposefully constructed to enhance our overall understanding of psychology, rather than just providing us with many entertaining facts. I also feel that Dr. Slem did an excellent job at writing the tests for the class; they were fair, challenging, and the material was very \'study-able.\'

Required (Major)
May 2010
Although I had Slem for a huge lecture hall, his class was so interesting and the 3 total exams (the only graded work for the class) were completely reasonable. TAKE THIS CLASS

PSY 202

Required (Major)
Aug 2001
I took this professor for the recesitation part of the class. An excellent professor all around. I believe you will be particularly intrigued by Dr. Slem's focus on "Deceptive Advertising".

Required (Major)
Aug 2001
There's not much to say about Professor Slem. Because 202 only has a recitation you only meet with your prof one time a week. Slem is good in that you don't have to do anything but show up (attendance is taken) and do a four paragraph paper. (though i wouldnt really call it a paper because all you are doing is describing ads in magazines and how they perform deceptive advertising) I would definitly recommend Professor Slem to anyone who needs to get this GE out of the way

Jun 1999
Slem's recitation is excellant. All you have to do is show up to get a C in recitation. Fil out four easy surveys about the web page and you get a B. Write about 4 magazine ads and get an A. The whole quarter he bashes Poly's school system about how they are still trying to be on the quarter system, but are not there yet. He also only goes over deceptive advertising the whole quarter with slides pretty much every week. Some of the concepts that he shows and stories he tells are funny and yet also amazing. Opinion: Highly Recommended.

General Ed
May 2001
Slem is just a laid back professor who genuinely wants all of his studets to do well in his class. If you test poorly, he offers opportunities to bring up your grade in other ways. To get an A in his recitation takes hardly any effort at all. You only have to show up and you get a C. Overall, he's a good professor to choose.

General Ed
Jun 2001
He's a great recitation prof. You only have to do a few simple surveys and a 2 page paper on advertising and how they use psychology to manipulate people. The hard part about psych 202 is the scantron only tests that Dr. Laver makes...

General Ed
Aug 2001
Dr. Slem is such an excellent professor. I decided to take him for recitation because of all the good things that were said about him here on Polyratings. I considered it my "slide" class and actually ended up with a C. I did however, attend most of the lectures and all of the recitations and did all of the extra credit papers so when I was disappointed with my grade I went and talked to him about it. I showed him all of my notes and we reviewed my tests and he ended up hearing me out and changing my grade to a B which was so awesome. I totally recommend him-he's a "real" person.

Required (Major)
Nov 2002
I really liked being in Slem's recitation. He was interesting and funny and gave us very useful information. We talked a lot about advertising and our only work for the class was to write an essay about advertising. I'd definitely recommend him for a recitation teacher for Psych 202.

General Ed
Feb 2003
A real great teacher. Chuck makes it worth it. Just be sure to use his online resources!!! They will save your life.

General Ed
Mar 2003
He only gave 2 lectures for this class, but you could tell he was runnin the show. He made the tests and the web site. He totally knows how to teach -- that's something you rarely get at Poly. I wish more profs had his skills.

General Ed
Apr 2003
202 is a very interesting course and if you try hard you will do well. All of the lecturers kick butt except that Ryan chick, she was way too boring and uninteresting. The course's teachings are practical which is very important. I ended up getting a lot out of this class.

General Ed
Jun 2003
He recitation is awesome... Interesting things... Only one written paper for the recitation... quite easy.. The main lecture is fun... Enjoy rujin's talks because they are the best... THe test are not too hard nor easy.. Best recommendation is to read the information early... Reading it 24 hours before the test isn't bright.... Take full advantage of the online resources... they do help a bit... but only if you have time....

General Ed
Jul 2003
I felt he was a little over-rated. Don't get me wrong, he was an extremely nice guy, funny, knew the stuff, and knew how to present it... I think it was just that I read Poly ratings which had him at 3.9 and my expectations were HUGE going into the class. I also only had him for recitation (b/c I took 202 instead of 201). I am sure he would have been a lot better had he been the primary teacher rather than a guy I only saw once a week to get filler info from the main lectures. I would definitely reccomend him, and if you keep your expectations lower than mine he should be awesome. His tests aren't impossible, but they aren't easy (he is the test writer for the main lecture). Study and you should be fine. The web site he put together is extremely helpful, use it! Not much else I can say. Don't take this evaluation wrong cause I gave him 4's in everything, but just don't have expectations that are too high either.

General Ed
Jun 2004
Dr. Slem is a very enthusiastic professor and he obviously enjoys teaching alot. You can tell that he really likes Psychology and his passion for the subject is contagious! He has alot of great stories to tell and does an excellent job of relating scientific principles to everyday-life examples. He really cares about his students and goes out of his way to help them succeed. Take him for psych if you can!

General Ed
Mar 2005
Take Slem!! Psych 202 is a great gen. ed. class to take. The lecture is intersesting because you will have a different lecturer each class and you won't be bored. Take Slem for recitation if possible. He gives you points for going to rec. and there is one short and very easy paper to write. He is also great and giving you hints for exams. Slem will thouroughly answer any questions and he is very approachable. Take Slem if you can, you won't regret it

General Ed
Mar 2005
Slem is amazing, made 202 recitation fun. He would answer any questions from lecture then talk about his own stuff dealing with advertising. His lectures were pretty interesting. He gives you credit for showing up and unlike other professors there are no quizes just the paper at the end which isn't too big of a deal. Take slem for recitation

General Ed
Mar 2005
He was really good for psych recitation because he explained a lot of the material and he gave out only one assignment which was not that hard. He knows his stuff and is a good teacher

General Ed
Mar 2005
Dr. Slem was amazing. I don't know if I have ever had a teacher who was so easy-going and kind. He loves what he teaches, and presents the material well. I had him for recitation, and I wouldn't want to take it with anyone else. There is only one extra assignment, an easy paper on advertising, which would be impossible to not do well on, and he gives no extra quizzes. He's there to answer any questions you may have from lecture, and the rest of the time is spent on diseptive advertising, which is very interesting. I would take another class with him in a second. Anyone who has an opportunity to take a class with him definitely should.

General Ed
Apr 2005
Take Dr. Slem if you can! He's a great professor. He relates well to students and presents interesting information. He is very understanding and always willing to help. For his recitation you only have to attend each class mtg and write one short, easy paper. Basically during class he talks about psychology in advertising which is interesting and you can see how it works in your everyday life.

Required (Major)
Apr 2005
He is a wonderful professor and he grades fairly easy. I would recommend his class for everyone, he really makes psychology interesting.

General Ed
Jun 2005
Dr. Slem is such a nice professor. He is awesome for recitation, he just tells stories and teaches about deceptive advertising, you don't really go over what is covered in lecture or reading but he will clarify topics if he thinks they are confusing. You get points for showing up to class and a one page paper on deceptive advertising is due at the end of the class. usually everyone gets 47/50 points for recitation, that is if you have perfect attendance and a decent paper. Take slem because he is a great teacher and its not a difficult class.

General Ed
Jun 2005
Excellent. Slem doesn't load you with busywork. He's a nice, easygoing, humorous guy. I had him Spring quarter, and I was getting tired of school, so I slacked off a lot, but I ended up getting a B. I liked how he only required one paper and regular attendance. Basically, if you write a paper that meets the basic requirements and have perfect attendance, you're gauranteed an A for the recitation part of the course. The 3 midterms were alright. Not hard to get a B, but hard to get an A. I heard that Dr. Slem's online resources were pretty good test prep for the midterms written by Dr. Laver. But in Spring 2005 that all changed. Dr. Laver wrote the tests so that the online resources weren't that helpful anymore. Overall, Dr. Slem is the man.

General Ed
Aug 2005
The absolute man. Slem is totally easy going, but he knows what he is talking about. He is probably the reason why im going to minor in psych. Im late to a lot of classes, but whenever i woke up late for this one i would get pissed off. If your taking Psych and have a chance to take slem, you would be an idiot if you didnt jump on the chance.

General Ed
Mar 2011
Professor Slem is AWESOME. He is extremely organized, clear, and definitely has direction when he's lecturing. He knows his stuff very well and is always fair. Love him! He made Psychology extremely interesting!